by Marian Dobre
Work written and in year 2009
I would like to start nicely, although everything in this life is beautiful, I could say wonderful.
We work in “General Hospital CFR nr. 2 Bucharest ”, i worked there for 6 years, very beautiful, I was left with very pleasant memories, I made a lot of friends and I was known by those there. I was an Electrician in the Hospital Maintenance Team , meaning I took care of the maintenance of the electrical installations, and from time to time I repaired various electrical appliances at the nurses and doctors. In general, I can say that I got along very well with all my colleagues and I liked to feel useful. wantedand I try to work side by side with them and help them with anything if needed, it is true that Florin Gandac, our boss still protects me and does not let me do hard things, which were not my attitude, and my colleagues as well they said "leave Marinica, stay in the workshop, it's not up to you" . I liked to learn something from all the trades (this for me), to know a little of each one, at least to know; many times I was curious and it was not explained to me I had to look at them to see how to fix them to get in my head. And I learned quickly, I adjusted very quickly to the team.
Now I was master of myself and my knowledge. But in time, after a few years, thanks to a "guild" colleague, I managed to shatter everything, all my friends, all my memories and dreams, I loved that hospital, I liked what I was doing and that's why I regret that I had to leave that collective. I felt at home among my colleagues, as if I were like a family.
The only thing I left with regret was the fact that I had not had normal communication with one of my colleagues, George.
From the beginning, since it came into our workshop that human eyes The blue r ii sky , "George" for his first day of work I found a man apart , maybe a little strange, and always wanted to understand it why he behaves like that, why his nature is like that, I had an ugly feeling when I met him.
Only through his gestures, and through his way of communicating with people, did he seem to me to be a difficult and incomprehensible man.
I pulled my colleague Cornel aside and told him I didn't like him and his behavior, then I asked him in amazement if he would be the new electrician? Of course, it was the new electrician who came.
I can't say that I had anything personal with him, I think I never bothered him with anything, and of course I never wished him harm. I really wanted to be able to approach him, to understand and help him, but I didn't manage to get along with him too well.
Compared to other colleagues and friends, it seemed to me that he was a man closed in on him, I suppose he suffered a lot in his life, and I think he went through difficult moments in life, although from that he should have
to learn something, and to open his mind, but he was more and more difficult, an incomprehensible man and I was making enough efforts to refrain from arguing.
On December 30, 2005, several trucks loaded with jars of pickles or vegetables came, as they are brought to hospitals at the end of the year, from certain companies. We mentioned above that our boss generally I spare the hard things I do not really let you submitted exercise nor had permission from a medical standpoint because the m a hormonal imbalance called "pituitary dwarfism" are less of stature compared to other people my age. Due to this fact, I stayed on the phone to take over the defects that I had to fix later. At one point I also felt like going to help my colleagues to finish faster, being the last working day of the year. I do not know who put me in that day to go to work, I could stay home and put me lack than what happens to the following t . And here I am at the grocery store distributing the goods with my colleagues. There were a lot of jars and they were quite heavy for me because being tiny and weighing 45 kilograms I could barely carry them. And when we got to the second truck, that one was over, followed by the third one and when I was little I went to the shelves to arrange them, he put me where our chef thought “Florin The Cooker ” we called him, a wonderful man and one that I really liked a lot and I loved it, he always fed us from the kitchen when we didn't have it, he made such good beans on Fridays.
We had reached the third truck and then we decided to hand over the respective products. I also had a severe anemia, I didn't eat much and in that period I had 2 meals / day, or in the worst case I consumed only one sandwich in a day, pathetic, I didn't eat at all, what can I live on? I don't drink liquids anymore, not because I didn't have or my parents didn't feed me, but I just didn't feel the need to feed myself. I felt very weak, I was really sick when I was carrying those boxes from hand to hand to the grocery store, because that's where it all started.
Nea Tica, our painter , noticed this, that he was already dizzy and told me to go back to the workshop because it was too hard for me, and at this moment Florin, our boss, also intervened. said go - and sit on the phone, George saw that I was doing my job and knowing that I had put a new plug on the guard sent me there. I take my tool kit from the workshop, and I go to replace that plug. Of course, it took me a long time, I think about half an hour to put it on, because I was so weak, and I didn't feel like anything.
In the meantime, I manage to put the plug on and return to the workshop. I entered the workshop and I saw that the boys had all arrived at the workshop and that the transport to the cellar had ended. (food store). I notice George was a little changed, and I asked him what happened?
He tells me Marinica, did it take you so long to put a plug? And I was amazed. Then he tells me some baseless things, some things I was trying to understand, he was mad at me. He told me that "when you know how , you will know why, and when you know why , you will know how . " I didn't understand this pun and what it meant, although I was trying to understand it, at some point I go out and leave him alone thinking about what he said to me, it practically affects me emotionally. And I'm going to Dodita Dorel, a very good friend and friend of mine, a locksmith. He serves me a glass of beer and tells me to leave George alone so I don't have to worry, then I go back to our electrical workshop, and without understanding why, he curses me and says, " May God give you only the troubles " . At that moment I was stunned, amazed by what could come out of his mouth, only that God does not want to harm anyone , He is so good and forgiving. That moment affected me a lot, I went out of it and vomited, the beer that Dodita gave me. I hadn't eaten anything, I was tired of all the faults that day, all the shots that had come, and that had put a lid on me, it was the icing on the cake, the darkest day of the year and the last. M- affected mentally and I had a falling mineral was for the first time and I had been cursed by someone, I can never say that to be cursed by a man, because anyone can have reasons for that. I go home with Dodita and when I get to my parents, I first tell my mother crying that I was cursed by a colleague.
I felt bad, my mother tried to comfort me to keep me close to her, and so did my father. I have some wonderful parents and because of them I am alive. He told me to eat because that's why all things seem crazy to me, but I was really living a drama. A real movie that maybe I didn't want to get out of, but I just wanted to understand why George made this gesture. I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry on the toilet, or I would go out the window on the balcony, I didn't know about myself anymore, I was upset, I had taken all the evil energies with me, I had taken them from him, instead of facing him I let him I hurt I left inferior is it, I let my hurt to myself over, but I wanted in my madness to understand, and to understand why but why, wonder why Nea Georgica.
But many times this happens in life, this is the life itself and the karma of man, he… man goes through both bad and good, and when man has the power to eliminate the evil part he will no longer live in this dimension. It will no longer have this reality but the true reality. Because the truth is not here, it just seems to us .
We arrive on New Year's Eve, and we all go to the center of the capital to have a little more fun, in the University Square at the concert. I didn't feel very well and I didn't feel like anything, I was really bad as if I lacked energy, I think I needed a divine strength to settle down, I admit that I didn't even go to church every Sunday, although it would I should have gone and followed the Lord. Finally anyway was me that concert, I v r oiam home to meditate as I like usually to retire in my cage, because they usually do Capricorns are shy have their inner world.
It's also New Year's Eve and January 3, 2006 is a very difficult day for me. I was at work, of course, very curious to know more about George, and about all the things he had told me , even though my parents had taken me leave of absence from the family doctor and a referral to a specialist . When I get home from work, my mother puts something to eat, I go to bed and suddenly , after about 15 minutes as my parents told me , she takes me with colds, I was practically shivering from the cold being covered with the beds on me , and then I had convulsions. N u know what, nor why did this happen, it's a big thrill ugly basically see your image shaking, I remember that was the TV on and I could not sleep, I could not watch TV , but as Marian you look if your image trembles in your eyes .
I ETEAM, I could not , nor didn 't I told my parents, my sister and I'm working on computer pretending to sleep, I trembled and feet and hands, I happened in the past to have convulsions it for about three- four months ago at least two weeks ago I had a convulsion, but short of a maximum of one minute. This was the biggest convulsion I had and I was still shaking , it took me and with colds I didn't really know about myself.
Then I became unconscious, I managed to fall asleep with a convulsion, I bite my tongue and blood flows from my tongue. It was 1 am 8 : 15 when he seen my father as moving bed with me.
Now my father Nicolae tells :
I n time I saw him move uncontrollably in bed, I jumped around him and I ve got in my arms trying to help him recover. Seeing blood on his nose and on the bed, I thought he had melena, that he had vomited blood. I could barely hold him in my arms, he was so strong and weak . I tried and eventually managed to open his mouth and insert two of my fingers between his teeth that were clenched with unsuspected power. They were perhaps the worst moments of my life and that of my family. Radita, his mother and my good wife, were crying and shouting on the phone that the child was dying, which I have the impression happened for a few moments, because after all that commotion of almost 3, 4 - 5 minutes (I don't know exactly how many was, but i have felt an immense), Marian left soft in my arms, hard, gave eyes and breath and stopped a few momen 're good (we found that we lose). I guess his heart stopped, what you made me hit him with the heel in " Anahata " at which resumed breathing and eye returned to normal (if you can s p une so, because his eyes were troubled). When I saw that he could raise his head and his mouth stopped squeezing my fingers as if in a tight vise close to the maximum, I took my fingers out of his mouth and noticed that his tongue was all bitten. Blood flowed from her . I could no longer feel my fingers biting. The tooth trail then turned into bruises for almost two weeks. The rescue operator tells his wife that a rescue can arrive in about thirty minutes, but she can't be sure.
Hearing this, Corina, Marian's sister, runs across the road (where a car was about to injure her), through the parking lot in front of the building at the Doris rescue station that had recently opened.
The gate was closed. Waiting about five minutes, shouting as loud gate can not nobody even came in to e BE why so desperate cry of all the lights were on inside .
Then I laid him lightly on the bed, got off and ran to the Pulse Rescue Point on S tr a da Turda, the street where we live, to ask for emergency help. But… total disappointment… It was exchange time and although it was a rescue outside that was not requested by anyone I am told that he cannot help me until the exchange arrives, asking me if my child is not drugged and can be in " withdrawal " (at that time I did not know better sense of this word, inquiring after me on the inter net and finding means). I kept running back home , and finding one of my slippers on the sidewalk , about halfway , I realized I had run away from home in slippers , and lost one on the way. I thought , maybe because of this , they didn't treat me with the respect I deserved , for a man my age, with white hair on his head , those people in impeccable gowns , which it seems to me that some of them have they took an oath sometime when their souls were a little cleaner. Recovering from my shoe on the sidewalk , still running home, the way that I seemed to have no end , I called my brother Gigi p is mobile and fractions of minutes i- to me explain how we tragedy . She tells me to call Gabi Ion, a great lady with a special soul who helped us as many times as we needed, to whom I think I will never be able to thank her for the value she deserves. That's why I consider her , as Mihaela is for me, my best sister in the world , who can have a brother, and Gabi , my good sister that I am proud of , to be in our family. God bless my sisters and my brother . As I approached the house, I immediately received an answer to my phone from Gabi, telling me that in a maximum of ten minutes a rescue would be with us . And so fo st ...
Now Marian goes on to say:
He sees the blood on his tongue, he gets scared and calls an ambulance, and I go to the General Hospital CF Nr. 2, exactly where I work. When they saw me as an assistant from the guard room, they understood that they recognized me, and took me to the neurology department, where I stayed until 9:00 pm, and then took me directly to the resuscitation. , because we are in a coma.
Now my father Nicolae tells :
After taking them to the emergency room for routine tests at the boarding school in the Neurology department and infusing them with NaCl. Around 21:00, Marian again had a convulsion almost as dangerous as the one at 18:15 in the evening . I was at his head. Alerts happens Corina - sister of the right - call the doctor on duty that comes immediately after it stabilizes the seizure Marian falls into a coma, it conveys a carriage to the station radiology where he is f ace a CT scan . Fortunately for us, the result of the tomography is good (no cranial pathological changes are observed) . From radiologists , he is transported to resuscitation. With the consent of the chief doctor , ( who left with the family for Sinaia and returned directly to the hospital) we obtain the approval to supervise Marian permanently . Corina and I decide to stay with him that night. Entering on algorithms full of charity, I started working on it in secret. At one point I sometimes felt that my powers were letting me fight those evil entities who did not want to leave him. I chased them and they came back at him. Then, when after another three convulsions that Marian had until midnight (the first four convulsions he had every hour, then every two hours another three and another one at about three o'clock, the last being around 8:45 ) in tears and strong prayers to St. T Reime I asked my t rimita a commando needle them beneficial entity that can, that will, and are necessary to help me. Then at twelve o'clock at night my prayer was heard by the Good Lord and I saw my boy begin to calm down. Breathing returned to normal after a long sigh and his condition became calm but coma persisted. It was Marian 's fourth great attempt. Then the rehearsals continued for about two hours (as if they had a clock that almost everything happens at a fixed time) . His coma persists.
Now Marian goes on to say:
My parents were finished, they were crying in my head and I didn't know anything, but in fact I was entering another world, a world of God , it's so beautiful, when a man dematerializes, he exceeds all possible boundaries of this universe .
Beyond this Universe
The voices around us
I felt so good, even though I had two bangs in my hands, I heard voices, some voices from the earth, the voices of those around me until then, swearing , shouting, insulting, but also beautiful things like praise, smiles or of mine or of some friends, maybe also of my parents , it was beautiful what I was going through and I was aware that I was sick.
The dark
At first you see nothing as you close your eyes and see darkness, darkness scary, I thought I lost but it feels false to not be fooled when you leave this world, because there is only that left God beings cannot lie like this anywhere in the dark, but every being has its well-established place. You just need a little faith, always go looking for a light, a ray of light, and go to it, do not ask how to do these things, because they belong to our soul , he knows through feelings how to act , and where to go. When the time comes for your death, the sky will hide but there will be only one hope, a star, go to it and you will be amazed.
I imagined a beautiful green fir tree, and it was towering, it had a lot of beautiful shiny globules, and a big star at the top that was white, but I didn't need a fir tree or globules or a star. that white one, but the slightest glimmer of a globe, and I focused on it, I approached that gleam, and I saw the light.
With the rainbow
Then some mixed colors in tre them, though volatile, is mannan D flicker of fire, but really is diverse colors enveloped me, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, gold, purple, the colors were very pastel like and velvety, my whole aura tended to leave the needles of the world.
In the afterlife, our whole consciousness turns into well-defined feelings, such as fear, hatred, fright, miserable pain, - unconditional love, devotion, faith, pleasant or unpleasant sensations, and those colors mixed together have each turned into one color at a time: red gave me a feeling of anger, hatred, fear but it can also represent the fire whose energy is necessary for our living system and which we can use , orange is so beautiful, yellow is even generously simple, when the green appeared to me, I imagined such a beautiful meadow, which I could see from above, and the blue, of course, is the sky of the birds, which represents their freedom of movement. Purple and indigo are so fine and velvety, in the needles of the world and there they all represent something, each thing or object has its own story. That is why we use our habits and in everything there is something alive… natural, because nature is such a beautiful gift from the Lord our God .
The magic eye
Before stepping on the borders of heaven, it takes an attempt, a key, to enter it, not every cunning soul can enter. I don't know if it's okay to tell you either, but I saw two globules approaching me like two eyes, they were both the same, except that the one on the left had a black iris, just like one eye, and the other was blind. (all white), in my consciousness someone urged me not to look into them but to see only outside them (as a whole) , to walk in their midst, I was probably guided by my protective Angel , but I had to do anyway a worthy choice. How I Marian pass everything and though nothing had happened, is not easy and I had to make an important choice.
Either left or right, I tell myself there is no middle way, and my left eye blinked smiling , if I could I could enter it but it had a black iris and I didn't like it, it just urged me, and the other one didn't even move , because he was blind and could not see, he was the truth he was the right one and I tell myself wait Mariane that I have to get here. In fact, I wanted to go through it, and I went through them, and what I saw behind them, the right one had the iris in his mouth, he was the key to paradise. I went through it and then I was drawn to a luminous cord (called the "silver cord" or "St. Paul's cord " ) .
Entering heaven
Suddenly I feel enveloped by a white sheet silver, and embraces me like a warm fraternal love, and my face was "our Master" , and I realized it was him, I fell at his feet, was so tall, and he stood so straight in front of me, I couldn't even look up to see his eyes, because I was afraid or ashamed, I knew I was a poor sinner, but I wanted to see his eyes, and then I I looked up to him, and saw not his own eyes, but the eyes of his angels, for he asked me, "Do you want to see the others?" And I said, " Yes!", And I entered a space where there were dozens of bright beneficial entities that embraced me (they were around me), and gave me their love forming like a choir being united in the form of circle, and they put me in their midst. I remember it was a girl in that I 've met there , I asked her her name and suddenly I knew her name was "green." I heard other names but, I do n't remember them, she loved us very much with each other, and Verda was such a naive, simple and loving girl, I promised her that I would return to her after what I will end my mission in the physical world, and I told her to wait for me, because I felt an enormous love for her, as if she were my half.
The church, the house of the Lord
I came to His feet again and the Lord said to me, "Marian, do you want me to show you something else?" Of course I went straight to a space that was like a church, but it was such a white church, so special and they were to the right and left of the church , where upstairs are some lodges where the "Angelic Council " and those angels stood what was lined up in the lodges sang a song so beautiful in a language so sweet that here on earth I will never hear it again, it seemed to me a bird's tongue, it is difficult to explain. I always want to hear that divine song , in that sweet language. It smells like basil, it smells like incense .
The Holy Book
In the church of the Lord I saw a book in the right church, where he was to us iconostasis. The iconostasis that was a very thick book, it seemed to have more than 1,000 pages, and the book I was told , contains information on how the deeds of God, the world, the earth and the universe in which this material November we live now . Many secrets (mysteries) of the Lord are hidden there, the way He works miracles, many of these things would be useful to us, but unfortunately few have access to that blessed book , because it is patched and must to be perfectly clean with the spirit to have access to it . Mr. miracles on earth every day, and we should thank Him for everything gives us, but d in Unfortunately not realize how much we help.
I reached His feet again and He asked Me: Do you still want to see my eyes, still do not believe what you feel? Would you like to have wings like them? And I had wings and I felt like I was floating, I felt so free I was in a Divine Space and nothing bad could happen to me, what a feeling of freedom, everything was magnificent, that space of the Lord I felt was unlimited, everything I was trying to find a certain edge, delimitation but I realized it didn't exist. I didn't even have to see more, it was enough. Now I really believed in everything and was able to give His soul to me , if He so desired. But He told me that I did not see everything and there are many to see, there are beings who suffer enormously because of their sin.
In shooting in Hell
Going back every time the legs Dom n 's, he asked me if I am sure of what I want to do and I did not go ahead, I said: " Yes Lord, faca- is wanted T to " if I deserve to stay in hell then send me there , I was very brave and this is very important because fear brings us down . I said that because I felt in advance where I was going to be sent. And suddenly I felt a little from above, I no longer flew with my evil wing but I landed above Hell , above a hideous and dark space , the devils are so ugly, they are like monsters and it smelled bad. A Semen Heaven and Hell has three odor sites specifically is , that it is the smoke, shit and sulfur is awful, imagine a gallery underground full of lava demons standing in lava pure and simple, and I was over their multi pulled me to save probably knew I was compassionate and I would have liked to save there for souls their suffering fo the rte much, but I is the moment I was and afraid of them, a At that moment I became angry and told them that I could save them, I was a little lace, just as I had given my soul to get there, so could they to get to Heaven, because the key is the Lord, the fire she saved her, and I had to go through fire to get there, and at a time that fire turns it into a fountain in the middle tiers that space , there was a lake of lava, and I was d us DEA upra that well in the middle , and they seized with fear me I told them that I can not lva but to do what I did, and nothing more. And they were grouped in the corners of my fear, then I left them because I did not like them , and I would put myself in that burning fountain , not burning myself and suffering no burning , I returned to the Lord at His feet, and I thanked him very much for not putting me there and for guiding me everywhere .
Return to the body
Before leaving the Lord in that space, Dansul asked me if I still wanted to go back to earth in my body, and at that moment I was really afraid of not staying there, thinking how My parents would have cried a lot if I had died, I thought the most about my parents and my sister Corina. I i advise esc and doctors to communicate as much as those who are comatose or brain dead because the last thing one loses his life before dying is hearing. I would like to say that before I return from the spirit world, I saw a staircase white with stairs and I lowered them in a hurry, but wanted to leave the world before the asked p 's father if I'm allowed to tell people what I saw there, and I suddenly brought from somewhere back a cane and I clung to the 3rd rung of the ladder before to leave that world and father told me "to do thy will be done" tell them all or you saw earthlings M holds .
The words of the Lord
During my journey to the body, the Lord notified me, or I could say He reminded me of my purpose on this wonderful earth, which He left to us, because His angels longed for it in the beginning before of the land there has forged him as a father to give them a life , a reality in which they live. And to better understand this side will you confess the reason for the existence of NOA and must, because I felt like he showed me all ada thousand ncurile this world, nor have words of gratitude, just glory.
The desire of an Angel
My father told me the following story:
Once upon a time there was an angel who was so happy with the freedom and wonder he lived there in Heaven, and at one point he went to the Lord to ask him for something, he wanted something else to get it, he wanted to have a reality of things , he wanted to be able to touch things by hand and feel the joy and delicacy of that thing or what he inspires , and then the Lord created for him a world and a material reality through which he gave life and gave him a body, to feel himself and what exists around him . In order to be able to reach, but the Lord also gave him a mission on this earth, and since then we have completed His mission and at the same time we enjoy life , we are practically His missionaries, we are sons of our Father and everything has a course, and none of it is accidental.
Communication through thought-form
Atun but when dad told me me is all these things through feelings , thought form ( by what we call telepathy) , because the spiritual world so communication occurs, and all I sterele celestial how is it performed miracles , a part of which I have forgotten, I think that perhaps I did not allow some of them to know them, to have knowledge of them, but what was more impo r tant stayed with pleasure in my memory. It is easy to imagine how this communication takes place in the spiritual world. We know that the soul consists of at least 7 biofields, also called chakras, biofield 5 " Wishuda " is the emission field, and biofield 6 "Ajna" is the reception field. This exchange of information takes place as follows; that entity creates the thought-form, that is, the feeling through which we represent it by word, I want to express a certain thing, I use the word, there this thought-form is used, and now let's imagine how more thought-forms come together , side by side as we create a sentence. There all these thought-forms flowing one after the other, are watched like a movie. It is very interesting, when I first entered that world, I saw practically all my life lived until then, through this way of communication.
In addition to all the other things the Father shared with me there in His kingdom, He also told me how He gives birth to a child. We arrive here on earth, wanting to feel the sweet taste . For example, He beats me if I want to feel something sweet on my lips, and then I imagined a lollipop. November wishing u us to reach the lollipop sweet taste it, Journey to the lollipop, and then travel on to our body is actually very difficult to explain in words all these feelings and how they take place there. But that's how the incarnation takes place. Simply that God sends you going to feel that sweet thing we are em sent to the site, basically we go to the guide and sweet flavor.
God told me before I left to tell people not to be afraid of the moment of their death, because they do not decide that moment , and from now on to be afraid of what they are doing wrong on this Earth. He also told me, you have 5 fingers and toes, you have two ears, you have two eyes, two nostrils, and then before you do something why do you think only once? As yet, there is temptation and sin on earth. We humans should not confuse temptation with sin because it exists in us, it is natural to be tempted but we should not fall into temptation and think 10-100 times if necessary before making a gesture. Truths of spiritual science, if understood correctly, can become true for humans grounds of the former and to tint her, allowing her to discover the value of mnitatea and identity, giving at the same time, maximum courage in life. For these truths enlighten him on his connection with the world around him, reveal to him the higher ends which he must pursue and which is his true purpose. And all in full harmony with the exigencies of the present, so that man no longer has to struggle with the antagonism between faith and science. God bless you!
To explain why I used the title "Akasha" I mention that this term is practical, an element of the biocamp (chakra) Ajna, as it is for the other chakras, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Aether. Ajna is located at the forehead between the eyes, it is also considered to be the third eye, and those who have Ajna fully open can see other entities around us, only we need a lot of meditation or a certain state. It is also said that those who have more developed Ajna have a certain flair , or have certain knowledge, hence the "6th sense", Ajna being the 6th chakra. The basis of the word "Akasha" means universal memory, the " Database of the Universe." Here are recorded all the deeds that we do , or have already done; and in conclusion all the manifestation that takes place in the whole Creation.
Chakra 6: AJNA
The Savior said:
" I am alpha and omega " !
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