11 October 2020

Cristofor - The magician from the Carpathians


Cristofor, the magician from the Carpathians


CIP description of the National Library of Romania HAVAH, ARYANA


Christopher - the magician from the Carpathians / Aryana Havah. -Bucharest: Orfeu 2000, 2008


ISBN 978-973-1986-04-3




Aryana Havah




The magician from the Carpathians


ORFEU 2000




Cover: Woman with torch by Anna Ravliuc





I dedicate this book to everyone


what they have found or are looking for in the Truth




This is meant to be the story of a man I met at the worst moment of my life. An enigmatic character, who came as if from the mists of the ages, he entered my life and brought me a ray of hope, of light. He made me understand that beyond the mortal human being, there is something hidden, much broader and deeper, something that cannot be understood with the mind or comprehended with the soul. Maybe for many of you he doesn't even exist, you may never meet him, maybe you don't even want to know him, but he is here, now, he has come for us. He was born human, but he struggled to transcend his own humanity, he was born mortal, but he became eternal. He is now above death because he understood it and found a way to subdue it. He is the keeper of the keys of alchemy, of transmutations, of the philosopher's stone. He has the power to transcend space and time, to move mountains, he is here and everywhere, he is great, yet so modest. His name is Christopher.


This is the man I would like to talk to you about, but I don't know where he comes from or where he's going, I don't know where he was born or how old he is. He looks as old as time and yet so young. Because his life is also an enigma to me, I will tell you my story, as it really happened.


You, the readers, want to meet your own Christopher, or at least to be aware of Christopher, the one in your hearts, and thus to become better, more forgiving, to understand that life has many facets and that we have lived. many of them. May you find and bring to light the philosopher's stone, which is hidden in your souls.


I'm frustrated. I'm so frustrated I feel like vomiting. It's a weird feeling I've experienced before exams. It's that feeling of helplessness, of emptiness, like when you feel the danger, but you can't locate it. I think this is fate


mine, that's how I'm written to die. I remember my grandmother's words: "You can give the child anything, only luck!"


It is true that I always had everything I wanted. I reached out and took it or put it on my feet. All my small successes were extrapolated and turned into huge triumphs.


I'm the only one who knows I was mediocre. I am what I am because of lies, deception, fraud, boastfulness and why not, because of my physique. I have committed all the sins of this world, and if it were accounted for, it would certainly fill a few notebooks. I'm a prankster, a trickster, a two-money magician. Nothing I reflect is real. I am a mask, a doll that I inside maneuver, lead, make react to stimuli.


That's me: a puppet, a weirdo, a creation of this hideous world, a slug, who


it feeds on people's weaknesses, their desire to learn, their love of money.


I feel the need to talk to someone. It's the first time I've been sorry


alone in the world. If only my parents hadn't died in that stupid accident! Yes, but if it were


I would have been alive, I would not have been able to sell the house and I would not have been able to risk everything on the stock exchange, so I would not have


get to where I am today.


But where are they today?


I am 33 years old and I live on Rue Saint-Germain in Paris. I'm in the City of Lights, the city that doesn't sleep, the city that shakes the world, the city where you can make friends for a lifetime, but I'm alone. So lonely that my heart hurts. I am alone in the heart of Paris. I know it's a contradiction, but now this loneliness grips me, I want to have a shoulder to cry on.


Is there a God? And if there is, I think he's having a lot of fun looking at me. I imagine he looks at us like he's on TV. It's me, Paul, and I greet you from my huge apartment, worth almost three million euros, I greet you from this house in whose arrangement I invested 500,000 euros.


The words of the architect come to my mind: "Guarantee for life". What life, you bastard? The few months? "Happy, if you know what that means. Thank you for deciding to take me to you, in case you exist. If you're really real, come and face me, be a man, use your courage to "Tell me in front of you. Be the one to give the sentence."


The figure of Dr. Richard comes to mind. I felt from the beginning that something was wrong. The shudder of my voice, the embarrassment, all this made me think I needed surgery.


HIV, key letters, letters that show you the end, the final sentence. How strange people are, discover new and new words to define death. Capital letters that show you where you are going and how much time you have to lose on this earth. From a few months to a few years. And then? Then nothingness, nothingness, extinction, the dissolution of one's own being into something, something that no one can define. It may be that the afterlife is an invention of the church, a scam meant to make people better, more forgiving. Maybe there is nothing beyond, no one is waiting for us.


Maybe the light goes out and you're ready to see and hear nothing, you're in the dark, deaf and dumb and you sit there and vegetate like a vegetable. That's where you keep your conscience


itself, but if it no longer exists, then? What if the movie of your life ends and the tape is destroyed? Then nothing will remind you of your life. It's like you didn't exist.


I look out the window. Grape-like and heavy drops roll on the window. The sky is crying. For me? I burst out laughing. Hi, Lord, it's me, one of your favorite beetles, to whom you gave everything, whom you taught to live in luxury, to rejoice when you dispossess him. If you were watching this you could be happy! If you want me to beg you, to fall on your knees, I will do it, I will crawl before you, I will beg you, I will cry, I will pray to you. Maybe that's your satisfaction, to see the loser defeated, fallen to the ground and trampled on. Here you go! Be proud that no one can pass you and your decisions, you have a right of veto over my life. A life that doesn't even belong to you, because it's mine. I should dispose of it as I please. I should decide when I leave the stage, to go like a winner, with my head held high, riding a white horse. But no, you have decided that we are your creation or maybe others have said that, well, it is certain that we cannot choose anything, we cannot decide anything, in this game, it is given to us and taken at will. one of the players who does not even have the common sense to actively participate. No, he's always in the shadows. It is invisible and invincible. He scores sometimes, but only out of amusement, out of boredom. He puts another piece to the puzzle, not to make things easier, but to make the game even more complicated, and when he sees that you are nearing the end, to success, he gets upset and destroys, in one way or another, the whole ensemble, in order to He showed you that he is the supreme, the only one, the only one who can win.


I slump on the couch. On the wall in front of me was the painting. My miracle, my soul. Danaida. I look at the back of a woman standing on a cliff by a swirling sea. I look at her hand raised to the sky, holding a torch. The white cloth that covers it halfway, exposes it more. I look at the perfection of my hand, my hips, my waist, my long hair fluttering in the wind. How strange it is to fall in love with a woman whose face you haven't even seen. This is a masterpiece of 18th century Italian painting. I would have killed for her. I would have been deceived, I would have sold my soul to have it. I remember the satisfaction I had at the auction when I won. I was invincible, I was a beast, 500,000 euros for number 28. It was me. "My love, my love, I will take you home, I will adore you!"


Who will you stay with when I'm gone? At a museum? To be defiled by the gaze of the common people? To be touched by the hands of experts? You traveled back in time to reach me. It's just the two of us far from mortal. In fact, you are eternal, and I am transient. Will you be able to testify that I existed? That we spent days together? That I loved you the way I loved no one? The expert's words echoed in my head. The woman who lights the way of lost souls. Yes, I am a lost soul! Light my way, please! If I knew that on the other side, you are nothing, I would like to die at this moment, I would commit suicide. but if I die and you don't expect me, I'll lose you forever.


I feel my temples twitch. I'm suffocating. I need air. I'm going out in the rain.


I've been walking for about an hour. I'm wet to the skin, but that makes me feel alive. There are people around me. I see people, sad, hurried, happy, smiling. I feel like screaming:


"You idiots, you know I'm going to die!" Under a umbrella two young men kiss. I go to them and ask them:

" Do you know you're going to die?"


They both looked puzzled, then hurried away.


I look in the shop windows. I see branded suits, at the price of which you could feed a family for a few months. I used to be proud of them. Now I look like I belong to another world. I see my face in the reflection of the window. Pale, white, but still distinguished. Under my blue eyes, my pride, black circles appear, circles that seem to foretell my encounter with the world of ghosts.

I turn my back on the window and look at the bustle of the street. It's evening, but the city seems to be getting busier and busier. I see faces, masks, images of feelings. No one is what they want to look like. I am in a city animated by ghosts, the city of illusions, the city of death, the city of lights and shadows. I burst out laughing. Passers-by return curiously. - He's drunk! If the voice is heard. Leave it in January!


I am drunk! Drunk with happiness that I will die! I got drunk with the sweet nectar of power, money, desires and fulfilled dreams and now I have to wake up. And I do not want to. I would like to remain in my sweet dizziness. To feel numb in the arms of victory.


I hate everyone. I imagine them at my office asking me to help them with advantageous placements. I see them crawling in front of me begging me to multiply their money, to make them happy. I'm a beast. I smell money the way an animal smells blood. Everything I touch turns into profit. And they come to me like a pack of hyenas to pick up leftovers from a hearty meal. And I throw them away, and they seize them, thanking me and glorifying me. Yes, that's me, I'm a god of stock trading, a demiurge born to make money, speculation, the absolute master of Fortune.


I think that than a hundred years crow, better 33 eagle! Yes, but why not 60? Or 70? Yes, 70 would be fairer. It would be closer to reality. I could have children, so they would have someone to enjoy Danaide. I only cry when I say his name.


But what if my kids make jokes about her, after I'm gone? And then why have children? May you, great God, decide their death? To have the satisfaction that you managed to destroy what I created on earth. So you would still be the winner, and I from my hypothetical place in heaven, I should watch how you, in your mercy, give in to the grains and decide, that today the one who bears my name must die in an accident by car. And I, impassively, should agree with you, because you are the Creator of heaven and earth. I should accept that you decide what you will do with my creation, with the life I have conceived, to give to you so that you may have it. Never! I will never give you this satisfaction! Take my life, even though I didn't ask to be born, but my parents decided that, so I belong to them, but you will never be able to kill what I created. This vicious circle in which my family has been around for generations will end with me. And why? Because I decided that. I've made up my mind, and I'm curious to see how you're going to force me not to. I would be interested to see what you do in the face of a global boycott. If everyone decided not to give life, what would you do? Who else would you coordinate? Whose life would you decide? I would like to see you bored, alone, angry, that your favorite game, humanity, no longer exists, and that you have no way to resist this end. I look up at the sky. I see the stars shining and I wonder if they really exist or if they are also the fruit of our minds. A few meters in front of me I see a bright company. Sahira-Clairvoyant, non-stop program, call the second bell on the left. I decide abruptly and press the button. I'm going up the stairs. At their end, a young, beautiful woman is waiting for me, with bright make-up and dressed in Arab clothes.


I sit down in front of her at a short table. I follow his eyes. I know this look. It is my gaze, it is the gaze of the evaluator, of the executioner who weighs his victim. I lift the sleeve of my overcoat with an accidental movement. I watch her eyeballs move as she reads Patek Phillipe. So the dice have been rolled! I look down at the water running down my clothes and soaking into her carpet. It occurs to me that this will be the only testimony that I have been here.


- What do you want me to guess?


- What would suit me best.


- Do you prefer books?


- Anything.


- My rate is 200 euros.


- I agree.


I look at her. he starts talking to me about the disappointments of love, the future, the business that is going well, that will bring me profit, the children that are to come, a future change of address, a new car, trips and new knowledge important. As I approve of her, I see how she begins to be captivated by the story herself. He probably imagines that he has even begun to gain supernatural powers. From the inflections of her voice I feel how she admires herself, how she begins to build a whole scaffold, how her imagination goes crazy. You're in my cute net! I'm thinking about leaving her or stopping her. I decide for the second option, at least I will enjoy the moment even more intensely.


- That's about it!


- Really?


- Yes, the books are closed. But if you come another day ...


So that was it, I'm your little beetle, which you think you caught in your canvas. I take the money out of my wallet. I look into her brown eyes to see their spark, that spark that ignites in the eyes of those who worship money when they come in contact with it. Yes, it's there. I see, feel, feel the notes almost invisibly. I feel his vibration. How much I fed on this energy, the healing energy of money, the giving energy of


power, esteem, adoration. I take a deep breath to start telling her how lying she is, what a prank, but I suddenly stop. Why should I stop her? Why not leave her in her sweet imaginary world? Maybe she will grow up, maybe she will have her own show, maybe she will have fans and then why should I be the one who puts herself before her happiness. Glory be to the money and all the nonsense! Be a happy queen of illusions in a world of the blind! I'm on my couch again. In fact, on God's couch, because I just had to work to afford it, and in fact it doesn't belong to me, but I've rented it for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, even though I paid the same price as everyone else, I will use it much less. Maybe you should have given me a discount. Discount for those who will die before 40, mega-discount for those who will turn the corner before 35, super, mega-discount ... Danaide ... my love.


I decide to open the internet. I type the magic word, the word you use


it suppresses all hopes, by which your future is reduced to months, by which you give up


voluntarily to everything you own or can own. The word discovered to kill


dreams ... AIDS. 25700000 positions. I laugh out loud. I don't think I'll be able to live for


to go through them all. I imagine the cops breaking down the door and finding my body,


after months of not showing any signs of life. I'm a decaying body, with my head down next to the computer keyboard.


" Poor thing!" He had only a million sites to go and he would have come across the new drug.

I can't sleep, so I decide to go through a few positions.


Today marks six months since I experienced my own agony. Six months since my future became predictable, I feel my days like the sand of an hourglass. Every elapsed moment means an approach of irreversibility, of nothingness.


I haven't been human since I found out. I only sleep, stolen, I don't eat, except when my body shows signs of fainting, I don't leave the house except at the office. I'm scared. It is a blind, ancestral fear, a fear of the unknown. I don't know where I'm going or what to do until I leave. I'm confused, I feel like a tourist in my own life. I would like to talk to someone, to feel someone's compassion, to have a soul that feels sorry for me, to suffer from my suffering.


I'm thinking about who to call. I have no one. Can I call my notary?


" You know, Monsegnieur Feval, I'm Paul, I'm going to die today and tomorrow, and I'm wondering if you can mourn my departure." I would feel much easier!

I'm flipping through my desk. I have hundreds of numbers, but they're all unimportant names. Names I'm only financially connected to. They all represent money, money, nothing else. I slam the agenda. It remains open to the letter R. My gaze falls on Reymont's name. Julie Reymont.


My beautiful Julie. My first real woman. Born to a Moroccan father and a French mother. The only woman I fell in love with and asked for in marriage. And what if I was 20 and she was 38. I would have given up everything for her. In fact, I had nothing, she should have given up a lot for me; to an old and rich husband, to a social position, to an extravagant life. Looks like he wasn't able to. When we met two years ago at a dinner hosted by the "Foundation of the World's Poorest Children,"


dinner given of course for the purpose of raising funds. Julie looked old and tired, but still beautiful. Maybe a little harsher and a shriller voice, but her air of aristocracy was much amplified. How good I felt when they said into the microphone:


- From Mr Paul Berg, one hundred thousand euros. There was wonder in her eyes. He looked at me for a long time, then smiled. If that's how I aroused his admiration, then I declare myself satisfied. Strange behavior people have. I went there with the intention of donating a thousand euros. Even the organizers were amazed. I know it was a fad, but I allow myself fads, because I have the opportunity to satisfy them.


Twelve years have passed since our separation. I always wondered if I was a whim or if he loved me.

I get on the phone and dial the number. a man's voice answers me.


- I'm Paul Berg. I'd like to talk to Mrs. Julie Reymont.


- The lady is not home, but you can leave me your phone number and she will


she called .when she returns.


I reluctantly tell him the number, then hang up. I stick my forehead to the receiver. I feel his cold. I'm probably falling asleep. I hear the phone slamming like a dream.


- Paul, is that you? This is Julie.


- Julie, what are you doing? I was wondering if you could meet me to talk.


Take a long break. I can feel his breath. He doesn't say anything, I'm afraid of a refusal and that's why I say quickly:


- You know what, it was stupid, I would have loved to see you again but it's a childhood. Maybe another time...

- Paul, wait. I agree. Give me the address and I'm coming to you now.


I'm in a hurry to clean. I slam everything in the bedroom and close the door. I fill the dishwasher with everything in the kitchen, open the windows, and light some scented candles. I rush to the laundry basket, pick up a T-shirt, and wipe the dust here and there. How long has it been? Quickly in the shower, I soap myself, go out, get dressed, perfume myself and sit on the couch to catch my breath. In vain, because the intercom rings. I press the button and open the door trying to get some air. I hear heels on the stairs. Number of steps. There are 23 steps.


Julie appears wrapped in a floor-length black mink coat. She has the same haircut I knew, with bangs, shoulder-length hair, the same kind of sheer shoes. I look at her and feel a tightness in my heart. It's like twelve years ago. I'm waiting for him to jump into my arms. He's approaching me. It looks exactly like then, it's like going back in time. I invite her into the house, I take the coat off her shoulders. She is dressed in a long, emerald green evening dress. Two teardrop-shaped diamonds sparkle in his ears. She's gorgeous.


" Excuse me for coming dressed like this." I was at a party. The butler told me you called. I thought you had a problem.

I invite her to take a seat, I treat her to a brandy. She looks at me questioningly, and I look at her with admiration. It's perfect.

He has no wrinkles, no dark circles. That sparkle of youth shines in his eyes, as only girls do. I think there are also plastic surgeons who work wonders.

- Well, what is it?


" Nothing, I missed you!" You're beautiful!


" And after twelve years, you thought of calling me at ten in the evening to tell me this!"


" I would have told you every day, but you didn't want to!"


" Don't think I didn't see the compassion in your eyes at the charity ball," Julie said. Congratulations on not staying with me, a grandmother. I am convinced that you also made the donation to amaze me. Paul, I know you so well, you are my child, my creation! The three years you spent together made you what you are today. The problem is, I don't know if it was good or bad for you, if it worked for you or not.

Is right. That's right, but I'm looking at her now and seeing Julie the other time. Cheerful, young, beautiful, exotic. Her ebony-colored eyes gleamed. I would like to kiss her, to remember her youth. We talk about wanted and unwanted. I tell him a lot about my successes. She tells me that her husband has died, that she is alone and that out of boredom she is working as an editor for an alternative therapy magazine. I remember that she was passionate about metaphysics, about alchemy, that nights in a row she filled my head with her premonitions, her dreams. He forced me to read all kinds of books and then tell them. Why did I forget? Where will these memories be hidden? I don't even know when three hours have passed. I look at Julie. It's like a ray of sunshine. She sits on the couch with her legs clenched under her and laughs at me, at the way I approached her. Her crystalline laughter does me good, it anoints my soul. I feel my pessimism melt, touched by the magic of this young soul.


Julie rose to her feet;


- I have to go, I have a hard day tomorrow. Maybe we'll see each other again. I look into her eyes. I stare at his reaction.


- Julie, I have HIV.


I see horror in her eyes. I expect him to run to the door at any moment. I close my eyes too


two great streams of tears burst forth. I cry for the first time since I heard the news;


I am overwhelmed by my own misfortune. I feel two arms embrace me. I look at Julie.


She's crying too. He hugs my chest.


"My dear ... my poor man."


We stay that long. Julie is constantly stroking my hair. He pulls away from me, takes off his coat and runs to the door.


- I'll call you tomorrow. I'm thinking of something. Call you.


I know for sure it won't ring. I wouldn't have called either. What to do, to sit and watch a man die, to be part of his agony, to live with him for the last moments, to feel his frustrations and panic. No, it certainly won't ring. However, I am happy that there is a man who knows my secret. This burden is no longer just mine. There is a man in front of whom I no longer have to pretend. That's in case I get a chance to see her again. I lie on the couch of God.


- Danaide ... my love ... you are the only one who does not run away from me ... you are immortal ...




I don't know how much I slept, but the insistent crawling of the intercom wakes me up. I look at my watch. It is two o'clock. I get up and press the button. I'm definitely a travel agent.



- Paul, it's Julie.


My heart flutters and begins to beat wildly. I press the key and in a few moments Julie jumps into my arms.


She's dressed like yesterday. a plane ticket flutters in front of me.


- You are going to Romania on Monday. In Bucharest, my friend Emilia will be waiting for you there, she starts touring.

She is Romanian, but speaks perfect French, because she was married to a Frenchman. It will take you to a place where a man can come who can treat anything. I don't guarantee you anything. I don't know if he has a cure for you, but you have to get there. He only comes once a month and this happens on the first Tuesday of each month. You go and then we'll see.


She's so excited she makes me laugh.


- Do you think that if this man had a cure for my illness, he would have been in Romania? He would have worked at NASA or had his drug patented. He would have been a billionaire and now he would be in the sun on his own island in the Bahamas. You're so naive I want to kiss you.


- Call me Paul, do you trust me? Julie said, looking into my eyes. Do you have anything to lose? I paid for the ticket, I also talked to Emilia. You'll stay with her, so it won't cost you anything. It's just a matter of moving your physique up there, because I can't go in your place!


- How did you hear about this man?


" I found out from a co-worker who wanted to do an article with him, but he broke his leg and couldn't leave, so I had to go." Call me Paul, you see


something changed in me?


- I see more that you haven't changed! You are just as naive and childish, and if you mean facelifts, I can say that the doctor was a magician. Don't get me wrong, you look fantastic, you're just like you were twelve years ago. You are perfect and charming, you have a skin that many teenagers would envy. You have virgin breasts, your hair shines with health, in a word you are sublime.

- Can you believe that's what he did?


- Is he a doctor?


- No, rru is a doctor and I did not have surgery, but I took some plant extracts, I made wraps with a kind of clay, I did some gymnastics and meditation exercises, all recommended by him. When I got there I was a wreck, I was physically and morally collapsed, I knew I was getting older and that every passing day brings me closer to death. I looked in the mirror and saw the furrows left by the passing of the years. I could see my sagging breasts dangling as if she wanted to get up in one last jerk. I was old, I looked like a grandmother. That was a few months after I met you.


I open my mouth to say something, but Julie raises her hand.


- Don't interrupt me! I also have a mirror, I saw in your eyes what I was thinking with my mind. I thought about having surgery, but it's a temporary thing. Do you know Fleur? She looks like she's already embalmed. It's the sixth facelift. He has parchment skin, he can't laugh, and the doctor told him he didn't think he could do anything else. I then thought of committing suicide. I had scheduled the suicide at the end of the year. It's prosaic isn't it? But I wanted to finish my work in the magazine, to rethink my will. I had already made the decision what and how. It was all set. I was going to go to Romania, I was writing the article, I was finishing the year and so on. We kiss you sweet on the other side. But I got there and it all changed. You will see. He is a different man. Maybe he's not even human. The only problem is


that he doesn't treat anyone.


" You think he's a leprechaun." Have you heard of the placebo effect? Maybe he's a charlatan. It can only treat people whose minds can be manipulated. Maybe he's the head of the crooks, their dad, and he found you suckers. How much money did he take from you? I ask sharply.

- No money. I wanted to give it to him, but he said he didn't want to. instead he will want to at some point


given a favor.


I think of a movie that I don't know what it's called. in which the killer solves a problem for you, but against a service.


" The point is, you're leaving," Julie said. You have until Monday to put things right. If you miss a few days it won't be a problem. The return ticket is on Thursday. Call me.


I'm trying to turn the issue around. If I don't leave, I'll argue with Julie, maybe she won't stop by me anymore, I'll still die if I die, and where else do I stay with the idea that maybe there was something. If I leave, I leave. I go to see him, he sees me, maybe he'll give me tea, I'll die if I die, but I can make Julie stay with me until the end, which means I won't be alone.


- Okay, I'm leaving!


Julie jumps on my neck and kisses me on the mouth. I'm pushing her. I think she's crazy. I would not kiss an AIDS patient for a million euros, even if I were threatened with death, in fact I avoid those with the flu. I fired my secretary because


she had come to the office cold. How strange people are, in fact this is the real Julie, exuberant and unpredictable.


I'm on the plane and I'm waiting to take off. I review all things in my mind. I announced the bank, I took traveler's checks, I announced the administrator, I announced the monitoring company, I set the alarm, I announced the secretary. If I do one thing, there are still a few people in my life that I am connected to. They're not relatives or friends, but look, I have to report someone too. Too bad they don't care. my cell phone rings. It's Julie.


- Are you on the plane? -Yes.


- Kiss you, we'll talk when you get there!


What a curious turn my life has taken. I'm sick, instead of saving, I go on trips, the only woman I loved came back to me but I can't be with her, I have money, but I have nothing to do with them. My business is going exceptionally well, my clients are asking me to make plans for their future investments, but I'm dodging, and as a reward I'm going to visit a doctor I don't believe in, in a country I don't know anything about anymore.


Landing is normal. I found out from the flight attendants that the airport is called Henri Coandă. The airport is small and dark. I retrieve my bag and head for the exit. A few people, about a hundred, are waiting, watching carefully. I look around. I'm trying to find a certain Emilia. No need, because I see a sheet of paper on which Paul Berg is written. I'm heading for her.

- Emilia?


- Paul Berg?


- Is this all the luggage? -Yes.


- Then let's go.


I get on a Touareg. Emilia starts the engine. I look at her. To be about 45 years old. I think she was pretty in her youth, she has a bright face, but she looks sloppy. He has his hair in a ponytail, which makes his aquiline nose even more prominent.


She is dressed in jeans and has a blue jacket, slightly loose at the sleeves. The boots are sporty and full of dry mud. It is a real contrast between the car and its owner. I'm trying to have a little conversation. I find out that she is 43 years old, that she has a computer company, in fact it belonged to her husband, who died four years ago. I also find out that she has no children and that the car belongs to her sister, from whom she borrowed it especially for me. She tells me that she is friends with Julie, who once helped her, thus remaining indebted to her. And she does it for her sake, implying that she doesn't enjoy being a host and that I'd better not be fussy.


I try to stick my tongue out, find out more about the man I need to meet, but I don't get anything out of her. He just tells me the meeting will be tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon.


We get home to Emilia. In fact, it is a one-storey house, not far from the entrance to Bucharest, as I realize. He shows me my room. It is a small bedroom, but tastefully furnished. Two brightly colored modern works hang on the wall. I'm trying to decipher the name. Murivale or something. I try to understand what the painter wanted to express, but I don't understand. I put my luggage on my armchair and turn on the TV. I think it's the news. I try to perceive the language. Some words are familiar to me.


Emilia stuck her head in the door.


- The bathroom is in the hallway, the bedding is in the closet. I'm waiting for you down at the table.


- Thanks, but I'm not hungry. I'm more of a sleeper.


- As you wish, if you get hungry overnight, the fridge is down. You can eat whatever you want. Tomorrow I'll go to the office and come around to pick you up, Emilia said and closed the door.

I lie on the bed without undressing. I wonder how desperate I can be if I accepted such nonsense. I'm in Romania, in a widow's house, I don't know anyone, I don't speak the language, I don't even know where the embassy is.


What if a psychopath kills at night? And if he kills me, what? Maybe he gets dirty with blood and gets sick.

Soup punishment. That should be done with the criminals. Be forced to drink infected blood. I think I went crazy!

I wake up in the morning. Coffee is waiting for me in the kitchen. It's cold, but I drink it like that. Then I go get dressed. Deliberately I took from home only expensive things, jeans, Armenian sweater, shoes, Camei jacket and a Bulgarian watch. Emilia appears at two o'clock. I get in the car and we start. After about half an hour of walking, he stops in front of a building. Enter.


We're in an old movie theater. Emilia motions for me to sit down. I'm looking for a more secluded place in the back. I look around. There are about 50 people, of all ages and categories, they are young, old, children, some well dressed, others poorly dressed, some read the suffering on their face, others seem healthy. There is a uniform hum in the room. They all talk to each other, as if they knew each other. I do not understand anything. I look at Emilia, who beckons me to stay calm. I'm very curious to see the character. He will probably appear on stage, as a great actor, making magical passes over everyone. I wonder if there will be miraculous healings, if there will be paralyzed people who walk suddenly, dumb people who speak, blind people who see. I remember Julie. He must have chosen her, for he sensed her credulity, her naivete as a child. These charlatans possess a sixth sense, as I do. I feel her prey, I corner her, I hunt her, I make her dizzy with words, and then she devours her quietly, enjoying the moment.


In the hall the murmur intensifies. A small, fat man with a pronounced baldness appears on a side door. It is the clear image of the charlatan. I ask Emilia if this is the character. He tells me no, he's the owner of the room. The man muttered something, and there was silence in the hall.


A not very tall, well-built man appears on the same side door, but the dignified air he approaches gives him a certain suppleness. She has thick, black hair, combed back. I can't determine his age from a distance. He is dressed in an oriental suit, with black trousers and a black tunic with purple arabesques. It is worn with a kind of black silk boots with a very flat sole, coffees are tied on the foot with a kind of lace. His eyes are dark, but they shine in a special way.


He walks around the room and touches a few people. Like a magic sign, they get up and go out the same door. The same ritual is repeated almost every quarter of an hour. Sometimes it touches three people, sometimes five. As far as I know, he chooses them at random. He walks past me a few times, but he doesn't notice me. Only at the fourth entrance does he turn and look into my eyes. I feel tingling in my spine. As far as I know, he's about 40 years old. Don't touch me this time either. I am convinced that he will not choose me


that's very quiet. I can't help but notice the emerald ring he's wearing. It should be about 30 carats. I think it cost a fortune!


There are only three people left in the room. Emilia, a girl with me. The character enters and takes the girl. I ask Emilia if she's ready to leave. She says let's stay. We stay for about twenty minutes. I realize she won't be coming, but I have to wait until Emilia is convinced. To my surprise after another ten minutes, the man shows up. He doesn't touch my shoulder like he did the others, but he beckons me to follow him. I leave the hall, in a corridor, and enter a small room on the side of the stage. Here awaits us another man dressed in the same kind of clothes, but gray. He is shaved in the head, has European features, but his eyes are slightly oblique, as evidence of a distant Oriental descent. He is sitting on a wooden crate.


In the middle of the room, on the floor, are two canvases, not very big, full of symbols. I recognize in their multitude the zodiac signs. They are inscribed in a circle, and this circle is in a hexagram. The man of oriental descent beckons me to sit in the middle of the circle. On the other canvas in the middle of another circle sits the black-haired man.

I'm trying to have a dialogue with him. I speak to him in French, taking out all the prepositions, hoping that by simplifying the language he will understand me. - Julie sent to you. I'm healthy.


He looked at me as if I were coming from another world. close your eyes and take a deep breath. I admit that it is a well-developed scenario, any mortal would be impressed. The bald man beckons me to close my eyes.


I know, from psychology, that if you don't see, you lack stimuli and you can have all kinds of feelings, because the brain has to work in a new, unknown formula. I am a visual anyway, I rely on what I see, I like analysis, I can extract information from details that others miss. I close my eyes, though, if I got this far, why not! I don't forget to show my watch, though.


I feel a pleasant warmth invade my body. My shoulders are heavy. I try to open my eyes but I'm too lazy. I get carried away by this lethargy. Time seemed to stand still. Although I can't see, I feel shrouded in fog. It is a white mist with golden reflections, it looks as if the sun's faint rays are reflected here and there. I feel light, I'm not afraid anymore, it's like I'm floating. I don't know how long I've been like this, but I can hear the man taking a deep breath. I open my eyes and look at him. He looks at me with love, as only my mother did. And Julie.


- Me problem? I'm trying another way of communicating.


" If you have another language that is much more familiar to you than French, we can use that," he told me, in clear, flawless literary French.

- No, thank you. French is my mother tongue, I answer with a laugh. My name is Paul Berg and I was sent to you by Julie.

- My name is Christopher.


I don't know why, but I'm starting to trust him! Maybe I was stupid too.


- You know, I'm sick, I'd like to know if you have any chance of stagnating my disease. Maybe you know some tea or something to help me. I don't want to die fast. Tears begin to flow from my eyes. I feel so embarrassed! I sit on the floor, dressed in Armani, and cry like a fool in front of a stranger who claims to be a guru.


- Why? he asks me.


- Why. what the?


- Why don't you want to die fast?


" Because I have so much more to do!" -What the?


- I have to make investments, sell shares, earn money.


- Aha, so after you solve them can you die peacefully? Well, in these conditions I can help you. I'll give you some tea, some tincture, so you can be on your feet until you're done, and then leave quietly.


It's not enough that I feel like an idiot, I also see the smile in the corner of his mouth. I feel like entering the land of shame. However, I do not feel as embarrassed as I should have. It must be his warm look, which I feel pleasant, familiar, as if we had known each other for an eternity.


I think he's right, to live for what? To fill my clients' pockets? To have more money when I'm on the ground? He has no one to inherit me! It's me and myself.


" Know you're right, I have nothing to lose so I can die." It doesn't matter if I live another year or two, the result is the same, but I'm afraid to die! I want to stay here in this world that I know, live and perceive with my senses. I don't want to go to a hypothetical God, who has nothing better to do than take me to him, as if I were useful to him. I am convinced that he does it out of envy, out of revenge. He hates me that I managed to do without him, without any help. He's upset that even though he took everything from me, I managed to defeat him to prove to him that I can have anything, that I can build an empire out of nothing with my own hands.


Christopher begins to laugh. He laughs so hard and so eagerly that I shed tears.


- Okay, what do you want from me? he asked


- I want to live! Let me die when I want! Let me heal! That's what I want, to prove to him that I can decide my own fate, I shout out loud.

He's been looking at me for a long time.


" Leave me alone for a while," he said.


I go out into the hall and find Emilia waiting for me. She doesn't ask me anything, but I feel she's curious. I tell him we have to wait. After a quarter of an hour, Christopher appears. It's a little pale and I find it a little sad.


" Divine Providence has said I must help you." I'll do it even though I'm not sure it's okay. If you want to heal, you will have to stay with me for six months, have contact with outsiders only through letters, and you will have to obey my rules. You are not allowed to bring phones, laptops or any kind of electronic equipment with you. You are also not allowed soaps, detergents or perfumes.


otherwise you can get anything, books, clothes, etc. You have a month to decide. If you want, come here on the first Tuesday of next month and I'll take you with me. If you don't come, it means you don't want to. You have only one possibility, after which the portal will close.


- I'll think about it. How much does it cost me?


- I'm not taking money, but at some point I'll want something from you.


- Will I live? do you guarantee me


- If Divine Providence has decided so, it means that you will live.


" I'll think about it," I say, and I feel my heart flutter.


Christopher clasped his palms to his chest and leaned forward in a form of greeting, then turned and left.


I don't know how I got back to Paris. I can't remember the flight. I don't even know if I said goodbye to Emilia. It just sounded in my ears that I was going to live. So there is a chance! That man gave me hope. What if it's a lie? If he wants to kidnap me, keep me there because he knows I'm going to die and then deprive me of my fortune? What if he told the truth? If he knows any magic dishes, magic potions? What if I really get a chance and miss it?


I've been seeing Julie every day since I came here. I feel like I love her. In fact, she's the only woman I've ever loved, and I don't think love looks. It is something eternal. Today he said see you at


  1. I look at my watch. Must arrive. I hear the intercom creaking. I hurry and press the button. In a few moments Julie shows up. She is dressed in an elegant blue silk suit with a black fox stole. She's gorgeous. He enters and sits down on the couch.

"Have you decided?" Are we still talking today? I avoid telling him I've made up my mind. I like to argue with her. She's beautiful when she gets angry.

- I don't know what to say, I'm inclined to go, but I'm afraid I won't miss six months of the classic treatment and hurry up.

- But the classic treatment only prolongs your agony, while here you have the chance to heal! she explodes.

You only have three days to decide, then it's final. You have to make a reservation on the plane, put your things in order, notify the lawyer. There is so much to do and so little time.


"Yeah," I muttered.


- Please Paul, do it for me! I beg you!


I see his eyes water. I get the idea to walk.


"I do, if you promise to marry me when you return!"


I see her speechless with astonishment. he tries to articulate something, but only sucks.

"Do I understand it was a yes?" - Is it a marriage proposal?


- Yes. If you promise to marry me when you return, whether I'm healthy or not, I'll do it!

I see her struggling.


- Okay Paul, I'll do it. When you return we will get married! I feel like screaming with happiness. I feel like kissing her, taking her in my arms and making love. I feel my blood boiling in my veins.


In fact, since she came into my life again, I want to make love to her. I am as manly as before, but reason urges me to be moderate. I get up from my chair and head for the office. I open the drawer, take out the plane ticket, and fly it. Julie laughs and kisses me.


"You're still a sentimental crook."


I kiss her too. With passion. I feel like ripping my clothes off. I feel her let herself be carried away by the wave. I still can't explain why he doesn't feel sorry for me? How come he's not afraid? I stop in time. Julie sticks to me.


-I wish you so much! she whispered to me. Don't have condoms?


I feel my hair rise from the back of my neck.


- Are you unconscious? We have to wait until I get back.


- Why do you want to get married and then make love? she asked. Got it, you want to stay a virgin until the wedding!

- You're crazy! I have AIDS. You can get infected. Accidents can happen. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.

- Yeah, maybe you're right. The wait will be sweeter. But know that I will stay with you until you leave. We will eat, we will walk and we will sleep together. In a word, I'll stand on your head, to make sure you don't change your mind.


I don't even know when the three days have passed. I felt alive, happy. Seeing her dressed in my T-shirts, sniffing around the house, laughing, throwing pillows at me, made me more optimistic, more confident.


I stand in front of the door, ready to leave, holding in my hand the roll of cardboard in which my other great love is rolled. Danaida. I just wasn't leaving and leaving her alone! At least take her with me. Julie makes an inventory of things, spinning around.


- Did you get the ticket, the passport?


- Yes, I answer amused.


" The suitcase is ready, we have the picture, set the alarm and get off the cab," Julie said, and opened the door.

I'm alone on the plane again. Correction: I'm on the plane, but I'm not alone. I'm with Danaide. I hold the roll tightly between the wall of the plane and my foot. I want to feel her close, close my eyes and see her. I watch with my mind, the curvature of my hips; the swirling waves of the sea break through the rocks, delighting my imagination with their noise. I hear Julia's laughter in the distance. I see her shake my hand. Her image overlaps that of Danaida. It scares me and I open my eyes. What is this?


I'm finally landing at the airport. I have a deja vu. The same Emilia, the same car, and the same room, the same cold coffee, the same note announcing that he's coming to pick me up. It's as if the words used in the ticket are the same. Maybe it's the same ticket. I feel like fear floods my soul. If I'm wrong? If the decision I made is wrong? What if I die in six months? For a dying man, half a year means an eternity.


I'm starting to tremble. I hear the front door open. It's Emilia shouting at me, telling me we need to hurry.

I end up in the same movie theater. I sit intentionally in the first place, so that he can see me, so that there is no doubt. Maybe he doesn't even remember me. That would be the culmination! But I don't think the crooks have an exceptional memory. I know myself.


I'm the last one again. This time without Emilia, who went out to smoke a cigarette. it's just me in the whole room; one person, with a roll of cardboard in his hand. I feel embarrassed. As if I were sitting alone in a disused train station waiting for an imaginary train. The bald man appears in the room, who motions for me to follow him. I'm already out on the well-known corridor. but this time we do not enter the next room, but go to a door. At the end of the hall I see Emilia carrying my suitcase.


We go out the door and reach an inner courtyard where a Range Rover is parked. The bald man puts the suitcase in the trunk, motions for me to get in, and gets behind the wheel.


Emilia shakes my hand. I answer in the same way, after which the car starts moving.


I wonder where Christopher will be. Can he come with another car? I ask the bald man, but he beckons me to shut up. A bit rude, given that I'm a guest, it could have at least made me understand that he doesn't speak the language, but I decide to keep quiet and admire the landscape.


I don't know why my sleepy eyes are closing. I try to focus on the road, but my eyelids refuse to stay open. I fall asleep for a moment, or so it seems to me. At one point, I feel the car shake as if on a rocky road, and this feeling wakes me up.


We are on a cobbled road that goes up. To the right and left of the car is a beautiful coniferous forest. I look at my watch. It's 5 o'clock in the morning. I think I walked for about five hours, given that I left Bucharest at about twelve.


I look bald. He drives quietly. I flip through my chair and try to catch his eye in the rearview mirror, but he doesn't even notice me. I decide to open the window. The cold, clean air rushes inside the car, filling my lungs.


How many years have passed since I was no longer in a forest? 10-20? Why is this life so strange? Where did the memories of my childhood disappear? I try to think about the trips I took with my parents. only the scene in which I dislocated my ankle comes to mind. No, no matter how much I search my memory, I can't find those moments. I physically feel that they exist but something is blocking them. It is as if I am afraid to be aware of them, as if their reliving would force me to be filled with bliss, and I am afraid of happiness, for happiness does nothing but make you let your guard down, to be more understanding, to turn the other cheek, as it is written in the Bible, and I, hypothetically speaking, kill the one who touches me.


The right turn of the car makes me come out of my reverie. We climb an even steeper road. After five minutes of walking we meet a high fence, made of river stone. We walk along it for another two minutes and stop in front of a massive wooden gate. It looks like a medieval castle gate.


The bald man gets down and opens the gate. In front of us, there is a cubic stone road, guarded on either side by huge trees. There is so much peace and quiet that even my own thoughts bother me.


Enter. About two minutes after a curve, an impressive construction emerges in all its splendor. It is actually a kind of gray-gray stone castle, which brings a lot with a cathedral. I recognize the ogive, or broken arch vault, of the huge windows, characteristic of the Gothic style. Along the front windows, whose stained glass windows sparkle in the morning light, are seven life-size statues lined up. They are in fact a kind of statuic columns, representing silhouettes of men or perhaps saints, with an immobile appearance, with bodies


without hips and shoulders, whose austere faces and clothes make you feel a shiver down your spine. On the sides of the building stand four tall towers, the sharp points of which seem to pierce the sky. That's all I can see, because the bald man stops the car in front of the entrance. It is actually a monumental dark brown wooden door, caught in a multitude of sharp hinges. In the middle of it, a huge bronze, representing a lion's head with a circle in its mouth, reigns, as if watching over the silence of the occupants. Above the door, embedded in the wall, is a magnificent stained glass window, which represents a rosette, made of a multitude of concentric circles, which in turn form flowers with multicolored petals.


I feel overwhelmed. I think how much money you would need not to buy something like that, but


to maintain! How much does heating cost? What about the support staff? I can't wake up, because the front door opens and I am greeted by Cristofor, who is dressed in the same kind of clothes, but black. - Welcome to my house. Invites!


I'm shy. In front of me opens a huge hall, about twenty feet high, whose broken arched vault rests on four columns of green marble with golden iridescence, which are arranged in a square plan. In the middle of it hangs a huge bronze chandelier, whose multitude of arms, made of various animals, support the tulips of the bulbs. Stained glass windows with mythological scenes, with fantastic animals guard the surrounding room. On the floor, the same green marble as the columns, but of different shades, blends perfectly, creating a kind of mosaic. Two massive wooden stairs, placed to the left and right of the hall, connect the floor and the ground floor, a floor which, as far as I can see, is located halfway up the entrance hall.


- Yidam will take you to your room. I live on the left and the guests on the right.

Please make yourself comfortable and then go down to the table.


To my right, with the suitcase in one hand and the roll of cardboard in the other, the bald man appears. I feel my blood freeze in my veins. My love ... I forgot you in the car! I reach out trembling and grab the painting. I stick it to my chest. It's a bad sign! It's definitely a bad sign! I never forget anything, let alone my beautiful, my love ... please forgive me! I see Christopher's sharp gaze. I read in his eyes that something is wrong with him. I hope he didn't see my despair.


- Yidam asks you what you want to eat for breakfast?


- Duck with oranges, partridge in wine sauce and about three or four kinds of cakes!


I'm trying a joke to relax the atmosphere. Anything, I add with a laugh, only to be accompanied by strong coffee.


The bald man tilted his head and took it up the stairs on the right.


- Yidam will take you to your room.


I realize with amazement that the bald man's name is Yidam. What's his name?


Japanese, Vietnamese?


I wonder why Yidam doesn't speak directly to me? Or will the model be here? The master decides what I should be asked and the servant nods. I follow him submissively.


The staircase leads into a long corridor, full of multicolored stained glass on one side and paintings on the other. I recognize among the paintings some monumental works from the Baroque period, made by masterful hands, true masterpieces, rich in details and colors. Then I see "The Rape of Leucippus' Daughters." "The original is in the museum! I'm trying to look more closely. I'm even stopping. The shadows, the fear, the uneasiness of the horses, the vibration of the work ... it's an original! But how is that possible?


Yidam opens a door and motions for me to follow him. We enter a small room that looks more like a cell. It has only a bed, a wardrobe and a small chair, placed next to a small window. It is a disarming poverty. The only extravagance is the walls, upholstered in purple brocade and velvet blankets of the same color


mov cardinal. The weathered floor is made of white-yellow stone. The bald man comes out and closes the door.


I burst out laughing. So that's why you're me! Damn opulence! Or is she afraid of stealing something? You know! In fact, he's right, I don't receive anyone into the house. I have the latest type of video cameras and alarm systems and yet you never know.


On the side of the closet I see a short door leading into a tiny room that looks like a bar. It has a small sink, a shower and a toilet. The walls are also made of stone, and the light that enters the interior comes through a two-palm window located to the left of the door. I think it used to be a closet.


I put my things in the closet, wash, change and decide to go down.


I walk out the door thinking I forgot to ask where the dining room is, but there's no need. Yidam waves at the end of the hall. We reach the ground floor again and head for a door behind the straight staircase. He opens it and we enter a huge library about eight meters high, crammed with books from top to bottom.


There are thousands of volumes, all tied in leather of various colors. In the middle of the hall of about a hundred square meters, he sits like huge salamanders, two armchairs and a sofa, made of emerald green leather, of impressive dimensions. The floor is covered with the same green marble.


I think this man is addicted to the color green, I'm trying to figure out a few names on the back: Hermes Trismegistus, Albertus Magnus, Geber. I think I'm a cultured person, but I haven't heard of these writers. Maybe I'll be able to read them while I'm here.


" Please invite me to dinner," I hear Christopher's voice behind me. In fact, today you can eat as much as you want, from tomorrow I will switch to diet. But we'll discuss the schedule after breakfast.


I follow him into the room to the left of the stairs, which turns out to be a beautiful dining room with the same green marble floor. In its center, covered with a white brocade cloth, embroidered with gold thread, whose light folds create a play of shadows and lights, is a table of twelve people. The lion's heads and paws found in the rich sculpture of the table and chairs remind me of the Florentine style. Two five-armed candlesticks, made of crystal fringes, resembling the chandelier on the ceiling, sit proudly on the table.


I look up and am stunned. The ceiling is decorated with a magnificent fresco with fantastic characters, of pagan influence, but it is painted in Renaissance style. This fresco continues until almost halfway up the wall where it ends in cascades of arabesques full of color and detail. The lower part of the wall is covered with the same marble, but a heavy, strange green.

" What a beautiful marble." I've never seen such color. Where does it come from? I ask.


- From China.


I had no idea there was such a color in China. I have to remember this. That would be a good tip for my clients.


Cristofor sits at the head of the table, and I at his right, in fact, I am forced to choose that place, because that is where the cutlery is placed. Curiously, I have silverware and porcelain plates, and my host has nothing.


Yidam appears on the door, pushing a ladder full of covered trays. He reaches in front of me and starts placing two plates in front of me with what I deduce to be


duck with oranges and partridges with wine sauce, and on the left side he puts me four beautiful cakes that even the most perfect pastry chef would have envied.


" Yidam asks if you want coffee now or after you eat?"


" After," I muttered.


They think they're making fun of me! Who the hell, they think, eats something like that for breakfast?


- Doesn't your order satisfy you? Cristofor asks, smiling.


- Yes, it's perfect, but I was kidding! I never thought I wouldn't be understood. I feel really bad.

"Yidam doesn't know the meaning of the sentences, and that's why he does exactly that." He is not accustomed to the finesse of language. If you still want something else?

"No, I'm so ashamed!" I usually eat croissants with butter and coffee.


Yidam tilted his head and walked out the door, returning in less than a minute with a tray containing a steaming croissant and a small plate of butter.


I'm starting to feel in the twilight zone! He places them to my right and then heads for the pedestal, from where he takes a ceramic bowl, filled with a kind of porridge and a wooden spoon, which he places in front of Christopher, after which he retreats behind me.


I am embarrassed to look too insistently at the neighbor's bowl, but my astonished face makes him say:


- I have a kind of diet. Please don't be embarrassed, eat to your heart's content.


I eat my croissant, but I can't help but taste the duck with oranges. The complexity of the aromas explodes in my mouth, which, hitting my palatal vault, makes me believe that I have reached Heaven.


Well, that's the expression, because as I said, no one can say if there is at least Heaven.


- Congratulations to the chef! It is the taste of perfection!


"You have to thank Yidam." He cooked!


I turn to him, thank him, looking for elaborate words, but he only answers me with a nod.


Strong servant. Did she have any relatives? Maybe I'll hire a family member as a butler. It would be ideal for him to do his job and not talk.


After breakfast, Cristofor suggests we take a walk in the garden to discuss my schedule. We go out on the terrace behind the house through a huge door, located at the end of the dining room.


In front of me lies the grandest view I have ever seen. It is a huge, perfectly flat meadow, of a bright green, guarded all around by tall, vigorous trees, which are lined up like guards, in the shape of a perfect rectangle. In the immediate vicinity of the white marble stairs leading down from the terrace is a round stone fountain, in the middle of which sit back to back, three hideous dwarfs from whose open mouth water gushes. Around it are placed at equal distances, three narrow benches, of yellowish stone, on the back of which rest a few small birds. The strong air and the perfect peace make me feel good, filling my soul with a feeling I don't know how to define.


Sitting on one of the benches I find out that the program, which starts tomorrow, lasts for four weeks and consists of a kind of fasting, meditation and light exercise, and


after that, depending on what results we have, we will continue with what you need. I try to learn more from him, but I can't.


Cristofor apologizes, saying he's busy and we won't see each other again until tomorrow morning. I also find out that Yidam is at my disposal and that I can do whatever I want. I thank him and decide that today I will rest, I will walk, I will sleep, I will read, in a word I will take advantage of this unexpected vacation to relax.


I don't even know when the day is over. All I know is that the next day I opened my eyes feeling so at peace with myself and in a good mood that I hadn't been in a few years. I slept great and I feel full of life. Was it the smell of the aromatic oil I had received instead of the soap, or was it the peace of the place that had spoken?


After breakfast, which consisted of the same bowl of porridge for Christopher and unsweetened herbal tea, along with a plate full of apples, pears, grapes, quinces and kiwis, finely chopped, for me, I wake up in the middle of the meadow; where, under the careful guidance of Christopher, I do some light exercises, such as warm-up, consisting of stretching, bending and kneeling.


The lunch consisting of a kind of vegetable and spinach soup with lettuce was somewhat digestible, but at dinner I wake up in front of a bowl full of rice and wheat, half cooked, with a taste so horrible that I I feel compelled to lower the fork after the first two bites.


I wonder where the culinary talent of the bald man disappeared. Or maybe someone else cooked? But who? I saw no mortal foot except the two.


The next day, the same scenario, only I get broccoli at noon. I eat in a hurry, struggling to overcome my hunger.


On the third day, however, I can't even swallow lunch. The food seems more and more bland and disgusting to me. I think they want to kill me by starvation! Only at the mental image of boiled rice do I feel my stomach revolt. I want a steak in my blood with baked potatoes or at least a portion of salmon fillets or a soufflé. I feel my mouth fill with water. I'm getting out of here!

I'm on the seventh day of torment. I can't get out of bed. I've never slept worse in my life. I've been dreaming about something all night, but I can't remember what. All I know is that I didn't like it, and the proof was the cold, smelly sweat that covered me.


The thought of the same daily monotony makes me apathetic. I feel like I've lost weight, I can tell by the clothes. Unfortunately, I didn't see any mirrors in this house hardware, so I don't know what I look like. The physical exercises, although they are at the level of a kindergarten child, seem more and more difficult to me. I no longer have the energy or desire to do anything. My beard has grown and I can't even take it off, since I don't have a mirror or shaving foam.


I feel miserable, careless. I'm so irritable that I can't stand the presence of the bald man. Cristofor also annoys me with his air of infatuation and his lack of communication, as if you see, Lord, he is superior and does not descend so far as to talk to any pygmy!


I'm trapped! I feel panicked. I'm alone, no one loves me, everyone tolerates me, but no one really cares about me.


I decide to take my girlfriend out of the closet. I take it out of the roll and lay it carefully on the bed. My sweetheart ... caressed the curvature of her hips with the fingertips. I close my eyes and


I imagine her silky, whipped hair touching my face. I lose track of time, I even fall asleep, when the squeak of the door wakes me up. I raise my head a little, but enough to see the figure of Christopher standing out in the doorway. I fall back. "I was worried you didn't come down for breakfast."


Why the hell should I go down? To ignore me? Feeling good? Do you and your bald idiot laugh out loud?


- I didn't feel able! I risk a semi-kind answer. And I'm not in the mood! I look into his eyes and see Danaide look down. I see a shadow darkening their brightness. Be jealous?


" What an interesting work!" he said as he approached.


I try to cover it with my arm. I don't want to soil her eyes.


- If you want, Yidam can put it on your chassis so it doesn't get damaged. Being on the wall, you will be able to admire it at will. He is very skilled. Besides, he maintains all my work, he said, looking into my eyes.


"Yeah," I said hurriedly, trying to find arguments to dodge. Nothing comes to mind and that's why I add:

- It's an idea.


"I'm waiting for you at the table," said Christopher, and hurried out.


I gather my girlfriend and put her back in the closet. How ugly it sounds! Put your girlfriend in the closet! Yes, but it's the only place that gives me a minimum of privacy. That's just my stuff, so no one is looking.


I go down to the dining room and sit down at the table without much reluctance.


Enter the bald man with the geridon. I feel like throwing up. I look at Christopher and feel the need to punch him in the face. How stupid I must have been when I agreed to come here! I think he got along with Julie. Maybe they're both part of a sect and they decided to kill me.


I receive the same disgusting food, which consists of cut fruit, but I refuse; I can barely have a sip of tea. I shiver strangely and get up from the table.


- I'm going to the room. I don't want to be bothered, I say sharply. At least die quietly without seeing you. I add in a whisper, more to myself.

I fall on the bed and cry. I feel a huge hatred fill my soul. I hate you all, God, you people; I even hate this two-penny planet we spend our lives on. I would like you all to die and be the only one left! What would God be like if you died and I stayed? Would you like? Let me see then what you would do, how you would have fun knowing that you are standing with the sword of Damocles over your head, and I am the one who decides when it will fall.


My gaze falls on the wall to the right of the bed and I instantly feel a cold sweat flood me. Danaide, my beautiful one is sitting there in an imposing frame, very similar to the one at home.


Go to hell! You have defiled my love 'You have touched it! You raped her!


I jump out of bed and take down the painting. I look at her trapped in the chassis. I'm looking for flaws, but I can't find them. It is perfectly placed, I have nothing to say! I hang her again, sit on the bed to watch her, when the door of the room opens and Cristofor appears.


- I hope you're happy! If not, Yidam is at your disposal to rectify


whatever you think is appropriate.


I shake hands and fall back on the bed. I hope they understand that I don't feel like talking.


Christopher walks over to the painting, stops in front of it, and describes with his hand something that looks like an arc of a circle. She looks at him once more and leaves the room thoughtfully.


What the hell was that? I don't want to imagine anything and that's why I decide to go to bed. Maybe that's how I'll forget about my own unhappiness.


Today marks four weeks since we began this torture. Luckily, the idea came to me to draw with a pencil, on a sheet of paper, a line for each day spent here, because otherwise I would have lost track of time. I have twenty-eight lines, so I'm on the evening of the last day of torment. Really? Who knows what else my executioners have in store for me! I've been feeling better for about a week now. I decided not to refuse the food. I swallow it hard, but it doesn't make me vomit anymore.


In fact, I don't think my stomach can vomit either. For three weeks I took everything out of me, everything that could be taken out. I had just crawled from the bathroom to the bed and vice versa. Even my torturers took pity on them and decided to bring my food to bed.


I don't know when I fall asleep, but I wake up bathed in the rays of a strong enough sun for the end of April. I feel better, more hopeful. Or maybe it's just an opinion? I decide to take a shower and go down.


In the dining room, Cristofor, not at all surprised by my appearance, greets me with a smile.


I mumble something I wanted to have a good morning and I fall into my chair.


It's as if I see you in a better mood today, I hear from his mouth and I wonder how brave a man needs to behave like that.


"Yes, I slept a little better," I say reluctantly, thinking that now I will have to have a conversation, but the situation is saved by the appearance of Yidam, who enters as usual pushing the pole.


He places in front of me a cup of yellow tea and a plate of two black bread spreads smeared with honey.

I rush and bite into a slice. The aromatic taste envelops my senses. As I swallow the piece, I feel my whole body run through a pleasant current. Honey, the nectar of the gods, the divine taste of immortality, I didn't even know you could be so good! I eat the rest. I've never felt better in my life. It is as if there is a mysterious connection between my honey and my oil, which I have only now become aware of. I feel it as it enters my blood, as it anoints my wrists, I feel it as if it were the magic elixir, the balm of eternity, which with its ingestion makes me rejuvenate. My face relaxes. I think I'm happy! It seems that Cristofor is not so unpleasant either.


- What schedule do we have today? I ask, hoping to find out what awaits me.

"If you're done, we'll go to my lab and talk." Of


otherwise, if you want, you can drink the tea there.


I nod happily and get up. Cristofor goes out and takes it up the stairs on the left. We arrive in a corridor almost identical to the one on the right of the house, with the only difference that here there is no art object but only the same impressive stained glass windows with mythological scenes and fantastic animals.


We enter the door at the end of the corridor and enter another small, dark hallway. in front of


Ours is a massive black wooden door, in the middle of which is a hideous gorgonian head that keeps your eyes closed. All around her, the zodiac symbols and the solar system add an extra touch of originality. I can't see what's on the side of them, because Christopher opens the door by pressing his head.


I feel a cold current running down my spine, because when I opened the door, the gorgon opened my eyes, but I realize almost immediately that it was just a momentary sensation, because I realize that everything is operated by a clever mechanism.


We enter a large, bright room of about a hundred square meters. The floor is made of the same stone as in my room. All around are shelves full of bottles and multicolored jars. They all have labels. I'm trying to read. Melilotus Officinalis, Galium Verum, Salix Alba, Artemisia Abrotanum ... God, there are tens, hundreds of such containers. What will be in them? In one corner of the room sits a huge baroque desk, filled to the brim with papers and plates and a carved chair with lion motifs. In front of the huge window, I see a telescope with the lens pointed down and an identical copy of the office chair. In the middle of the room sits a kind of oversized round-shaped cheese oven, the lion's paw-shaped legs make it seem even more imposing. At the center of this gigantic crucible stands, as if wanting to guard the secret of the place, the same lion's head as at the entrance.


To the left of the door, a large iron table, full of retorts, spirits, and pipes, on the side of which is a circular object covered with a black cloth, seems to be ready for who knows what experiments. And as a culmination of the mystical sensation that space creates, the ceiling is painted in the form of a celestial map, with hundreds, maybe even thousands of stars.


I don't see any light source. I'm thinking of asking, but I don't dare because


Cristofor pulls the chair in front of the window and motions me to sit down.


I look at the room as a whole. I feel positive, pleasant, somewhat familiar.


Yidam comes in and brings me the tea, puts it in the corner of the overcrowded desk, then leaves.


After a few embarrassing minutes of silence, during which Cristofor researches certain maps, I decide that it is time to start some discussion.


" And where did you say you acquired the talent to treat people?"


" I wasn't saying that, but if you're interested, I can tell you."


" I'd love to know more about you." If you want, I can talk to you about me.

Maybe we need to get to know each other better, I say, and I feel a lump in my throat instantly. What should I talk to him about? What should I tell them, that I know how to make money, that I have no one, that I have done everything to achieve my goals?


I look at Christopher, who smiles broadly, looking through me somehow.


" I don't think I've ever spoken to a mortal about my life, but given future events, I don't think it matters."

Here he pauses, during which time I wonder if future events do not refer to my imminent death, which makes me a good listener.


" I come from a middle-class family of merchants," he continued. My mother


married to my father at the behest of her father, who thought of himself as an alchemist. He was the one who blessed the union of the two by telling them that they would have a son. That's how I came into the world, on a beautiful July day. Unfortunately, my mother died at birth and again


grandfather when I was five. I was left alone with my father, who remarried, which caught me very well. for I was left alone, they having other concerns. I grew up free, without prejudice, although at that time the world was ruled by dogma and etiquette, under the seemingly careful guidance of an old housekeeper. I didn't miss anything, because the family's income was quite consistent, even for that period.


Ever since I began to develop my own self, I have known that I am not like everyone else around me. This is due to a voice that always rang in my mind; whenever I asked myself a question or had a doubt, my voice would come up and give me answers or tell me what to do. Around the age of twelve I learned that my real name was Christopher, and that I had come here on this earth at my request to reincarnate.


Here he stops and takes a deep breath and makes a sound that brings a lot of sighing.


I reach out and grab a cup of tea. I put it in my mouth, not with the intention of drinking, but to mask my smile. You hear hell ... reincarnation. It's like I'm talking to Julie. And that voice in my head ... a clear mess!


" I have repeatedly tried to talk to those close to me," he continued in the same monotonous voice, "but each time I was looked at with pity or fear, and even more so with the question of a specialist consultation." Luckily, the psychiatrist, to whom I am grateful even today, said that it is just a transient, normal phase that occurs in certain children who have a rich imagination. This made me shut myself in, or even try to ignore this voice, but things didn't stop there. Communications or dream messages began to appear to me, showing me various events or situations that were to appear in my life. It is true that these events took place the next day or at the latest the next day, so they were communications of immediate events, but they always took place in the formula shown.


I think I have this kind of communication too. I wake up in the morning knowing what stock market indices will rise. I know, I instinctively feel what are the advantageous investments, when to sell and when to buy, but that doesn't make me treat people, give them hope! I look into his eyes trying to tell him these things, but he goes ahead of me:


- After long freaks, in which I tried to ignore the voice, and the voice tried in every way to get in touch with me, I think around the age of fifteen, I decided to let her speak.


That's how I found out that the person talking to me was a friend of mine. He told me his name, but asked me not to call him by name, which is why I called him Friend. In this way a rather fruitful collaboration began between me and him, he says, because I perceived him as male, a collaboration from which I had a lot to gain. Thanks to him, I understood the universe, birth, death, what a healthy lifestyle means, and many other things that were of real use to me, both in my further development as an individual and as a spiritual evolution. He was the one who spoke to me for the first time about reincarnation.


I tried to find out what reincarnation means, but I found in the house only a series of issues of an old spiritualism magazine, from which I could not deduce anything, moreover I began to fear and wonder if not they are under the influence of an evil spirit, from the tagma of those mentioned by the church.


While searching for earthly explanations of this connection, I came to study medicine


and psychiatry, a profession that opened new horizons for me and with the help of which I deepened - of course after passing like doctors through all the symptoms of various mental illnesses, which I found with a lot of responsibility - both human anatomy and the functioning of various body mechanisms and systems. This led me to conclude that we no longer know anything about the functions of the brain, about the energetic functioning of the body, about the triggering mechanism of diseases, much less about their treatment.


In the light of this new information, I began to accept this communication as a gift and not as a burden. I spent nights in a row asking and listening, contradicting or approving. I can say that I accepted my fate and learned to live in perfect communion with this voice.


Do not understand that I began to listen blindly to him, on the contrary I often acted in contradiction, either out of ambition or out of fun, but it turned out in practice that most of the time I was the one to lose. Don't think I had a perfect existence. There are many things behind that I am not proud of and that I would not have done if I had listened to my friend's advice.

At one point, about the age of 25, a doctor passed through my town, at least that's what people called him, who stayed at the inn. It was rumored that he had various magical herbal remedies, and being possessed by that age-specific guts, I went to confront him with the clear intention of making fun of him. As soon as I left college I was a book drummer, I was confident and I had scholarly arguments that completely contradicted homeopathic treatments. I believed in the depths of my soul in all so-called paranormal or esoteric things, but it was reason that made me try to ignore them, even to look for logical arguments.


Here, Christopher paused and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. I try not to move, for fear of getting him out of this state and to stop telling the story. After a few moments, looking through me again, he resumed his story.


"You don't bother with all the discussions that followed, but I decided to leave."


with this man, to complete my knowledge. So after three years I came to a temple in Tibet. Here I managed to understand the meaning of life and my purpose. I was amazed to learn that there are paranormal abilities such as cognition, retrocognition, telekinesis, telepathy, etc. I learned that there is predestination, but also that man can change his fate if he accesses another plan. I understood that there was karma and reincarnation, but I did not know that we were born lives one by one until we reached perfection. Every human being, at a certain moment in life, comes to meet his destiny. This is decided and no one escapes. You have to meet the destiny to evolve in order to move forward. This is the only way to reach perfection. That's about it.


"Is that why I came here?" Is it destiny? Or what is the reason for my coming here?

"I don't know that either." For the moment Divine Providence says that you must have this knowledge, this experience, to gain certain information, perhaps for yourself, perhaps to give it to others, said Christopher thoughtfully.


I burst out laughing. Halal information has Divine Providence!


- Me? Why do I have to have this information myself, which I haven't done in my life


I'm not interested in them and I don't believe in them. And besides, hundreds have been written


of esoteric books. I'm lying on the shelves. Nobody reads them.


"Then how do you know hundreds have been written?"


"Because I see them," I snort.


- This knowledge, I mean the one I master, is for a few, there were not many who had access to it. It is true that many books have been written, on various topics, some very correct, but each book has its readers. Each book is actually a new facet of the Universe, which is revealed to you. They are given to you to learn and understand the transformations you have to go through, especially so that these accumulations take place at a fast pace.


"Why fast?" I ask in astonishment.


- Because there's no time. When I say time, I mean your time, the present.

I'm bothered by something, but I don't know what. I realize that it is the excessive use of the second person plural.

I have a strange feeling, as if someone else is speaking through Christopher's mouth. I decide to insist:

"Why do I have to have this knowledge?"


"Because it was set before you were born." You have made a pact with the Universe and you must keep it. Any deviation from the plan is sanctioned. Any failed mission means a new beginning, a new preparation of another entity and unfortunately there is no time.


- A pact is a convention with bilateral clauses, meaning it has terms and conditions, I say




- That's how it is. but unfortunately beings living on Earth do not have access to this information in the body.

"I mean, I have to keep my head forward without worrying about anything else and believe what you're telling me," I say.

Christopher bowed his head.


Do I feel like I'm talking to someone else? I think I'm stupid, or maybe Christopher plays a great role. he makes fun of me, as no one has. I'm in unfamiliar territory. I decide to take a risk and continue the game.


"So you're telling me to go with you?"


- That's how it is. Have I disappointed you often? I'm a little shocked by the question.


It depends on who the question comes from, I dodge. If it comes from Christopher, I would answer that he has not yet had time to disappoint me, but if the question were asked by God, then I would answer that I have disappointed myself, that I have fallen ill, that I want to die. and I also want to run out of wealth! Of course, God, in case he exists, disappointed me and now as a crowning of my life I receive information, which besides the fact that I am not interested, I have to tell others! It's not enough that I'm dying, at least to make fun of myself globally, for everyone to know. And where else can you say that this is a task whose impact can be disastrous. - You mean?


- I mean, if we start from the idea that I would find out something, something that needs to be said to others,


we must admit that there will be people whose lives could change. Maybe for better or maybe worse. I mean their own vision. Why change people's lives?


- Everything is written. Those who will not have to change will not. What are you actually doing? Don't you change people's lives?

"Yes, but all right," I shouted. I bring them profit, I give them money, and money, if you somehow forgot, can bring happiness, and I give them that, happiness.

- From whose point of view? Maybe they were more satisfied without it, they had more


time for them, maybe they didn't run around the shops to satisfy their whims, maybe they didn't have lovers, maybe they would have lived happily with their families, they would have had time for children, they would have gone to the green grass in place to stay in luxury hotels, bunker type, with air conditioning and security.


I feel like laughing. Who would prefer to drive a Renault Clio instead of a Ferrari? Let me see the one who voluntarily gives up black caviar, lobster and champagne for a barbecue on the edge of the ditch.


- Does that mean I'm wrong? I say, trying to penetrate this man's way of thinking.

- No, you show them a way. They decide. Follow her or not. So with information. You give it, no one is forced to accept it. Some will listen to it to the head, others to half, and others will not even hear it. It will remain somewhere in nothingness. So what?


" Of course I do, at my own risk." I make fun of myself, so no problem!


- You won't. You will see that many people will be interested. Anyway, the discussion is premature. You are afraid of making fun of yourself here, but it does not cross your mind what it would be like to come before the Divinity with an unfinished business.


How brave this man is! he gives me life lessons! One who lives in Ali Baba's cave, has decided to be a good Samaritan and gives me lectures on how sweet poverty is. I would see you with three children and a pregnant wife screaming for food! Let me see your altruism then!


"This is something that seems so hypothetical and distant in the future that it's not even worth considering," I say, almost bluntly. Of course, somewhere in our souls we all have the conviction that we have to do only good things, but I don't know how many do it and I don't know where this feeling comes from.


- That's about what characterizes you living entities. You are interested in what the neighbor says, that until the other world we see, and when the end point approaches, you start to complain, to complain of pity, when in fact things could have been so simple and easy.


" It's easy for you to talk like that," I snort. Stay here, thank you, in the tongs palace


and give directions.


I feel waves of indignation overwhelm me. Hear the guts! I open my mouth with the intention of giving him a sharp reply, but I can't take it anymore, because I see how Cristofor's gaze changes, his face being illuminated by the same pleasant smile.


" I think you should go get some rest," he tells me. If you have any more questions we can talk in the afternoon.

I'm sitting on top of the bed. At least I feel good. All sorts of ideas run through my head. What if I have more questions? I have a thousand, a million. I don't believe anything he tells me, and if you judge rationally, nothing stands. Hear reincarnation, these are Julie's nonsense. I think they both fit in perfectly. My laughter snorts! Listen, feel like you're talking to ... I'm ashamed to say his name ... God. only


I'm waiting for tomorrow!


After lunch, which to my amazement consisted of tofu cheese with vegetables and rice, sitting in the same comfortable chair, but this time with the lessons learned, so as not to be taken by surprise, I ask him:


- What can you tell me about creation? And when I say creation, I mean biblical creation, Adam and Eve, heaven and earth.

Cristofor takes a deep breath:


- Everything you know and everything you do not know was made by the power of the four elements, fire, water, air and earth. Both the macrocosm-universe and the microcosm-earth, with all that exists in them, were born from the ingenious combination of these elements. in the microcosm the small-scale macrocosm is actually mirrored; they are interdependent, although they seem separate, and they work depending on each other. They are parts of one and the same organism.


- Where do these elements come from?


"They were born of Akasha, the supreme."


- What is Akasha? I ask puzzled.


Akasha is part of God. in a way it is God himself. It is the causal sphere. This is where they all start and come back here. It exists beyond time and space, it is uncreated and indefinable. It is the origin of all thoughts, intentions, deeds. Everything was created from here and it will stop here.


I feel like I'm laughing.


- Was man also created here?


- Man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, that is, of the one whom


you call him God. In man is found the Universe, on a much smaller scale. All the elements we talked about are in it. He was created from Akasha and obeys the Universal Laws.


Maybe others were created from Akasha and obey the Laws! I feel independent. I created myself! I feel like screaming at such idiots, but I calm down and decide to leave:


- And what role do these elements play in the appearance of man?


- With their help, man was created. Better made of coarse matter, in fact also of elements, but of another vibrational bill to which was added a drop of Akasha, that is, what you call the Holy Spirit. That's how man was born.


This will not sound good to me at all. As if he, the great Christopher does not interfere in the trough with us, the pigs! He is independent. He is neither God nor mortal. It's somewhere in the middle.


"And why did he create us?" I ask, staring into his eyes.


- You are sons and daughters of God. in each of you He shines. Through you He knows Himself. With every birth, experience, death, with every experience you enrich it.


"I mean, in a way, he thought he was playing a kind of supreme selfishness." Specifically, he was bored with what idea came to him ... let's make humanity. So if we're not perfect, it's his fault


There is no guilt. There is neither good nor evil in the Universe. It is a side of the elements. Each element is positive or negative.


- Every man carries in him both aspects. At the same time, each element can be neutral, ie unmanifest. But he exists in a latent state, said Christopher.

- How positive and negative?


- Take fire, for example. It gives warmth, sustains life, helps prepare food, but it can destroy, kill, erase entire cities from the face of the earth.


- What element was created first? I ask, trying to look interested.


- In the beginning the light was created. Light is an attribute of fire. So fire was the first element created. Then came water, air, and then earth, and from their connection, as I said, man.


- What do these elements do in the choir?


- They help to compose, maintain, die and decompose it. Each element has according to the universal laws a certain role. These elements have a certain balance.


- What happens when this balance disappears?


- Then the disease intervenes. This first appears as a discomfort, this may be due to an irrational diet, the body gives certain signals, which are usually ignored. A medium imbalance can cause a disease with a devastating impact.


"I mean, if I ate healthy, I had a good balance," I ask mischievously.


- We need to eat diversified, to cover all the necessary elements.


"I mean," I said, "if I was healthy, wouldn't I get sick?"


"Yeah, not really," he replies.


I decide to accept the answer, at least for now and continue:


- What about vegetarians?


- Vegetarians can make up for the lack of meat by consuming foods that are rich in the earth element. You have to understand that it's about combustion. By combustion, food is transformed into elements, which are taken up by the body and used as such. The same goes for air. It is also used for combustion. At the same time, you receive prana through inspiration, which in turn is composed of elements. If an item is missing, an imbalance occurs immediately.


- Okay, what about Buddhist monks? They feed on wonders and live without imbalances


100 years, I ask intentionally.


- That's right, but they take their elements from Akasha, through prana. They had used only small amounts of food to keep their digestive tract active. Due to the fact that their main food source is prana, they receive the elements in their pure state and in optimal quantity for each individual.


They feed on prana Damn! They sit all day like vegetables, do not make an effort and therefore do not consume calories. Of course, this kind of activity also leads to an olive tree.

- Regarding fire, a man with this excess element burns his curse?


- No, but he is hyperactive, he is constantly moving, he cannot concentrate for a long time, he is not in a state. Just as a man with the element of excess earth is slow, lazy, heavy.


- So in God are all these elements found? I point.


- Yes, but you must not forget that they were born of Him, of the Akashic Principle.


- Do I understand that man is made up only of elements and the Holy Spirit?


- Yes, but there are also certain magnetic and electric fluids that pass through it, and with the help of which it can exist.

- You mean electric currents?


- Yes, but not in the sense that you understand electricity, although analogies can be made with it. You have to see the human body as a complex mechanism. That will appears again, which makes me jump.


- Each part of the body is predominated by a certain element with a certain polarity, Cristofor continues. Each organ has a certain circuit of electric or magnetic fluid. In some, the magnetic fluid comes out from the inside out, in others, the electric fluid comes out from the inside out. Any disturbance of this flow means imbalance and disease. Your ancestors knew this. There have been famous schools in the past that focused only on regulating imbalances and that achieved spectacular results through a simple herbal treatment.


- There is still homeopathy today. Everywhere in the world there is a great case of


natural food, organic products.


- That's right, but it's just the beginning. Man must remember who he really is and what his role is on earth.


- So we can take these elements from the environment. Are they everywhere?

- Yes, they are found in all of Creation. You are surrounded by them; everything that exists is made from their union, but their vibration makes them so diverse. These elements and their fluids are the cause of everything that is material on earth, both inside and outside it. They are found in all kingdoms. The earth is traversed inside by an electric fluid, and outside by a magnetic fluid. The latter has the role of attracting and retaining all compact, solid things. Everything that is born, lives and dies on this earth is subject to the laws of elements and fluids.


- Are they only valid here? I ask irritated by the way I express myself. It is placed above us, the vulgar!

- Yes, each universe has its own laws. They are final and irrevocable. They were given at the beginning of creation and will disappear when the creation disappears. Everything that exists submits, is born, lives and dies in accordance with them. When I say death, I mean a shift to another plane.


- I deduce that man exists and lives because of these elements? I ask, avoiding


they refer to the hypothetical other plan, which in fact does not even exist.


- Yes, these elements are manifested in man, both in soul and body. All


the physical and energetic functions of any living system - when I say alive I mean plant, animal or human - are provided and coordinated by seven energy centers, which you call cakre. In humans, they are arranged along the spine, from the base to the top of the head.


That's enough for me today. I tell him I'm tired and I want to retire. But tomorrow I'll resume the conversation from exactly that place. In fact, I'm not tired, I just have my head so full I can't discern the information anymore. Not that I would believe anything, but I have to store them correctly and then disassemble them one by one. I show him that not all people are stupid! There are others who think. I build a whole scaffolding in my mind and


that I fall asleep late. The next day I am amazed to find that the owner of the house does not refuse to come for breakfast or to talk to me, the meeting takes place only the next day. I'm in the lab again.


- I apologize for not being able to see each other yesterday, but it was the day I had to get to Bucharest.

Only now do I realize it was the first Tuesday of the month. I feel a little bad for judging him, but the feeling disappears pretty quickly. I decide to resume the conversation where I left off.


"I was stuck." What are these scars and what role do they play?


- Their earthly name is known to all who have had access to Buddhist philosophy. Thus we have the lowest chakra, which is called Muladhara or the center of the earth and is red. The second chakra is Swadisthana or the center

water. It is located next to the sexual organs and is orange. The third chakra, that of fire, is in the area of ​​the navel and is called Manipura. The fourth chakra of the air is called Anahata and is green. The fifth teal is in the thyroid area at the base of the neck, is blue in color and is called Vishuda. It is the center of the akashic principle. The sixth indigo-colored scarf is Ajna, also known as the third eye, it is found on the forehead, between the eyebrows and represents the center of the will. The seventh purple scarlet, Sahasrara, is found on the top of the head. This chakra is in fact the supreme, divine center, which coordinates the activity of the other centers. All these centers coordinate and control the activity of the body.


- In addition to these, there are two centers in the brain, which cannot be called chakras. One is in the cerebrum, that is, in the big brain, and responds consciously,

and the other is in the cerebellum, that is, the small brain, and responds unconsciously. Along the spine is an energy channel, through which the Akashic Principle circulates and is responsible for the connection, operation and control of the seven chakras. These chakras in turn generate seven biofields, which surround man. They are concentric. You need to see them in the shape of onion leaves. They start from the outer limit of the living system and have certain variable distances, specific to each organism.

Come on, you screwed me up! I heard there are seven chakras, but no one can confirm that. Have no pictures ever been taken? I was saying to myself.

" These pictures were taken," he said, as if hearing my thought.


Have you heard of the Kirilian effect?




- There were two Russian scientists, husband and wife, who managed to record on the radiology cliché, by electron-graphic printing, the auras of the bodies. Later, starting from this idea, a group of Romanian researchers managed to capture the upper chakras on film. There is also a book. The auras of bodies. Too bad you don't know Romanian. It would be interesting to read. In fact, over time, many people have done this kind of experiment.


"What are these biofields?" I ask. Does anyone know them?


Of course yes, they are known. The first biofield is the one that leaves the immediate vicinity of the body. Co answers Muladharei. He coordinates the vital functions of


system and is responsible for health. It has a size of 1.50-2 m. In the case of diseased living systems, this biofield is reduced, and when the body dies, it disappears. The second energy field deals with the self-regulation of its own functions, with the regeneration of cells, with the production of substances necessary for normal functioning. It controls and supervises the functioning of the whole assembly, ie the body, at the optimal parameters. The third biofield is responsible for protecting the living system. He notices everything that enters the living system space, whether it is a positive or negative stimulus, informs the subconscious, and it in turn emits specific signals. These can be feelings of revulsion, fear, apprehension, sympathy, confidence, etc. These signals pass to the level of the conscious, which is thus informed of what is happening in its space, so that in turn it can take the necessary measures. If this biofield does not operate at optimal parameters there is a risk of accidents. The fourth biofield is responsible for the connection between the living system and the earth. This communication is usually unconscious, but it can be done volitionally in the case of people who have a certain esoteric background. This biofield receives information about future cataclysms that may occur in the earth's crust. The fifth biofield is responsible for the communication between the living system and other surrounding systems. They can be the same or different. By developing this field, telepathy develops. Through the sixth biofield, the living system receives and takes in both the stimuli from the environment and signals from other living organisms. The seventh biofield is responsible for the exchange of information that takes place between the living system and the Universe or Divinity. All these biofields have the color of the corresponding chakras. It must be said that the dimensions of these fields are variable. They depend on the current state of the system and are influenced by activities, thoughts, entourage. Any pathogenic condition severely diminishes the first biofield, then the second, after which it spreads, with a lower intensity to the others. He speaks so beautifully that I can hardly believe it!


- So that's how the body works. It is interesting. But what happens in the case of evolved people, of those with a pronounced spirituality? Are the chakras and biofields perfect, do they work optimally? Does that bring you closer to God? I ask with a wave of sarcasm.


- Yes it works at optimal parameters, but it's not that simple. In this kind of people there is an opening of the last cakre, of the Sahasrara. It looks like a lotus. The higher the aspirations of the person, the lighter and more purple the lotus is.


- Does opening the lotus to the maximum mean the maximum of evolution ?, I ask, thinking that after that you can take your flight and reach directly into the welcoming arms of the heavenly Father, who strokes your head and puts you back in the drawer, from where according with the law of reincarnation, he will draw you out when he sees fit.


- Not. When the lotus reaches its maximum, Christopher adds, it means that man a


reached perfection, that it is in permanent communion with the Creator and then it receives as a gift the possibility to activate three other chakras, and with their appearance other biofields are born. These bio-fields are responsible for the so-called miracles that some people can perform. I say so because you see those who do these things as aliens, prophets, or worse, wizards, when in fact they should.


you know that these gifts are for everyone. Every being has the opportunity to access Him. They are not intangible things, because they were given to people in order to become aware of their own divinity. These three chakras are outside the human body. I try to get an idea of ​​all this, but I fail even though I claim to be open-minded. From the story I understand that when you say that you have finished, that you have succeeded, you have reached the maximum of spiritual evolution, God comes and says: I have fooled you, you have not finished, but you have passed to another level of the game, and to you go up, you have to take it down again.


"The first is the cakra of Divine Knowledge," he continued. It is in the form of a silver disc and is located above the top of the head at a distance of about 20 cm. It begins its formation with the awareness of the Divine Truths; it grows with the appearance of wisdom and is completed when this wisdom begins to manifest. The ninth center is that of Divine Love. This scar actually comprises three more scarves located as follows: two in the palms, and the third above the whistle of the foot. The latter is activated only when you stand with your right foot over your left. They are, in fact, the cornerstones of the crucifixion of the one you call Jesus.


- Do we call him Jesus? What do you call him? I snort, giving up the formula of politeness.

- He has many names, but the best known is that of Jesus, I hear him answer me calmly. The main chakra existed before Golgotha. It was originally a gold disc. He was responsible for the intensity of the mystical feelings and the spiritual connection of man with the divine. Through the crucifixion of Christ, His blood was shed on earth. in the blood and in the semen there is the Holy Spirit, that is, life itself. So the Holy Spirit of Christ was united with Mother Earth, thus perfecting the union between Heaven and Earth. At that moment the aura of the earth received an impulse, which was given to you all to be able to overcome that stage of evolution. At the same time, the three additional chakras appeared, which are directly coordinated by the love chakra. Their activation means that man has reached that point of his evolution in which he has become aware and thus can manifest Christ in him. The first is always more developed. The order of the eight and nine chakras actually shows that through Knowledge we reach Love and then Consummation, which is the tenth chakra. This is the crakra of Consummation. It forms and coordinates the last biofield, that of the Holy Spirit. The formation of this chakra shows that man acquired through his own efforts the attributes of divinity. The development of these three centers represents the way in which man can reach the divine. This represents the connection of heaven with the earth, and at that moment they become a unitary whole, in the midst of which man is. But not an ordinary, mortal man, but the very divinity incarnate on earth.


" And do you think there were such people?" I ask in astonishment.


- There have been and still are, although there are very few. For a long time there were those esoteric schools, which aimed at accessing man to higher levels, to spirituality, nowadays, as far as I see, there are schools, but knowledge is greatly diminished, not out of bad will, but due to the fact that much of the information They were lost.


- Why did that information disappear?


- They have not disappeared, because they exist in each of you, the path that the followers had to follow to access those plans has been lost. Why? Human nature intervened.


The human being par excellence has a selfish personality. Those who mastered knowledge wanted to be the only ones to have it, to be in some way mediators between the divine and the human. This is a desire that contradicts universal laws, because knowledge is given to all equally.


- Yes, but I met people with some esoteric knowledge, who said they knew things I couldn't tell them. Honestly, I was not concerned with the subject and therefore not being interested in finding out what I could not say, I did not try to delve into it.


It was their own interpretation. You can say anything if you know how. You need to talk to everyone in their own way. Here lies the grace of a true master. You cannot explain quantum physics to a man with a modest background in academic terms, but you can do it using a common language. I must mention, however, that it is useless to expose a person to a problem, if he does not express his wish, I would even say that it is a great mistake. Everyone must respect the freedom to make their own decisions.


"You mean free will?"


- Yes. It is one of the fundamental laws of creation.


"How glad I am!" So, I deduce that my free will and I decided to get sick and die!

I think I was in an alcoholic coma when I made this decision, because I don't remember.

- No, your illness is the reward of your own deeds. You have decided with free will to take certain actions, and the consequence of these is the state in which you find yourself.

I feel my blood boil in my veins and scream:


"What the hell did I do to deserve this?" I did not deceive my wife, I did not neglect my family, I did not beat my children and I did not drive them out in the street, I chose to live alone, just to be safe from these mistakes. I made money, that's right, but I gave to others. I took information out of the competition, but I paid for it with hard money, and those who gave it to me did so willingly. I did not threaten them with a gun or torture them. I lived in luxury and spent my own money. I made donations to all the charity balls I was invited to and I went to all of them, I didn't dodge like many of my acquaintances do. What the hell did I have to do? Should I take out one eye and give it to the poor? Shall I take them unwashed from the street and put them to bed with me?


I look into Cristofor's eyes. I hope that what I discern in them is not compassion! I don't need anyone's mercy! I am convinced that mercy is the most lazy feeling, because mercy places you above others.


- If God exists, why didn't He give me a choice? I kept shouting. Why didn't I get the ability to know these things? I don't think it's fair for someone else to decide for me. I want to have the opportunity to know, to decide, to postpone certain things, because I am the one directly involved!


- What is written will be fulfilled anyway. If you intervene by force, you will postpone that,


but the reward will be yours. You need to know that with knowledge, you cannot act.


Here wisdom must intervene in analyzing the situation correctly.


"Then why do I still know?" In fact, what is knowledge, is it wisdom, discernment, the possibility of knowing the truth?

- Knowing the truth, having the opportunity to access it, you also gain the ability to discern. You can see beyond time and space. There is a big difference between


knowledge and wisdom. It is much easier to gain knowledge than wisdom. wisdom does not depend on knowledge, although they have much in common. Knowledge strikes you in all areas of earthly existence. It depends on the mind's ability to assimilate vital information, store it, and pass it on to generations. wisdom is the attribute of divinity. It does not depend on memory or the brain, but comes directly from Akasha. It is given to man according to his degree of spiritual evolution and leads to the perfection of the self. It is not obligatory to have wisdom and knowledge. It is much easier indeed, but they are not addictive.


I decide not to insist anymore, so as not to make fun of myself, because I didn't understand anything of what he meant and I change the subject:


- Regarding the chakra of perfection, do the people who succeed in this become a kind of independent gods?

- No. They become parts of a whole. And you are part of the same whole, but they are


they are identical, have the same characteristics and powers. They can leave at any time and dissolve into the Creator himself, leave the earthly sphere, or remain here.


- What does it mean to dissolve in the Creator? You mean to die?


- They do not die but unite with God. They thus become co-Creators. This is the highest reward. It is the supreme. All the entities of all the plans aim at it.


To see the one who rules the world and voluntarily decides to leave to unite with a hypothetical God!

- Did Jesus enter into the Father?


- No, he waived this right. It is the proof of a great love. Jesus


as well as other entities, he loves you so much that he has remained attached to the earthly plan to be of use to you. It is a gesture that people cannot perceive as they should. It is the second sacrifice that this noble being makes for the benefit of humanity. By remaining in it, he reactivated the Christ given to the crucifixion, thus shortening the path to salvation.


Jesus seems to have been a smart boy! He turned it around! See ladies he gave up this right out of love for us, not that he would have liked it here! I give up thinking. Cristofor seems to be tired, because he proposes to me to retire.


Sitting in bed, I try to recall today's conversation. I pass all the information through the reason filter and realize that they have no real basis. I wonder if this man really believes what he says. It does not matter anyway. At least now time passes more easily, I don't get bored anymore, the food is edible and I started to feel good. What seems strangest to me is that during all this time, although I complained, I felt miserable, I cried for pity, I did not want to leave. I could always tell them I was giving up, or I could just leave without anyone stopping me. How strange! I try to rummage through my brain for at least one subject in the so-called paranormal realm that I know a little bit about. I remember talking to Julie about reincarnation. I will ask him about this! I know for sure it doesn't exist! I have arguments! I fall asleep happily.


After lunch, sitting in the same chair, with a sober mine, I try to open the discussion to channel it to the path I want.


"Maybe we could talk about the soul and recharge today." I have great doubts in


as for its existence, I begin lazily.


- With pleasure, you can ask me anything.


- Are there a limited number of souls?


- in creation there are no limits. This is an earthly word. Nothing in the Universe is limited. Everything is constantly expanding and transforming.

- But aren't newborn babies new souls? I ask.


- No, they are souls who have lived on this earth before or souls who come to incarnate from other universes or solar systems, and whose earthly incarnation is unknown, but they are certainly not newly created. It is true that not all souls have the same astral antiquity; some are very old, millions of years old, others are younger, only a few hundred thousand years old.

- I do not believe in reincarnation, what arguments can be made in support of this theory?


- To doubt reincarnation is to doubt the very act of creation. How do you think that God in his great wisdom could give a child at birth health, understanding, intellectual capacity, a loving family with material possibilities and another deficiencies, troubles, distorted parents.


- This is where the deeds of the parents come into play. If they have sins, then the child has problems, is born with certain diseases or disabilities, and the parents suffer, I say, vaguely reminding me of what the church says.


- Okay, then where is the justice? What is the fault of the incarnate soul? If souls are equal before God, if they are without sin, then they should have the same coordinates of life from the beginning. What is the fault of the entity that thrives in a life full of deprivation, which is born from the beginning with a social country. If you leave


the idea that there is no reincarnation and that new souls are coming, then you explain this injustice. That would mean that someone up there sits and shares his luck as he pleases.


- That's exactly what I'm saying! Someone up there is standing up and sharing justice. I think there's a big queue for Bill Gates and Donald Trumph, with waiting lists for a few years. If they were free will, I think everyone would want them to be fathers.


"If you don't accept the law of reincarnation, you can't explain it to a child born without."


legs why he can not become an athlete, why God in his mercy decided so. All


it seems illogical. See that it doesn't connect. But if you accept reincarnation, then the explanation


it's simple. This is where karma comes into play.


What is karma?


- The law of karma is the supreme law. It is the law of cause and effect. Every cause gives rise to an effect and every effect has a cause. Specifically, an action has a certain result. It is the very law of physics. If you throw a stone into the lake, the waves of water will remain behind it, more and more smooth, until they disappear, only in one incarnation, the effects of an action can disappear only after several successive incarnations.


How can you break the law of karma?


- Paying all your debts and getting back everything you owe. It's a kind of zero point if you want, a point where you no longer owe or owe anything. Once here you have the chance to be above this law, but only if you have knowledge and wisdom.


"Okay, let's face it," I say, "but a man lives an average of 70 years." What if the people I'm connected to aren't here with me? If there is a gap, a phase shift, if


it lasts several incarnations in a row. I'm dying, and they're just being born.


- See in this lies the wisdom of the Creator. The law of attraction causes you to be born into compact groups of entities. All the souls connected with each other are born and live at about the same time, even if thousands of miles away. You have to see these groups as flocks, they come and go at about the same time. Only those who in one way or another have a connection with the group that is about to arrive linger. This is the explanation of the fact that in one era music, painting, literature have grown, and in another science, medicine, technique. It is about the homogeneity of the group.

I have to admit, it makes sense. In three sentences he managed to shake my arguments. If reincarnation still exists? Then how does the soul enter the body?

- How does the soul enter the body? I say out loud.


- The connection between soul and body is made with the help of the astral matrix. This represents the connection between soul and body and here are found all the character traits of an individual.


" You mean the aura?"


- No, the aura is completely different. It represents the emanation, the radiation of all the elements twinned in man, an emanation that produces certain vibrations, to which certain colors correspond, while the astral matrix is ​​a bridge between the soul and the body, through which it perceives the terrestrial plane. Without a soul, the matrix would disintegrate, because it is not independent.

- What happens to souls after they die?


- They pass from the terrestrial to the astral plane, in the specific place and according to the vibration of each one. This is where the principle of light density comes into play. The brighter a soul is, the more it will access higher vibrational planes, the darker the soul, the rougher it will reach. This depends on the degree of development and evolution of each individual. At the moment of death there is in fact a sudden rupture of the bonds between the elements and thus the soul is released and can ascend into the astral world. The soul traverses all its areas and remains attached to the plane that perfectly corresponds to its vibration.


- I mean in hell or heaven, I point out.


- There is no hell or heaven. There is only near or far from the Divine. Hell and heaven are earthly words. It is true that souls describe distance from God as the cruelest torture. If the entities knew what it meant to live in the dark, even for a short period of time, they would give up activating their negative polarity.


"That's another matter." Why don't we know what we did and what awaits us? I think it would be much better.

Forgetting is another law of the universe. It must exist for man to annihilate karma. Do you think that if you knew you were marrying your killer from another life, you would? Could you accept that your sister is the person who destroyed your life and killed you? Would you love your child if you knew he was the incarnation of the one who killed you in the past? Would you sit at the table with your parents if you knew that in another life it was those who forced you to drop out of school to get married? And the examples can go on and on. In order for his karma to be fulfilled, the legislator must become lawless, the victim executioner, the loving husband and the loving husband, the parent child, the patient doctor, and so on until every soul


he will have mastered all these vibrations, feelings, perfecting his knowledge. When this is done, he will reach wisdom. There is no wise soul who has not known all these plans. What differentiates the entities from each other is the number of incarnations in which they acquired them. Some took a few lives, others a few hundred, but in the end all beings will be perfect, in the same place where they left. meanwhile they must go through successive births and deaths, through stays and expectations in the astral plane in order to incarnate optimally. There are incarnations that are chosen for them by the angels of karma.


- So in the astral plane are only the souls that must come to the incarnation? I ask.

The astral plane has many and varied inhabitants. In addition to the souls destroyed here are the so-called elementals. They are here because they were created by people's thoughts and are loaded with a certain predominant element. They are creations of coarse vibration, some have their own will, but what is more important is that when the reincarnation of the generating entity they return with it to the physical plane, accompanying it and giving it certain specific features, mostly negative. In addition, the so-called worms or larvae are also found in the astral plane. And they are also a "magnificent" creation of man. They are created consciously or unconsciously by intense sensory impulses. They are not real beings, they do not have their own will, but they exist and feed on the emanations of animal passions. They are of various vibrations. and feed only on emanations specific to the passion that generated them.For this reason, if the creator is no longer in the terrestrial plane, they pile on another victim, who possesses the same passions.A man full of lusts, will he draws upon himself a whole horde of such beings, which will make him even more subjugated to his passions, and here, in the astral plane, meet other kinds of entities, they are elevated beings, they have various vibrations, and they were created by God himself. are coordinating entities of the terrestrial plane and the four elements.Thus we have the elementals, which I emphasize, are different from the elementals, represent the four elements and are known as salamanders, s ilfi, undine and goblins. satires, iele, etc. These beings maintain the stability between the astral and the physical plane. They often interfere with the balance of your planet; without them life would be chaos, for they repair and make up for what you destroy.


I don't know why, everything he says seems familiar to me. Where else have I heard these things? I think in talking to Julie. Yeah sure! She spoke to me of entities, of the angel of death, of guardian angels. My dear Julie! I feel like I miss her. A lump forms in my throat, but I decide to continue:


"Is the angel of death or death here?"


- The entity that is responsible for the destruction or death, as you call it,


Cristofor answers me, after a rather long pause, he is not in this plan, because it is directly subordinated to the Creator. Due to this attribute it can traverse all planes and worlds. It is ubiquitous and eternal. It appeared with the creation and helps to fulfill it. It is an evolved and respected being. You see it as a negative entity.


"Especially when he comes when you least expect it, and I'm talking here knowingly!"


- It comes when it receives the signal from the causal plane, to fulfill the effect. It comes neither earlier nor later, but exactly when it is written. It cuts the connection between the soul and the body and helps to detach it from the earthly plane.


Then he takes the soul and takes it to the astral plane, where it helps him find his place and integrate.


- Why doesn't the soul go alone?


- There are few souls who would do this voluntarily. They would rather stay attached to the ground plane, and this would create a total imbalance. They would parasitize their descendants, friends, enemies and would no longer have the opportunity to reincarnate.


I don't think any soul wants to die! Who wants to leave their fortune, their friends, their life? Who wants to be buried or burned, to disappear, to dissolve into nothingness?


- What can be done with the body after it is left by the soul? Should he be buried or burned?

- The helmet is like a garment, it is a shell that will dissolve returning back to the state corresponding to each element. It's just a matter of perception, of faith. In fact, it doesn't matter, the main thing is for it to dissipate in the initial elements.


- So man lives on the physical plane and when he dies he goes to the other plane?


- Not just when he dies. The human soul is constantly connected with the astral plane, for that is what the other plane is called. With the help of the electromagnetic fluid in this plane the astral matrix is ​​created, just as with the help of the electromagnetic fluid in the mental plane the mental matrix is ​​created.


- What is the mental plan? I ask, slightly upset.


- It is the world of thoughts and ideas, and this plan was also born from the combination of the four existing elements in Akasha. This is where all the new, revolutionary ideas came from, this is where the inventions were born for the first time. It is one of the most subtle forms of Akashi. Anyone can take information from here, but its accuracy depends on the degree of maturity, attitude and degree of evolution that the spirit has. Each new thought is generated by one element, and if there are several ideas, then there is a combination of several elements. Each thought has its own color, shape and vibration. The human spirit is like an antenna, receives these signals, introduces them into the subconscious, and then brings them to the surface in the conscious. Once here, these ideas become feasible. The better prepared a person is in that field, the faster they will materialize.


"Do I really understand that God created them?"


- All these ideas existed and exist in Akasha. They appear gradually according to a well-established plan. There would have been no logic if the plane appeared in front of the fuel or the internet in front of the computer.


I don't see any connection between the plane, the fuel, the computer and God, but I decide not to delve into the subject anymore, because the rain of information I received is still buzzing in my brain. I admit that hamlets are pertinent explanations, but they have no material basis! How can you prove the existence of the astral plane, of the entities, of Akasha?


- How can you prove palpable, and when I say palpable, I mean material evidence, that there is reincarnation?

- It's a feeling that comes from inside every person. Some know it, others know it


become aware later, and never others. It depends on the degree of evolution of each.


"I want evidence," I say sharply.


"You may not like the truth," Cristofor replies thoughtfully.


- I can stand anything. I want to know the truth! I want to find out my own lives, to


I understand what I did, what I did wrong, in case there is reincarnation. If God takes free will into account, as you say, if what you have told me so far contains a touch of truth, I ask it on my own responsibility to know. I have this right! I want to know, to relive, to be aware of my own lives. They are my lives, they belong to me, so I should have access to them, I shouted in frustration.


Cristofor is silent, looking into my eyes. After a few seconds of awkward silence I hear:


" It will be so!" You will have access! May Divine Providence help you to pass this test.

You have two more days to ask me anything you want. After that we will have to take a break, because we will have to continue with the treatment, he tells me, sighing deeply.


From the silence that ensued, I deduce that the meeting is over. I apologize politely and go to the room. I can't say I'm upset. The information is spinning in my brain. I decide not to think about anything anymore and fall asleep. I dream that I am on a yacht, I listen to the sea and I feel good. Water has always relaxed me. I wake up in a good mood, rested and fresh. Guard Christopher, for I am coming!

I think about what else to ask him today and I decide to approach the topic of predestination, of fate.

After an acceptable lunch of lentil and rice soup with vegetables and endive salad, I sit down again on the already familiar chair. I see Cristofor a little sad and dark-skinned. I decide to start the discussion:


"From what I understand, everything is predestined." Whatever you do you have a fate that is decided.

- Yes and no. It was obligatory to be born here, now, in these conditions, but it was not obligatory to learn, to keep your company, to stay where you live. Even if they are karmic connections, they would have appeared in your life in another form. understand that time and place are predetermined. What you do during the time you are given is your choice.


- Can man get rid of karmic debts in one lifetime?


- Yes, but only through esoteric knowledge, he answers me with difficulty, by accessing higher plans, by approaching life in a different way. Know that it is a difficult and difficult road, there are many who


they managed to get through it, but they showed a lot of courage and self-control.


"You mean the Buddhist monks?"


- No, unfortunately they develop their spiritual side to the detriment of the other structures. He develops it so strongly that when they come to reincarnation they are driven by the same desire, the path of the ascetic, they do everything for


get there again, and so the circle can not be closed, for as I said, to access

divinity, man must be perfect in all planes.


- What is the path to be followed to reach perfection?


The path of temperance. The path of balance. Following these paths man must reach devotion, forgiveness, love, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. But before he can assimilate these vibrations, he must be


gone through all the sins of the world, through despair and ecstasy, through hatred, anger and passion, through poverty and


abundance. He must know all the sides of creation and acquire all their specific characteristics. The diamond of perfection is hidden in the mire of animal feelings. You have to put your hand in the mud, get dirty to bring it to light, and once removed it is yours, it represents


your age-old endeavor. No one and nothing can take it away from you. People must come to be aware of their own divinity, to reach that point where their inner Christ can manifest. People must understand that they are not a whim of nature but are sons and daughters of God, that in their astral matrix shines the Holy Spirit, who gives them the same rights and powers, equal to those of Jesus.


Jesus chose his own path, not the Father did it for him; he has walked this path to show the world how every man can change his life, that death is not an obstacle to the resurrection, the kingdom of God is here, now among you. you just have to want to enter it and being there you will find that your sinful life will disappear by itself, all the hidden and dark parts of consciousness will be annihilated and transformed into light. The gate of the kingdom is open to you, you just have to find a way to reach it. The road is not easy, it is long and difficult, but the reward will be worth the effort.


"And how do we find this way?" , I ask driven by a real curiosity.


- first of all to change your life principles. The first step would be to understand that God is Pure Thinking, and when confusion or disharmony occurs, immediately turn your heart to that thought and ask yourself what God would have done in this situation. How would he react? You will find with astonishment that your soul will be invaded by a great peace and wisdom. You will instinctively know what to do. Remember that in order to be given, you must ask, because to receive without asking means a violation of free will, that is, disobedience to the law. The second very important thing is the sacralization of activity. Each activity should be done as if the creator himself is performing it.


- Can you be a little more accurate?


- For example, when you cook, act as if God is manifesting through you. Put in the pot not only food but also health, peace, love. Imagine that food contains exactly as many elements as each person needs for a balanced body. Cleanse yourself by thinking that by doing so you will remove all evil from hatred, hatred, disease, and bring peace, good understanding, harmony. Bring home potted green plants, because they represent life. Avoid cut flowers because they are living dying systems. Bring the divine breath into every action in every experience into every thought. When you take a shower, imagine that all the negative traits of your character are erased and that you become better, more understanding, more full of the Holy Spirit. Love the people around you and make them happy, surprise them with small gestures of appreciation, praise and encourage them, highlight the good things they have done and minimize their mistakes. When you go to the office, do it with pleasure, as if you were doing it for God. That's about it.


I always go to the office with pleasure and I go for myself not for another, and even less for God, who besides not helping me with anything, also puts sticks in my wheels. I decide to avoid contradictory discussions and that's why I'm looking for a way out:


- Is the shower so important? Give me an example of shower programming, because of


all the activities you have given me, this is the only one I do every day.


- Washing with water is actually washing with the element water in its pure state. Through water, that is, baptism, the sins of the world have been blotted out, so the water stores in it the new, the rebirth. Water is one of the most conductive elements, it gives life, it is creative, it is pleasant. The colder the water, the easier it is to load; so showers should be done with lukewarm water. You should know that water at 37 degrees loses this property. When you take a shower, you imagine that all the weaknesses, sins, strengths of character, diseases flow from the body and in their place appear qualities, beneficial traits, peace, health, etc. This must be done responsibly. You just have to think about what you are doing, visualize the whole process, feel how what you have programmed comes in and out.


- And that's enough to change you?


- It's not enough, but it's a step. In fact, the change is brought about by a corroboration of several actions. The first step is awareness of one's own sins and strong character. That is, what you want to change. their very awareness is the first signal that your soul gives you, a signal that shows you that inside you there is a desire for renewal, for rebirth. Then comes the fight with them. This water programming is useful here. In parallel, the same must be done


with food. Every product ingested must be processed and loaded with the same principles as water. Here, however, only the qualities or qualities you want to achieve are programmed. For example: when you drink tea, you keep your hands over the cup and you think that once that liquid enters the body, goodness, health, success, peace or whatever you want will also enter. For this to be successful, you must limit yourself in both actions to only a maximum of three things you want to change, and the time allotted for this change should be about two weeks. After that the procedure can be resumed with a new appointment. At the same time, the seeker of change must enter into a daily connection with God. This is done through a short meditation of at least five minutes. It is necessary to find a quiet place, without stimuli, a place where you can sit alone. close your eyes and start talking to God. Tell him what is bothering you, what you want to change, if you want to change something, blame him or thank him. You have to perceive the interlocutor as a friend. You will be amazed that he answers you and even understands you. Ask him for help so he can give it to you.


"It seems so complicated!" That's for those who want to change. I'm cool


satisfied with me as I am. I don't want to change. I have everything I need, I educated and trained on my own, I am in a word my own creation and I am happy


with myself, I emphasize. Whoever wants to change is free to do so. Let him set out on this difficult path if he feels that this is right for him. Thanks, no!


- It's not a difficult path. It is easy and accessible to anyone, regardless of age and training. you start slowly and then continue until you realize that something has changed.


- Is this how diseases can be treated?


- Diseases are a bit more complicated to explain. They are on the one hand very karmic and have become manifest, and on the other hand serious energy imbalances, which have not been paid attention to and which have become chronic. There are also those diseases, such as diabetes, which occur due to character traits. It most often occurs in jealous people. Not only jealous of the partner, but in general, of the achievements of others, of evolution, of abilities, etc. The same goes for the ulcer. It occurs mainly in anxious or hyperactive people, in the maladapted, in the dissatisfied or in those who do not have compassion. I can't believe it! What do you mean, if you're not jealous you don't get diabetes? What about cancer?


- What about the disease of the century, cancer? I ask.


- It's a process of self-destruction. The body, at the request of the subconscious, gives the signal to start an often irreversible process. Only one cell receives an erroneous command and turns into an executioner. This disease occurs as a result of karmic debts - and in this case the process can only be stopped at the death of the living system - or as a result of the body's maladaptation to the environment and stimuli. In the latter case, man has a chance to overcome the disease.


- How? Through surgery, irradiation?


- Everyone finds their own way. It is important to know that regardless of the path chosen, the person affected by this disease should temporarily give up meat, sugar, chemicals. The diet should be mostly natural, the only kind of meat allowed being veal liver, but it should also be from farms without toxic or chemical feed. Calf liver contains in excess certain elements, which the diseased body has in minus. Ingestion restores balance. Contact with any kind of chemicals such as detergents, soap, perfume should also be avoided.


- Okay and what should the man wash with?


- What did your ancestors wash with? What did they wash their clothes with?


"With homemade soap, like Grandma used to."


- Yes, but it contained soda, which is harmful. There are organic soaps, as you call them, you just have to look for them. Returning to the idea. those suffering from this disease should avoid salt and sugar, oil and fats, cooked or fried foods, juices or alcoholic beverages of any kind, seeds and cereals.


"Wonderful, so what's left?" Knives, forks and napkins, or the magnificent diet I kept, if I were to die.

- All fruits and vegetables remain, he answers me without taking into account my outburst, the wonderful and life-giving water; how many wonderful dishes cannot be obtained from their combination! But you have to be careful to combine all the colors during the day. Eat red, green, yellow, white, etc.


- Does it matter? I ask, thinking about the colors of the vegetables and fruits I swallowed for four weeks.

- Yes, because in each color is hidden a certain vibration which makes a certain element predominant.

- And those who have this disease due to karma, can they recover?


"Yes, but these are the hardest ones." They must reach that vibrational state, reach that point where the Christ within can manifest. This awareness makes the whole process reversible.


"But those who are miraculously healed by other people?" I mean here


those miracles that are performed with the help of other mortals, but who are more energetically endowed than others? Not that I believe in that, but I've heard of certain cases.


"Those mortals, as you call them, are actually initiated." Some know this, others treat it only by instinct, but all have reached that self-awareness that they can traverse the plans, reaching the causal to transform the effect.


"But isn't there really a delay, a delay in the disease?" From what you've told me so far, I deduce that she's being pushed to another incarnation?

- No, because they release both the perpetrator and the deed itself. It is basically a change of polarity, a transmutation. According to divine law, they have the ability to forgive. Through forgiveness, man's burden is annihilated, so the deed no longer exists. It dissipates and turns into primordial elements. Those who do these things are above the law of karma. They do it out of love, out of the pleasure of giving, they do not expect rewards either on earth or in heaven, because they have reached the wisdom of the Father and understood that when you create, you do it out of love without hidden interests and without waiting for the reward. . These people are usually on the last stage of evolution. They are very close to the point where they can become co-creators.


I vaguely remember a book Julie forced me to read. Something with the spiritual masters ... like. He said something about people teleporting, materializing things.


"What can you tell me about those masters who can make things happen?"


- They have already reached the stage of co-Creators. They are the anticipation of the Divinity


on earth. They have eight, nine and ten active chakras and in manifestation, they have crossed the time-space barrier. They can materialize things because they master the elements and fluids, have direct access to Akasha, know the truth, master knowledge, and understand wisdom. They are present here, but their souls can go through all the planes. They can leave at any time, but they do not do it out of love for their fellow man. They remain here - although life has no hiding place for them - out of a desire to help both their fellows and the earth. They give the Earth their vibration and thus help maintain balance.


"The truth is, we need balance." Even I know that. People have gone crazy. It's as if the children aren't children anymore.

"Children born now are two kinds." Some are very high and have come here to help the planet, to charge it with light, to help it make a vibrational leap, and others are entities with great karmic forces, who have chosen to come now to lead a short life behind to which they will leave more easily.


"Where do the high ones come from?"


- There are beings who have been incarnated here before, but they have successfully completed this stage, or entities from other galaxies or universes, which are much more evolved than you anyway. and who have been given the right to incarnate by taking advantage of these abilities.


- When they started coming 7


- in the year that you consider to be 1996.


"Why then?"


"Then it was decided what and how it would be with the earth."


- Where did he settle? I ask, not understanding what he means.


- in Akasha's matrix. From here the impulse went to the causal, astral and mental plane.


- What color is Akasha?


- Akasha has the vibration that corresponds to the color purple. In fact, it contains all the vibrations and therefore all the colors, but their twinning gives this color. Akasha also has different plans and automatically different shades of purple, but in the middle of it is the purest and brightest color you can imagine. You have to imagine Akasha as a huge dark purple ocean, but from whose ripples flashes of all colors of the rainbow appear from time to time.


Come on, I caught you here!


"Then why do the saints in the Orthodox churches have a golden aura?"


- What those who rendered the faces of the saints saw was in fact the center of divine love, that is, the ninth center. It is golden in color.

- Are there people who can see the aura?


- Yes, but this gift is given only to the evolved. To receive this grace you must


you exceed your condition, to stop judging, to be more forgiving and certainly to be on the Path of Truth.


I met people who said they saw the aura and squinted when they intersected with low-vibration people, I say, referring to one of Julia's childhood friends, who was believed to be the reincarnation of Ana, Loachim's wife. They were the only people with low vibration. Have you heard a master say that he cannot stand near a sinner, have you heard of a saint brought down by an inappropriate aura? People with a real openness are those who are looking for those with low vibration. He helps them, comforts them, heals them, supports them and supports them to understand their mistakes and shortcomings. Did Jesus address only those who were healthy, bright, and with a beneficial vibration?


I have no data on these things and that is why I am trying to move away from the subject.


- How can a man become aware of his own divinity?


- first of all to know himself. When he knows himself, he actually knows the microcosm and by extrapolation he comes to understand the macrocosm. I am referring here to full, physical and spiritual knowledge. The key to awareness is hidden in man. He is the only one who can look for her. To be perfect means to unite with the Divine.


- Okay, but then why aren't people good?


- People are good, all without exception, only the manifestation of their momentary polarity is negatively charged.

- What about those who kill? does that mean they're good too?


"Have you ever thought that they can act in the law of karma?" Cristofor answered me after a few moments of thought. God can only manifest through people.


- Right, but for the law of karma to exist, at some point someone was the generator. So someone must have stepped on the light bulb! I continue.

"All of you, without exception, have been victims or murderers." It is an aspect that must exist in structures. Perhaps some of you have been killed or killed in the name of noble earthly ideals, but the deed remains the deed and can only be erased by a counter-deed that has the same vibration.


"I'm convinced I never killed anyone and I wasn't a rapist!" I have always had women eager to sleep with me, I was the one who repressed many of them. I am convinced that in another life, in case there was one, it was Ia


way. There are others who hurt masses of people, whole countries, and no one is pulling their sleeves anymore.


"The ones who hurt a lot of people are the ones that a lot of people hurt." In this way a collective karma is burned. There are also those to whom no one owes anything, but they make decisions in their own name, decisions that disadvantage the colonies of souls, and they should be pitied. They are the ones who charge their karma. at a time when it can no longer be compensated here. They will be caught up in this connection and will suffer thousands of reincarnations, looking for the solution, but this will not be possible. It will appear only when on another planet there will be exactly the same conditions as here, and the entity will have the same hierarchical position.


- It's a logical explanation. I agree. What about good deeds? There is still debt




- Sometimes yes. They are noble gestures that others have made with us and to which we must return the good, or they are simply filthy good deeds done because of a positive polarity. To be perfect means to voluntarily activate the positive side of the elements existing in you.


- Do we have karmic connections with our parents or children?


- always, Cristofor answers me sighing. Even the highest souls what


come to the incarnation are connected with each other. Whether it is an active or extinct karma, it always exists.


- What do we need to do to have 100% healthy children? I certainly don't mean me, because I will never have children. I had a discussion with my friend God, and I certainly will not give him that satisfaction. I mean those who want to.

- first you need to have an optimal balance of elements, then you


you are constantly ascending the evolutionary ladder. The being who comes to the incarnation, comes with his own karmic load, to which is then added that of the nation, he answers me without taking into account my dissertation.


- Something is not standing here, I say, there are parents raised, with sick children and leaks from society with perfect children.

- This is an appearance. The upbringing parents chose to have these sick children because they knew that they could help them overcome their condition, that they could support them. Those who have manifest negative polarities have healthy children, because the entity embodied in the child can still receive a surplus of negative karma, this does not mean that their children will also be healthy, or that in another life they will not have problems.

"What do you mean they chose?" I ask in astonishment. Who wants a sick child?


- They chose before birth, that is, before they received the right to incarnation as parents. the angels of karma present certain options and the souls choose. The exalted always choose the shortest path to salvation, even if it is difficult and difficult. Unfortunately, everyone has to live their own life. No one can live in the place of the other. Everyone in his soul knows this.

"Tell me the difference between soul and spirit," I ask, trying to find myself


I clarify this.


- The spirit comes directly from the divine thought, while the soul is located somewhere between body and spirit. In the spirit the virtues and attributes of the divinity are reflected, while the soul is the identity of the entity. Body, soul and spirit are united. This is the mirror


the principle of trinity.


I didn't really understand much and that's why I'm thinking of asking him one more time, but Cristofor tells me we have to break up. I don't like the situation, because I still had a lot of questions, but given that he decides, I have nothing to do. I reluctantly leave the lab, especially since I'm not even asleep. The culmination is that once in bed I fall asleep immediately. I dreamed that Cristofor entered my room, looked at the painting for a few minutes, made the same circular sign with his hand, after which he left the room. I wake up in the morning with this dream in my head, but it flies fast because I have to think about what I'm going to discuss today.


After breakfast, which Cristofor did not attend, Yidam signals to me that I am expected upstairs. I enter the laboratory through the wide-open door and find him sitting on the windowsill, dressed in a gorgeous suit with the same oriental influences, but emerald green. he motions for me to sit down. I open my mouth but he pushes me forward saying:


" Today I decided to talk to you about the earth," he began. It is one of the most perfect creations of the Father. You have to see it as a huge gear, a being, whose mechanisms work and live in total interdependence.


" Is it a living thing?" I ask in astonishment.


- Yes, it's a huge body. It was created before man, also by combining elements and fluids. He is alive, alive and breathing.

"That means he can die," I said.


- Surely. Like any planet.


"I hope it doesn't happen too soon."


- No, the planet still has some stages of development to complete. Only then will it be possible to return to the primary source. But there are thousands of years to go. At the moment, the planet will have to make a vibrational leap, around 2012. Are you familiar with this date?


- No, not at all, I answer trying to rummage through my memory, but the only thing that comes to my mind are bank investments and term investments.

- this year, many people will have to leave the terrestrial plane, because their vibration will no longer be compatible with that of the planet. Many have already started to leave it, but the massive departure will be in 2009 and 2012. The planet with everything on it will have to make a vibrational leap and therefore everything on it will have to correspond to the new coordinates. .


- How will this vibrational jump occur?


" This leap has already begun and will be at its peak with the Earth's entry into the photon belt and the approach of the planet Nibiru," he replies. At present only the sun has entered. This entrance will mean a huge leap for the planet and humanity, it is a new spiritual rebirth, which will be completed with the alignment of the earth at the center of the galaxy.


" Sounds threatening to me!"


" That's because you perceive information with your mind, not your soul." It is what humanity has been waiting for for millennia. It's a giant step. Everything will change, both physically and astrally.


- How will these changes manifest in the physical plane? I ask, a hint of concern in my voice.

The earth and the entire solar system will have the same breath as the universe, current technology will be overcome, the space-time barrier will be broken, materialism will be replaced by altruism, and most importantly, the truth will be revealed. No one will be able to hide anything. The masks will disappear from people's faces, the third eye will open and everything will be visible. That is, you will be able to perceive your energetic neighbor!


"Sounds like a utopia to me!" I burst out.


"It seems so, but that is what has been decided since the creation of the world." You will be able to


you see those with low vibrations or hidden intentions, moreover you will be able to perceive their thoughts, to see the depths of their soul.


- Terrible, that means people will hide.


- Only the malicious will hide, those who do not want to change, those whose soul still cries after the past world. but they will not last long in this position either, because they will be isolated, rejected, and that will silence them from wanting to change.

"But there will be a great many!"


"There will be very few, for many will already be destroyed." Only those who have the opportunity to adapt will remain here.

- But they will still be the majority, I don't see who has only a positive vibe.


- There are extremely many and they are aware. They sit and wait for change, and they do


they want, they are ready. They understood the path they had to follow many years ago and set out on it without regret.


- Will the change come suddenly, or will there be signs ?, I ask captivated by the subject.


- The change will not be sudden. It will become more and more obvious as we approach this point. There will be climate change, and natural cataclysms will thicken.


- Is this due to global warming?


"Yes, but there are other things." The planet has been suffering for a long time. To be


to heal, that is, to lift, it had to go through this pathogenic state to which you have successfully contributed. However, there will be other changes, even at the level of the population.


- What kind of changes?


- before the jump many souls will perish. As I said, there will be many natural cataclysms, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires. The earth will shake so hard and in so many places at once that people will have nowhere to go. Long-extinct volcanoes will erupt again, covering entire localities, water will claim the land, and many coastal cities will be swallowed up, but all this will come to complete the work of the Father. The poles will be reversed ... in fact, both the magnetic and the geographic poles have been reversed repeatedly. nothing is fixed in the universe. Everything is constantly expanding.


- How will the poles be reversed? So suddenly, without anyone telling us? NASA, CIA,


- It can't be sudden. There will be warning signs. The resonance of the earth will change its frequency, the Earth's magnetism will decrease, the northern lights will appear in places other than those known, the birds will fly disoriented,


animals will behave unusually, people will have confusion, panic, migraines or palpitations. The closer they get, the more intense they will be. Two weeks before the change of poles, the earth will shake in five places at once. Panic will engulf the population, who will sleep outside, but this will not be of any use to them, as there will be thousands of strong remarks. The earth will crack and steam will come out of it, but before that floods and fire will at the same time deviate on the territory of the same country. Scattered earthquakes and hurricanes will decimate the population. In fact, these signs have already begun to appear, but people seek to give rational explanations, which takes them away from reality.


" And what should we do?" Should we prepare, take safety measures?

- No matter how well you prepare, those who have to leave will leave, and those who choose to stay will stay. Everything is written. There is nothing to do but prepare yourself mentally and physically. Try to get closer to the Divine. Seek to understand these changes. They were revealed to people, who in turn told the whole world, but unfortunately they were not listened to. Just like you don't believe me.

I try to focus. We are in 2008. 2012 means over four years. So little time! In fact, that's why I'm in trouble, because I might die long before.

"If it's real, why doesn't anyone know that?" Am I referring to the competent bodies?


"Those whom you have called leaders have known this for a very long time, and for some time."


ten years from now they are convinced that it will happen. They are insured. They have set up shelters, stored food, medicine and fuel, and informed their loved ones. They are ready!


They don't care about you, they don't care, and I don't even think they'll regret it.


"Let me understand that it's as usual." Those with money can ensure their comfort even in times of hardship, and those without, will live like the birds of the sky, I quote, vaguely, from the Bible.


"It's not like that, because many of these places, although they seem safe now, will turn out not to be." The money will have no value, because the banking systems will fall. Electromagnetic storms will strike the earth, destroying everything that means computerization.


I don't like what I hear. All my money is in banks and investments.


"That's an aberration," I said. Sure, banks can go bankrupt, stocks can fall, but not all at once!

Unfortunately, all of them will fall due to these strong electromagnetic storms. Electricity will also fall and with it the internet, fuel will no longer be available, gas will also be lacking, and chaos will cover the whole of humanity. Hordes of people will attack the so-called places of refuge of the suspects in the hope that they will find food. There will be many murders, murders and desolations.

- It's like you said it would be fine, we would be reborn spiritually, we would move to new coordinates. If these are, then no thanks, I'm not interested.

I think to myself, how long could I turn everything I have into cash. About a year, if I want to make the most of it. Yes, but then what do I do with the money? Keep them under the mattress? Shouldn't everything be put in the bank?


"It will be fine," said Christopher, "but first everything must be cleaned." so that mankind can take it from the beginning. Everyone must be equal.


- Good. but suppose you had a lot of cash, what could you do with it? I ask, already seeing myself carrying two suitcases full of money.

- The money will be worthless. The knowledge gained will be valuable. They will be useful.

- What to do with acquaintances, if you have nothing to eat! What would you do?


"I," said Christopher thoughtfully, "if I were like you, I would buy one."


house far from any shore, I would drill a well, I would build stoves on wood, I would fill the pantry with non-perishable food, plant seeds and vegetables, I would buy hand tools, oil or candles for lighting, spare clothes, medicines, that's about it which I would do.


"And about when you start making these investments," I ask lazily.


"About the beginning of next year," he said, puzzled.


Well, we will only be in 2009! You said we wouldn't have any problems in four years.


- I said that in 2012 the planet will make a vibrational leap, but until then many things have to happen.

" And when do you think they'll start?"


- No one knows for sure, only Divine Providence, but personally I think that starting with September 2009, many of what I told you will begin.

I wonder for a few million euros how much food and seeds I would buy. I think thousands of tons! That would be a good deal. If I store them and put them on the market when there is a shortage ... That's in case this scenario is real. Maybe I should let my customers know? I think he would faint with laughter!


"Human reason cannot understand these things," he continued. Now it sounds like a utopia to you, but nothing you know will be the same.

- Okay, but I still don't understand why no one says anything, apart from the leaders, there are also independent bodies, research institutions, paranormal ...


"Everyone said these things." Even the indigenous tribes know what awaits you. Books have also been written on the subject. There are clairvoyants, fortune tellers, people with certain abilities who have made these things public, but as I said, some know and take note, others know but are not interested, and others do not believe. That's about the world today.


I feel so upset that my head started to hurt. My inner alarm started ringing, which means something in this whole conversation is real.

Cristofor's voice takes me out of concentration:


- We should stop here. A new stage of your treatment begins tomorrow. Yidam will be the one to take care of you closely and I want you to follow his advice exactly. If you have questions about therapy, they are at your disposal every afternoon.


We break up wondering how I could follow the advice of a man who doesn't speak at all. I fall asleep doing calculations over calculations. I don't know how much I slept, but I get a bang. It's the door to the room facing the wall. Yidam motions for me to follow him. I look out the window and see that it's barely daylight. I get out of bed reluctantly and go into the bathroom. When I go out, ready dressed, I find that Yidam was still waiting for me at the door.


We go down to the meadow where Yidam makes me take off my shoes and then starts with small steps through the grass. I understand that I have to follow him, which I do. The morning dew wets my feet, making me cold.


After spiraling through the entire surface, Yidam takes my shoes and heads to the side of the building. We pass under an archway, enter a stone corridor and from here into a hallway. In front of us is a massive wooden door, in its rich sculpture recognizing mermaids, shells and other aquatic symbols. Yidam pushes the door open, and an imposing bathroom opens in front of me. To keep about 200 meters. It is covered with Venetian mosaic, in shades of blue and green. From the white stone walls that are covered from place to place by impressive frescoes, marine characters such as: Neptune with his cart of shells pulled by sea horses, mermaids, children with fish tails, corals, starfish, shells , algae, light waves of white steam flow, giving the place a mystical, pleasant warmth. In the middle of the room, covered with the same ingenious mosaic, a huge swimming pool, whose water flows through a giant shell placed at one end, invites you to the bathroom.


We pass under huge stone columns, which the colored light, which enters through the stained glass, bathes them in various shades and we head to the opposite end of the room. I see a kind of jacuzzi, made of stone, of small dimensions, whose slightly greenish water, bubbles with pleasant aromas of plants. A long stone table and several benches of the same material come to complete the exclusivity of the space.

I'm pleased. It is so beautiful and so overwhelmingly luxurious that I think the Sultan of Brunei would be envious.


Yidam motions for me to sit down and undress, as he pulls out of a cupboard, ingeniously disguised in a niche, a few white sheets and a sort of miniature chest, which he places on the table.


I stay in my panties, but from the signs, I deduce that I have to give up this accessory as well. I don't feel very comfortable, but I do. Instead, I receive a sheet, which I quickly wrap around my body.


Cristofor appears in the hall, bringing with him a tray on which he discovers a teapot, a spirits and a few jars with a label, very similar to those in the laboratory. He puts them on the table and turns to me:


" I will ask you to let Yidam shave you." He'll have to shave your head, too, he says, then turn around and leave.

I can't say I'm happy, but it's so nice and relaxing here that I've lost any trace of combativeness.

After I'm shaved and shaved, Yidam motions for me to follow him. I enter the pool empty, on the side steps and start swimming, under the careful guidance of the bald man, who takes turns along it. After about ten pools, I feel like I'm losing my breath, but it doesn't seem to bother him, because he motions for me to continue. I'm five more, but in the middle of the sixth I feel like I can't breathe. With a sigh of relief I reach the edge. I go out, barely crawling, and I find myself pushed into the jacuzzi. I sit comfortably and try to relax, to catch my breath. I close my eyes and try to focus on the fantastic aromas coming out of the water. I feel almost physically how the green, slightly viscous liquid penetrates my pores, entering my bloodstream. A pleasant, lazy state overpowers me, bringing me closer to daydreaming.


I don't know how long I've been like this, but the moment I open my eyes I see Yidam beckoning me out. I follow him into a niche where I wake up wrapped in a warm shower of water. I look up and see that the water is actually coming from an oversized brass shower. After a few moments, I am taken out and placed in the middle of the room, close to the stone table. Yidams


He took something from the table that looked like a wooden bucket and a kind of bidinea, and began to anoint me with a kind of copper paste. After being stuffed from head to toe, I am wrapped like a mummy in a sheet and lying on the table. Although I can't say I like the feeling, I fall asleep. The bald man's hand touching my shoulder makes me shudder. I get off the table and take a shower again. I wash thoroughly. When I go out, Yidam is waiting for me with a cup of hot tea. I sip it with pleasure, then motion for me to lie down on the stone table again. I'm thinking of taking a sheet and covering myself, but he signals me not to. He spreads out the sheet and deduces from the signs that he wants me to sit face down. He rolls up his sleeves and anoints me with oil, then begins to massage me. I can identify the smell of rosemary and olive oil.


I have to admit he does professional massage. I feel how each muscle works, how it follows the curvature of the spine, how it pulls each bone of mine. I feel so good that I would like to continue indefinitely.


After the massage I am wrapped in another sheet and taken to the room through a side exit of the room, which leads us to a hallway and then directly to the entrance hall.


I sit on the bed and fall asleep instantly. I dreamed I was on a plain of flowers. I'm happy, I'm laughing. In the distance, my father waved at me.


I wake up suddenly. How many years have I not dreamed of my father? I forgot what it looked like. I find a suit and a pair of shoes sitting on the edge of the bed, similar to Cristofor's, but white. I decide to dress with them. Maybe that's the custom of the house.


I enter the library where I find Cristofor reading, I am ashamed to tell him that I am starving, but there is no need, because he takes it before me:


- I guess you're hungry.


"Yeah," I muttered.


I go to the dining room where Yidam appears with a large carafe of green juice and a plate of rice, vegetables and tofu cheese. I'm so hungry I'm devouring them. I can't say I kill myself for that, but at least they taste good. Less the juice, which he brings with squeezed spinach, from which I take two sips and then leave it.


I'm going back to the library again. Cristofor is waiting for me, I try to express my appreciation to Yidam, looking for words of praise, but I don't start well, that he enters the door bringing my juice.


" I'm glad you liked our SPA," says Cristofor, smiling. In fact, you will continue like this for another two weeks.

I can't say I'm not happy. If I have such a pampering for two weeks, then I will forgive her the month of torment.

I'm sitting quietly in the chair in Christopher's lab. He wanders around looking for something. Eventually he finds a metal box on one of the shelves, which he opens and pulls out a string with a round medallion, which he hands out to me. I grab him and look at him. It is in fact a perfectly round metal disc, which consists of a network of circles, which in turn intertwine, forming a kind of flower whose petals join.


- Today was the last day of water treatment, says Cristofor.


I can't control myself and I sigh. Have two weeks already passed? It was so good! I feel like a newborn. I am relaxed, calm, life is so beautiful! How curious,


I forgot to draw more lines to count the days.


" I will ask you to wear this locket all the time," he continued. Represents the Flower of Life. It also has to do with MerKaBa.

- What does MerKaBa mean? I ask puzzled.


- MerKaBa is a field of crystalline energy, which is made up of patterns specific to sacred geometry, with the help of which the mind, body and heart align together. MerKaBa comes from ancient Egypt and means Mer-light, Ka-spirit, Ba-body. The spirit and the body surrounded by certain rotating fields of light, that is, circles in circles, spirals of energy, very similar to those of DNA, can cause the entity to pass from one dimension to another. With its help, you can transcend time and space.


- You mean you can visit other planets?


- Surely. And those on other planets with the help of this field can visit us.

- I tell you with my hand on my heart, I rush, that this is one of the things I am convinced of. I know for a fact that there is life on other planets. It is foolish to believe that we are alone in this vastness of the universe. I am convinced that there is evidence, but it is very well hidden. Why i do not know.


Cristofor looked at me for a long time, then continued:


- For centuries mankind has been kept in the dark. Just think how many died saying the earth is round. There have always been enlightened heads who have dosed or truncated the truth. Why? For the simple reason that it is easier to lead a mass of people, with limited knowledge, than free and informed people. Of course, from time to time various things were found out, more information transpired, but the real ones were quickly fought and the unreal ones were claimed to be true. This is still the case today, but now that people are more evolved, more intelligent and have access to information, they have begun to filter with the help of reason, which makes the truth much harder to hide.


"What is sacred geometry," I ask.


- Sacred geometry is the shape created by a certain type of frequency. In other words, form is a direct result of form. Whole matter exists due to the fact that the energy of this matter is maintained in a certain state, as a substance of vibration. It is the basis of creation, it is the basis of harmony.


"So we're made with sacred geometry, too?" I ask.


- Yes, and not only, because creation exists and presents itself as energetic patterns of waveforms, which align with certain predefined guiding forms. This explains why the tones of Creation spread everywhere, through various environments in the universe, thus determining predictable manifestations. repeatable, which are reactions to these tones. These manifestations can be seen in the form of stellar systems, planets, atoms, cells and quantums. Multiple tones manifest simultaneously, like harmonic strings of information, causing energy to combine into various patterns of dimensionality.


- What do you mean?


- For example, the vibrations that cause silicon in the Earth's crust and carbon


in our body it aligns with tetrahedral directional patterns. Using the only words available to them in their day, the ancient sages put it all this way: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was with God.


God was the Word. In the beginning he was with God; all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. in Him was life and life was the light of men. "


- So man was created by the power of the word? I ask.


- Yes, but also with the help of the elements and the Holy Spirit. To all this were added energy connections. You have to understand that in the beginning it was the intention, the idea of ​​creation, then the pattern was established. All patterns of three-dimensional Creation, including the human form, are made up of energetic bonds. These energetic bonds in turn can take five forms. Each pattern results from one of five simple shapes or a combination of them.


"And does anyone know these things?" Can they be demonstrated?


- Yes, Cristofor answers me. For centuries, these five forms have been the subject of research and debate. Some religions have developed based on information about these forms; mystery schools have been dedicated to preserving this information for use by future generations. The science of alchemy, which has often been associated with the transformation of lead into gold, has its roots in the study of these forms. Alchemists were less concerned with obtaining concrete metals, but rather with the transformation that metals underwent as they passed from one form of manifestation to another. The fundamental models, which are literally the geometric codes of Creation, are known today as Platonic solids and physically describe the volumes contained in these models.


- Platonice comes from Plato?


- Yes, the term "Platonic" refers to the scientist and philosopher Plato and one of his best known works, Timaeus. In this work, Plato uses metaphor as a tool to describe a universal cosmology, based on certain However, it seems that these patterns were known long before Plato, as evidenced by the archaeological remains of the shapes resulting from Plato, which can be seen in the Cairo Museum in Egypt. There are finely executed models dating back 3,000 years, models of the shapes spoken of in Timaeus, and older than these are those kept at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, which are estimated to have Although they are not as finely crafted as the Egyptian forms, these models are, in a very obvious way, clues to natural knowledge. ii fundamental, geometric, of the "bricks" of Creation.


"And what does Platonic solid mean?" I ask curiously.


- A platonic solid can be defined as surfaces that outline a very special volume, perfectly closed. All the dimensions that define portions of this volume are equal, and the values ​​of all interior angles that define the corners are also equal. From a conceptual point of view, it can be considered that such a solid consists of a single elementary cell of the shape, which repeats itself, through adjacent, equal cells, until it comes into contact with the original cell again. All angles formed by the attachment of the elementary cells are equal, as are the dimensions of all sides of the cell. Five regular platonic solids are currently known. They are of various complexities, and their complexity is given by the number of faces. We have as follows: tetrahedron,


which has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 corners; hexahedron, ie cube, with 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 corners; octahedron - 8 faces, 12 edges and 6 corners; dodecahedron - 12 faces, 30 edges and 20 corners and icosahedron with 20 faces, 30 edges and 12 corners.


That's about sacred geometry. I look at the locket in my palm. It's so simple and enjoyable that I wonder what good the theory is for, when in fact it all comes down to a few intertwined circles.


- Going back to the locket I gave you, please don't take it off your neck. After


as I said through MerKaBa, we can travel in other dimensions, we can access portals or energy fields.


"Maybe I'll wake up on Mars," I joke. The culmination would be to fall in love with a Martian!

Cristofor smiles. I don't know why, but I think.


"Generally," he adds, "if you ever need help, don't hesitate to call me." "I can only help you if you want," he said, pointing to you.

I see him very thoughtfully, and this intrigues me.


"We're leaving today," he said. I hope that when we see each other again it will be good! From his tone I understand that one of us is leaving, and as I am sure that I am not the one, I ask him:


- Are you going somewhere?


- somehow. In fact, I am not leaving, but I will remain in another reality.


As usual I don't understand anything and I go to my room upset. I sit up in bed and think about what we discussed.

How nice it would be if it were true. Unfortunately no one can prove these things! They can be delusional inventions of schizophrenic minds! No one and nothing can convince you, unless you live or you see, if you have your own experience. It's like steak! In vain do they all tell you it's cold. You don't believe it until you get it. What seems strange to me is that I somehow feel inside me that there is a touch of truth.


I fall asleep clutching the locket around my neck.


I open my eyes and see that it is dark. A sharp pain tore my sternum. It's like someone stabs me and twists it. I shed tears, I try to reach the place, but I can't, because I'm torn out of bed. I see thousands of colored threads, some thinner, some thicker come out of my body. Out of my sternum comes something resembling a rope, with the help of which I am pulled up. I scream, but I can't hear my voice. A huge panic fades me. I don't know how long I've been like this, but when I come back I realize I'm face down, in something that feels like sand. The sternum still hurts, but the sensation is not so acute.


I look up and see the purple sand. I look around. Everything around me is purple! I think that because of the pain, my visual receptors no longer receive the colors well. But where am I? It occurs to me that they threw me out of the house, somewhere on a beach. I turn and am stunned. In front of me opens a wonderful purple sea, whose slight ripples cast silver reflections from time to time. On the celestial vault, of a white-violet, two stars shine proudly. I feel pulled again, but this time the pain is not so great.


I wake up sitting on an armchair in the center of a room, very much like an amphitheater. Behind me is a long glass table with twelve chairs


tall, of the same material, arranged on one side. The armchairs in the amphitheater, like the one I'm sitting in, are white. Let there be about a hundred seats. But why is no one? I look up, trying to find the source of this slightly purple light, but I see only a glass dome, an opaque white. A gong-like sound is heard and the side door opens. Through it, strange, milky-white, humanoid-shaped beings begin to fall silent, but with abnormally long and thin limbs. The eyes are large and black, and the slightly trapezoidal head is supported by a thin neck, slightly disproportionate to the body, but delicate. They are completely devoid of any hair and look as if they are naked. Interestingly, they do not appear to have different sexes. I scream and want to get up from my chair, but I can't move. I fear!


After the hall is full, a gong is heard again. This time the door behind the table opens and twelve other such beings appear through it.


Behind them descends a screen, on which is seen the image of an entity of the same kind, sitting in an armchair. Someone gets up from the presidium table and begins to speak in a strange, melodious language, which, on top of that, I understand:


- Dear leading brothers of the planet Yxala. We met here today at the request of our brother Sath. He has reached that degree of development in which he can choose what he will do next. Like any inhabitant of the planet, he has the right to two options, but the council is the one that analyzes and approves the optimal mission. He has given up the second and is demanding the right to leave this dimension and incarnate on Earth.

There is a murmur of astonishment in the hall. I feel myself getting up from my chair and instinctively my eyes fall on the monitor. I see that the being there also got to his feet. I take a deep breath and start talking. A heat wave passes me when I realize that the entity in the image is me. I try to do it by hand, but I don't succeed. It's as if I'm in another person's body, parasitizing her, but not having access to her actions.


"That's right, I demanded the right to incarnate on earth, giving up the second possibility," I say, then sit down.

"This means that no matter how wrong the decision is, we must accept it," the creature said and sat down.

Another rises from the amphitheater.


" I'm Lehat," he says, tilting his head slightly. We must take into account the brother's wish. However, I want to tell him that he can change his mind. I think it's our duty to tell him what awaits him and then ask him again.


I see the whole room agree.


The first speaker stood up again.


- What you have chosen means a new beginning. Everything you know, all your accumulations, all your spiritual evolution will be erased from your memory. They will remain stored in Akasha, and you will have access to them only when you have completed the cycle of successive reincarnations. Also, your conscious connection to the Creative Force will be blocked. You will no longer have the opportunity to research the Akasha Chronicles, so all your actions will be at risk, but they will be counted as karma. Although you have reached a high degree of Spiritual maturity, we consider you unprepared. We are aware that the Creative Force has decided that all those who manage to go through the roller of experience called Earth and overcome their condition as Man, by acquiring the vibrations specific to all negative and positive polarities, have the chance to become co-


Creators, but starting a new experience is an unnecessary risk for us, which we do not know why you want to take. You will be there alone, for there are none of us left on that planet.


The entity I am in stands up. I feel a great love flood my soul. I want to cry.


"My dear brothers." I witnessed from the inside the creation of this planet. I felt how much love and hope was placed in her. I want to be there from the moment it was created until it made the leap. I know that the mission I have chosen is particularly difficult. I know there is a risk that I will not be able to get out of the vortex of karma, but I want to experience this love. I want to help her, to learn with her, to die and be born, to make mistakes and to do good, to suffer and be happy, in a word I want to live there to complete my knowledge. I feel with all my being that this is my purpose.


- Okay, but you'll be alone. No matter what you do, you won't find your match. You will be alone in a sea of ​​unknown vibrations.

- I understand, and I take this risk. I ask the council to take note of my decision. It's final.

There is silence in the hall. The council is coming out. After a few moments he returned, and the entity that had spoken first said:

"I have decided, not without pain, to follow your intention." According to your wish, you will be deleted from the Chronicle of the planet Yxala and you will remain only in the Chronicle of Akasha. You will be able to leave the planet the first time you activate the portal. May the Creative Force help and accompany you, for you will be alone.


- I'm asking for the right to speak, I hear from the room.


I'm Ahlsa. I am a member of the council and I ask for the right to go with Sath.


A wave of astonishment swept through the room, erupting in a loud storm. I look in the hall. A wave of heat floods my soul. I feel with all my being that this is Julie. My girlfriend, my brave one!


"But this means knowingly downgrading!" said another entity in the presidium. No one has ever done that before! To demand the dissolution of one's higher consciousness!


- I waive my right as coordinator. I give up all honors and demand the right to access the portal with my brother. I make a vow of companionship before you and the Creator, and I take all the risks. I absolve this council of the sin of giving my consent, for by accessing the Higher Consciousness, I have the right to choose for myself.

I know, I feel like what I'm actually experiencing is a recollection of an event that happened billions of years ago, on a planet with a hard-to-pronounce name, but tears well up in my eyes. I see how, through this covenant, two entities, two soul mates, actually swore eternal love to the Creator.


I wake up sitting next to Julie in the cool purple sand. I hold her hand, looking at the sea with reflexes; silver, which distortedly reflects the mists of the two suns - and I hear my soul vibrating in unison with his being of the Creator. A wave of love floods my soul. I know that I am going to the planet of suffering, to the beautiful blue planet, and a place of atonement and elevation, the hardest school in the Universe. The sound of


activation of the portal. We get up and go there. We arrive on a huge platform, on which I am amazed to recognize the sign of MerKaBa. I walk on it with Julie, holding our hand. Dozens of beings gather around us. I feel their sadness physically. Two tetrahedra of light rise from the platform, which begin to rotate. We are in their midst.


A blinding light pierces my body. I'm getting rid of Julie.


"I'll look for you forever, I'll call them again."


My sternum hurts so much I can barely breathe. I open my eyes.


I'm in my room again. I jump out of bed and run barefoot down the hall. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I force open the door of Christopher's lab. I see him standing in front of the round object at the head of the table, which turns out to be a mirror.


I try to say something, but the warm streams of my eyes stop me. Christopher hugs me. I feel my heart pounding for peace, but I can't stop crying. The bottom line is that I don't feel embarrassed.


- Have I met her before? I ask in hiccups.


"I hear his answer countless times."


As if by magic, Yidam shows up, bringing me some tea. I sip it insatiably and feel the hot liquid penetrate my senses, calming me.


" I want to know if what I've been through is true," I say.


- Only you can know this, Cristofor answers me.


- Why did he sacrifice himself for me?


" You know," he said thoughtfully, "some beings believe in love." In fact, love is the feeling that was the basis of creation. He is present in all the Worlds and in all the Universes. To love means to resonate perfectly with Divine Providence itself.


- Okay, but why did he do it?


- Out of love. One of the laws of creation says that every being in the Universe has a partner. You find only one pair. In one incarnation you find it, in another you look for it, but the complete evolution takes place when the pair souls meet in a life. They live, evolve and rise together. They must support each other, because woman and man form a unitary whole. There is no perfection without this experience.

- What is love really, I ask more rhetorically.


" This love I'm talking about is a special, divine feeling." It is harmony, peace, indulgence, patience, understanding, wisdom, it is when you feel so much love that your heart will explode, it is cosmic music, the sound of eternity.

- Did you know this love? I ask curiously.


"I'll tell you a story," said Christopher, trying as if to avoid the answer.


- For a long time, the brave Dacian people lived on these lands where we are now, that is, in the Carpathians, which are the oldest mountains on the planet. They were people, righteous, just, and God-fearing. I must tell you that unlike other peoples, who worshiped gods and idols, the Dacians were monotheists. They had only one God, whom they called Zamolxe.

In the middle of these mountains was a hamlet, a little isolated from the rest of the villages, where a handful of people lived.

That winter night, the woman was in pain. The man hurried after the village midwife. He was trembling with fright, he was their first child, Zamolxe had rewarded them for


their faith, "which is right with delay," but in his soul the words of the wise old man resounded obsessively: "it will be like a shooting star." He had not yet understood their meaning, and above all he could not make out what that strange tingling in his heart meant.


The girl was born the next morning. She was a bright child, who had come into the world with the flame of inner love. They all saw the sacred fire of knowledge, which was reflected in her sky-colored eyes.


They decided to call her Aegis. That's what the sages said. The child grew up there on the mountain, surrounded by the tranquility of nature, the beauty of the Dacian lands, crystalline springs and flowers with healing powers.


The years passed, and the child became a beautiful girl, after which all the young men of the place cast their eyes, but she seemed not to see them; she was more interested in animals and preferred to spend her time listening to the stories and advice of the old sage. But she never understood why his eyes looked at her sadly and why sometimes his sad smile tore at her soul.

One evening, however, just at dusk, there was a trot of horses and male voices. Just as her father was about to go out the door, his face appeared in the doorway. He was an ordinary lad, but his dark gaze and rusty locks falling on his shoulders filled his eyes with tears. And as she looked at him, Aegis wondered why her soul seemed to be torn. She had felt this before when her grandmother had moved to Zamolxe, and she knew that she would not see her again until long; but now? When their eyes met, did he seem to see the same flicker in them, or was it just an opinion? "I'm a messenger," said the lad, even before her father ordered them out, for the women had nothing to do with men's talk, and she could hear his name, "Dega." What was falling on her cheeks, because of that inner fire, which had begun to ignite, she did not see her mother, who was trying to fasten the stranger's horse in the stable, she did not hear her name, she said to him: Dega, Dega.


She was very happy to learn that her father had decided for the stranger to stay there for a few days, until the snow stopped.


And the days began to pass. And the more the blizzard intensified, the more she thanked Zamolxe for not being able to leave.


And so slowly, day after day, the timid exchange of glances turned into light touches and then handshakes, until one day, as he was preparing to go into the woods to take hay to the wild animals, Dega offered to help her. And there, in the secret of the forest, surrounded by the yeast's cricket, they kissed. At first more timid, then more and more pressed, as if merging their beings. It was as if the universe opened, absorbing them into its abyss, making them forget about time and space. There, before the elements of nature, they swore their eternal faith, beyond death. And then the snow stopped falling and the lad had to go back to get the answer.


The night before they left, they swore love once more and promised to marry in the spring. She was to take the answer and return to ask her father. With his heart leaping with joy at the thought of seeing him again, Dega advanced through the woods. He didn't notice the howls of the wolves getting closer and closer. It wasn't until it was too late that he realized the danger. The frightened horse knocked him to the ground. He saw a wolf preparing to jump at him. He drew his dagger and implanted it in her heart. Feel the warm blood of


the animal dripping between his fingers. He could feel his left hand begin to burn, and before he fainted he could see his horse shattered by wolves. Slowly, his senses began to recover, and the first thing he could see was a glimmer of light. "Is this the sacred fire of Zamolxe," he wondered, "but if so, then why do I smell the stew of herbs?" He could not answer, for a weary sleep, almost fainting, took hold of him. He could feel a rough, cool hand running over his forehead. "She'll be fine," said the old woman, more to herself. "She only has torn flesh, her bones are fine."


Aegis stared into the distance. From up there, from the top of the observatory, he peered through the valley in hopes of seeing a rider. but the days passed mercilessly, causing her hope to wane. As the leaves fell, she felt something torn in her soul. He thought of the stories of the elders, of the beautiful girls of the village in the valley, of the emperor's daughters, and even of the woods.


When the first snow arrived, despair spread over her soul. The initial fear turns into despair. With each passing day her bright eyes grew sadder and duller.


When her parents finally saw the transformation, it was too late.


Aegis fell into bed. He felt his soul desolate, and the tears shed had dug deep circles. The final battle was in her heart. Slowly the initial love began to turn into hatred, but not hatred of the man he loved, for whom he sought forgiveness, but hatred against fate, destiny. A silent rage tore at his chest. He did not understand and did not want to believe that it was she, who had done nothing wrong, that Zamolxe was against her.

With each passing moment, she grew weaker and weaker. In vain had all the local healers called, in vain had they been enchanted and boiled. The burning fire could not be extinguished.


Only the wise old man was the only one who had done nothing. He stood in front of the house for days, staring at the sky and muttering words only he knew.


That morning, the women had gathered in front of the gate, whispering words in the corner of the nave. All that could be heard from the house was his mother's cry of helplessness. Otherwise there was such an oppressive silence that nature seemed to freeze in anticipation of the cruel outcome.


Suddenly, from the distance, the sound of a horse was heard. At first weaker, then closer, closer, until a white, sweaty stallion stopped in front of the house.


Dega dismounted and, astonished at the unusual gathering, nodded, trying to enter, but the wise old man grabbed his hand and whispered, "Too late!"


The lad rushed inside. He didn't notice his mother's teary eyes or his father's astonishment, only Aegis. He read in her eyes the joy of seeing him again, but his weak body refused to listen to her. He grabbed her hand, but she just shuddered. He looked like a bird wounded in the last jolt of life.


He called her by name, but she did not have the strength to answer him. Her hand tried to stroke his hair and he sighed. His lips approached hers, catching his last breath. You feel her soul, in passing, pass through every fiber of her body, enveloping it, embracing it, as if for a last parting, then you feel nothing.


She lay like that for hours on her knees by her bed. He heard neither the cries of women nor the cries of men, who encouraged him, telling him that death actually means


rebirth, that it is not appropriate to cry. He stared blankly, blind and mute, petrified like a rock.


They decided to bury her on the ridge, the place is not far from here, where she spent hours talking to the clouds.


Dega stood by her grave. In vain they had called him, in vain they had told him that what he was doing was not good, no one could make him leave. There in the mystery of the night, he swears in front of Zamolxe, calling the elements of the forest, eternal love for that clay body. The dagger shone short, running through the night like a bird's scream. And he implanted it briefly.


With blood dripping from his chest, he collapsed over the grave. With his eyes wide open, he breathed his last. Then he cursed Zamolxe and demanded the right, with his free will, to be with her forever, never to leave her.


And so the two poor entities, who had come to this earth to manifest absolute love, found themselves united only in eternity. And as they had not yet come out of the law of karma, the covenant made separated them in life. And so they went through the whirlwind of successive reincarnations, searching for each other, shouting.


But at one point, thousands of years later, a soul settled in that place, an entity that felt it was looking for its mate. He was much more evolved now. And when he got there, he began to recognize the place, the sound of the mountains, and the whispers of the wind. And his soul then understood the covenant made. I have to tell you, no matter how evolving you are, you are only shown what you can carry. And he prayed to the Father, with all his being, with all the power of the soul, and through this prayer of the heart, he demanded that what had been bound be untied. Only the poor entity realized that in that incarnation there was no time for them to meet again. And then he decided to build a house there in the area to be close to that place, not that it mattered, but his soul was trying to pick up every vibration of her memory. And so our story ends. It is a simple, love story, the story of two entities who did not understand that they had been sent to earth to manifest absolute love.


This is where Christopher stops. I look into his eyes and see great sadness. I somehow understand between the lines that this is his story. I think it's still a great injustice not to know your purpose, your past, to have to go through life so blindly, driven only by your own instincts.


- I remain in my opinion, I say, after a few moments of hesitation, that man should have access to his own past, in order to act in favor of an optimal future. I am convinced that the decisions I have made in this life have been beneficial to my development as an individual, but I do not know how strongly I come from the past.


Saying these words, I realize that the doubts about reincarnation are gone. I think the dream experience I had made me understand something anyway. I realize that everything could be just a dream, but the intensity of feelings, the way of perceiving feelings, I force myself to admit the existence of a real basis.


- Sometimes the decisions we make put us in a position to access another future,


Cristofor said thoughtfully, waking me up. We may never be aware of this, but a certain action can lead to a complete reversal of fate.


- Okay, but I didn't act according to the law of karma? I ask. You didn't say every man has a fate.

- Yes, but as I said, destiny is outlined. The way to


access to it can be determined by each individual. There are also many courses of life. You have multiple possibilities. Some roads are smoother, others more difficult, some lead us directly to the target, others bypass us, but all in the end must make us reach the same terminus, where karma ceases to exist.


I decide to retire. I sit in bed and wonder if I would have been happier choosing another path. I don't think so, because I am satisfied with myself and my achievements. I fall asleep thinking of Christopher's story.


I feel something shake me. I open my eyes and see the camera spin with me. Faster and faster until everything turns into a vortex of light. I feel like I'm floating in weightlessness. A state of bliss embraces me and I feel like in a timeless loop, in which there is no past, present or future. I feel like a magic sponge has passed over my memories, erasing them. A loud flash forces me to close my eyes. I wake up in the hall of a house with some keys in my hand. I remember the past experience. What will happen this time. I decide to walk down the hall, and on top of that, my feet listen to me. I reach a mirror. I look into it and see that it's me. I wave, I squint, I deduce that I have control over my own actions.


I enter a modern living room, the walls of which are wallpapered with beautiful surreal paintings. I study them carefully and I am captivated by the impressive dreamlike images, painted in shades of sidereal blue. I see female birds, centaurs with contorted bodies, strange animals, fantastic landscapes, unicorns, all so perfectly rendered that it gives me the impression that the painter lives in that world.


I open a door and enter an office when a key in the lock is heard behind me. I'm looking for a place to hide, but I can't, because a handsome little boy is jumping into my arms.


- Father! he says in perfect English.


I am so shocked that I begin to tremble. What reality am I in? Annie, my beautiful American, appears in the living room door and kisses me with fire.


- You came! she told me. I'm glad you didn't forget, as usual, that we need to get to the opening.

I sketch a smile of complacency, trying to make a joke to find out more.


" The varnishes?" Who God has the opening today! I tell her in English, because I remember she didn't speak French.

It doesn't matter, because I see them both grimacing at me.


- Joshua, come by and wash you, I hear her say and I deduce that the child's name is Joshua.


" By the way, please come by and get ready!"


I follow them up the stairs. The child enters a room while Annie opens the door to another room. I am greeted by a double bedroom, in cream colors. Annie went into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I slump on the bed and try to look like a housewife. I look at her undressing and try to remember what she looked like ten years ago when we broke up. She is just as beautiful, maybe a little more mature, but she has the same pleasant line. I remember the moments I spent with her and I remember the discomfort I felt when she told me she was pregnant. What a fright I got! I felt how the sky fell on my head, how my future was erased, how I lost my self-identity, how


it all comes down to one word: child. How many nights of torment and discussion I had! How much I forced myself to make her understand that I am not ready to have children, that that feeling of father, I completely miss, that I simply want to live for myself, without obligations, without the compulsion to take into account others . I think that what I am living now is actually a parallel future, in which I am shown how it could actually have been, and although I know I see nothing disturbing so far, I cannot say that I am ecstatic.


Annie comes out of the bathroom and tells me to hurry. I dress reluctantly. I invoke a headache to make her drive and we leave. From the signs on the road, I understand that we are in a suburb of Chicago. Would I have liked America?


Annie stops the car in front of a gallery. I read: Chicago's Modern Art Gallery. I see a sea of ​​photographers throwing themselves at us. So, in the end, I would have arrived here very important! I open the door, showing a superior air, but I am amazed to see that all the flashes are aimed at Joshua.


A massive, slightly sweaty man is making his way through the crowd with difficulty.


" Paul, take Joshua and hurry up, the television is here!" I take the child by the hand and throw myself into the human vortex.

I can barely find the entrance.


The door opens and I am amazed to see the same kind of work as in the living room, only here they are of impressive dimensions. Everywhere I turn my head, that unreal blue, very close to the color of Joshua's eyes, hits my retina. A roar of applause makes me leave the state of contemplation.


I see someone snatch the kid from my hand and start mounting a lavalier. A beautiful brunette woman approaches me with the same intention. I politely refuse, but she looks at me in annoyance. After a few moments, two strong spotlights come on, illuminating the center of the room, where in front of a microphone I recognize the stout man who had received us on arrival. behind Joshua with Annie and two other men. Sounds:


- We're live! Three, two, one.


In the room where a grave silence had been laid, the man's voice was heard.


- Chicago's Modern Art Gallery, is pleased to announce the official opening of the exhibition "Parallel Worlds" by young Joshua Berg. this occasion.


He begins to speak, bringing words of praise and arguing his position. All sorts of ideas start to run through my head. I start looking at the paintings carefully. I realize that there are windows open to other worlds, wonderful, interesting, strange, that captivate you, inducing a state of well-being, calm. It is an unnatural sensation, because the more you deepen them, the more other details come to the surface, making you want to explore them even more deeply. I don't know how long I'm like this, but an outstretched hand pulls me out of my reverie. She is a middle-aged, blonde, tall, slightly ugly woman, dressed in a bright yellow dress. Probably my astonished look makes the interlocutors say:


- I'm Josh's teacher. Don't you recognize me?


" Yes, excuse me," I replied, holding out my hand, thinking of what she was teaching.


I listen to her dissertation and I can't help but think about what that is


happen now actually does not exist. It is a reality that has no projection into the future. I am the only one who knows that this child does not exist! I remember exactly the relief I felt when, after nights of endless discussion, he said to me, "Well done!" I'll make an appointment with the doctor.


I took her by the hand to the office. I waited for her, saw the tears in her eyes, comforted her, and even felt at peace the next day, when she told me she was leaving me. I can't say I'm sorry. And what if this hypothetical Joshua was not born! I have a life too and I have the right to it! Why should I be forced to give up my existence, to depersonalize myself, to forget myself, in favor of others?


Thoughts spin in my head. I get congratulations from all sides. I hear words like genius, accents like Dali, talent.


divine connection, but they strike me like the boulders of a wall. I have a kind of emotional blockage that makes me unable to perceive their true meaning.


At last, after long applause, congratulations, and three-quarters of the exhibition sold at the opening, we headed home. The two go to bed, but I decide to stay in the living room, because I don't know why I have the feeling that if I fall asleep I will go back to my time and I still don't feel the need to do it. I want to live this family life for a while, to see how it is. I close my eyes, but a footstep is heard from the stairs. Joshua appears with a painting in his hand.


- I wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday! he said and turned the paper to face me.

A gorgeous purple sea, with silver reflections, with two golden suns, whose nimbus is slightly distorted in the water, strikes me. I look into the depths of the work and sweet sensations and memories haunt me. I see, I feel close, how the cool sand envelops my body.


" I wanted you not to feel alone," I hear him say. I know you gave up the pair


to have me and thank you, he added, then jumped on my neck and kissed me on the cheek.


Sitting like that hugged, I realize it's the first direct physical contact I have


with him. I gently stroked his head and tears began to flow down my cheek. I'm so proud!


Yes I admit I am proud of him! I'm proud that others envy me. I felt them


admiration, hatred, the desire to have such a child too! I realize it's actually him


there is no great sorrow against me. I hold him even tighter in my arms. Sorry! Not


I want to, I can't admit I was wrong, but from where you are now, please forgive me.


God, if you exist, give this entity a chance to be born!


I feel a whirlwind catch me and lift me up. Goodbye Joshua, I'm gone, goodbye and forgive me!


I wake up in my bed again. I can still smell his hair. God, give this baby back! Streams of tears flood me.


The dawn of the day still found me awake. I am somehow more at peace with myself, but deeply


A pit of regret grinds me in the depths of my conscience. the meeting with Cristofor takes place only in the evening. I refrain from telling you about the experience I went through. Sitting comfortably in the now familiar chair, I listen to him begin to say to me:


" I'd like to teach you some meditation techniques." They are not difficult but they are very useful, because they help you disconnect from the world


real and pass into the subconscious.


Somewhat absent, I listen to his dissertation. I conform by sitting on the floor in a position called the lotus, he says, because it resembles my Yoga posture, and I close my eyes. Christopher sits in front of me in the same way.


" Now I'm going to ask you not to think about anything. At some point I'm going to hold your hand to make this situation easier for you." It usually takes months for you to succeed.


I wonder why it's so hard not to think about anything. I'm trying to clear my mind. A compact wave of ideas swirled in my head. I try to remove them, but they come back with even greater force. I focus on driving them away.


" Please take a deep, deep breath," he says, as I feel his hand overlap my hands.

Instantly a black wave covered my brain. I sit inside me in total darkness and silence.

I feel organic as my brain and muscles relax. I have a slight feeling of floating.

Now you rarely inhale, and you imagine a rose, I hear his voice. Suddenly the mental projection of a red rose appears to me, I see its fleshy and velvety petals of a burgundy red, the leaves with its tiny teeth, the slightly threatening thorns, the perfection of the stem.


" Take a deep breath now and smell it."


I take a deep breath and a pleasant, fragrant smell tickles my olfactory receptors. I take a deeper breath and feel how the scent of the flower combines with that of the leaves, giving it a fresh, vivid shade.


It's a pleasant, comforting feeling. I take a deeper breath, trying to capture all the flavor, and wake up in a beautiful rose garden. There are thousands, of various colors, of all shapes and sizes. I walk under the arches of flowers, whose stems are in a masterful branch. I see whole bushes, like dwarf trees all around. Beneath my feet, small white pebbles creak at every step. I approach a yellow rose and smell it. His delicate scent envelops me. I'm moving on. I'm in a sea of ​​rose scents. Their essence envelops me, penetrating my clothes, my hair. I feel merging, becoming one with them. I look at myself, as if I were sitting in a flower. I see myself sitting in the middle of the alley, my eyes closed. I try to become aware and realize that I am a red rose. I send all my love to my body and see how the white waves of aromatic essence envelop it. Thanks for the flower and I instantly return to my body. I would like to stay here, but Cristofor's voice calls me back.


- Now take a deep breath and open your eyes. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I feel the plexus hit me, the cold reality of the lab. Christopher's black eyes looked at me questioningly.


- It was sublime. I don't know where I was, but it was sublime.


"You were in a reality you created, of course with a little help from me," he said. You have to understand that you are the creators of your own reality. Especially now in these times. Think that the human mind has the power to create a


virtual program, which over time will overlap with reality, changing it. For example, let's say you are afraid of poverty. If you think about this every day, you will create in the mental area a thought form with this property. The more intensely you think, the more it will increase in power, until it comes to dominate you and from here to the manifestation in the physical plane is only one step. The same happens with illness, bad luck, accidents.


- Okay, but I didn't want to be sick!


" No, but have you thought about getting sick every day?" Have you avoided colds or health problems? You were afraid of those with incurable diseases.

" Yeah," I say, slightly hesitantly.


- You created a thought form of the fear of illness, and this superimposed over the karmic predisposition, manifested itself physically, making you sick.


- Yes, but I could get the flu, an infection, a fungus or any other curable disease!


"As I was saying, it depends on your karmic predisposition," said Christopher, rising, to make it clear that the meeting was over. Sitting on the bed, I fall asleep trying to find the garden again.


At the first meeting with Cristofor, I tell him that in the few days since our last meeting we have worked hard, of our own free will, to walk through the garden. I must admit that the feeling was not so strong, but I am proud that I still managed something. Although he doesn't say a word, I realize he appreciates my effort. I avoid telling him that the idea of ​​practicing came to me because of boredom.


I find out tonight that we're going out to do a ritual. I wonder how crazy this will be, but I can't get my idea to the end, because Yidam shows up calling us.


we follow him and once we reach the outside, I see in the middle of the meadow a huge circle of white stones, of the river, superimposed, framed in a square. From four points of the circle, a line goes to the middle of the sides. At a considerable distance is placed in the form of a pyramid, a pile of wood, prepared as if for a campfire. From place to place, burning torches burned, giving the meadow a mystical aura.


"This is a treatment wheel," I hear Cristofor tell me. A kind of medicinal wheel. It is mainly used by Native American peoples. Its role is to capture beneficial energies from the universe and unite them with those of the earth.


The explanation is a bit laconic, but I'm content with that.


She lays me down in the center, her hands and feet spread. The image of DaVinci's Vitruvian man comes to mind. Yidam descends the stairs, bringing with him a glass of a light orange liquid. I sip it slowly, with fear. It tastes strange, harsh, slightly bitter, like a plant.


I do not feel anything. I see Yidam light the fire and Christopher begin to wander around me. I feel an unnatural tremor appear in the solar plexus, during which time everything begins to spin. I hear from a distance the sound of ritual drums approaching. I hear them louder and louder, until I feel like I'm behind me. I lift my head with difficulty, trying to locate them. Nausea and a sharp stomach ache take hold of me, making me cringe. I'm getting worse! I try with the last efforts to refrain from vomiting, but the stomach fluid


it floods my mouth. I open my mouth and see how it starts to come out, streams of beetles. They are of all sizes. I look at them with some force, but without fear. I realize that they do not look like the real ones, because they bring more to the Egyptians, because of their blue color. I lose track of time and feel overwhelmed. I am like a flake, flying lightly, carried back and forth by pleasant blades of wind. Somehow I see from above, the building, the meadow, the trees, and me lying down. Look at Cristofor on his knees with his hands up! I turn, make wide turns through the air.


I am the king of the air! I walk lightly through the windows and see myself with outstretched wings. I am a hawk, gorgeous, majestic. I glide slowly, turning. Yes it's me! I make a sharp sound of joy.


I soar like an arrow in the sky. I go out into the air. The earth is shown to me in all its splendor. Here and there, on its surface, golden lights shine. Some louder, others slower. I wonder what will happen to them? I hear inside my head: They are the ones who woke up! What do you mean? I can't get the answer anymore. I feel the pleasant soft threads of light tangle in my wings and pull me down to my body. I struggle trying to escape. I don't want to go in there! Leave me alone!


They are in me again. It's ugly and cold. I feel my body as something foreign. I'm struggling to get out. I feel Christopher's hand touch my forehead. I feel calm and fall asleep.


I wake up in the morning, lying in my bed. Did I dream? The discomfort I feel in my head makes me realize that I don't. I go down to the library, where I find Cristofor studying a thick book with black covers. I sit down next to him and start undressing him.


" Please tell me what I saw last night."


" Last night you got in touch with your double, your guide." Consciousness knows no bounds, that means it can be transposed into anything. It was a kind of trance, through which you prepared for the encounter with cosmic consciousness, with the principle of akasha, but we'll talk about that tonight.


I spent the rest of the day thinking about what awaited me. I can't say I don't like it. I began to discover new senses, which I was not aware I possessed.

Sitting back in the lab, I learn that we will continue the meditation exercises. I sit on the floor in the same position.

" Take a deep breath and close your eyes," I hear Christopher's voice.


Imagine you're somewhere in the air. Your body is relaxed. Ask for the fire element from the akasha. Imagine absorbing it through both inspiration and pores. Take a deep breath and let it out, exhaling through the solar plexus.


At first I don't feel anything. Then, more and more, a pleasant warmth begins to envelop me. With each inspiration I feel a tense lump of light gather in my solar plexus. I try to get him out but I can't. I inhale a few more times, accumulating energy. At one point, my solar plexus explodes, filling the room with light. I feel my body completely emptied, liberated and relaxed.

I feel like it's getting very hot in the room. "Now you're going to absorb this heat back through the solar plexus and send it back to Akasha."


I imagine I'm absorbing fire through the solar plexus. I feel the heat flood me. The pressure is getting bigger. I want to get rid of her, but Cristofor didn't tell me how. Me


I think it must leave the body as it entered, and so I release it through the pores and through the exhalation. I feel a little tired, but Cristofor makes me repeat the exercise with the other elements. After the experiment, I receive the usual tea. I think these people are obsessed with him. Would they have lived in England?


- The teas you drink are from certain plants, carefully chosen, I hear Cristofor and it occurs to me that this man has a special intuition. Each plant contains a specific amount of elements. By ingesting them, it helps your body to balance. These teas, together with the exercises we did, helped you to obtain the optimal combination of primordial matter, specific to you and necessary at this time of therapy.


"But how does my body know what I need?"


- The human body is a perfect machine. He has a special system of


self. If you manage to disconnect yourself from the rational and let him do his job, then all his cells will work together, with the sole purpose of maintaining life and health. This was well known to our ancestors. Hippocrates even said that by giving a hand to the sick, we actually kill them. You give your body chemicals, additives, medications, stress, anger and of course it reacts. Receiving toxic fuel will give erroneous commands, especially to sound the alarm. But what are you doing? Instead of stopping, you continue to fill it even harder with toxins, until it reaches supersaturation and can no longer fulfill its task, which is to sustain life, and then a sudden and rapid degradation begins and death occurs. Of course, if the karmic load is added to all this, then the process is even harder to stop, if not impossible.


- Okay, but if in a person's karma it is written to die of a certain disease, then does it matter what he eats?

Yes, because he can prolong his life! If in support of a proper, beneficial food comes a positive charge, a spiritual evolution, then there is even a chance to heal. In fact, man is a very strange specimen! You only remember God when you have problems, and then instead of looking for the real cause, you start making reproaches, sprinkling accusations. Look for a come and go, no matter who is the boss, the neighbor, God, the important thing is not to be you. When, on the other hand, you are well, you are doing well, you are healthy and prosperous, then you forget to be thankful, you consider that all this is due to you and you are the only ones entitled to reap the praises.


I can't say that these words don't hit me where it hurts!


- I am convinced that God did not help me. I accept that there is reincarnation, I accept the idea of ​​deed and reward, but all the work I put in, the risks I took, my sleepless nights, represent my effort, my thinking. As


I owe it today to me, to my ideas, to my visions.


- And where did these ideas, visions, thoughts come from? Not from Akasha, from


- It may or may not be so. No one can prove it! What if the ideas in Akasha belonged to me? What if I just picked them up?

The ideas in Akasha certainly belonged to you, as did all of us. In fact, all the ideas that exist there belong to all entities, embodied or unincarnated. around


creation has access, but only those who are on their vibrational length can pick them up. Every human being is born with the purpose of being able to use certain information from there, some have the mission to make it public, to put it into practice, to be able to help the whole humanity. Rarely did the same idea appear simultaneously on earth. I am referring here in particular to important scientific discoveries. The explanation for this is that then, at that very moment, two or more incarnated entities were on the same wavelength.


Divine Providence allowed them to access Akasha at the same time, believing that information was vital to mankind and being rendered from multiple sources could be received faster and more efficiently.


- Yes, that's why we got to famous trials! I add.


- Unfortunately, if people knew that the idea did not actually belong to them, if they realized that they were the ones who were given access to the higher consciousness, then they would not do it. I am convinced that in the years following the leap, humanity will enter a new, more evolved, more spiritual form of consciousness, and then all barriers to material thought will be overcome.


- Yes, but not everyone will be able to see, because as you said many will leave. Know


what am i curious about Where will all these souls go?


I see his eyes blur and look through me again, saying:


- Many of those who are incarnate now, here on this earth, are higher spirits, who have come to balance the karma of the earth. If they did not make this sacrifice, the fate of the earth would have been much more cruel, because at some point, around the terrestrial years of 1820, it was concluded that the earth is a failed experiment. according to the divine plan it was to self-destruct around the year you call 2000. but because of them, in 1967, the decision was made at the level of the coordinating entities to give another chance to the earthlings. as of this year, groups of high entities have begun to arrive. Those who were already here began to be transmitted a flow of energy, meant to open the third eye, or to allow the activation of the Sahasrara in order to capture information from the Akasha. More and more truths have been revealed. Whole masses of people began to be captivated by the paranormal. slowly, they became seekers of truth and then preachers of it. This is how today, looking energetically at the astral, you see them shining like lights. Many of them I was talking about will die, not because their vibration will not match, but simply because they want to return home, that is, where they came from. Some will remain, to help the survivors, to guide them. There are also those entities that will not correspond to the new energy. Unfortunately, these are souls left behind. Their evolution has been slower and they have failed to keep up with humanity. A new earth-like planet has been prepared for them. They will come here in groups to colonize it. It is almost identical to Gaia, offers the same conditions and obeys the same laws. Unfortunately for them, they will take it from the beginning. They will have to control the fire, learn to make clothes, discover the wheel. They will remember nothing and take everything as a new experience.


- Maybe get rid of Hitler, wars, murders!


- They will not escape, because they have to go through the same kind of experiences. There must be someone who, manifesting the negative polarity of the elements, helps to burn karma.


- And does this planet already exist? Does he have a name?


" Yes, it exists and has a name, for an old Kabbalistic saying says that what has no name does not exist, but it cannot be uttered yet," said Christopher, at the same time proposing that we stop.


I retreat to my room, thinking about what he's been doing alone for so long. He doesn't have a TV, newspapers, he doesn't leave the house, he doesn't have guests. Aren't you boring her? I fall asleep looking at Danaide. My beautiful...


A sharp pain makes me reach for my sternum. I open my eyes and see myself pulled up again. This time I'm calm, I'm not struggling anymore. It's like I really started to like it.


The landing, or whatever I call it, is pretty hard, because I feel like I'm hitting my head hard on something, like stone. I put my hand to my forehead in pain and I am glad to see that I am the master of my own movements. I open my eyes and realize that I am in a room built of large, white, stone blocks. In the middle of the room, in a brass tip, a fire is burning. Lighted torches, attached to the walls, light up from place to place, casting sinister shadows on the walls. I don't know why, but I feel the place is cold, dangerous. I look at myself and realize that I'm wearing only a kind of sleeveless robe, fastened with a massive gold belt. At my neck shines a flat, heavy necklace, made of yellow metal and multicolored enamel. Where am I? Outfits and jewelry, I think of ancient Egypt.


A tall, muscular copper man enters the room, speaking to me in a seemingly unknown language that I understand perfectly.

" I prepared the room for the evocation," he tells me, motioning for me to follow him.


I have nothing to do and go after him, wondering what we should evoke. We take a dark corridor and enter a room in the center of which is a stone altar. The same kind of torches illuminate the place. On the ground they are drawn with a powder resembling crushed glass, a circle and in front of it a triangle. The man places a kind of crown on my head, in the shape of a cobra that holds my head in the attacking position and then hands me a yellow metal rod, the upper tip of which ends with a kind of loop. He then heads for the circle, holding a cloak.


I try to understand what he wants, and I realize I have to sit in a circle. I go inside him, and he puts my cape on my shoulders, kneels, and then gets up and takes a tip in which he burns a fire and throws a handful of coals on top. A heavy, stifling smoke begins to rise. In a few moments the air becomes unbreathable. I can barely see. I'm trying to figure out what to do. A voice echoed inside me, urging me to strike the ground with my staff. I decide to run, since I have no better idea. At the third thud, the whole room begins to shake, as if it were an earthquake. Clouds of dust fall from the ceiling, making me cough. As if by magic, the dust and the smoke dissipate and I see how before me, in the triangle, a splendid woman, with long, blond hair, which reaches to her waist, stands and looks at me. It is the embodiment of perfection. Her skin is slightly coppery, and her virginal breasts are more stripped of her light white dress. She's not wearing any jewelry. but I don't think she would need it either, she herself is a work of art. My eyes are drawn to her gaze, which I feel sharp, cold, as if she were looking at me through two ice cubes. I feel uncomfortable.


- You called me! I hear her say it, but her voice sounds ugly, like a man's.


" You know why I answer!" evading me.


- You want my help. I told you I'd give it to you. I don't understand why you called me before. the deal was sealed with your blood. The covenant is made. You will be king, but in the first year you must fulfill the covenant.


- I wanted to make sure everything was settled.


"I never take my word back." And you can't either. What is written in blood cannot be untied.

"You can remind me of the terms of the pact," I said hesitantly.


" I want a hundred newborn souls, one of whom is of your blood!" And let them be killed by your hand! the appearance thundered, then disappeared abruptly, as if entering the ground. Following her, a heavy sulfur odor spread through the room.


I can feel the blood running down my legs. A state of panic grips me. Did I make such a pact? To kill newborns? Impossible! How idiotic it would be for someone to accept such a thing!


I walk out of the room angrily. At last the man catches up with me, taking her in front of me, lighting my way.

I wake up in a bedroom-like room. A beautiful black woman, full of bracelets, is waiting for me in bed. I read a kind of fear in her eyes, but I don't understand why. Am I so ugly? I lean over a bowl of water. I look at my own image and find that I look really good. I don't even have a hair, I even miss my eyebrows, but my black pencil eyes are gorgeous. I'm happy with what I see. I decide to take advantage of the situation and head to bed. I really missed a woman's body. I make love to her, with pleasure, with passion, with gentleness, but I still feel her fear. I fall asleep holding her in my arms.


I wake up stretching. At the head of the bed is last night's man holding a tray covered with a cloth. He hands it to me on his knees as he pulls out the napkin. The woman's head, which is wide-eyed, makes me scream in fear and faint. I'm coming back. I sincerely hope to be back in the room, but I find no. I'm in the same bed. Chills of repulsion at me invade me.


- It's definitely not me! I'm not living my life! It is a lie! It's someone else's life! I shouted.


The man enters the room. She has a kind of dress in her hands that she helps me put on. I do, but in a hurry. God, if it ended once!


We leave the building and notice by the steps I have to go down, that I am at the top of a temple. A lot of people greet me with cheers. I walk trying to look majestic. A fierce struggle is going on in my soul. I hate myself! What monster would do that? A loud moan makes me turn my head just as a spear pierces my heart. I can still hear the screams of horror from the crowd.


" Thank God you stopped me from doing harm," I say, and I collapse.

I hit my head again. This time even louder.


I open my eyes and realize I'm in my room. I put my hand to my forehead and felt my bump. But it hurts, this pain makes me feel good. I'm dismayed! I feel weird, no


I feel like crying, but I have a deep sense of disgust. I'm tired of myself! Why was I doing this? What was the purpose of the murders? Power, money, honor? Is all this worth it?


If I did such a thing, I deserve to die in torment, to be skinned alive, to be stoned to death!


I get up and go to Cristofor. What time is it? I `m looking through the window. I see the setting sun. But I just woke up! I walk into the lab, slamming the wall door, and shout,


- Why did I do that? Why?


" Because that's how you felt at the time." Your degree of evolution had reached the point where you had to master the experience of murder, of power, of decay, of exacerbated pride. You had to show your negative polarity to master it and introduce yourself


vibration in structures. Without these experiences the soul cannot be perfect.


- Okay, but that spirit, woman?


- It was an entity of negative polarity, which came to your aid, loading you even more, to smooth your way. But know that you made the pact voluntarily. You were not forced. It was proposed to you and you accepted.


- Are there such entities?


- Yes and many more, but they are given to guide us to our mission. And they act in the law of karma.

- But what kind of entities are they? Where is it?


- There are many and varied. Some master the elements, they are spirits of fire, water, earth and air, others are ancestral cosmic intelligences, which deal with the stability of the earth's belt, and others are the so-called rulers of the earth's belt, and are responsible for activation, mastering and maintaining harmony. They all master the truth, knowledge and wisdom. They are the age of creation and will be as long as it exists.


"And assuming it really exists, do I come to call anyone that?"


"Not at all." Each of them has a name. Each corresponds to a color, a substance and a seal. Only by mastering these mysteries can you call them.

"And where do you find these names?" Where can you find them?


"Those who rule Kabbalah know them." There are many books written on this subject, however I do not recommend anyone to use them without being very well prepared. He who masters the art of evocation must have an impeccable moral attire, be sure of what he is doing, have exceeded certain thresholds of elevation, and first of all be in direct contact with Divine Providence. Without these things, the whole experiment can turn into something very ugly, because the evocator can become their prisoner, which is not very pleasant.


- But are they positive entities?


- They are entities. That is why they contain both polarities. As I said in Akasha, there is neither good nor evil, for it is an earthly concept. They cannot distinguish between a beneficial and an evil task. He who calls an entity and assigns it a mission, bears full responsibility and will pull the strings.


"What about the entity I called?" Who was it?


- It was an entity from the astral plane. It was not part of the coordinating entities, it had been created in a way by you. That is, it was the projection of a thought-form, which accompanied you several incarnations in a row, until it became independent. With each


birth, life and death you enriched her, you helped her gain powers, until one day she took control, dominating you.


"And why did God allow this?"


- Because you are like Him. You can create, give life. The astral plane is full of your thought-forms. Everything you want, hope, think, all your fears and all your fears have a correspondent in the astral. At the beginning they are simple energetic imprints, but the more you think harder and more intensely, the more they begin to take shape, life, until in the end they become independent, they even acquire a minimum.


of intelligence and come to dominate you. You have to understand that you are connected to them by thousands of threads. They are like a kind of tubes, through which feelings, emotions flow, but the flow is in both directions.


- What do you mean? I ask puzzled.


- Take the case of a smoker, for example. He smoked for years, even developing a passion. In the astral a thought-form of this drive was created, which, nourished by energy, began to grow until it became independent. At some point the man wants to quit smoking. The entity, we can call it that, although it is not really a real entity, receives the message and realizes that this means its dissipation. Then it begins to transmit energies such as lust, sickness, thoughts. The man begins to suffer. Wondering why she has to do it? He tells himself that he could do it at any time, but that now is not the time, he starts and a battle ensues. On the one hand the reason of the person, on the other the energies sent by this form. If man gives in and puts the cigarette in his mouth, then the astral form will become even stronger. If it resists, then with each passing day, the entity will weaken in strength, the feelings will decrease in intensity, the appetite will attenuate, until total disappearance. This means that the entity dissolved into akasha, returning to the original form of the elements from which it was created. This is the case with any drive. Anything that manifests itself in the form of passion, obsession, phobia, anything that is in excess and constitutes a deviation from the universal laws gives birth to such connections.


- And this is the only way you can get rid of these passions9 By direct confrontation? If the man is weak and can't, but still wants to correct?

- If he really wants to, but his strength of character is deficient, then he can be helped by an initiate. The rays can be used, but only once, because otherwise they would become addicted and this would not be useful.


"What rays of the sun?" I ask puzzled.


- No, there are rays of Divine Energy. This energy is responsible for the evolution of every form of life, everywhere. Each embodied being is part of a group of energy specific to a ray, but throughout the incarnations each must go through the appropriation and work with each ray separately. That is why the person who does this procedure must be a person who has worked with the rays, who masters them and knows them well, because he must know exactly which group the one who is going to benefit from is part of. At the moment the Divinity has given mankind seven rays, but in the times to come more five will be given.


- Where do these rays come from? Who knows about them?


- They are from the beginning of creation, but can be said to have originated in ancient India. They appear in Vedic literature and have been associated with the seven Rishis, who are in fact highly evolved beings, acting as agents of the absolute. However, there were several people who accessed them. For example, in Western culture, the concept of the seven rays was introduced by a woman named Blavatsky, who explained it in the book The Secret Doctrine. It was then. Alice Bailey, who lived in the first half of the twentieth century, worked with various exalted masters and wrote books on how to work with the seven rays. You need to understand that these rays coordinate certain signs, planets, and days of the week. At the same time, they are governed by a higher entity, which controls and controls them.


- What are these rays?


- The seven rays are:


Ray I is the Ray of Will, Divine Power, and Faith. It has a royal blue color, has as associated signs Aries, Leo, Capricorn, and as planets: Vulcan and Pluto. The exalted master who sustains this energy is El Morya. This energy is the source of all energies and the moon has a strong influx.


Ray II is the Ray of Divine wisdom and mind, of understanding, Judgment, Discernment and Enlightenment; it is yellow, the associated signs are: Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, and as planets: Jupiter and Sun. It has a strong influence on Sunday, and the exalted Master who sustains this energy is Lord Lanto. Because of this ray, consciousness appeared. It is the energy of the entire solar system.

Ray III is that of Divine Love, Compassion, Goodness, Creativity, Beauty, and Active Intelligence; it is pink-pink, and the associated signs are: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Coordinates planets: Earth, Saturn and has strong influence on Tuesday. The exalted master who sustains this energy is Paul the Venetian. Ray IV, of ascension. It has the qualities: Purity, Discipline, Joy, Hope and Excellence. It has a bright white color, and the associated signs are: Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius. The planets they govern are: Mercury, the Moon. The exalted master who sustains this energy is Serapis Bey. It has a strong influx on Friday.


Radius V is the Radius of Healing, Acceleration, and Abundance, but it is also the Radius of Truth, Science, Vision, and Precipitation. It has an emerald green color, as associated signs it has: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, and the planet: Venus. It has a strong influx on Wednesday. The exalted master who sustains this energy is Hilarion.


Ray VI is known as the Ray of Resurrection, Service and Fraternity. It has a golden color, with shades of orange. The associated signs are: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and the planets: Mars and Neptune. It has a strong influence: Thursday. The exalted master who sustains this energy is Kutumi.


Ray VII is the Ray of Transformation, Transmutation, Liberation and Ceremonial. Associated signs are: Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, and as a planet, Uranus rules. It has a strong influx on Saturday. The master who maintains this energy is St. Germain. This energy is magical and shows the quality of the relationship between matter and spirit. It is currently the most tangible energy on the planet. At the same time, I must confess that this ray is my dearest.


- Okay, but how are these rays? How should they be perceived?


- There is no general way to perceive them. Some see them as lasers, others as a


blinding light, others perceive them as flashes. The problem is that at the moment they do not exist in physical form. They will be brought here soon. Each will have to have both its temple in which to burn permanently, and priests or priestesses to support it, but this will only be possible when the flame of love becomes manifest in our hearts.


- Okay and how can we manifest these rays? I ask curiously.


" Close your eyes," Cristofor tells me. Relax. Take a deep breath. Feel the emptiness of any thought or emotion.

I try to concentrate, but as usual, my thoughts fly through my brain. I feel his hand touch my hand. A state of peace is invading me.


- Repeat after me: I demand the right to access the color purple, specific to the seventh ray.

I repeat the formula and feel myself wrapped in a light purple steam.


- Inhale this color both on the nose and through the pores. I start and inhale and realize how my whole interior is filled with this color. I see myself as if I were made of glass, and the more I inhale, the more this steam is stored, becoming more and more compact, until I feel it turn into a form of energy that presses on me, I try when my voltages at the level of the solar plexus.


- Now pull it out through the solar plexus.


I concentrate and feel how below the level of my sternum, something starts to rotate. At first slightly, then harder and harder, until a thick column of purple light bursts out of my plexus, gushing like a fountain of daily art, I try to see where it is going but I can't. I open my eyes and notice that everything around me has a slight hint of purple. Cristofor smiles at me and says:


" That's kind of how you work with the rays." To get back to where we came from, we've now created a screen protector between you and one of your strongest elementals.




" I'm not telling you, I want to see if you can deduce for yourself," he said, adding, "I think that's enough for today."

I fall asleep thinking about my elementary school. Do I have many?


The awful, but now familiar pain in the solar plexus wakes me up. I'm curious to


I see where I end up. If only the story of Egypt would not be repeated! I let myself be led lightly, without resistance. I look closely at the threads of various colors and thicknesses that

I pull myself up. I feel like I'm trapped in a vortex of energy. I'm spinning harder and harder. A jerk and the feeling of falling make me realize that I have reached my destination. I stand on all fours, on a kind of floor that sways violently. From above, streams of water fall on my head from somewhere. I try to be aware of where I am, but all I realize is that it is dark and smells of tar and sea water. I make the mistake of opening my mouth and a wave of salt water fills my mouth, suffocating me. I can hardly stand up. People around me are running around. I look up and see a wooden mast. I find out I'm on a ship in the middle of a terrible storm. Someone threw a rope into my arms, telling me in Spanish to follow him. We enter the hold, where


because of the pitch, huge boxes are thrown around, like fireflies. I look at my teammate. He is a massive, ugly man, full of scars, but who seems to know his job, because he immediately starts to anchor them. I don't know what to do and that's why I'm following him, trying to push the trunks. I look at his battered hands and marvel at the precision and speed with which he makes scholarly knots. he yells at me not to be like a dead man, but as the subject overtakes me, I tell him that I am shouted on the deck and I hurry up, but coming out, I find that I have made a bad choice, because the moment I put my head on the hat, a compact wave, like a giant mass of water, hits me in the face, throwing me back up the stairs. I try to get up, but more and more frequent waves, streams of water rushing inside. The man starts screaming and grabbing my hair he throws himself up the stairs. I can hardly restore my balance. we try to climb, but the water is stubborn to hold us captive. I feel the vessel tilt menacingly to one side. With one last effort, catching a moment when the pressure of the streams decreased, we managed to get out on the deck. I look to my left at the huge wall of water that runs menacingly to the side of the ship. The man makes a cross and quickly grabs a rope. I feel a strong impact and I can still see the vessel lying on its side. I'm designed by air, away from the ship. I hear screams, screams, but I don't see anything around me. Something hits me, I try to find out what it is and by touching it I realize that it is a kind of log. I grab him hard, hoping he'll keep me afloat. the sea is boiling around me. The curtains of water fall on me, while the crests of the waves throw me up and down. I can't say I'm scared, because I know I'm living a movie-like scene and I realize that once it's over I'll go back to my bed where it's dry, warm and well. God, how beautiful the sea is in her anger! I feel strong, majestic, proud. I feel her alive, she lives, speaks and gets angry from time to time, but only to show us her sovereignty. I hear her screaming, howling, I feel her energy hitting my chest. I let myself be carried away by the current. The storm is decreasing in intensity. I hear a cry for help and head there. He's the man in the hold.


He has a fractured arm. I can hardly help him cling to my wood. We stand like this, motionless, swaying in unison with the ripples of the water. We have been floating for some time, when suddenly the sea begins to take on the color of blood. I see how slowly, out of the water. a huge ball of fire begins to come out. It's so big that I feel like I can grab it by hand. For a few minutes I remain in contemplation. It's the first time in my life that I see a sunrise. It is sublime, it is perfect. I feel so small and temporary that I feel like crying. God, how beautiful you have been to people, but what a pity you have blinded them!


It's been two days since we've been adrift. The man next to me fainted and I had to tie him to my belt. I'm not feeling well either. I'm thirsty, hungry and my strength has started to leave me. I'm thinking of committing suicide, maybe that's how I get back in my room, but I realize that this could influence the future for the worse. It is evening. The wind begins to intensify and with it, the waves begin to increase in intensity. With the last efforts, I manage to grab the beam tighter, while also catching the man. We are thrown, pulled, twisted, but I am stubborn and resist. In the distance I see a glimmer of light. I look closer. Yes, there is a light! I try to swim, but my teammate's weight holds me in place. I put my hand to his neck and feel his pulse. I can't leave him! I get off the wood and start pushing it, kicking hard. I see the light approaching and that gives me courage, swimming harder and harder. to


At first I only see the rocks and the light, then concentrating I see the woman. I see her outline, her long, wind-whipped hair, the folds of her dress. How do I know her? A smile lights up my face and I start screaming. Danaide ... my beautiful! The woman who enlightens the souls of the lost! I'm struggling to get to her. At least I will know you, I will see your face, you will no longer be a faceless image. he beckons me to follow her, to come to her. I swim desperately, but I can't move forward. A wave pushes me to the bottom. I feel two strong hands grab me and pull me up. I hear men's voices and faint.


I find myself lying on a hard, plank bed. Next to me, my colleague moans. The door hits the wall and several men enter, speaking French.


- You woke up! one of them addresses me. Your colleague was very lucky that you tied him up, otherwise he was dead.

" Thank you for your help," I say, nodding slightly.


" You helped yourself!" If you didn't have that light. I didn't see you! By the way, how did you manage to keep the lantern lit in the storm?

A wide smile lights up my face and I feel my heart tremble. Danaida ...


my beautiful ... my love ... you saved me from death. I put my head on the pillow and fall into a sweet slumber. I fall asleep a little, but when I open my eyes I find that I am in my room. Why didn't I feel like I was back?


I look at Danaide. My beautiful thank you! Wherever you came from and wherever you were now, know that I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't see his face.

I decide to go to Christopher. I still have the smell of water in my nostrils, which makes me feel good. It was a hard experience, but I liked it, it made me feel the sea, to merge with it, to vibrate in unison. God give any kind of misfortune to the earthlings, only do not take the sea and the sunrise and the smell of flowers! How blind we are!


I find Christopher as usual with his nose in the papers. After looking at me, I see that he is in a good mood.

" How I love the sea!" I sigh. I'm wodering why?


- Souls are generally connected to the places or activities they have used the most and in which they have had the most pleasant experiences, this does not mean that you access only a unilateral reality, but the most dear, most pleasant vibration remains impregnated. , and contact with a similar environment causes the awakening of memories, but in order to complete them, people must access all aspects of the incarnation in various and varied places. You have to go through various trades and places, be kings and slaves, doctors and patients, legislators and outlaws, and the examples could go on indefinitely, to learn the feelings of that plan.


- Do we only incarnate in people of the same sex?


- No, you have known all sides of creation. You have been men, women, heterosexuals, bisexuals, homosexuals, but in all these experiences you have been animated by the flame of the Holy Spirit. You must understand that all these are aspects of the Divine Creation and therefore they had to be experienced, in order to own their vibration. Some learned the lesson quickly and moved on to another stage, others experienced several incarnations in a row, and others, the most numerous, when they change their polarity, become aggressive, condemning those who do not they resemble or do not share their opinions. This means that in the next life they will be put in exactly the same situation, only this time


that will be on the other side. To understand me: a misogynistic man, who beats his wife, disregards her, will go through the same kind of life, only this time he will be a woman and will endure, most likely from his ex-wife, who will now be reincarnated in the husband, the same kind of treatment.


- Okay, but if you knew that what you were experiencing was actually your own reward, you would pass more easily, or avoid doing certain things.

- Yes and no, because at the same time you could say that you are taking revenge, and even though you know that you will receive the reward, but at least you have a satisfaction in this life. At the same time, if you knew that the beautiful woman you want to marry has cheated on you and killed you in another life, would you accept her? And then the law of deed and reward would be annulled. No one would ever be able to pay karmic again and therefore could not evolve.


- Yes, but if you don't know. then how do you solve your problems?


- This is where temperance and wisdom come into play. In the long line of incarnations, the entities reach that point of evolution, where they realize their own value. A self-conscious and self-assured person is a person who does not have to prove anything to anyone and that is why he is benevolent, calm, understanding, conciliatory. Just think if your leaders knew the value of their personal selves, if they lacked pride, arrogance, would there still be wars? The quarrel between two peaceful people is resolved even before it begins. In fact, in the years to come, we will witness special things. You will notice how some of the great rulers of the planet will make a 180 degree turn. They will suddenly be wiser and more peaceful, but do not think that this luster will be done of their own free will.


- But how? Will they be forced?


- No, their body will be occupied by a higher entity.


"You mean they'll be possessed?"


- No, being possessed means that in your body lies your spirit and the spirit of another entity. This is about something else. They will be destroyed, as if they were dying, but the place will be occupied by another soul, much more evolved. No one but those close to him will realize it, and even they will see the changes, but they will find rational explanations for them, moving away from reality.

- And the original soul, will it die?


" Yes, in the sense that he will move to the other plane, but because of the sacrifice, he will have a place in the higher hierarchies."

- But why this replacement? Couldn't an entity simply be born, grow and take its rightful place?

- Yes, so far it has been, but there is no time. As I told you before, the Earth will make a leap soon. It took an entity years to reach maturity.


" And why wasn't he born earlier?"


- Because the plan has been changed. But the earth will make the leap without destruction


originally planned. There will be changes of relief, loss of territory, major cataclysms, human losses, but they cannot be compared to what was supposed to happen. And this is due to some scattered entities, a kind of pioneers, who believed in the good of man and asked for a postponement, a kind of stepping, of grace time, in which to try to awaken as many consciences as possible. It seems that their cry had effect, for dozens of


people listened to them, understood them and began to change and they in turn trained other souls and this awakening began to be exponential, but we discussed these things before.


I know I've discussed it before, but I want to delve deeper into this topic in the hope that I'll get another answer.


"What if they all wake up?" If I understand, then there will be nothing left?


" Unfortunately, not everyone will wake up," said Christopher thoughtfully, "because there are still many entities groping for their own spirituality, and what is written will happen, because even the planet must be transformed."


- Yes, but it would be nice if someone let them know! Aren't there people to do that? Can't God send a messenger?

- There are many, but they are not listened to, they are not taken into account, they are even ridiculed.

- Why don't some people believe?


- Because this is the evolutionary stage they are on. During the incarnations, some went faster, others slower. Some have quickly mastered the necessary karmic experiences, compensating for them and then embarking on the Path of Perfection, others are still blinded by the whirlwind of passions. This does not mean that they are not evolved, but that they still need time to fulfill themselves.


" I want to live to see what happens." Maybe I'm selfish, but I want to try this experience, to be part of it.

- Only the Creator can decide this.


- Yes, but I'm showing good signs! I understood many things, I understood reincarnation, karma, I also understood why I am in love with the painting, if you sit and judge they all have an explanation. By the way, can you tell me what's wrong with the woman with the torch? Who is she? Where it comes from?


- Sometimes, during a lifetime, Christopher began in a low voice, the embodied entity reaches an unforeseen conjuncture, which does not correspond to the Divine Plan. If the outcome to which the situation converges were accepted, then the change of trajectory would create discontinuities in Akasha, which would lead to serious disturbances. In these extreme situations, it is acceptable to send a messenger to rectify things and reintroduce them on the normal path. These messengers are, in fact, coordinating entities of the astral plane, who come to do their job and then leave. This explains the mysterious appearances of angels, guides or guides, who suddenly appear, help and then disappear. I think you've heard of them, too.


- And my beautiful is from the astral? I'll see her someday


- There are entities that do not allow you to see their faces. And anyway, in order to look at an entity, you must first have some training and then be allowed to. For example, gnomes are very annoying. If you meet someone, it is forbidden to approach him first and look him straight in the eye. In fact, they avoid contact with mortals as much as possible.

It's already too much for me! It's like we're in White: Snow and the Seven Dwarfs. I understand a lot, but something like that ...

" I see it's getting dark," said Christopher, more for him, and then he added aloud, "


" Don't you want to get some fresh air before dinner?"


" Yes," I answer.


We go out behind the house. The cold, hard air hits me in the face. I breathe insatiably, but no matter how much air I breathe, I can't get rid of the smell of the sea. We slowly cross the meadow and sink into the forest.


Cristofor walks thoughtfully, looking for something. I can't help but admire the scenery. Beautiful, tall, vigorous trees watch over our steps. From time to time trills of birds furrow the air. It is quiet and peaceful. and in spite of the darkness that is leaving, I feel the friendly, close place.


Cristofor takes my arm and begins to describe each species of tree to me. I listen to him, apparently attentive. but the thought flies away from me. I'm thinking of Julie and Danaide. My gaze falls on the muscle at the root of a fir tree. I feel my hair stand on end. A small, bright being, with two pairs of wings, with a human figure, resembling a doll, is looking at me for a few moments, after which it disappears. I try to tell Cristofor, but he is so absorbed in his stories about firs, spruces and pines that he can't hear me.


We keep going. I realize that probably under the pressure of the story about


gnomes and my subconscious played tricks on me, sending me images of fairies or


goblins. I smile amused, but the smile freezes on my face, because this time, on a


branch, about eye level, three such creatures sit and shake my hand. I'm looking


fixed on them, to make sure they don't disappear, while pulling Cristofor's hand




Sup, zamp, pomp.


Christopher turns his head relaxed and smiles. He shakes them and says:


" They are iele, they are called iele," he repeated, emphasizing, that is, a kind of forest fairy. They are of various types and degrees of elevation and deal mainly with maintaining the energy of the place.


" They're very pretty," he added, as if nothing abnormal had happened, and he resumed his dissertation on trees.

I feel my head slap, but it seems that what I saw is just the beginning, because I hear it:


- Look to the left and a salamander!


I look and see a little man, half man, half lizard, with a reddish-green tail, hastily hiding behind a tree.


I'm so upset that I decide not to make any more noise. Anyway, it didn't matter, because my interlocutor is still focused on forestry explanations. What iele, salamanders, these are minor things, it is important to deepen the embankment, the soil and the spread of trees in nature!


We reach a clearing. A small stream, which timidly reflects the moon's rays, divides it in two. We sit on a rock. Cristofor still holds my arm. After a few moments in which he seems to contemplate the landscape, he begins in a soft voice:


- There was a time when many different animals lived on this earth. God had made them for the benefit and joy of men. At the same time, at that time, the forests and hills of the mountains were crossed by unicorn studs. They were majestic, peaceful, gentle animals, and they were meant to help man, to accompany him, to guide his steps, and to watch over him. God loved them so much that He gave


to them the gift of healing. The people who lived in those times knew of these powers and whenever they had a disease they went to the forest, lay down in the grass and


Beauty. And the unicorns came to them and dripped tears of love over their heads, and when they woke up they were healed, but some caught the news that if you anoint yourself with unicorn horn dust, you gain magical powers, you can rule the world, you can have everything and then they began to kill them to take their horns. This is how they were hunted until there were only two left in the whole land, a male and a female, but the people caught the news and cornered them up on the mountain ridge. they killed the female first. They pierced his heart with his spear, screaming with joy. The male stood motionless beside her, begging for death. And when one of the men was about to throw the spear, he went down


a great light from heaven and enveloped the animal, making it disappear. It is not known exactly what happened to him. or where he ended up. The only sure glow is that people fought among themselves to rule the world, only there were many who had unicorn horn dust, and this made the forces somewhat equal. The war did not end until the dust was gone. Then they realized that they had in fact killed their chance of eternity, that from now on they would have to accept their suffering, their illness, and learn to live with them. This is how man chose temporary immortality instead of immortality. I stand still, trying to control my tears. I realize that although it is a legend, it perfectly characterizes the human race. My attention is drawn to the rustle of the trees across the creek. A large, white shadow appears from the trees. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not sleeping. I look and I can't believe it! A gorgeous, white, huge horse shook its head, snoring lightly. As he advances towards us. the more impressed I am. The perfection of her neck, the curvature of her rump, the tangled hair that startled at every step. I look at him and waves of love flood my soul. He passes through the water, approaching Christopher. He stretches out his hand to caress him and then I see his horn. a


I tremble and burst into tears. Forgive us beautiful animal! Forgive us, Lord! Cristofor grabbed my hand and put it on his head. It makes a slight noise and approaches me. I put both arms around his neck, sticking my head into his mane. I can smell it. Tears streamed down my cheeks, intertwining with his tears, and I apologize to him and to his ancestors for all and all that I have done. I stroked his muzzle and kissed him, sticking my head to his cheek. I don't know how long we stay like that, but at one point he shakes his head, as if greeting us and disappears with a wide leap into the thicket. I open my eyes and realize I'm in my room. When did I get here? Was it a dream?


I remain motionless, but I somehow feel at peace. I get out of bed, trying to see if what I experienced was true. I smell my clothes and feel them impregnated with his scent, a faint scent of fresh hay and flowers. I see a long white hair on my sleeve. I pick it up with love and put it in Danaida's cardboard roll. I think how strange life is. If someone had told me he had seen a unicorn, a salamander or an iele ... but did I actually see it?


I decide to go to Cristofor. If I still have nothing to do, at least I sit on his head and stress him out.


I go down and see Yidam, who beckons me to follow him. We go out into the yard and see Cristofor sitting on a bench in front of the fountain.


" We'll break up next week," he said. Yidam will take you directly to the airport. I wonder: has the six months already passed? Okay, but when? How? It's like I came yesterday! I wanted to tell you that you can come here whenever you want. But please keep me that I


I will go to Bucharest only until August 2009. After that, my mission will end and I will take a break.


" Okay, what if they want to see us later?" I ask.


- It won't be possible anymore, because I'll go to other plans.


" And with everything you have here, what will you do?" Do you sell them, do you leave them like that ?, I ask him in amazement.


"I may leave them to someone, but this has not yet been decided in Akasha." It depends very much on that person, on his evolution. I, too, was surprised by the information received, but surely Divine Providence knows better. Although I am convinced that it is a difficult task that must be undertaken in a very short time, I trust in the power of the Holy Spirit that shines in this man. If the seed that was planted in his heart hundreds of years ago was of good quality, then it will bear fruit now, for his time has come.

Who will be lucky? I wondered. From the discussion I deduce that he is one, but no matter how hard I try, I can't find out any other information.

I also find out that in the remaining week I have to practice all the practices I have learned, ie water programming, projections with the elements of fire, water, air and earth, concentrations, gymnastics, work with various rays and meditations. I can't say I don't like it. The more I practice, the easier it is for me and the better I feel. I can say that I became an ace in emptying the brain of any stimulus.


It's the last night of my stay here. I meet Cristofor with some heartbreak. I think I started to like him! Sitting in my chair, I find out that tonight we will do a special meditation. I walk in the lotus position and close my eyes. Cristofor does the same thing, but as always, he grabs my hands with his hand, then starts with a monotonous voice:

- Inhale deeply and seldom, several times.


I breathe seldom and deeply. With each inspiration I feel a state of peace envelop me. I'm relaxed. I try to focus on Christopher's voice, but I hear it farther and farther. At one point, I have a slight sensation of floating and wake up in the middle of a purple, steamy sea. I look around with my mind's eye, and I see how light ripples come from place to place in the colors of the rainbow. It is so beautiful and so quiet that I can almost feel my heart vibrating with joy. I don't know how long I'm like this, but I'm beginning to realize a presence, weaker at first, but then more and more pronounced, as if someone were following me. I look, but I don't see anyone. The sensation becomes more and more acute and I shout: - Where are you?


in my head I hear the answer:


- I'm in you!


- Who are you?


- It's you!


- How are you? do i talk to myself


- In a way, yes. I am you and you are me. We are independent, but permanently together, we are one and the same.

- Are you God?


" You can call me whatever you want, because the name doesn't matter, but to make me aware, you can tell me that."


- And why do you say we're permanently together?


- Because it is. I am always with you, just as I am always with everyone and everything that has been created, and everything and everyone, including you, is always with me.


" If you really are, then tell me why you made me sick?"


" I wasn't the one who decided your illness." You did it yourself. You chose your fate before incarnation. the angels of karma only made sure that what was written was respected.


" Of course, I wanted to die, for sure!"


- No, you wanted to get to that point where you can remember who you really are, where you come from and what your mission is.

" And I couldn't find another better way?"


" That was the path you wanted to take." If you had not been put in this dramatic situation, would you have submitted to such a regime, would you have agreed to leave everything for a few months, everything and leave, would you have listened to Christopher's advice?


I sit and think he's right. For nothing in the world would I have given up my job, my house, my life.

" I think you're right," I say softly, more to myself. But still where you were when I needed you.

- I've always been inside you. I shouted, I screamed, but you have a great talent for ignoring me. You made all the decisions with reason, to the detriment of the soul.


- But it seems that I made the decisions I had to make, since I got here, that is, where I was destined to be.

" You would have gotten here, no matter which way, but you chose the most difficult one."


" And how do I know which way to go from now on?"


- Ask me and I will answer you, call me and I will come.


" How can I ask you when I'm not yet convinced you exist!" I'll hurry. If everything I'm experiencing now is actually a dream, from which I will wake up at some point and find that I am exactly where I was when I fell asleep.


- I can't help you here. Faith is hidden inside everyone. No one and nothing can bring it to light, only the entity itself.

- But I want to believe! Help me! Show me! I shouted, more mentally.


A strange tremor engulfs me, in fact it is a feeling of strong pressure. I feel my heart start to go crazy and I see, I feel, a dark steam comes out and rises from me, and then with a sudden movement it integrates into the purple sea. For a few seconds, thousands of needles pierce my skin simultaneously, making me cringe in pain. My temples jerk suddenly, painfully, then a state of total emptiness grips me. I feel emptied of any feeling, of any sense, I am blind, deaf and dumb, I am alone inside my carnal covering, but I feel a stranger, totally separate. I don't know how long I've been like this, because I've lost track of time, but slowly, at first diffuse, then more and more pregnant, my senses start to come back to me and I feel pleasant waves of heat start to touch me. I feel them as compact masses of beneficial energy, coming and hitting my body, charging it, making it vibrate, and I realize that I am actually enveloped in waves of love. My heart starts to ache from so much beauty and love and I start to cry. On the screen of the mind are vortices of color, energy and sounds. they begin to unfold and live the act of creation. I see, perceive, understand and become aware of love with


creative, but strange is that I feel them as part of me, as if I were there, actively participating. A feeling of uniqueness dominates me, but not as if I were independent, but I feel a whole, a unitary whole; all that exists is me, or I am all that exists. A loud flash erupts with noise from my plexus and rivers of love begin to flow from me. I see them overflowing and merging at first with the purple sea, and then filling the earth, the universe. I mentally ask God to hug me and I feel like I'm instantly starting to melt, dissipating into something that looks like an abyss of light and love. I live a sense of greatness, power, peace, wisdom and perfection. I feel equal, identical, with the One and this makes me have access to the Cosmic Consciousness. I am eternal, eternal, I am everywhere. I see suns, constellations, planets. I feel their pulse, their life. A light, leisurely movement catches me, giving me a rotating trajectory. I drain pleasantly through a steam funnel and open my eyes in Christopher's laboratory. I feel special, special and this stops me from speaking, because I realize that the sound of words would bind me to this plan and I don't want to, I want to keep the imprint of eternity in me. At night, although I have a hard time falling asleep, I dreamed that I was looking with Christopher in a magic mirror at the creation of the Universe. Although I know somehow intuitively that we are, we are not alike. I am much younger and he is much older, but I feel like a teacher, an initiate trying to pass on his knowledge to me. I hear him say there is no more time and I wake up. The separation from Christopher was simple and very formal. Apart from the envelope he gave me, telling me not to open it until after my tests, I have no other proof that I was there.


Sitting on the plane, I think I was expecting more from him, but it shows


that I don't care. To him I am certainly a poor mortal, banal and unimportant. By the way, if I were like him, the world would probably seem stupid and boring to me.


I look around and see that the feeling of loneliness that I have always had has increased. I am surrounded by people, but I feel alone, except for my beautiful Danaide, who accompanies me everywhere ... I wonder why the flight attendants look at me so long ... and face from the side ... I decide to go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. It's the first time in six months.


I go in and lock the door behind me. I sit in the tiny room leaning against the wall and stare at myself. It's not me anymore! I mean, I know it's me, but I look much younger and more rested. My hair has grown quite a bit, I can almost say I have locks, and my eyes ... are gorgeous, warm, friendly and shine in a special light. I take off my T-shirt and feel my muscles and skin. I lost weight, but my muscles are well defined, and the skin texture has changed, as if it is finer, more elastic. I'm happy! I can say that I have felt so good about myself for a long time.


I go out and walk to my place, smiling. My eyes are drawn to a blond child, but exaggeratedly pale. I don't know why I stop in front of him and ask him if he speaks French. he tells me yes. I find out that his name is Paul Georgescu, that he is from Bucharest and that he goes to a clinic in Paris where he has to have a bone marrow transplant.


- A bone marrow transplant? I ask in astonishment.


" Yes, because he has leukemia," his mother replies. I look into his blue eyes and realize that I shine with happiness. I can't help but ask him:


- You're glad?


- Yes, his answer comes, because I prayed to God to give me this possibility, because we didn't have money. With the help of the Floarea Vieţii Foundation, we managed to raise half of the amount. That's enough for the first intervention. I'm sure there will be a way to receive the rest. It's a lot of money, almost a hundred thousand euros, but God will take care. I know that for sure. and that's why I thank him every day!

I can't hide my admiration for this soul. He is ill, on the verge of death, he does not have the necessary money, but he still has the power to thank God.

I sit down and ask myself:


- Why, my God?


" Because he, like you, chose this path." It was the fastest way to burn his karma, to be able to tune in to the new vibration of the earth and to complete his mission.


- Will he heal? -Yes.


He will heal if he has what I think. What an injustice there is in this world!


Let your own life depend on money, on material values!


the flight attendant puts a plate of food in front of me. I look at the piece of meat and feel my taste buds explode with happiness. I rush and bite into it, but I feel almost instantly vomiting. I refrain and try to chew it. The taste looks disgusting to me, as if it's rotting. I spit it on my plate trying to explain my reaction. I think it's because of the food break.


I get to my apartment. My sweet home! I decide not to let anyone know about my return, not even Julie. I make an appointment with Dr. Richard, who seems overjoyed to hear me. Here's at least one man who was worried about my disappearance! I take Danaide out and carefully catch her on the chassis and then in the frame. I got home, my love!

Today I have to receive the big news: I am healthy or sick. I try to focus on the result, but the only answer that comes to mind is: you are healthy! But I know with all the power of my reason that it is nonsense. I'm definitely sick! Probably much worse than when I left! It is impossible to treat SEDA with herbs, teas, food and meditations, I am convinced of that. I realize that if I were to be somewhat rational, I would have to focus on the little time I have left.


- I don't want to die, God, you hear me, I don't want to die!


" You're not going to die," the answer immediately pops into my head.


I burst out laughing, but I stop, because the image of the little boy on the plane comes to mind. He has no money, but he is trying to heal, and I have no mercy and I treat myself with herbs! An idea suddenly crosses my mind. Yes, I think that's what I should do!


I get on the phone, call for information, and ask for the clinic number. After a few crawls, a woman's voice answers. I recommend myself, I tell her that I am interested in the child's condition, and she contacts me with the doctor, saying that she cannot give me relations.


I find out, after being questioned, that it is now under analysis, and a decision will be made based on the results. I close and decide to go see him.


I find him lying on the bed, full of infusions, but just as happy. His eyes are full


of light. He jumps on my neck, kissing me. I hold him in my arms, barely controlling myself


tears. Like his mother, I'm just as surprised by my reaction, because I don't know how to do it


explain. I sit next to him until he falls asleep, after which I decide to talk to the doctor.


- How much money does he need? I ask.


" About fifty thousand euros," he replies with some embarrassment. Do you accept checks? I ask and feel a wave of joy fill my heart. I think I'm crazy, I just got rid of a lot of money, but I feel as happy as I haven't been in a long time.


From the figure of the doctor I understand that he is amazed, but he refrains from any comment.


" I want it to be confidential," I say, and leave the office. I have a state of euphoria that makes me float. Look, Lord, I've shown you that I can be like you! My Tiz will not die of lack of money, because only I and I have decided for this Paul to live. Today is the day a Paul will be saved!


- What do you say now, God?


" I knew it would be so!" the answer comes.


The insistent crawling of the cell phone drives me out of focus. Dr. Richard's low voice tells me we need to see each other.


I sit in front of him in the chair and try to guess the result. From the mine he's approaching, I realize it's bad.


" I don't know how to begin," he says.


" Straight, manly, I support anything," I say, but I feel my heart tighten.


" I think your lab tests were wrong at first." These are perfect. "You're a healthy cannon," he said, then added in a low voice. If you consider it appropriate to sue me, I will accept the situation, although I want you to know that I am not to blame, moreover I apologize and I am very sorry for what happened. I asked to check the first tests again and the result is the same, so I deduce that the samples were somehow confused. I don't know what to say more than that. It's a singular case ... I've never had a situation like this before ...


I pull out a puppy of joy and rush to him and kiss him on the cheeks. I assure him that I accept his apology and leave the building in a hurry. I walk down the street jumping on one leg. I see people wincing at me. My elbow hurts! Blind!


- God. thank you! thank you!


- With pleasure! I hear in my head.


I talk to God and he really answers me! I burst into hysterical laughter. An elderly lady makes her cross. I wonder how many years she had to live? Three, my voice answers. I decide not to tell them. Not the other way around, but better to take her by surprise.


I reach home with a sigh of relief and slump on the couch. Danaide ... I'm healthy. Should


Do I call Julie? I've been in Paris for a week now and I haven't. I get my hands on the phone. The crystal clear voice at the end of the line delights my hearing. I tell her I've arrived and I'm waiting for her.


The moment I walk in the door, I hold her in my arms, kiss her and slap her on the couch, with not very orthodox intentions, but the rain of questions that falls on me makes me forget the motive for the action. I tell him about Christopher. of Yidam, of treatment, of meditations, I even tell him about the strange voice that resounded in my head. I see her sitting quietly on the couch, listening to me. At one point I suddenly get up and wave the result of the analysis in front of him:


"And now the miracle ... I'm healthy!" Julie takes the papers and reads them




" I can't believe it!"


" What do you mean you can't believe it?" I ask in astonishment.


" I mean," she said after a short pause, "I didn't believe in a solution either." It was more of an inner urge. The moment I saw you crying, I thought that meeting such a man would help you accept your fate more easily, but this is really a miracle ...


I feel very disappointed! All these days of torment that I endured were largely endured because of her. Just the thought that she sent me, that she trusted him, that she checked him out made me patient with stoicism and hope.


" Please don't get me wrong," she added, "I know he's a special person, I know he's treated many diseases, some of them even incurable, I've personally felt his abilities, but the fact that he can cure anyone makes me feel better." I see in a different light.


I quickly tell him that I am not everyone, that I have a mission, that I have chosen to come here now with a very precise job, but I am beginning to feel the distance.

- Why do you have this reaction? I ask angrily.


- I think ... I don't know, I think I'm jealous! I burst out laughing and take her in my arms.

- Why, why be jealous?


- You! she shouted. For years I struggled to find my own way of communicating with the divinity, I read, I rummaged, I documented and nothing. Everything was reduced to simple feelings, sometimes even induced, nothing palpable, consistent ... and you, you did nothing, on the contrary you bypassed the churches with a vulture and suddenly you became the favorite! Is not correct! Why didn't Cristofor show me the way? What, was I a woman?


The voice in my head tells me that her time will come. for feminine energy will have to be manifested in the years to come. I tell her this, even though I see her looking at me strangely. We talk so much that I feel like I'm losing my voice.


The next day I wake up holding Julie in my arms. And now I feel like laughing thinking


to the nonsense she told me, but luckily her altruistic nature overcame, although in the depths of my soul I agree with her. I would have behaved the same way! I would have been jealous too! Julie went to the newsroom, and out of boredom I decide to do some tidying up. I take the pile of clothes from the chair, with the intention of throwing them in the washing machine, but my eyes are drawn to the envelope that comes out of my pants pocket, I take it in my hand and realize that it is the letter from Christopher, which I had to I read after doing my tests. I read it and feel all the blood being left on my feet. I collapse, shouting:


" Cursed be you!"


I read and reread it several times. Words strike me in the heart like daggers. "I know that what I ask of you as payment for treatment may make you sad, but I think the price is right. That is why my wish is to receive Danaide as a reward for my efforts. Please understand that I want the painting and not its value. I will spare you the torment of bringing it to me, and that is why I tell you that you can send it to Emilia, who will hand it to me. I hope we can close the pact by the first Tuesday of next month. I guess you know me well enough to understand that I'm not willing to negotiate. Your humble friend, Christopher. "


I scream, I shout, I pull my hair out of my head. My love, how I will give you! I'd rather die! What an idiot I was! Let me speculate on a charlatan, a crook. His only purpose was to take my picture!


" But you have healed!" my voice rang out.


- I hate you and him! Never talk to me again! You heard? Shut up, disappear, get out of my head! I want to be sick, to die, to suffer, but I can't give my love! Cala!


- Okay, but your mission is to live, to be healthy, to be able to make the transition with the earth, to help!

" I told you to shut up, not to hear you!" If you take free will into account, then disappear! Julie finds me crying. I show him the letter and tell him that I have decided not to give it.


What will he do to me? I'll send him the equivalent, so he doesn't say I'm a crook. but he will only take the picture if he dies. No one and nothing in this world will deprive me of Danaide.

" But if I were in danger of death and the only salvation was to give the picture, would you?" Julie asks me.

" It's a stupid situation, so there's no point in thinking about it!" I replied.


- I want an answer!


I'm thinking about what to say to him. The reality is, I wouldn't give it to her, but can I tell her that?


- I'm still waiting! Julie said calmly, but I could see that harsh glint in her eyes. I feel a little arrogant, and that makes me say:

- No, I wouldn't give it! Not even for you! If you are in danger of death, it means that you chose so before the incarnation and I don't see why you should involve me!

I put these words in my mouth, but in my head the image of the planet Yxala appears, I see Julie offering to accompany me. They and what? Did I put it on? She had to take care of her life!


" It's good I at least know how I'm doing," she said.


I expected her to leave, but it is clear that she was not much affected by my words. That's a good thing. for he seems to have understood reality. I go to the office and complete a check for five hundred thousand euros. Be prepared!


It's been almost two weeks since the news broke. I have one more week until the grand finale. I have to play my card smart, but the problem is I don't know how. I struggled so hard to find the answer that I seemed to stop living. I even avoid Julie, because I feel the need for loneliness. I sit on the couch for hours and watch Danaide. I know its outline, its color on the outside, but the more I look at it, the more I discover new riches of detail and light. I don't want to give you! You who saved my life, throw me into foreign hands? What if she came to me just to save me a second time? Ah, how I hate Christopher! He could ask me anything else. I was willing to give her whatever, I wouldn't have blinked, but on her ... And why doesn't she accept money? Why doesn't he want the value?


Thoughts swirl in my head. I am healthy! I overcame the disease, I talked to God, I met him and yet I am so human, I remained a poor materialistic mortal!


I sit on the couch hugging the roll of cardboard. I open it and inhale it, I want to smell it, but the smell of fresh hay and flowers invades my senses. "... they have chosen instead of immortality, temporary magnification ..." resounds in my ears. Is that what I do?


I look out the window and see how slowly the light begins to take the place of the darkness. At first shy, then more and more intense, until everything is filled with shining rays of the sun. I suddenly decide. I take the picture out of the frame, take it off the chassis, put it in the tube and speed out the door. At the courier company, the woman behind the window looks at me from a distance. Tears streamed down my cheek as I filled out the form. He stroked the scroll one last time and handed it to her. My love ... goodbye.


I walk down the street like crazy, hitting people. I did it! If that's what you were waiting for


from me, Lord, I have given you satisfaction. You can consider yourself victorious! You gave me health, but instead you killed me. Be happy, because you came out victorious! I hardly get home and fall on the bed. I feel old and desolate. I know for sure that from now on, my life will not be the same. A burst of tears breaks my thoughts and I fall asleep.


I wake up just as the strands of light were pulling me up. I stay calm, because I don't care where I end up. I'm not interested in anything anymore and I don't want to change anything! I hate you God! The dizzying rotation of a vortex makes me close my eyes. A thud, followed by a terrible pain in my knees, makes me realize that I have reached my destination. I open my eyes and find that they are on some wooden stairs, narrow and blackened by the weather, which, as far as I can tell, connect two floors of a house. It is cold, dark and smells of mold. From below, a voice is heard, followed by a flickering light that rises in speed: "Did you hit yourself, darling?" I hear in Italian.


I turn my head and see a small, fat, white, fluffy woman panting at me. She is wearing a kind of sheet, which was probably meant to be a nightgown, but given its impressive size, it looks more like a parachute. In the head, the bonnet that brings a lot with a night pot, comes to complete the picturesque of the outfit. I look at her and realize that it's easier to jump than to get around her. Behind her, footsteps are heard, and from the corner of the stairs, two other female characters, dressed almost identically, appear. One is thin, ugly and tall and brings a lot with a man, and the other is young, but as fat and shiny as the first. I think they'll be relatives. for it is very similar, but I can't finish the idea of ​​hearing her say, "Did you hit your father?"


I'm dismayed! How can I be the father of such a hypochimen! I think I misunderstood! I feel my flesh tighten on me just at the thought of being able to bring such a thing into the world. I still manage to mutter something, it seems intelligible, because I see all three of them speeding up the stairs, lighting my way. We enter a small, dark room. The smell of paint and oil hits me like a fist in the face. I take the candle from the skinny woman's hand and push them out, slamming the door in their face. Fat puts her head down again, asking me:


- Does my husband want anything else?


" How the hell do I know what else your man wants," I shout, but I suddenly realize he's talking to me. God forgive me! So I'm the husband and definitely the monster, he's our baby! That means I slept with her! I think I was in an alcoholic coma, or maybe I was threatened with death, or I was drugged ... I refuse to think anymore and start looking through the little room. I see brushes, colors, paintings leaning against the wall ... I'm in a painter's studio! So I was also a painter! This explains my passion for art. The image of Danaida appears in my mind and I feel like a stab, like a


dagger pierces my heart. I look at the work, at the ink, and I realize I recognize it ... I've seen it somewhere before ... but where?


Near the window I see an easel with a cloth covered with a towel. Aha, so I'm working on something! With a sudden movement I reveal the work, but I feel my heart suddenly stop in place. Danaide ... my love ... I painted you! I look at the curvature of the hip, at the hair ruffled by the wind, at the delicacy of the hand, at the turbulent sea


and I realize that she was born of my soul, of my feelings. for I brought it with me from the experience of a past life and materialized it in the present. Scream. I shout for joy. I want to stay here, in this life, right with these terrible women, just to be with you! I look at the work. It's almost ready. He's a little short of the foam of the waves. I'm thinking ... if I put it ... this last touch. I would stay with her forever. With a trembling hand I look for the white and spread it with the brush on the palette, trying to determine the optimal amount. Then I gently draw, like a breeze, the tip of the waves. I step back and look. Yes it is perfect! A strange feeling of immortality envelops me.


The sun has long since risen, but I still remain in that position, contemplating it. A sound of footsteps and male voices are heard from the stairs. The door slams against the wall and my so-called wife appears in the doorway, this time dressed in a burgundy velvet dress. accompanied by three men. I look at their funny costumes, with puffy pants, down to the knees, with huge feathered hats, and I can't help but snort with laughter.


" Mr. Count is kind enough to stop by," I hear the fat woman say.


" I'm glad," I muttered anemicly, "but the words stop in the middle of my throat, for I catch his eye."

- What a beautiful picture! he exclaims, as I try to cover him with my shoulder, but I can't, because I wake up pushed by the fat man, who pulls the work off the easel and puts it in his arms. He looks up at her and says:


" I'll give you twenty yellows!"


" The work is not for sale," I say, snatching it from his hand.


" Forty yellows and my protection."




I see the woman's face turn scarlet, suffocating. in a last effort he manages to deceive:


- Forgive him, he didn't sleep all night! He's upset! He will definitely bring your work to the palace!

" Okay, I'll be waiting for you in the afternoon," I hear him say, then turn around and leave.


- Are you stupid? How to refuse such an offer? We have no more food, the oil is gone, the grocer no longer wants to give us the debt, the creditors are knocking on the door ...

" Your food hurts in my elbow!" You have a way to get off! The picture does not leave here! With a majestic air, he turned left and came out, slamming the door. Go to hell and you and your son! Hear me give my love for two idiots! Towards evening, as if in a deja vu, the scenario is repeated, only this time the count is accompanied by three




" Well, I've been waiting for you!" Why did not you come?


He still had something to finish at work, I hear the woman's voice.


" Damn," I say, "the work isn't for sale." I give you any other work here, for free, but not on Danaide.

- Danaide, beautiful name! he said with a laugh, but where did you come to the conclusion that I needed alms? Did anyone tell you that I was impoverished and could no longer afford my whims?


- No, but the painting is not for sale!


" I'll ask you one more time!" I'll give you a hundred yellows!


- Take it, take it, the woman starts screaming.


" Never," I said, looking into his eyes.


" One hundred and fifty yellows." -Not.


I see out of the corner of my eye how the woman collapses in her chair crying. I look triumphantly into the count's eyes, trying to figure something out.


- Is that your final answer? he asks me and I see his eyes narrowing menacingly.


- Yes!


I can still hear a "Take it!" And I feel four hands grab me firmly.


"He will be sentenced to death for spreading false information and betrayal," he said, before I was pushed through the door. I look behind me and see him grab Danaide with one hand and toss a bag of money on the table with the other.


" Damn it," I shouted. May you all be cursed, from now on until the age of eternity. Let dust and dust choose the lives of those who will have it! Let them die at the height of their glory, when the world is dearer to them, and let them not know what they have done wrong! And let them and their descendants love her as the light of their eyes, give their lives for her, but let her bring them only death! No one and nothing can break the oath, not even I, its creator, can break the oath. So be it!


A spiral of light descends from the sky piercing the top of my head. I scream


pain, while thousands of colored threads pluck me from the ground, lifting me up and imprinting a rotating motion on me. I see around me dozens of figures of people, women, men, children, smiling, happy. but as a command their faces twist, they twist; I hear them screaming, wailing, crying, cursing at the Creator.


I don't want to see you anymore, to hear you again! I shouted, squeezing my eyelids. A grave silence envelops me. I open my eyes and find that I'm in my apartment. What was that? God, what did I see? Although I don't get any response.


I have the answer clearly in my head, but I don't want to accept it. A strong fear paralyzes my movements. From the depths of my being I shout:

- I was! I have brought misfortune to the people! I killed them! Why God, why? Please talk to me! Explain me! However, I find that I do not receive any answer.

I take a piece of paper with the intention of writing. I want to take stock of myself, to understand who I was and who I am now. but the hand refuses to listen to me. I lie down on the couch and start screaming:


- It's Paul. your favorite beetle! Please listen to me! I ask forgiveness before you, Lord, and before all the souls I have wounded! Give them peace and quiet and forgive me for not knowing what I am doing! Please help me, talk to me!


All sorts of ideas are tangled in my head, but one persists: I want to know, I want to change, I want to learn. I feel like I have to move on, find out ... but what, how? After a few hours of despair, in which I sifted through my memories through the filter of reason,


the answer is liberating:


- I want to have knowledge, vision, premonition, or whatever they will be called. I want to be Christopher.

Maybe I'm the one who has to come! I add in my mind.


Saying these words, I see how a total relaxation embraces me. Only now do I realize that I actually miss him, our discussions, our contradictions. I have a great love, like a heartache. I realize that's actually my place, I still have so much to learn, but there's so little time left ... at least that's what he says. Will he receive me if I go? I fall asleep thinking about how to do it.


A distant sound of ritual drums makes me open my eyes. I hear them closer and closer, until they invade my senses, making me breathe in their rhythm. I look at my hands, which are beginning to turn into wings. I jump out of the open window and fly smoothly over Paris. I turn, describing concentric circles, climbing higher and higher, until the whole of France appears to me like a spot of light. Out of the corner of my eye I see a glimmer of light. I glide hard in that direction and I arrive almost instantly, above Cristofor's meadow. I make sharp shouts, hoping he'll look at me, but he seems extremely focused on what he's doing. He stands in front of a huge fire, with raised hands asking and uttering incantations. I don't understand the words, but their vibration and sound frighten me, holding the scroll in his hand, Yidam appears. Danaide ... my love ... Cristofor takes out the painting, unfolds it and then with a sudden movement throws it into the fire. A huge commotion rose toward me, almost fluttering my wings. Dozens of voices are heard screaming, crying, screaming, cursing, first downstairs, then I feel them coming up to me. I try to avoid it, but I don't succeed and I am hit hard by this tornado of voices, which envelops me, like a thick and nauseating paste. I struggle to get out of this molasses, but the more I put in the effort, the more I sink, until at some point I feel like I'm out of breath and I'm starting to collapse. I look down and see the earth approaching me menacingly.


- God, if that's how I have to die, then so be it, because I deserve it! I can say, before I try to locate Christopher, to say goodbye to him. I can still shout:


" Christopher, help me!"


I see him looking at me. From his hands clasped in a cup, a


a column of light that catches me, supports me and lifts me up. A wave of love for me




making me shed tears. before I faint, I can say:


"Thank you, Christopher!"


I wake up on the couch. I still feel the remnant of that infinite feeling of love. I want to keep it as long as possible and that's why I refuse to move. Why can't I keep this feeling forever?


The intercom's crawl wakes me up. It's Julie, letting me know she's coming up to me. I receive it with joy, but I feel that something has broken between us. I expose to them, not without fear, my idea of ​​returning there. He listens to me carefully and, in spite of my fear, approves me, saying:


- If you feel you have to do this, do it! I wish I had the courage to take one too


such a decision, but it is beyond me, and besides, I feel that I do not belong to that place. So, if you want to go, you'd better go, because if you don't, you'll be sorry and you'll always wonder what it was like.


After Julia leaves, I kind of feel at peace. I would have gone even if she didn't agree, but now that I have her endorsement, I seem to have more confidence in myself.


I try to put my thoughts in order to set my priorities before I leave. There are only two weeks left. I know for sure that I have to take a step and that's why I get on the phone and call for information.


- Annie Stewart, Chicago, Illinois, please.


- I have 134 subscribers, do you know the address?


" Try Annie Roanna Stewart," I say, thinking that if she's married, then I have no chance of finding her.

- I have a person with that name. Please note.


I sit apathetically in front of the paper for about ten minutes and look at the number. Call her to tell her what? After another ten minutes I decide and dial the number. I feel my heart pounding in my ears.


" Stewart House, I hear the receiver and recognize her voice."


- Annie?


- Yes, who is it?


" It's Paul," I say in English with a strong French accent.


- Which Paul?


- Paul Berg.


For a few seconds I hear nothing but a somewhat jerky breath.


- And what do you want?


" I want you to forgive me." I know you won't be able to do it, but I want you to know I'm sorry! I was a bastard, a human garbage, a fool. I was driven only by my own desires and needs. I hurt a lot of people around me and especially you.


" And you're not a bastard now?"


- lately I have gone through strange situations, sometimes curling even the absurd, but all this has made me see myself with different eyes, to understand myself on another level and first of all to be aware of my mistakes and mistakes. That's why please forgive me!


- Paul, I forgave you a long time ago. This does not mean that I have accepted or at least understood your decision, the problem is that it no longer affects me, I have passed that stage and I have moved on.


Annie, if you get to France, maybe we can see each other ... Never Paul, never. And please don't call me again! she added, then slammed my phone.

I stay thoughtful with the receiver in my ear. Who knows, maybe I'll see her again, maybe she'll reach that level of understanding so she can really forgive me. If he only knew how sorry I was!


God, why did you give us pride, pride, selfishness and above all forgetfulness? the answer does not come, but I still smile. Let me make you talk to me! Do you think you escape so easily? A light current of air, like a gentle caress, runs lightly through my hair, while a pleasant laugh resounds in my ears. I still hear:


- Welcome home!


Annie picked up a newspaper from the table and read the title of the article. Joshua Stewart, the opening of the "Parallel Worlds" exhibition, will take place tomorrow night at 5 pm at Chicago's Modern Art Gallery.


At the kitchen door, a gorgeous, blue-eyed blond-haired child appeared.


- Who was on the phone, Mom? he asked.


" An old friend," my mother replied.


" Did you invite him to the opening?"


- No, because he chose long before he did not participate!


- Yes, but you know how people are! Sometimes it's good to give them a chance to change their minds! God is the only one who sticks to his plan, regardless of the conditions, the child added and kissing his mother, he ran away.




This was the story of a man you never met. He is a MAN that you can meet only where you want to meet and only when you want it, or when destiny, in its unknown meanders, reserves this right for you. He is hidden among us, discreetly. Sometimes it slips through the sun's rays, other times through storm clouds, but these aspects are always a reflection of feelings.



our. He goes on because he is above us all. He knows this, he realizes it, he sees how mediocrity goes hand in hand with material well-being, how the love of money becomes the spiritual law of robotic beings who have lost their faith in God and in the Truth.


Spirituality is almost non-existent. What we have left is only the evocation of the Divinity in the face of death, of nothingness, of the fear of the unknown.

But some people do not die, but unite with God, thus becoming "Co-Creators," and, as the author says, "This is the supreme!"

And Christopher, the magician, understands that everything and everything follows their natural course. He, being a visionary, knows that things must change and there must be a new beginning. A good start for our Earth. A new beginning, perhaps difficult, difficult, but much more beautiful, more hopeful for those who will deserve it.


He knows if the Internet could appear before the computer, death before life ...

"He ... the keeper of the keys of alchemy, of transmutations, of the philosopher's stone ... is here and everywhere, he is great, but still so modest ...", HE is the one who knows the Truth. Prof. Eng. Irinel Cristu Bucharest, 2008


Other occurrences:


Alexandra Moşneaga - The secrets of white magic


The book is a help for those who want to know and apply some of the "secret teachings" of White Magic, as well as for those who are interested in enchantments and other healing procedures treasured in popular tradition.


For centuries, Magic has amassed processes by which one can act intensely on the Universe with the help of energies, vibrations, acoustic waves, and geometric shapes, as well as information about objects that amplify the biofield, the force of thought, and the will. It uses medicines and healing methods with the help of plants and al




Alexandra Moşneaga - The mysteries of the occult


This book is written in such a way that I can even benefit from it


those who are afraid to fight with themselves. The first part, intended for the disciple, will fully satisfy


many, because the one who will study it carefully and diligently, in most cases, will


be able to direct his own destiny, at least insofar as it is not


outlined without deviating from its destiny. At the end of his training course he will


he has forces that, properly used, will ensure a free and happy life and defend him


of pain, disease and suffering of all kinds.


Alexandra Moşneaga - Healing the PSI


The technique of opening the third eye.



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