16 October 2020

Journey to Dacia, The country of the Gods



(3 June 1998)

Legends are a permanent source of knowledge

of popular life and faith from ancient times.


A journey of research, in front of the place, the past removed the country my - United Dacia - brought me amazing revelation that my soul thirsts for truth and justice has received with gratitude and infinite pride.

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The Great God, the supreme god of the seen and the unseen, turned his almighty gaze to the Earth and decided that it was time to create human beings who would enjoy the beauties and riches of the earth. By his divine breath, he created, first and foremost, seven gods whom he called the Gods of Genesis. Their leader was Daksha , according to an old legend from Vedic culture. After carefully searching the entire Earth, Daksha finally found the most beautiful place where proud, snow-capped mountains kiss the high blue of the skies and enjoy the gentle hills, silvery valleys and rivers that join. and forms a huge and clear eye of water. Here and only here could Genesis begin.

Daksha was exalted and happy: he had found heaven on earth, he had found the right place for the People.

As such, he started work of creation. In during the night, a populous place Spirit with the first 10,000 sons, children of love, "the elect of the world" ( the chosen people ) who will come to rule the world. During the day, the seven gods - gods primordial of genesis - have continued to populate the earth with all kinds of animals, so that the diversity of their began to color the earth and to him give a living vibrant as ever there in May was. The divine work was almost finished. What you missed was the miracle of his sons were to multiply and possess the land in peace. After a moment of thought, Daksha has found the solution perpetuating endless: to create woman. Then, in time, he will discover the Forgotten Secret . Now, elected by Daksha were the eşii world and he and he called Gauls .

Daksha will remain known in mythology Vedic (the May ancient mythology of the world) as God of Genesis and of perpetuating endless. Children 's love, Dacia will possess the earth.

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With this great legend in mind, I decided to visit Dacia Land of the Gods , there, at her home in the heart of it, in the mountains Surya rayon ( Surya- God Sun in ancient Vedic ). I decided to go to Sarmi-Seget-door (I 'm rushing to flow in Sanskrit old) capital ancestors and our of the ancestors ancestors ancestors our those Carpatho-Danubian who have given the world a unique culture, history heroic and immortal people, our Dacian people .

So on June 3, 1998 , from New York, I board the Romanian flight company TAROM and the next day I am at the Bucharest-Otopeni airport where I am greeted by people dear to my soul : Andy, my son , a student at the Faculty of Dentistry in Bucharest, my friend "from boots", Dan Dima, lawyer, a good friend, Cristina Cutuş, and Tanţa Popescu, a journalist with a formidable personality, who made me long ago feel what it means to have a friend in need.

Bucharest, the capital city of Romania of today, I was seemed much changed in good, clean, beautiful, with small restaurants with tasty dishes (like the one on Bridge Ştirbei recommended thousand Rudy Klekner in New York), of which prices They are with a third May low to the Mc Donald's in New York. Spend in Bucharest three days time in which I revisit relatives and friends.

We are already a group of four people who have decided to May well for a year to we get there in the Land of the Sun, at the foot of mountains Surya rayon. Surya was the Sun God of the ancient Vedas




Carpatho-Danubians (your ancestors and mine alike). With tantalum, I rented a car, a Ford of nine people, white stru in color and very comfortable. So that prepared from all points of view, but in May especially spiritually, in 7 June `98 , in a beautiful morning and sunny, I introduced glad in that Ford blue and ... the road.

I started gathering my traveling companions: the first one I took from home was Dan Dima. On it I know of when I was seven years and by then we're friends. He works as a lawyer for a commercial firm in Bucharest. He is 1.85 meters tall, blond, with some silver threads, blue eyes. A robust, sporty and pleasant guy. From Dan drove to Costel Enciu, with whom I made the army in the years 1964 and with which we remained good friend. Today, Costel is retired and, having enough free time, he decided to join us. Costel is a quiet guy who loves to read all kinds of adventure books. It has no more than 1.75 meters, some belly, baldness and a mustache, not suitable for any person less fortunate in terms of "hair adornment". He is a jovial and pleasant guy, with whom I spent many holidays. He managed to recover, the street Orzari 15, in Bucharest, a yard huge with 6-7 houses nationality lysates (accurately, stolen ) by the former communist regime, but tenants refuse to pay rent because it will " to enrich Mr. Enciu "and because there is no law that obliges them to do so! This country also has a strange government! (I must point out, for everyone knows that in America a tenant can live months and months to days without to pay nothing owner and this owner is obliged to and give, in all this time, water, heat and light, free). I went with Dan and with Costel to Mountains Orastie the great adventure of exploring the prehistory of our. Costel, as the usually was moved in May slowly and up to succeed him out on it out until you come and Dan ...

- I 'm moving slowly ?, it looks Costel intrigued. In five minutes I was ready, it didn't take more than five minutes. With safety!

Dan, meanwhile, had a good idea after he quickly loaded a bottle into the car.

- Come to a take May to the west, the road is May good and can to leave and I bottle it the key, where's my girl on vacation to grandparents.

Normally, as we had established on the eve of departure, we had to take it to Piteşti, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Sibiu and, near Alba Iulia, to return to the west, to reach Orăştie. After passing Otopeni, Baloteşti and Săftica, we stopped in a certain place and took peaches and melons whose taste and aroma can only be enjoyed in our homeland.

Cheerful and confident, we continue on our way. The view of the Key, I must admit, is unparalleled. The road is freshly paved and the trees and greenery that cover the hills give you a sense of peace. To dissatisfaction of Dan, I passed too quickly through the key, we left still bottle the laws it and we resumed the road to the west.

On the hour 6 afternoon we arrived in Orastie city small and clean little strange built, with houses and places of which seniority is lost somewhere far away in time. I found with ease hotel (as there are only two) indicated Panţîru Tudor friend, judge at the European Court in Strasbourg. I first met Tudor in New York, in 1991, when he was appointed ambassador of the new republic of Moldova to the United Nations. He was, is and will remain a better Romanian than many others who were born on the current territory of Romania. Tudor is about 1.85 meters tall, he is brunette, he has a wide forehead, some brown eyes that emanate determination, eyes hidden behind smoky glasses . He is a man on the floor which you can rely, a friend indeed, a human right and that, despite the apparent seriousness, is a very humorous person. Being good friends, I "indoctrinated" him in New York with the true history of our people , and I am proud to admit that Tudor has been very receptive. I talked to him until late at night about the prehistory of our people , there in New York, and when I began to make this fascinating story public , he was one of my first to read and criticize. Although he left for Strasbourg, we kept in touch. We visited him in Moldova a year ago, and then we decided by mutual agreement to spend this holiday together . He is to arrive by the Chisinau with Andrei Vartic.

November others arriving early, we decided to go "in recognition". To our delight , we found a restaurant, "Şura", with excellently cooked Romanian dishes, at more than convenient prices. I caught between time and a little rain, which has made the electric, it to be and May clean.

Night later, the Drastic, have arrived Tudor Andrei Vartic with grandson Ruslan and Colonel Nicholas apples. I became a true team that after you leave the road in the morning the next.

I have known Andrei since the autumn of 1997, when I went to Chisinau to visit Tudor. On this occasion, I saw the village Ivancea where was born grandmother from the father my. Andrei has in




around the forty and ... the years, 1.75 meters tall, a body thin and athletic, a bearded black and a long hair sometimes pulled back. He is of an extraordinary intelligence; by profession he is a spectrophotometric physicist. Moreover, he is a good orator, in love with the Dacians and their history. Write many books about civilization if. I remember only a few of them: " Lines technological Dacian " , " iron, while Dacians " , " Eternity's Guest ," which, if you have the chance to read, discover a part of the past fascinating the people our Dacian unprecedented in no other European people. Thus you understand the truth about the Dacian civilization, the center of European prehistoric civilization. Andrei has established in Bessarabia " Institute Civilization Dacian " .

The Colonel Nicholas Mereuţă I strengthen âlnesc now for the first time, but heard about it from Tudor. Mereuţă has been head of the body of guard of President Snegur. Niculae is less in May higher than Andrei more stuff and more sturdy. A nice and cheerful guy who made our trip enjoyable.

In New York I had heard that going through Romania means exposing yourself to all kinds of risks, first of all to banditry, scams, scams and other unpleasant things . How not May traveling through Romania for many, many years, I was a little worried that the other, and some of friends my way that I looked to us accompany with people right, in case of need. I was but poorly informed, for the Romanians experience have given proof of an honorable and of a fairness on that hard you find today in the world.

In the evening we all went to the restaurant "Şura", where we continued our discussions about the prehistory of Romania, about the history of the Dacians. It was a pleasant evening and we started to get to know each other better, to exchange information, to finalize our plans for the future.


Wednesday, July 8, 1998, in the morning

We all got up early. Tudor has fled the car as you sit him in front. He fought with Niculae, which it has pushed in the back, then was placed with a face innocent in front, the seat of the right of me, seeing it better than everyone. I left Orastie and entered Tiberius. Somewhere on the right, I saw two "nipples" about which Andrew says that would be of interest archaeological.

- A lot of Dacian pottery was found there .

The houses are very handsome here in Tiberius, not too high, but covered with red, wavy tiles . I left in the end a different village, Sereca, the same house beautiful on the vegetation they embrace generously and far surrounding mountains. The view is wonderful here, where - as Andrei says - "we are in the heart of Dacia".

- A Dacia Historical gentlemen! completes Tudor with a serious face .

November all you approve in silence, a silence solemn as places charged of history on which they admire. On the left, prior to penetrating the Orăştioara the Netherlands, we see terraces Dacian.

- Photos of mountains, so as to find in Peru, tell me, is can see in the Orastie Mountains overlooking the "smell of eternity".

Before entering the village of Bucium, on the left, our eyes are drawn to a small church that is projected on the mountain and on a dark blue sky, a harbinger of surprises. I just entered the village Bucium that I and out of it. It seems that people from here have had luck with the desire of Ceausescu visiting Sarmi-Seget-door, a wish that was never fulfilled, but people were chosen first paved roads to the city.

We enter the Upper Town . On its territory are most Dacian fortresses, including the city of the Sarmi-Seget-door capital Dacian. On the right, as you enter, you see a small hospital. Andrei stops at the police to talk to the local chief about the condition of the roads, to find out if it is easy to reach the fortress by car, if something has been repaired or damaged. Andrew moldovean- Bessarabian know that although it is Romanian, the fact, officially he ap Artin of other countries, artificially created. Sometimes it is so of easy to hurt the heart of these people who for many times are more in May Top Romanian than us.

Mayor Neculae David shows us the Gradiste river, swollen by rains and spilled over the banks. It said then that disaster is happening when the river is swollen. He, the river is "architect Godeanu" because springs of Mount Godeanu and is the true architect of places and, if not keep an account of it, it happens to you.

- And what does that mean? asks Colonel Nicul ae Mereuţă.




- means that the income a gentleman engineer for the city to us do some tanks to raise trout. Yes ' the engineer' not me worked well. He worked by project, so respected PROJECT ', one was good, but no one was respected "Mr. Godeanu arhitectu" " River is, that river one arrived a few days ago and broke all the work of the engineer, showing him that here, Mr. architect Godeanu country , must first and fore- most to keep in mind the EL, if you want to have a project good.

Mayor David convinced us that Grădiştea water, which comes from the holy mountain Godeanu can restore land in their own right, tearing down and then rebuilding everything people hazardează to do when you do not take into account the EL. After that Mr. Mayor, kind, we serve a strong brandy, yellow, plum flavor, go farther Fortress Ancient World , to Sarmi-Seget-Usa.

We enter the village of Costesti, which also belongs to Orăştioara de Sus. It is impressive to learn that all villages named Costesti in Romania and Bessarabia united and founded an association, a town hall shared with a single mayor, Mr. Tătaru of the Costeşti of Bessarabia. When will Romania and Moldova-Bessarabia do the same?

The fortress from Costeşti, Cetăţuia , we have right in front of it. Andrei shows it to us and he also describes it to us:

- All nipple it is surrounded by walls, one to see, are about five sanctuaries extraordinary walls of beauty and perfection incredible two towers - home etc.

Located on the water , which became the south of wide and fertile valley of Mures, complex of cities and settlements in the Orastie Mountains Dacian formed the nucleus of the Dacian state of Burebista period and to partial conquest of Dacia by the Romans.

- We know that May least of fifteen at percent of the territory of Dacia has been conquered. Across much of eighty and five at percent of the territory they not the board foot of novel! And on that piece of land of Dacia our on which they state temporarily Romans they do not they could impose a new language and not have been able to create a new people! It's absurd to think otherwise! In just one hundred and sixty years, a people cannot forget its language! But, paradoxically, according to "historians of our" breastfeeding the doctrines foreign to people, they, Dacian unoccupied by the Romans, fled to learn English Latin for to some legionnaires that only a groping them themselves. A mind healthy not conceivable that the free Dacians came running together of mountains, valleys and plains, forests and swamps, hills and slopes, some just beyond the Prut and N Hister and some even Don came so, from pleasure, from great distances, to learn a foreign language and forget theirs.

- Just trying to we learn them, "historians of our" add me to naduf.

With eyes cheerful, laughing ironically the ideas lame of some so-called historians Andrei its continuing lecture.

- The chain of fortifications from Costesti Blidaru and Red Stone meant to defend "Fortress World" - the city of the seat of kings Gauls of the Sarmi-Seget-Usa (Grădiştea Muncelului), whose ruins we encounter, over time, as imposing - are valuable testimonies of the flourishing Dacian civilization . Hill "fortress" with the city of the ridge is a great point guard, with sea away, it placed the entrance to the mountain range, where the valley narrows Grădiştea water at once.

The defense system of the fortress is based on the succession of three types of fortification: earth waves, a stone wall three meters thick, flanked by three bastions and a double palisade that surrounds the southern part of the height. Plateau highest occupied two residence towers built of blocks of stone and brick, in which it reached climbing on a scale monumental. Here they found traces of shacks belonging to soldiers Gauls in garrison and a tower of observation.


- Andrei, I say, it is difficult to specify, as the specialists admit, the exact dating of the construction and arrangement of this fortress. Only the period of Burebista's reign is certain. Volume of the it giant of stone shaped by limestone specifically this period, used in construction civil military but also those of worship, that the sanctuaries, speaks of the self 's range high of time in which was desăvâşit work. Cetăţuia Hill abounds, on different levels, with terraces cut in the slope on all its sides , terraces that served to build both elements of worship such as sanctuaries and civil and military. On the slopes of the east, south and west slopes relatively m of easily accessible, it was built a mound that is seems that the time that have May well of 350 of meters and a height that exceeded three meters, wave the role of fortification of the fortress. It can tell the good justice that city Costesti hosts highly of




important and well preserved elements of architecture Dacian so as to no one other settlement not it can meet. Inside the city, the highest plateau, stands two impressive construction, in comparison with all other elements like found in the area Mountains Surian.


- Yes, it's true (says Andrei) terraces were identified places of worship (sanctuaries), tanks of water and many other things astounding. Just as not much was known about the Valley of the Kings in Egypt until the archeological excavations began, so little is known today about the history of this wonderful people .

Later we see a second fortress, the largest Dacian fortress for defense.

- On top of that, there above, it is Fortress Blidaru , says with pride same Andrew, as and when the city it would belong staff.

- There 've done you some some pictures color very successful, on which you published in "Iron, Time, Gauls"? I ask Andrei.

- Yes, I 'm glad that you mentioned. A picture of some colossal walls and bastions ! It may top is a fortress, and in May down, a house of defense with walls thick of three to four meters. You have to see what 's down! It's a fantastic there, on top of that. And to him it reaches the more moving, one after another, you have to climb the harder.

Located on the top of Blidar (703 meters), the fortification has two enclosures joined together, having together six protection towers. The first fortress, which occupies the upper plateau of the hill, has a trapezoidal shape , being provided with four external towers , placed on the corners. The entry is made through the tower I and was so designed as to prevent deployment forces the enemy.

At the west of the first city it has been designed one of the two, having the form pentagonal. Here attention system platforms to battle with pillboxes, by the sides of the north and the west.

City water supply was provided by a quadrangular tank, located in the northwest, the outside walls of defense. On the same side, on a terrace May low, called "Clearing Pertii" it was a tower of guard that ensure supervision access to the city.

- And how can anyone to imagine that all these have been built by peasants Dacian !? How is it possible for someone to believe that they were not skilled craftsmen ? How can you think that these beautiful builders were anxious to and meet the Romans conquering and to learn language ?! It is the height of absurdity to believe such nonsense!

" Tudore, how do you know all this?" Dan wondered .

- For the New York, he answers it, making me sign with eye.

The weather is very capricious with us: when it rains, when it doesn't rain. It is getting dark now and in a minute the sky will light up. You feel that you are on a different planet.

- The sky was cloudy in again. Extremes changes of weather in the heart of the mountains!

I see some beautiful cottages, they seem newly built, look, there, left and right.

- Of whom or be? I wonder on Andrei. But before he answers me , I see him sticking his head out of the car window and I hear him shout:

"General Dragomir!" General!

Andrei quickly turns to me and says:

- Miky, let's see the general, he's a great guy !

We get out of the car to talk to the general. We see that he is accompanied by someone.

It was a pleasure to know not only the general Dragomir, but also the teacher Vasile Rudan. I met them here, in front of the Dacian gate . Together, a teacher and a general in love with the Dacians! It was a wonderful revelation!

We went together to a cottage in nearby in the general and the teacher is cazaseră. There, with open hearts and undisguised pride, free from any constraint, we talked enthusiastically about the Dacians and again about the Dacians.

" May I ask your name, General?"

- Of course. Dragomir, Dragomir is calling me. Vasile Dragomir.

" And how many years have you been in love with the Dacians?"

" I could always say." For when we start to judge and let me ask questions. Dacia are parents parents parents parents mine and there may be for them another way of feeling than you mention, and that since I discovered in primary school books of history.




"What about Trajan ?"

- Sir doctor, to let the joke at a party. Traian not it is in November and did not even do it again. He does not have anything of to do with people Daco-Romanian, not something else than a conqueror of time of a few kilometers from the sea Dacia. Let us not be fooled by the propaganda of corrupt or unconscious politicians or historians .

- I love how you talk and we thank you for the call. The same beliefs I have and I. I would like to you ask by what you think that is characterized civilization Dacian from here?

" I want to tell you something." The Dacian civilization is not only represented by Sarmisegetusa, Costeşti, Blidaru and what was discovered through excavations… on 200 meters. Here it is a colossus of a civilization old of over 10,000 for years . It is a civilization materialized by something that is characteristic only of them, of this Dacian civilization . I am good at two things: concrete science - in my case, geodesy, cartography - and the military.

- I understand that you feel that here is found "navel of iron of

earth. "

- Yes, in November the country is located point Geophysical the May high and it is the top of Mt.

Godeanu, the sacred mountain of the Dacians.

- General, I do not intend any moment our conversation seem a simple interview and nothing in May much, but the joy of the you have met is much too high and the chance to learn things in November of to you is both a tempting that there may rate this openness that you show us all. Your are a personality science and by that I allow you to ask to us tell the implication is that the point Geophysical the May high is top of the mountain Godeanu.

" I'll be happy to answer you." Given the gravity point of the earth, metric values of the Earth are changed due to the gravitational field, but also due to structures internal to a time point, if you form a body of r otaţie earthly mathematically. The shape we have as a basis for maps, the mathematical shape, changes on the surface through some ripples that give the physical shape of the earth. I wrote a book about it.

The book I published it in during communism there in the West. Thus, the model geophysical Romanian was made known in the world and now Westerners walk with satellites and make comparisons with geolitul us and not them coming to believe that in November we made it on about astro-geodetic and gravitistică. I joined everything that was in our country, as a high precision measurements, and finally we published three books about these waves: one is called " Map of undulation geolidului ", the second is called " Map component from east to vertical on a meridian " s and the third is " Map the offset of the vertical in the plane vertical ". So three essential elements create the geometric place of the (absolute) physical form , of the Earth's shape, due to the universal attraction. So beware, here in this area, is the point at May high geo-magnetic. To die of laughter, as they say Romanian. The place to be on somewhere in mountains Fagaras or the mountains Parang we find here, on Mount Godeanu. Here is the node that the iron formidable that creates a field magnetic both the strong and the density of the interior is both a great way field gravitational end undulations. This is strange: that we no longer have such high points in the country and that we also have a strange inverse, with a negative sign . For example, in November, in the middle of Baragan, if you go to Ramnicu Sarat, moving Buzau, Focsani to Adjud and then, beyond the arm of the Danube up to Galati, Braila, Urziceni, closing in on the Buzau is a point of attraction magnetic negative at May down the country. Thus the Danube our flows like on a roof, having a tendency to enter the hole that, here. Here in this area is the mass deficit . There have been two Romanian, two geniuses clean, with which I am proud and on which I do gladly 't mention, but which in unfortunately have died. I was Major on time. The one he calls Diaconu and is the author of the " ripple geolidului" and the other is Mihailescu , coauthor of this book you say.

- What's the name of the book?

- "The Theorist of the Earth " , translated into English by "Elsevira". It sold for $ 450-500 a piece. It is still sold and is in every academy of science in the world and in important libraries, not for ordinary engineers, but for scientists.

" And what can you tell me about Sarmi-Seget-Usa ?"




" He was digging through it, sir!" Go to the west gate of Sarmisegetusa and you will see how they put the bucket of the excavator and destroyed the pottery of millennial value. The latter have stopped stupidity ... Maybe to I hear and God in heaven that no I'm afraid of anyone ... I accuse the men of science "Romanian" people who come to claim that they found here not I know that, and that made some statements of my broken ear. I was once with a teacher, I have his name somewhere, an English name, a professor at Cambridge ... I met in Bulgaria, I brought in Bucharest and I kept logos on astronomy Dacians about the measurements from Sarmisegetusa, about the andesite blocks arranged as astronomical landmarks , and he could not understand why we, the Romanians, do not make them public in international conferences, in specialized publications. I confess that never I knew what to her answer, I went head and I thought the scholars and teachers our of history and archeology, the irresponsibility of which give evidence.

- What do you know about Dacian astronomy ?

- Once I have demonstrated by measurements concrete, professionally made, with equipment precise that the Dacians had knowledge of astronomy, as only the maya I May met.

- And what did you determine?

- That the Dacians knew precisely the direction of the north, had mathematical knowledge to determine a geographical position and their astronomical knowledge exceeds any imagination.

- The corrections ..., did you make the corrections in accordance with the millennium in which they lived , the Dacians?

" It could n't be otherwise."

" What can you tell me about Aplu's shrine ?"

" You mean the andesite disk ?"

- Yes, that huge disk, divided into ten identical portions .

- And the name Aplu ...?

- Name god if, over May later the Greeks and the Romans under the name of Apollo, as it actually "borrowed" from us most mythological pantheon ... That huge disc that language, as the clock, was a "language Dacian " about which it thought that ... go elsewhere. And when there, she's a compass needle! This coincides with still some "stones" in the sanctuary joined rectangular, where her Dacians have "thrown" five stones, of various shapes, some May high, others more small thrown so ... put elsewhere, after what some archaeologists sought to convince me . That Dacians carried by the large distance pieces giant of andesite, polished, cut the angles precise, the like were made of concrete, they carried ... just to throw them away, so crazy? They are not in vain, they represent the five planets known at that time, planets that were in a time of collinearity. So they, the Dacians, had knowledge not only about the motion of the planets, but also about the size of the planets! That language, the compass needle , is permanently on the North, and if you make determinations now and take the determinations back to that era, you see that it is the North from Burebista's time. With astronomy you can make predictions for the future of thousands of years and you can go back thousands of years. This is astronomy. The course of the sky is very accurate. November we do today measured the stars, yes, sir doctor, the time present the May precise measurements we make at 200.5 billion light years, ie quasars. When you see an insignificant dot like this, which in space is exceptionally determinable, you realize that science is not available to everyone.

Of course, there are also some things interesting in what I say archaeologists, but in most cases you embarrassed by their limited knowledge or erroneous.

And if the universe is so by far not the same thing can be said about those who come, sometimes with students on here. Not by much, a "companion" teacher at a college of archeology to come with one such group on here ...

" And what did you tell them?"

- Go to Bucharest and tell the rulers not to make fun of this country, of its history. Ask her what they're going to do for her, for you?

- What have they done and for brothers in Bessarabia, Herta and Bucovina! ironically completes


- Ouch, that 's much you love me on your Bessarabians, Lord! I'm dying of trouble

when I see what is happening in villages that. I am dying! Pure and simple slap! It is seems that there above anyone he beat the game systematically for people our of country our.




- That's what we all think . It is a great shame and a great injustice. But to return now to the Gauls. They knew how to read the exact course of the stars, to position them… But what do you say about that conception… why at 45?

- In order that the 45 by degrees, the tangent and cotangents the latitude is equal to 1 and any formula is simple. The tangent and cotangents are equal to 1 and is replaced, and the sine and cosine are the radical of two to two and, at the same, is replaced. Or here, we are close to 45 degrees.

- What about Dacian metallurgy? I ask .

- furnaces on time Dacian were perfectly great! They Dacians were of the wire to the stainless steel, comes Andrew.

- About furnaces Dacian who were able to produce rails for carts, scythes, sickles, plows, yes, that I knew, but about rolling stainless ... no, I know, says the general.

- I have found, Mr. General, a magnifier of iron, iron in that pure from 99.97 to percent purity, exceeding 20 kilograms, and even iron protected, protected by two molecular layers perpendicular to each other, against all laws of gravity, as today only under special conditions of the laboratory or in the cosmos can be produced! And this they did them Dacians, now May well of

2.00 of years.

- And those in Romania as they reacted to the publication of you, Andrew?

- During Mr. Iliescu 's time , I was called by him for a short discussion , of 15 minutes, which lasted a few hours. I was invited to a NATO conference, held in Romania, as my present discovery, but between the time the government was changed, and the new come are too busy with ceding Bukovina Land Herta Island Snake and of Bessarabia. So ... what else to talk about ...

- See you, Mr. Vartic, I am a child of peasant Oltenian- and during communism I was accused that I have been a legionnaire. But they have sent to and from Moscow and ... I returned home. Today I criticize some that are communist, nay even that is Romanian. I personally think that all this matter in May least. What is important is that we leave after us, as we did in November for the country, for the people Daco-Romanian. Or it, sir Vartic to p is that you do duty.

- Mr generally week last I 've uncorked in Bodea, up there on the hill Muncelului, I uncorked a pipe Dacian, a line of pottery that brings and today, after more than 2,000 years, bringing water through mountains, it perforates .

- Yes, are mountaineers who use and now pipe of the type that, unchanged, undamaged by time. And it's like a fact , it does n't even clog up!

- If you want to see the Dacians, please go up at night, to Sarmisegetusa, on the Peak of Time , up there, at the time when the moon rises. You will see some houses with locals who live exactly like the Dacians. Here there was changed absolutely nothing, same people, same port, same word. Here we are at home in Country Dacian times in Country Gods, as they like to say to Mr doctor.

- It was around 1980-1981, something like that. I do not know if you knew Nicolae Copoiu was secretary science at the Institute of Education Historical Social-Political the next PCR, and they have learned about a book in the language Latin, appeared on the 1600 and something in Sweden, about Zalmoxis. I saw a copy of the book in question to institute purchased University in Sweden, where it was written (roughly translated in English Romanian in Latin): " Zalmoxis first legislator of Getae ". I have courtyards bone where May is the book and of what not to mention nothing of it?

It changes governments are changing and the government, but her dear our historians, remain the same, "on duty". They protect us from unwanted changes not from us, but from them. Not that somehow we find that non have lied, that we have induced in error by carelessness them to the discover the true history of people Daco-Romanian.

- That 's right . Mr. generally you were saying something about walls Dacian ...

- Dacia us, sir, have built no walls, but ... ..munţi. If you see your " Chinese wall" of the Drastic, which goes to the bottom in Jiu, then you can understand the Gauls.

- Wall? What wall? Tudor asks.

- A wall that has not yet been discovered. That's why I want to tell you not to be content with just what you find on the surface . We, meaning myself and Mr. Professor Vasile Rudan, yesterday I saw about the two hours from here, many plates full of walls. Whole cities .

- Extraordinary! But what does it tell the place where the wall goes ?

- This is Costesti.




- From Costesti? A wall that goes where ...?

- I say it goes from Glimeea point ... maybe even further north, where the Roman camps appeared. Although the Romans occupied the others around it - a kind of encirclement in the language of the military - have been entering inside only by a stroke of grace which, by the time the front there is to know. They couldn't get inside !

" And where do you say this wall goes ?"

- I say that going up down the Cioclovina, can even and May down to the B complicated Luja.

- You mean, like, how many miles?

- To the city B single Luja? It should be about 70 kilometers.

" Let me show you on the map," says Andrei.

- they all are walls, sir doctor. Here there is only a single wall. Here I am

the walls of a cyclopean civilization…

- You saw how it carved Mount ?, I ask the same tireless general who, in the place to sit at home in comfort, wander the surrounding mountains Holy studying, researching this civilization, forgotten not only the time, but in particular and unfortunate for archaeologists and "our" historians .

- What mountain is carved?

- Faieragu. This is Faieragului Mountain .

The same map is moved from the left to right and from the right to left, each in November trying to find the place mentioned general.

" These are the Faierag valley and the mountain ." Mount it never has been investigated ever! There are walls of defense there "to" the earth and from the top, everything is terraced, everything is carved in stone. There's a plateau here , and here are some towers…

- It's like a pyramid in steps , by how say you, adds Professor


- Yes. Last terrace it was a see here. This is Cetăţuia or Costeşti. stronghold

Costesti, that 's what it's called. It was thought to be a single wall, come on , like that, broken. In reality there are five up down walls concentric which are true fortifications ... on the right and on the left the valley are made kind of niches, balconies, military observation posts. And these were made as elements of flanking. Sarmisegetusa not have any meaning if not a fit in in this "colossus" .

- What do you mean by "colossus"? I ask the general.

- Colossus means, in this case, a multitude of singular elements that together form a civilization.

- Very interesting. Would you be kind enough to name them ? What are these?

- If the start of the Orastie of the Simeria spur of the Simeria, and go up down the Chicks at Baliţa, then Jiuri way up to Suryanu, catching and height so that parallels Jiu, go right up to Suryanu . It can go on the road antique that come up on the Novaci, down in the valley Sebes, so to go of him after that and then Mures here. This unity has the meaning of civilization, because here we do not have only singular elements. Middle Ages has thousands of cities, but that there never has so little nobody on earth than the Aztecs and Incas.

" The issue of Dacian buildings is controversial," I say .

- Public's Glodaru ... (Professor Glodaru Cluj is the "deal" archeology of these places) and of his public and reconstructions of buildings Dacian on which they cover with ... shingles! ... What a shame! In this pit here you will find so many Dacian tiles that you can cover a village with it. But they, "our" archaeologists, don't see it! Although there is a Dacian tile berechet (you can also see the joining elements of the da cice tile , on Trajan's column in Rome), the reconstructions in the " specialized" works of "our" archaeologists are covered with shingles!

- These archaeologists, these historians of "our" which would be to promote the truth of what it is trying to hijack?

- They are trained in Paukerist, Muscovite schools . Listen, Mr. Săvescu, Glodaru says this: these were unique, a peasant civilization, let's not move on! In fact, here it is a site archaeological the surface, not the items separately is, as says he. They are connected by a device of defense, they have roles and functions each. Concept walls of defense is integrated elements components ... For example Costeşti, there are five rows of walls and between them are and places and points civilian bastions and points of defense, sanctuaries etc. Everything must be seen, analyzed and made known to the general public.




Having now new acquaintances and glad of the instructive meeting with the general, we thanked them for their kindness, and promised each other that we would resume these discussions which prove to be true sources of oxygen for the thirsty mind of knowledge.

With fortified confidence, we set off, this time on foot, towards the legendary Sarmi-Seget-Usa.

" How many miles are it to the holy city ?"

- Nine kilometers, about an hour's walk.

" And what's the name of this stormy creek ?"

- Valea Albă brook .

The creek isn't very small, especially now that it's "nervous" and swollen in great need ... I don't think anyone would dare cross it at the foot. After staying on the right, as it goes up, passed on in November and now runs on the left by boulders ... In all case, we are on the road that leads to Sarmi-Seget-Usa.

The right to start the ascent on the way to Sarmi-Seget-Usa, we encounter an old sign, ugly, a piece of sheet metal triangular rusty, but two hands the size, propped on a metal pipe, and she rusty fallen in a wound.

- Like to see how their respects past Daco-Romans of today! May you say something? What the


The road is paved like the woes of the world, like an old country road, narrow, cracked, with boulders and boulders. And Rausor us, that us together all the time with the sound of, its ski MBA direction when you expect May least. When you go on the right, you go on the left road when disappears under November only for the recurrence sulking, angry and nervous, on the other side of the road.

With how come May up by rain and the drizzle, with both landscape is May nice. What is revealed to us now is a dream panoramic image. Tall and proud mountains, valleys carved into the rock, woods of beech trees through which the sun appeared between the clouds filter all light, all you give sensation almost inhuman that there must be truly paradise.

Fascinated by the show without equal of nature, absorbing through every pore air uncontaminated by pollution townhouse, we continued the road through forests of beech and fir trees, walking actually the clouds, if not the clouds.

In the end, as a way in which fatigue has been much mitigated by the joy on that we had occasioned a admiring the beauty unique to nature, I came to Sarmi-Seget-Usa, city holy to Dacian city that I wanted I see her so much. When we got there, we found that the batteries of the tape were discharged suddenly and that the film in the device of camera was finished and he ... I took my camera to photograph of his Tudor, after a short, but the leftovers in chief strength of the and I took three or four pictures. Then, unfortunately, his batteries ran out. As a matter of fact: all the electronic inventory, all our source of immortality through photographs stopped there, in front of the fortress. I ve turned to Andrei, but this feeling my intention and being and "superstitious" nature, severs me short:

- Don't touch my device! I'm not giving it to you! I'll take pictures of you, if you want. You're unlucky today.

But his luck didn't last long either, because after only a few minutes, his camera did n't work either. I began almost to believe in a destiny unfavorable when my old friend, Costel comes near me and I gave (the good voluntarily and not forced by anyone) device 's camera, a machine old Russian (of German origin!) Who it worked perfectly, to my bewilderment, but to Costel 's undisguised pride .




Diodorus of Sicily - who has written history Universal about the year 50 î.dH, and the streams whereof historical are based on book history Greek Hecataeus , lost the mid fifth century - trying to us suggest a possible key to the enigma of the Sarmi-Seget -usa .

Concerning the Hyperboreans, people who have lived in North zone Nistru "beyond the point where knocking the wind from the North" Diodorus says that they were "an area sacred" and a "temple memorable" round shape, dedicated to the sun god Apollo .

By the notion of "spheres c", Diodorus understood not only the shape of the temple, but also its purpose. Diodorus ' statement is edifying for the description of the temple built by the Hyperboreans north of the Istru (Danube).




Who were those hyperboreans? When speaking of "populations placed above Pontos, the Hister (Danube) and the Adriatic, Strabo they called Hyperborea. Clement of Alexandria who consider Zalmoxis as hiperboreu. Starting from scoliastul of Pi Ndar (Olympics III, 28) it find hero Hyperboreans, Hiperboreu, as the son of Pelasg . at the same time, Greeks, people proud, I mention yet on Hyperborea as the builders of the temple of the Delphi and Delos. How Pelasgians have lived in Greece before the coming of the Achaeans ( after Heordot) tradition that was formed in connection with the foundation of the temple of Delos and Delphi does not do anything else than to record an ethnic reality, pre-Hellenic, and accept that people Carpathian-Danube I, founder of the old Europe, is the manufacturer of the it is the basis of future "civilizations" that are fortunate to have met and copied it, and of course I am talking about Greek civilization .

Aplu (changed from the Greeks into Apollo) - Pelasgian deity par excellence - means white . The identification of the hyperboreans with the Pelasgians makes N. Densuşianu consider them a "branch of the nation of the great and powerful Pelasgians". And, as a remnant of the apocalyptic cult of the Daco-Romans, we have the white week, before Easter and Tomii Sunday.

In the Etruscans we find the same Pelasgian deity , Aplu or Apulu meaning White (Thomashek Die Altentharaker, II, p.48) and, after Festus , what the Latins called Album (White) the Sabines called Alpum .

So I find the Pelasgians Hiperborea, Carpathian-Danubian, builders of the famous temples of ancient Europe as Delphi (Pausanias: Travel to Greece, volume II, IX, 27.2) where Hyperborean Olen has been the first predictor of his Aplu (Ap olo). And, as history - in particular the ancient - is, in large part, a number of assumptions, who believe that to build complex astronomical to Sarmi-Seget-door? But the sanctuary of Aplus (Appolo), the so-called "Andesite Sun" which is surrounded by his ten disciples ?

Also there has been built and the little calendar Dacian and, in May late, great calendar Dacian. Little calendar Dacian is made up of 13 groups of poles arranged circular.



11 of these groups contain 8 poles (pillars) while the last two groups are made up of 7 and , respectively, six poles.

The word par has two meanings in the Daco-Roman language: pillar or four . So 11 groups x 8 (number of poles contained) = 88. How a hair mean and 4, we can calculate the 88 x 4 = 352 May we have two groups of seven, respectively. 6 bets: 7 + 6 = 13, and 352 + 13 = 365 days of the regular year (non-bisect).

The inside of the circle May are still three pillars which are each a day in the three years leap contained in a period of 13 years (6 + 7 = 13).


It seems that has been built in May later. It consists of 3 concentric circles and a horseshoe in the center. The first circle, at the outside, is made up of 104 blocks of andesite, representing the number of days post of a year (Wednesday and Friday) 52 of week x 2 = 104.

The second circle, middle, almost glued to the outside, is formed of 180 of columns thin, in groups of six.

The third circle, the inner one, contains 84 wooden pillars: 104 + 180 + 84 = 365 + 3 = 368

Horseshoe in the middle of the great calendar is made up of 34 of pillars of wood. It is provided with two thresholds placed one in front of each other even at the base of the horseshoe, separating the pillars in the two groups 21 and, respectively, 13. The group of 13 is oriented toward the hearth sacred.

There have been all sorts of speculation on the interpretation thereof: the number 13 would be in connection with the return of Christmas (birthday two Zamolxes), the same day as the timing of Decaineus .

In complex Astronomical of the Sarmi-Seget-door May there and other para iamente: one joint of four rows of each 15 discs of limestone, representing the days of Lent Easter Dacian; another representing the days of the post: 4 rows of each 10 bases of andesite (4x10 = 40) days of post Christmas.






of the year?


- There you are seems strange that month in December - to understand the why (ten) - is today the 12th month


" Well, I didn't think of that!"

" And what's so important about that?"

- See that and the month of October, the 10th, is the name coming from the octo , eight!

- Oh, oh!

- What about September? The 9th month of the calendar has the root septe , 7?

- So would mean that someone has used the wrong name the months of the year or that year the Gauls have


only 10 months! That is, it started with the first month in March!

- Yes ... But what about the week ?


- The week also had 7 days:

1. AVLATA : <Already> , "full" after a another name of Goddess Mother, Mother Flowers for Apple, Marian, Maria or Vrela (Lady Virgo).

2. AMALTHEIA : "The one who raises (fattens) the gods and who was worshiped by the adoptive mother of the two Zalmoxes to Brito-Lagis, the" Divine She-Wolf. "Even Zalmoxes, because he was raised by a wolf, was also called APOLLO - Luki.

3. MERGURIUS : "The forerunner" was also the day of Orpheus, the day of fasting, the day when he was killed.

4. ZIAIS : "Luminoara" - was the day dedicated to Zamolxes ' twin sister - Aplu (Apollo) - was the day of the redhead Arthemis.

5. BENNAR : "Sacrifice" or Jertfitorul, day of post dedicated of also of Apollo.

6. SAB-A-DIOS "house of God" - god) in honor of the two adoptive parents of the twins (Zalmoxes- blond APLU and redhead Artemis): shepherd Aise Pos and wife it Brito- Lagis. Another name for the sixth day was Sambatis , the "purification" dedicated only to the adoptive father, the pastor Aisepos.

7. In fine, one of the seventh day, DOMENICA - "Changing the Forecast" or Great Purification, was dedicated to "Heavenly Father" - Tato Nipal.

Thus, Diodorus was correctly informed that the Hyperboreans built an astronomical observatory.

Why did this ancient people devote their time and energy to achieving what appears to be an "unprofitable business"? They used Heronian means of transport to carry pieces of andesite from tens and tens of kilometers away to Sarmisegetusa.

Each stone weighs tons ... People have carried stones across water and mountains ... feasibility of this route has never been calculated.

All of these operations required special knowledge, with hundreds and thousands of men working under the guidance of an architect who knew exactly what he wanted to do. For people primitive eclipses the month were phenomena frightening and inexplicable. Of which there were them and the Gauls? Calendar for establishing seasons, eclipses of the sun or the moon, axis of orientation of temples, all these things - which for beginners in archeology would raise questions - not fiery mind our <gru p of archaeologists> Romanian. Well done to you, "comrades", you are really strong!


Sarmisegetusa is not only an astronomical observatory , but also a monument built with the help of spirals and circles drawn on the ground.




Some notions to help us understand the text:

Alignment - an arrangement in which three or more objects are lined up. It is used where one of the points is at the east of a star or a point on the horizon of the sun or moon .

Altitude - the angle formed by the plane level, sometimes called elevation.




Ard - a primitive plow, with a rock coulter or hardwood, made as if only to turn the earth.

Bronze Age:

2500-1800 BC, - early period 1800-1300 BC, - middle period 1300-700 BC, - late period


Iron Age : from 700 BC


Paleolithic: Early period 700,000 - 200,000

The middle period 40,000 - 30,000

Late period 10,000


Minoan - name given by Sir Arthur Evans to the Cretan civilization of the Bronze Age, 3000 - 1000 BC, early, middle, late.


Mycenoean : the Greek civilization developed in the Bronze Age which, in its early period (1600 BC or later), was strongly influenced by the Minon civilization; named after the place where it was first described, although the term was used much more extensively.


At Sarmisegetusa I saw and what not be seen. We went to a cottage of "Archeology", a hut of wood placed on rocks that have been ripped from the wall of the Sarmisegetusa ... sold!


On the way we bought some blueberries from a peasant on the side of the road, who wanted to sell us anything, only the bucket in which she picked blueberries, no. I ate unwashed blueberries, but that's nothing for that we have eaten mixed with leaves, and for disinfection we washed with vodka. Personally, with the ulcer I have, I expected great discomfort. Great miracle, I had nothing! ”“ Yes, I was in the Land of the Gods! On the way of return it has been raining and, rain and again rain. What bothers me on the way back from Sarmisegetusa are, in fact, two things: a piece of stone, like a cogwheel, which has teeth dug into it, and a large gutter, 2-3 feet wide and high. 2-3 feet re, perfectly dug into the stone.

On Thursday , July 9 , in the morning, we went to Geoagiu-Băi to see Decebal's baths. This morning, Dan had to leave quickly, he was called to Bucharest by a client… it is not easy to be a lawyer.

We at Germisara , a city Dacian where were bathrooms on the time of Decebal and Burebista bathrooms that still there and now under the name of Geoagiu Bai. The day is very beautiful, a little cool, but sunny, the air is clean after a rain the night before.

I entered a cave that looks like a Gothic church tower. On one of the walls find a plate of 75 to 50 centimeters of as strange, "the drop", which apparently blocks the entry. We'll see crosses, letters on the wall, a kind of writing chu given that I make efforts to photograph . Andrei, too. we'll see a boulder as a door, 1.80 meters and 1.60 blocks in another entry. These boulders have edges like melted with sinkers, sealed perfect place. Nature should they be placed so perfect ?! main entrance to the cave has a width of 2 meters and a height of 1.50 meters . the entrance seems to be cemented ... vault is up ... I see the Andrew that take a piece of cement that and says:

- If this mortar is modern, it has calcium, if it is not modern and it is from the Dacians, it does not have calcium. So, only seen, it looks like a Dacian mortar by consistency, but I will do the chemical analysis, at home, in Chisinau.




- Window on which I saw that gave there, stopped, is exactly the di reaction and north-south, says Andrew, who not be separated again the compass of the military. Let's go.

We arrived at the " Baths of Decebalus". People say that what you are going now, here is a crime, because it destroys everything. ... Baia named Decebal for thousands of years, more beautiful than any other bathroom in the world and the rocks crystallized race to decorate it, got a ... pit garbage!

Although many people - Turis and "a mean for science" - over and stop by out of curiosity or of different interests, instead of continuing to breathe history. You have to see this place as you understand what grand is.

- And if Dacians have dug pit it here May following one to see of you, we say, easily excited, Andrew.

- Because it finds an isolation sonic incredible ... everything is focused here on the winds ... one to you show me how. But for now, look, Miky, look at the beauty of the bathroom!

- To the west the sun is the place in which one to get, it sees there. This entrance is solstice, the west indicates . When the king is washed, water flowed from the top and then was and water that gushes from the springs underground and that they revitalize body, plus stone with crystals which revitalize the body. But it does not remain here, it went out to the west of the sun, it went in the night ....

- How big is this pool? I'm asking.

-This is with sulfuric water, Costel adds.

- Basin here is 4.50 and there have to be seven or eight meters. It has the form of egg.

Inside, on the edge of the wall, are some benches carved in stone, on which I sat , and I'm thinking to those who have done the same as me with hundreds and thousands of years in the latter.

- In what could a be thought EL, Decebal, when was bathed here last time? On who has been in around


- The proud Greeks with three bytes old for only a few hundreds of years. Is proud Italians with others and in May we ... only in November they turn on of our in baskets of trash! And you know the why? For that pride national to us was stolen, a date with history. November have emerged as people Romanian in 1859 after the unification of the two principalities: Country Vlachs and Moldova. No one wants to admit the truth: that, in fact, it was only a Re-Unification of two of the provinces of the great Dacian Empire .

- That is the sin. Empire Dacic has become Romania, but we, Romanians, all Dacia. Whoever doesn't see this is blind, whoever doesn't hear it is deaf ... I say .

- E deaf or do the deaf, complements Andrew with a sigh of deep chest.

Meanwhile, Nicu Mereuţă discovers the traces of a gate, like a lock.

- not only that it's colonel, but is also an archaeologist, he says with a smile on his lips, Tudor.

Nicu Mereuţă shows us , with a very intelligent face and preoccupied with science, a gate that allows water to drain from one room to another or not .

" How tall is this gate?" the colonel wants to know .

- Two meters, has exactly two meters and has a width of more than 3 Inside here, in this room, are also carved into the rock and some banks, forget them! Tired but happy, Col. be placed on one of them with the hope that will be present in the pictures on which we will do.

Herbs grow in Decebal 's bath , bottles of liquor, stones and garbage are thrown ... and no one wants to take them from there. No one - I mean the officials - cares about this historical relic of inestimable importance for the culture of the Romanian people . It is tragic that what is happening and May especially what not to happen. Millennial history is spent in the abandoned basement of indifference.

I will try to describe the bathroom: you climb on a rock and see it has a crater. On the bottom of this crater was built the bathroom. As a rosette around the lip of the crater, dozens of small start centrifugal cup them like glue of rock made likely to drain water from rain, as to not to drain the crater. In the middle is an egg-shaped basin dug in the rock, with the dimensions described above . Inside the bathrooms are falling through a tunnel of which bears the input is shown in the photo opposite. Today, the cause of bad weather in May are other two places of entry. As Tudor rightly said, history lies here, but also a lot, a lot of indifference.

What attracts today tourists is a building in Russian style, square, covered with lime crack windows were whitewashed once, walls - once painted together - but now blackened and dirty, with a roof of sheet metal, rusty and sunken , which still onjoară on a part beautiful bathroom of his Decebal




abandoned and became a box of the trash. For what does not capitalize on what we have, of what not appreciate what has been old cut into the rock of our ancestors? Why not look at old things? The new, the modern, the tin, the brick, do we like these ?! With dampness, with cheap music played by some Serbian fiddlers , with wooden benches on some beasts, do we like it ?! Or ... at least that's what is offered to Romanian "tourists" (because others don't step here). It's sad, it's very sad.

We leave Geoagiu-Băi, we leave the Dacian Germisara , Romanianized… of, God !… We leave for Orăştie .

We head to the Călan Mountains , to the place where the people extracted their granite stone, which they then cut, shaped - we don't know how! - and they transported it 75 kilometers, over valleys, mountains, forests and hills ! Thinking about the work Cyclopean of a company old for over 2,000 years, remain silent admiration and you say rightly that people who were in a state of such a fulfillment huge, there could be simple peasants ( so how, without embarrassment, our archaeologists and historians describe them today ). Knowledge amazing c onstrucţie Dacian, advanced technique, the monument, all have remained - until the day our - enigma that is heaven deciphered.

In front of us you can see Mount Uroiul. I passed Turdaş which has Turdaş Neolithic culture, the May ancient culture civilized of Romania. At the foot of this great hill , Uroiul, is the city ​​of Simeria. People with hypotheses May the border say that would be a connection between Simeria and Sumer between Uroi and Ur (the former capital of Sumer ... but these are some assumptions of people bold). We arrive in the village spleen, get over River Stream. In language Thracian Strei to mean bright .

Maybe it had the same meaning in the Dacian dialect ...?!

We are talking about all and about all. Someone from outside, if we would be heard, po ate that we would be thought possessed. Yes, we are possessed, but possessed of the desire of the learn the truth and of the it transmits world. Yes, in this sense we admit that we are possessed.

But we are happy. At least we know who we are. We are Dacians! We have wanted to dilate time to do May long for to be really space temporally unlimited on which we we wanted. For much, much was required to be discussed, re- discussed, and clarified.

- Remus ... Do you know who Remus was ?!

- No.

- Well, read on.

- I can not.

- Sumer, Memus, Mureş are formed by the same signs, only they are slightly reversed. See. remuS - Sumer .

- Aha, yes. Now I'm clear.

" That's the smart thing to do."

I came out of old Simeria. I entered Bacia-commune, Bacia village. Now we are the bathrooms Calan baths carved in rock rock crystallized, very strange, shaped like the letter uppercase S , with a peak in below and which has over 20 of feet long, on ten width and depth is 4- 5 meters. On one of the edges is a channel through which water flows or enters. And here flow two springs: one hot and one cold. The water continues to flow today, it goes somewhere further… there is a pool here, somewhere, but it is completely undeveloped.

- Well that at least have put some pipes painted in white and red, as to not fall blegii in them! remarks, sarcastically, Andrei.

As and beyond, at Geoagiu Bai, where we saw the bathrooms of Decebal, and here, in the mouth of the basin is dug a gate in rock, by this time in May small, but not so the thick and the majestic as the other. Characteristic to this is cut obliquely the top to bottom. Above is May range and is and May low.

Of sins, and here, the same as beyond the Geoagiu Bai, is hard to accept the reality in front of your eyes: bottles, cans, garbage of all sorts floating on the bottom of the bath. A mayor of the village has made even a potato warehouse in the basin .. Sad and shameful indifference!

For others around it built and now all kinds of buildings from prefabricated, all made as if on purpose to swallow, to stifle all that that both the beautiful have built ancestors.

Steps, perhaps natural, surround this amphitheater like an ovoid. But who will take care of that ?! As says Andrew, archaeologists have found many metal plates of gold, it has the Romans threw aicea, the bathroom ... There is a theory that water would be sprinkled inside the boiler, flowing over her lip and cutting these steps as an amphitheater .




Further on, at Măgura Călanului , huge terraces run down the steps.

They Dacia cut, there, on top rock on which then a "child" in the valley. Even and now there are hundreds of thousands of blocks cut, as if waiting for them on the Gauls to come and to them up.

You have the impression that there are fantastic flocks of sheep ready to defend their master, the mioritic shepherd ... On those plateaus , there, they are of a perfection hard to imagine. For this not be seen as a good, but if you go there ...

- Is it only possible to get there on foot ?

- No, I 've got to Niva. I got up through the valley . Well they have taken on me on top of a bus and we got everything up close, but with Niva I went to the valley, I raised up there.

- Archaeologists were just passing by .

- Yes, on the careers of rock. Professor Glodaru, Mrs. Rusu…

- And if the May was someone who is charge of history Dacian?

- Archaeologist Ferentz.

- Yes. Lord Mayor has been May smart - take clay as to clog

source. - We go now to the careers of stone Dacian. Here flowing river Streisingeorz village Streisingeorz and the left, at 500 - 600 for meters in line right is Magura Calan at 594 meters altitude. At its top are the stone quarries of the Dacians. Hundreds of thousands of blocks of stone lie and now so how have been cut by the Gauls and May following are two terraces extraordinary on that probably Dacians gave the stones below and from there were transported, who knows with what means, the Dacian fortresses.

- At what distance?

- At 18-20 kilometers it is the first city to the fortress, where we were yesterday, Mayor David of the Orăştioara the top. A second is Blidaru at 600-700 for meters in line right on another peak, and the third is the fortress of the Prisaca, all there to distance enough for big one of another.

- But all the stones which has been taken up in the large city of the Sarmisegetusa directed, so 20 of kilometers from the Costeşti in the above, all of the was brought to here ... Formidabil! It's the millions of blocks of stone that have been taken on the peaks of the mountains!

Each block weighs 500-600 a kg! Amazing! The stones have been taken from here and went to the mountains where the Dacians were surrounded by stone! What DioCasius says about the work of the Dacians is edifying in this sense: " They fenced the mountains with stone ."

And here, at the base of the mountain where the Dacians cut those big stones from which they made their fortresses, we, their descendants , had a moment of silence. The nice nature and the wonder of the people than Decebal and a time we felt part of living the history. It was as and when now, in the year of grace 1998, we agreed to meet with all Dacian who defended their ancestral lands. We try to decipher a world now almost lost in the mists of time ... I was confident because now, for a moment at least, I and November soldiers in the army of the sea of immortal Decebal The feeling of belonging to a great history surrounded us with a warmth that can not be described in words. Maybe we just for that, now we are with all quiet and reflective.

Then I felt the need to relax. We was hungry, so Tudor cleaned garlic, cut salami, Andrew uncorked bottle of wine, Costea uncorked her that vodka, Costel boasted that when I was in the cave of the Decebal. of the ... when I was asked knife to remove cement Dacic has said, "Hey, de-

why not I I gave the knife mine is good. " Ruslan hold and he an umbrella there, hell knows for what. Here is eat, eat, to eat with the hope that rain it will stop. It had started a rain mocănească , the mountain, which you never know when it stops. Tudor sits best in the middle. there is not it rains only on tiptoe, but he did not and gave out. If he drew little feet do not May rain or the shoes. But he is not interest him. he put his cap on his head, so to Adrian, more on the right ear, and I I made some pictures for. popularization as to show the world what is the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to "United

Nations "in the middle of nature in the mountains .

We pass through the village of Tămaş. I passed the Great Tank . It's a small village . This is the heart of Dacia. Here, say locals, it is the city Dacian of the Deva, which was united with the towns of the Valley Gradiste, on the underside, with tunnels ...

" Sir, do you really think there's a fortress here?"

- Ask any local and you will find out the answer: "Sir, it is!"

" And why can't anyone find them ?"

- Well, because no one is looking for them .

- He's here at Tămăşeasa. The word has the root Tămaş.




-Now we pass to Turmaş, another village with the prefix tur- which means ox .

" You impress me, sir, with your knowledge of linguistics!"

- Let linguistics, now May well look ... that do not see anywhere so storms that here! Indeed, the view is charming. The rain had turned green to bright green ,

the multicolored flowers had raised their domes to the brightening sky, for the sun was beginning

to make his life-giving presence again. Here, in the mountains, nature's cycles are more vivid, more palpable. Everything is more intense. You feel and you hand integral, although tiny, nature at her home. Eternity was born, the true, the mountain.

- Where are we here? At the Costesti citadel ? Oh, yes! This is the first big city Dacian of the valley Gradiste. And here we see the wave of defense…

- That's what they say.

- From the Costesti Fortress .

- Yes, here, at Cetăţuia, there is a big wall made of enormous stones !

" How much should these stones weigh ?"

- About 500-600 kilograms. And there are drainage channels, so that nothing gathers between them. Look, this is 75 the cm long, height is of about 60 to centimeters and a thickness of about 60 to centimeters. They are large, with channels to drain which should drain water. The way that water 's gonna push them aside. If water passes, it passes through these drainage holes without pushing the wall.

" Very clever, extraordinary!"

- Archeology official says that there have been placed stakes for supporting the side that to the other side. See? Here it is wider.

- It's even wider there.

- It's wider, because it's for drainage, as you say.

- I think so too.

- From the point of view of the military, I believe that these are the defense.

- No, no, no - there 's earth here . And look, when it rains , the water goes away.

- You have seen how the current water below without to push the wall at a party! Formidable!

- And he goes downstairs.

- Smart construction decision !


- Look, no knife not can you interfere, there between these. And when you think that everything is done without mortar, without anything. Absolutely amazing!

- There is a similar wall on Easter Island, those walls in Peru, from Machu Pichu … and, when there, look where you can find them , here, in the Dacians. Do not put blade knife between them, both the fin are cut and c onstruite the stone. They are here, on this line , in Godeanu mountain, the holy mountain of the Dacians.

Andrew is convinced that the great miracle is mound which is located in front in the direction South-West, but nobody had the idea to see what is in it.

- It's a gorgan, actually. A gurgui.

" And no one knows what's inside ."

Andrei did not they leave in peace. Insisted to go to see with the eyes of our order that this city holds in May than for two kilometers. Cole colonel has and he an idea fixed. He wants to prove to everyone that the scythe technique is better than the American technique .

In the southern part of the fortress of Sarmisegetusa, we now have in front of us the sacred staircase of Burebista.

- Stones of scale sacred are of andesite and anything not grow on them. They are seated again .

- No, that's how they were…

- Perfectly seated ... consider that…

- I do n't think so, I demonstrated with a photo, sir ! A setting sun here, the summer solstice. Here the sun reached its maximum, in summer.

- That you 're referring to the fact that in November we were a nation solarium. A people that has kept out of the cycles of the universe.

- In what have been necessary walls so the thick here? Only in May had a defense there ?!

- Why did you have to? He's four feet tall .




- Keep your say one thing: never not put walls of a city ...

- That you tell that the city this the fact surrounds a nipple?

- Yes, a nipple.

- The place to surround a flat on the soldiers to fight. On the top they have an ellipsoidal plateau , so we see it, with a large diameter of 108 meters.

- peaks this a mountain, here are marked. There are markings of a message.

- There are walls of defense. And behold, here is one of the sanctuaries Dacian. Do you know what 's going on here? What I noticed then ... I photographed, filmed and confirmed. On this line they are placed all other Fortresses and the Dacian. Here's Blidaru, he 's here, and the others are perpendicular.

- Look at the compass! What line is it?

"I'll show you now!" On this line asfinţeşte sun at summer solstice and new moon shines here, as in Newton's cycle ... from 430 years before our era ... As the moon with the sun which is meet a once in 19 years. And I'm me gave God luck in '96, the solstice, and I photographed the moon new here, on line it. There were also representatives of Bucharest. I have photos, behold, the line that asfinţeşte sun. So in 1996, the Moon and the Sun have met here and it will meet the new more than 19 years. Newton 's cycle ... from antiquity… the Dacians knew it .

- Fantastic!

- Yes, incredible! And yet, when you see with your own eyes , you are horrified by how much extraordinary knowledge the Dacians had . Now I 'm even more proud to be a Dacian!

- And in November we are proud.

- This is the magnetic North !

- But the number of degrees fall this?

- What?

- How many degrees?

- Andrei, is the North over there? I want to see how many degrees…

- The north is there. Yes.


- If I measure on June 22, it shows me the West exactly where the Sun sets. West, look, do you see where he is? The west is here. But the sun sets here, it goes farther west to the solstice. West is a matter on which the new one interpret that and North magnet ic and North geophysical, one around which it rotates the Earth, which is the 11 degrees May onwards. Here is North in around which the rotating Earth. What is the miracle ? Also at the solstice, do you know where the sun sets ? Only I saw that. I stayed two hours: from four thirty to six thirty to wait for the sun to rise at the solstice. He rises at four thirty and something. And there appears, there, there is a stripe of red moving across this mountain. I have photos in the book. And the Sun appears, it's this line… only here does it rise, at six- thirty.

- So the first picture a form of face to the south and the latter measure it to see ... How many stones are there? One, two, three, four ...

- Four!

- But stand and, to be the center.

- Put one foot here and one there!

- I 'm right in the middle now. I see the South and in the back I have the North! So one side of this is 3.67. Let's see how much in diameter ...

- The diameter is exactly 4 meters.

- That 's the diameter, 4 meters. And what says Andrew stones that, steps this andesite is very strange for that on them just do not grow anything, the thousands and thousands of years.

" And I 'm not going anywhere, it's like." For entry into the tower of the North of the city it is with everything else. Topographically, the exit from here, the exit from the North dwelling tower leads exactly to Sarmisegetusa…

- I think that is towards the South!

- No, this is the West! Look!

- Aha. But where is this door pointing?

" Here's the North and here's the East." The door goes east. To the east.




" Towards the rising of the sun."

" And how did the Dacians build it ?"

- The house?

- Yes! They say they put something on top and that's the house.

" And that's the only flap inside, is n't it?"

- Yes. But look at the miracle! Take look as they sat pies of clay! Here's how they put them!

What was destroyed was destroyed, but that remained and can be seen. Here's how they put them!

- Between the walls. And the walls are so colossal, so big!

- How thick are these walls ?

- Well, 4 meters.

- 4 meters thick?

- Aha!

" And how long is that?"

- It measures everything ...

- Curious for me to see something…

- No May keep in mind, may I'll say May later, but I do not remember now.

- You can measure ...

- One, two, three, four, five, six… .eight, nine, ten, twelve, fourteen steps from

These, of my big ...

- Twelve or so, plus…

- So 79 of centimeters in length and. how tall is he Aha, he's 54 tall again

their thickness, hee, is pretty much the same, is 48. Quadrilaterals perfect, almost cut into the rock edges beautifully made, can this have been columns or else the edges nicely shaped and here in steps. I hold his hand to feel his size, but especially to convince myself that I am a participant, over the millennia, in a grandiose work of my forerunners ...

- Look, here, in front of the fortresses ... these are flat terraces , in front of the nipple of the fortress, and I

got on one of these ...

- As you see, we may say that t is strange that the sanctuaries, instead of being within the walls, are in outside them. That means, the fact that not much would have been the city, where the shrine is outside the walls ... What's the point to put them there?

- We are at the great sanctuary at Cetăţuie.

- There are several, but this is the largest.

" Let's stop and take a picture!"

- Yes, good idea.

" Look at these pillars ." Probably because the state a temple on them!

- Possible.

- That has to have been, how about you. What to be something else? The pillars of a temple.

- There are big pillars : one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten on one, two,

three four. Ten in length…

- Look, here are 13.




- 13?

- Yes, 13, four times. 26 and 26.

" And how far is one of these ?"

- 26 and with 26… 52.

- Are there 52 pillars?

- Yes. And how long is the Maya cycle ?

- 52 and the 52 are 104. Exactly.

- Which ones are there.

- Which are beyond.

- And 52 of years is the cycle Maya. The May good calendar of all stored time is cycle 52 of years of rotation of the Earth with the planet Venus in around the sun. Here are 52 of columns.

- What's the diameter of a pole like this?

- Well, everything is measured.

- That's for me ... Where can I read them ?

- 55 of centimeters in diameter. And the distance between the pillars, is of two meters and ...?

- 2 meters and 25 - 30.

The discussion continues with passion. From time but Zalmoxis takes care of November and we May gives a rain ... so we thereby strengthening. Feet they were wet, but nothing not we stop. As such, we continue on our way. We are surrounded everywhere by mountains, high mountains, protectori.Totul smells of fresh grass, washed by the rain, the flowers and May especially of history! Nothing there can be in May nice!

We see a cottage in which to cazau archaeologists. Of course that they were comfortable ities, they had special tools and were able to study the best places.

I realize that start to get tired, to pant even, but Andrei did not I forgive, I crawl before you see a sanctuary.

" How many shrines are there?" I dare to ask.

- There are many. No not be discovered all. And also in May are ...

- That's fascinating.

- And this is one of the few places, because the facilities were more comfortable in the world is May look. Here, in Unfortunately, history lies still in the ground. Not for tens of years, or for hundreds of years, but for thousands and thousands of years. Maybe one day someone will discover them .

- This is where it starts, right?

- That from here has many sanctuaries, or do not know how many can you have, on three occasions.

- are of the right impression of majesty site. Let me make you a frame as you stand in the heart of history…

On top of that, Colonel wants to be present in all the photos on which they do, like to the public and to the mention the desires of life.

- Strange and ancestors those of our: after that that we put to us climb the mountain, the mountain peaks, longer and locate settlements in a place where it rains and rains ... not the "three times per week" - as said Minulescu -... here raining for three times a day.

- Luckily the rains are beautiful, just like with the sprinkler…




- Beauty, beauty! About beauty. Take a look!

- Yes, here's a platform!

- I ask if Dacian its protected temple, of which he let the enemy terrace that that he, the enemy, could you come and you are ready to enter the temple and to attack? ...

- Good question!

Rain in around me, the surrounding walls and the sanctuaries, rain from above with water, rain with sanctuaries everywhere terraces, channels with stones perpendicular with stones put together with a nipple trapezoidal that who knows what it means ... history over all!

Curious is to know of the Dacians have made walls on the edge of precipices. If they wanted to defend, not supposed to be defending against precipices ... This is a great mystery ...



- All kinds of weirdos. They're weird, because we still do n't understand them . Look, these are drain gutters… I'm going outside.

- Can that have been hubs placed so! This is a trapezoid, who knows of what one have been made trapezius this! ...

- mourning and pain-n soul / Tears on face / yourself flow, tears yourself flow, yourself flow / Can you hear them, hear them roll in? / You went abroad

- Faierag ! Faierag. This is Faierag hill and it 's full of towers. There is the Blidaru hill with the most important fortresses of the Dacians and the Faierag brook flows there. Do you know what this place is called here? Do you know his name?

- ???

- He calls it "At the lakes."

- At the lakes?

- At the lakes, on top of the mountains.

- What do you mean?

" On the lakes!"

- You think, even without wanting to, you think of the Dacians dressed in itari, like the peasants, building, dragging these huge blocks ... Where would they have dragged them from? And how? By what means? Whole tons! Amazing!

- Not really tons. One weighs 600-700 kilograms.

- Even and so is a MASSE colossal. They dragged them here and not only that, but they shaped them perfectly, at 90 degrees, others combine extraordinarily well… Some are for drains, others…

- Each to a destination precise, each is prepared to place him.

- Others have forms trapezoid as to combine, perhaps a beam, to a set there, or who knows what they put there, what thoughts ... And all this here in middle of nowhere, on top of mountains. It seems no point. But are convinced that having a get major, because it's really in the middle of the country Dacian.

" It's just that we haven't been able to decipher the mystery yet ."

"Listen to what peace!" Nothing moves, nothing is heard! Listen to the silence! ...

- yourself flow, tears yourself flow, yourself flow / Those'm his tears ...




- This is the Dacian wall , it has a foundation, like a parallelepiped placed on it ... and the next one ... you say it's shaped up here to make it look Dacian. To be seen! It's like a nose sitting there. They Dacians, they have done this! These are also below, below them ...

- No, not these are on the bottom. They all go from top to bottom. I think that has been a beam between them to put them into.

- No, not the beam. Another carved stone , also with a motorcycle from it, and when you put it here, it holds these two.

" But how can they hold each other like that ?"

- Well, how ?! If it's weight and it's coming…

- We're dragging this…

" She's over a ton!"

" There's no mortar between them, nothing, no mortar."

- Nothing, no mortar…

- They blend perfectly, no matter what shape they have.

- Even if they are two completely different stones , they have a cut as if it was made especially and it was thought in advance, God knows how!

- As you said, the terms "national", "no can to make May much, that you 3000 of lei of


- Well, so it gives 3,000 on the day of excavation, it gives archaeologist 3,000 of lei for the day of

excavation of a worker. Well dig that by 3000 the lei per day? What do you dig? May nothing. It's a waste of time. And then, to get a worker…

- Lamentably, it does not make sense to May comment.

- All the stronghold of the Costeşti is surrounded at the level of these creations, here, from the the south of here with a kind of girdle, which is somewhere a meter and a half, two meters ...

- Of which the General also spoke '

- Yes, of who has spoken and Generalu '. It's around. Archaeologists claim that is made up of land burned by as minced meat croquette. When you have made research - which has been confirmed and the Moscow, at the Department of petrografie in Moscow - it has been shown that rock the main of the belt from around the city is ilmenite (iron-titanium-oxygen - FeTiO3). This is the main ore from which titanium is extracted. Of which was brought and with what effort a quantity as the giant of ilmenite as to be placed around the creations? It's another miracle!

- Have an idea, even and vague about how the sea is the perimeter of the entire complex? about

how much is it

- About 300 meters in diameter.

- The diameter, not the perimeter!

- Three whole and fourteen, we multiply by…, so pDa, well from here we measure 2,360 and

we find the perimeter. Three times three… so it's ... huge…

- ... to Blida ru ... and the city of the Prisaca is up there ... on what direction is it? ...

" Well, it's exactly this direction, this wall."

- I mean, which direction - why am I confused now?

- That is the direction - I say immediately exactly - is this: 20, 40, 60 ... 64 of degrees to the north magnetic.

- 64 Est.




- 64 East to the North magnetic, the North East is located city of the Prisaca.

" And beyond is Blidaru 's !"

- Yes, yes, in 120 the degrees to the north magnetic, not May than, 126 of degrees to the magnetic north, from the point where we are we are the city of Blidaru. The distance between one city and another, here, in the direction right, is 1.000 of meters, 1500, not May than between a mountain and the other, let there to be 2,000 of meters! For you to have? If I wanted to conquer Sarmisegetusa, I walked the valley and Dacian the peak or not I reach any of this and neither of there. Traian has been smart, he does not walk downhill, he went on lands nor reach these places, Sarmisegetusa!

Andrei says that, like Schliemann, who went on the Iliad, he goes on the Miorita.

- For the west the sun on the terrace on which one you see here - here the sun asfinţeşte and we Photo - just to the west of the sun, the solstice of summer sun asfinţeste exactly on top of that and it's a wonder that goes from the top that to the other end. It's a wonder that I noticed along with many people and I photographed it. It is on this line that the Sun sets .

The village of Bătrâna is after Sarmisegetusa, about ten kilometers away.

- As the General said : there is the maximum magnetic center in Romania.

- Maximum magnetic peak in Romania. I'll show you on the map.

-Speaking of the Adamclissi monument ...

- Tocilescu and others have "taken over" the monument and the time to try to prove that it is novel. It is not a Roman monument !

- But they put there - I get remembered - in peak have put there a soldier roman ... They did it or he there?

- No, he's not a Romanian soldier !

- It's a trophy.

- is a replica stylized - from where to where stylized? - of the trophy. The original components are in the museum, there you will find them and you will see extraordinary things

- And who has discovered Adamclissi's what to do?

- Someone who subsequently has been marshal German. At half century past, he was on his way to Istanbul and passing through Dobrogea, to stop and to hear that the Turks said that there there Adamclissi church of Adam.

- Of Man or the church of the first man.

- Adamclissi means " man's church , man's monastery , man's temple ."

- Yes. And the latter, giving circling over there has given and he with alleged that probably is a monument novel ... For then, all archaeologists and historians Romanian have endeavored to prove that Von Moltche has been right, not to investigate what 's there. In the first place - Andrei know this matter - the monument's outlet Dacian wolf head stylized. Everything is not a triumphal monument, but a funerary monument, there are funerary lions upstairs, then there are a series of other signs and, especially, it is that symbolism with diamonds, triangles, squares, everything that was there, which is not clarified. In 1980, 18 years ago, a big scandal broke out. I was sent by the Association of Scientists to make a photographic study and metric out there - at the initiative of Nicolae Copoiu, which was dry retar science at the time that the Institute of Studies of Historical and Social-Political in addition to the RCP - to be see if, sir, it really is as historians say or not. For about 20 and something of years, I 've been checking the sites archaeological for this institute, I ask for verification of alleged forgeries archaeological and so in May on. Arriving at the monument, I took the job very in serious. After that I returned to the team from there, we published two pages in the magazine Science and Technology , including a box of Copoiu concluding that the monument is not novel, it is a period preceding that is a monument hybrid result of at least two schools of




monumental sculpture, he put a pile on top of it. And a number of other observations. The result: "Comrade Leana" Ceausescu was upset . As a result, Copoiu to become unemployed two weeks - he was the scientific secretary of the Institute of Social and Political Historical - I flew out of service permanently and I May was right to me commit several years of days. Trying to I commit anywhere (I was exactly in the position in which it was Andrei), I agreed to work even as a laborer, but every time I hear the people of the staff: " Yes, leave request " and go grassland that, when they checked me on the computer to see who and what I was, they invariably said to me : " No sir, no! ".

- But it's a wonder, for that he, Ceausescu has been all during the Dacians, the Dacians, with

Dacian ...

- Yes, but he signed the book of honor, after what has been reconstructed monument, and

we claimed that…

- That it's a fake…

- No, that 's a mistake, pure and simple, and was angry "comrades". After that, in 1988…

- Yes, it's sad. Do you see how history is sometimes written ?

- In 1988 I was sent by General Ilie Ceausescu, with a team military to do tests in southern Dobrogea, some tests of biodetection. It was about special experiences .

- What is your specialty ?

- I have two. One is similar to the of Andrew, that I did Institute of Theater and Film, Faculty of Film and Television footage; after that I specialized in frontier biophysics. I resumed research at Adamclissi and what did I discover?… That the Adamclissi Monument is practically located in a square ... from the monument some walls are cut, radially ..., I discovered two concentric walls on a distance from… and then from close to close…

- What distance ... approximately?

- How can I tell you, within a radius of…

- A mile, two, five?

- No, on a range of two hundreds of meters, two walls concentric and until the end of the close in nearly ... I made and a survey of the disposal of Ilie Ceausescu that I promised that gives me the drive to Topaisari unit military, with modern sonography equipment, to discover, also there, a fortified settlement , amazing, at Adamclisi, and the monument is in…

- Middle.

- No, not even in the middle, a little-little eccentric, but in April oape in the middle.

- What about the Roman altar ?

- Yes, there is and it. There where they were cremated about 3700-3800 the officers Roman invaders, then our enemies and who died in clashes with the Dacians. There is also that slab, from there, which confirms that the Romans died a sudden death! And that's a question mark. In antiquity they knew little of the die you could to die in battle, either with the neck cut or sliced. Well, that's where they're said to have perished! And where is the slab located? I went on detection and found where is located the altar between the two walls concent rice, so the outside of the monument of the Adamclisi. From close to close, we took by biodetection and reached the slope of the irrigation canal, built in our time. And I find the walls right there. In the slope of the canal. They do not have May have to put slabs of concrete there, just have brushed concrete, from top to bottom. Seeing this, I began to search through the commune of Adamclisi, through that village, to look for workers who worked on the canal and to ask them what they had done there.

- "I found the walls there," they have told them. I have found stones from this there ...




- And what did they look like ?

- Well, they were like that ... with gutters…

"You mean?"

After many discussions and descriptions, find that those " troughs " of the stones were to form the tail swallow.

" Where are those stones now?"

- Well, they were loaded into the dump truck and they were carried ... we do n't know where they were carried. And by then, in 1988, I still tried to raise awareness of some bodies of here. I said this: should refotografiate all components originals in the museum of the Adamclisi - are over one hundred components - and to make new scientific research. We have developed a process for composing the image in detail. In November he was beaten big fuss over the fact that a researcher from the University of Honolulu, Michel Spidel , would be found on method number four death Decebal at Adamclisi!

- Well, how to find him there, when ...

- Here's what he did: he studied the spelling made after a negative at the German Institute of Archeology in Rome. Do the Germans have an archeology institute there? Good for them! I redid the photo in that method and it turned out completely different. "What threat" was written then, it was published in The History : " There he discovered the death of Decebal on one metopes of Adamclisi " and " clarified the origin of the monument, it belongs to the age of Trajan " and so on. We also published this issue after that. In the Revue Archeologique , in Paris, in the subject of Michael Spidel , it appeared that one was cutting his neck? !! They retouched the picture and showed that he was cutting his neck with a kind of basket. In reality, he was the hem of a pedestrian fighter's shirt, an ordinary fighter who guards his shield, defends himself with his shield from the attacks of a knight who strikes him with his spear. And, on top of that, "a ridiculous amount" was not found for re-photographing all the components, that is , to make a scientific photograph ! Speaking of which, I was making a documentary for television , in 1978-79, in Alba Iulia, I was there, in the museum. At one point, I began to turn on the light to film a veneer coat of arms. I was a curator of there hen you call. There were three boys in a family, but parents ' them miserable "one they put the name of Horia, another hen and ... Crisan of the third. This one, the middle one, the poor man, was a museographer there, he was Cloşca. At one point, as I turned on the light, he said, "Please stop, stop here!" And to run not know where to bring a camera to camera and to say: "Please shoot him, that I'm afraid to shoot myself, to not somehow to disappear." There were four eagles with open wings in the "Four corners, but he hadn't seen it before. Why? Because they were very eroded, they can't be seen with the naked eye. He told me that he had finished researching the star 15 years ago and published a pamphlet about it ... but now everything bedevil no longer corresponded with that published it. I wonder: when will come and other archaeologists and historians to do the same? when will recognize that they wrong? ... the thing with Adamclisiul is about Likewise, it is not desirable to resume research at Adamclisi, because doctorates have been taken on the fact that the monument was wrongly considered a novel.

- Yes, hard test! Hard to overturn boulders! ... By the way! You said something yesterday from Column ... from the Column " ancestor " of the Roma. Did you have the curiosity to read what is written on its base ?

- No. I didn't read.

- There has been no you mentioned that the time that, the population of Rome to the rise of Trajan any column. It's a landmark… The Italians themselves admit that. It was a landmark surveying which subsequently has been put on the metopes those of campaigns Dacian of his Traian. Below, on it, it is clearly written - we have the reply to the Museum of History - it reads thus : " to Emperor Trajan

Germanicus ” etc. etc . And underneath the letters in May small write this: " for the to show how the High was the place that has been dug to the efforts of men" etc. So the column has been raised, so as I said in May before the landmark surveying, and not in the memory of the "ancestor."




- I could talk more on the subject of it. But the traveler it sits well with the road. In fact, where are we going now?

- At the Citadel.

- If you go on peak main on top, on which I walk I do not see anything, but there has been wall that " Chinese " that starts at Drastic and it ends just below.

- Downstairs, to what?

- La Jiu.

I found the indefatigable my friend Andrei Vartic and into this morning, talking about ancestors Gauls, about what we have left them. We talk about cities Dacian and about what not match reality.

- The engineering of the fortress we find repeated in all forms, says Andrei.

And these Dâmburi on which you see on the right ... some of them say nipples or units of art promorfologică the surface topographic. On this hill you can find everything you want and do n't want…

- Which hill, what do you call it?

- That was Faeragu.

- Faeragu ...

- Personally, I do not share the opinion of historians who consider that Sarmi-Seget-Usa was the capital of Burebista. Only an "uninspired" - believe me - may to choose capital here where if you throw a rock from the one of the mounds of others, risking to break the head of a "citizen" of the city.

" And where do you think the capital really was ?"

- The capital of Dacia, says Dragomir Militaru, is somewhere around Hârtoape, a little higher, towards Comărnicel, on Hud's road. We found up to bumps, besides military elements built on land, and elements ground that, after opinion of me, I PROi ectează the Gauls as leading a kind of war ... as in Vietnam! Our Gauls were great fighters not only outwardly but also in the underground; that is why - and this is not only my opinion - it is said that in the Cioclovina area there are some strange caves , little explored. I was in some ... Many speak May more about gold 's Decebal gold that has been stolen only part of the "ancestors" Romans. This is the gold that some people are looking for here; see all day all sorts of misfits who come to look, speaking of spiritualism and of all sorts of nonsense, when the fact they do not is nothing but thieves.

- The Citadel, the Blidaru find basic inginereas that the module that, in function of relief is used as element of strategy, the defense, which to fill the deficit of forces ...

- No. Sarmizegetusa Regia has been the capital of Dacia. There has been garrison royal military. Not be built any houses there ... homes have been on the ridge above.

-But what would you say if the area, being a religious and astronomical center ( as you mentioned before), was inhabited by local priests ?!

- I think that this may be more in May true than anything else. And when you think that we described the "historic us" as a people, "young", appeared in Europe ... not by much, but for the 1859 ...

- This is not only done by them, our "historians", but also by our neighbors.

- The " Anonymous Chronicle " has appeared , also translated into Romanian.

- I don't have it, because I didn't find it.

" Are you leaving me an address?" I'll send you a copy. The "Chronicle ..." clearly states that, when the Hungarians came to Transylvania, a Wallachian population lived here. The Hungarians have now published this passage, the original being in Vienna. Same Anonymous, referring to the valor of the Hungarians - that was very combative in combat - write about them in Latin: "probably because Hungarians eat human flesh and drink their blood, were Varta in battle ". Well, Hungarian historians do not want to talk about this passage, because it is unfavorable to them .

- It says that the difference between God and historians is that first there can change the past, on when they, historians, a form with ease, without too great scruples, tell me.

- Since unfortunately it is. Under to some, words are changeable as the weather ...

Now look here. The plateau that had been people 's Claudian and of his Bivolaru, says the general. These hypocrites ! He deserves to sit in jail for what they did.

" Who are these?"




- There are some sects walked after gold, but they said that walk after the spirit! They were walking around with nonsense. They, like others like them, destroy the area. Thousands of people come here, like in the army. In the morning I refresh myself, go to the table with my forehead, say prayers and search.

- It seems that Mr. Presidents 're "M" love and his nature. He built a house, even here on the way to Sarmi-Seget-door and has destroyed all the others around, here at Grădiştea Muncelului.

- But, in fact, what would the Gradist mean? Costel asks .

- Order, restructuring, that would mean in Sanskrit.

We're going to continue on a path narrow towards Grădiştea the Mountain. The river, here, doesn't seem to be nervous anymore . In return it to go can and the cave boulder ... There is also a story of a sword of gold Dacian says Andrew.

" Who found her, Andrei?"

- Mrs. Trufaş from Cucuis. Back then she was a young girl of 18 years who dig Constantin Daicoviciu old, from Orăştioara the Netherlands, in around Camp Roman. Dig the ground with others on the archeological site . And one evening it and with a girl from Bucium have found a sword of gold 70 centimeters long. Academician Constantin Daicoviciu has been superior to happy for that found that girls, they kissed, they swept them to kiss ...

- And he took them ...

- Yes, he took them. The mystery of this sword is that, although I feverishly searched it in the literature , I did not find it. And I reconfirmed a few times with Mrs. Trufaş the story with the golden Dacian sword ...

"Is the lady still alive?" Tudor asks .

- Yes, it is in life and one can see and you if time we will allow.

" How old is the lady?"

- About 70.

- Yes?

- Yes. About 70 ...

The tape recorder kept bothering me, and I wasn't sure it was printing. I want to convince myself

and I ask Tudor:

- Does my tape recorder work or not? Is it spinning?

- Not. It does n't work .

- Is it working now?

- I don't know how well he's doing.

"Hold the wheel a little, Tudore." I want to check.

- Miky, don't you know how to write from memory?

Tudor looks happy now. Keep the hand right of the steering wheel in time as with other gestures to my stereo US.

In further road winds, it twists, it narrows to give even băltucit of rain, but not to break. Now we see a gap on the right, on where flowing brook.

" What do you call this brook, Tudore?"

- The kindergarten.

Grădiştei River changes the whole local geography . River and throughout the landscape through which we pass reminds me of Peru. Looking at the majestic mountain in front on which the terraces of the Dacians are dug , it is as if you see Machu Pichu. (?) The images take your breath away and you never get tired of looking. Our adventure continues by rupture of the road, potholes and puddles, but go, go ahead. For a period short of time we pass through a fog thick that I undertake to put lights of the road and slowed steadily close walking worm. Suddenly, in front he encounters a mountain village, cozy and small, though would be a settlement picturesque of films of animation for children.

- What's the name of this village ?

- Grădiştea the Mountain, comes the answer.

- Yes, and their church, have a school of 4-8 classes ... and this is the valley nines ... Come to us stop and talked to people.

Sociable and open, Andrei trying to do here as friends, in fact, is more than all over to where we go. Now he is coming from a man found on the edge of the road.

- Hello. What's your name, man?

-Hello. My name is Adi.

-Adi and how?




-Adi Stoicoiu.

Andrei is recommended and he politely, then continue to talk with the man on the just met him. Their conversation is relaxed and, for those who do not know and see them , the impression is that these two people have known each other for a long time and that they are friends for life.

- What is this man doing here? I wonder more than a few minutes on Andrei.

- This is ... he's the biggest diplomat of the cows.

- Ha, ha, ha! ...

" And where does he live?"

- He lives here, up the mountain. Yes, she lives alone at a distance of five kilometers from the May close to home ... Alone! But you know who knows the May well places they? He, Adrian Stoicoiu. In the Surya Mountains he is master.

- Awesome! You have to have a constitution physical and spiritual particularly the strong to resist alone here, isolated from the people.

- Yes, yes, Andrei approves .

I see the man our of the mountain watching us with interest naturally: not for many times and has been given to meet a group of urban dwellers and especially not often someone stopped to talk with him. I May see how we make the sign of remaining good, friendly, with his hand.

- Let's go now. Su nt curious to know what caves are around here.



- Well, there are many. Get to see. Caves of bumps, Cave Tepter, Cave Bodie ...

- A lot of Dacian pottery was found inside them.


Today is July 10, 1998. It is morning and the strong mountain air cools and refreshes us. Some of our group were tired and stopped attending with us, they stopped longer climb the trails of the mountain to be cling to the hands of herbs, to sink their nails into the ground, among stones, that they may see an unexplored Dacian wall, still untouched by our lazy archaeologists of Romanian origin .

Some have given up yesterday, others today morning. Dan has gone first, has been called the emergency with chores law. For Tudo r, the reasons are different, in May less muscle and May more digestive. It was thought that there may to stop at every corner of the road through the mountains, to give bottom pants, so it was decided to to go to Deva with the Colonel, and there is sure that it will return to us. She was even thinking of returning to his home in Chisinau. Andrew, an old fox, he said with a gentle and compassionate voice: "Take it and the Costel to you in Deva, all suffer it to heart." How Tudor was quick to say "Yes" and Costel not to clamor, to wake up that ... have to bring the Costel back and it no longer can go to Chisinau. The idea has been very good. We're going to continue to Sarmisegetusa, go to Grădiştea the Mountain and for there to Faces White. If we can find two horses on to any highlander in the area, we could simplify the way to Sarmisegetusa.

But things do not be so as we hope. People from here do not show a desire burning for money; values on which matters they are slightly different. They love nature, with which to confuse the many times cherish a table right in the company of good friends and, for that to not recognize them love and a glass of good for strength. So that plan our was given over head. At least for now.

- In here, the somewhere has to have been a CARBUNARI. Dacia have been some of the more sophisticated metallurgical of antiquity.

- Yes, it is one in the vicinity, I confirm Andrei suspicion. There is here a hill called CARBUNARI, on which archaeologists have found very many pieces Dacian. But no serious research has been done.

- Where is the hill, next to which village?

- Near Costesti of which came yesterday, on foot, General Vasile Dragomir with Prof. Rudan. They have been yesterday and have seen CARBUNARI and only them you can give May more information.

" What are they doing here ?"

- For a project of the Institute of Geo-Dynamics, which deals with earthquakes in Romania. In reality, they act out of patriotism, because these investigations into the Dacian civilization are their main concern, in addition to geo-dynamic projects . They want to do and a laboratory which to investigate possible movements tectonics of the area. In fact, they are studying




Dacian civilization . The activity of academician Zugrăvescu, the director of this institute, is commendable and deserves all the appreciation.

" Good people!" The would be many more in May many like her! Now look, at the end of above Orastioara south of the Netherlands, is a great terrace from which we collected a lot of pottery and that there has been researched archaeological never, he says Andrei.

" Are you talking about the one on the right?"

- That, yes.

- Once assumptions our here would have been a settlement Dacian very important, because here after the algorithm us, is joining lines very interesting. Place deserves a careful special.

- Andrei, you say you have your people here who, when you arrive, let you know as soon as they find out and you decide if you are interested or not. I wonder of what it archaeologists our not doing the same for you not have and they contact with the locals, so how have you? For you have to come you, of the Chisinau without being paid by anyone, and do you do? You worry about bringing now to discoveries about the Gauls, who are to explode many of the knowledge our about Dacian. Through your publications, the Dacians become nothing more and nothing less than the center of the ancient civilization of Europe. And I don't have enough words to thank you.

- Miky, do n't brag too much. Do not forget the general, the teacher on you, who live in New York and we amaze with reports your on a new history of our history in which only a guess, but do not know.

- It's good and it's necessary to work as May many and to awaken the interest of national on real history of race us.

" We're entering Bucium now, aren't we?"

- Yes, Bucium is the first village that belongs to Orăştioara de Sus commune. On the territory of this joint is located the main cities Dacian. It is a common of 30 kilometers in length and comprising Bucium villages, Orăştioara Upper P lopeşti, Costeshty, Costeshty-Hill and Grădiştea Mountain.

- You know, Andrew, with metallurgy from Gauls ... I 'll say that thou hast convinced. I also wrote about the Dacians' skill in iron processing in " Dacian Nail or Pepelea's Nail ". Do you remember?

- Yes, I bring remember, I've sent and thousand newspaper in Chisinau. It was nice gesture your and I appreciate what you wrote.

- I have another question to which I have not yet found an answer: with what did the Dacians cut the stone?

- Keep your say first about teacher Glodaru, archaeologist mainly of Romania issues civilization Dacian. He says he has found a ton of lead on this territory sacred Dacian.

" And where is this huge amount of lead stored ?"

- He has it in colossal warehouses , in Cluj, to which no one has access.

" Why does it have to be such a big secret?"

- Yes, it's sad for that to occur to us are proud of him, we keep hidden.

- No one has access. And even those from here, from the Deva of the museum, do not know too much.

" They didn't even know about the non-rusting Dacian nails." Archaeologists from Deva - although Deva is the museum mainly of civilization Dacian in Romania - know May less than you know you, Miky, New York.

- That 's not good. But now, Andrei, I would like to know what Glodaru said about this rust -free iron , which you have researched.

- At the beginning of he said that is given with a paint that you protect the rust of and written about it.

- But what has May said after what you've shown of what is done and you bring all documentation


- He did n't say anything…

" Didn't he comment?"

- Nothing, I went to him, I also wrote him a report that I published in the book " Fierul-Piatra, Dacii-Timpul". Gentlemen were very interested when I showed them the spectrophotometric studies, the graphs… I showed them everything. They took me to a teacher, Radovici, in Bucharest. He was (perhaps because May is) director deputy to ICECHIM, former institute of Elena Ceausescu. It deals with protecting the pipes from rust. I went to him and talked a lot about it. " Sir, this is exploding very loudly ... " he said . I continued to go the latter on the one on the




another. We argued, it is right, and the chairmanship of then. On ago I received 20 of millions of lei from the Ministry of Research. These money needed to and share with him. November to and give evidence on which he should study. He took 20 million lei and gave us… nothing. In 1995 these were b years, no joke!

- So he took the money and… goodbye ?!

- He took the money institute ICECHIM's and new, who have worked, not us was given nothing.

- And not have looked to see and to understand the why not rusty nails those Dacian after more than 2,000 years?

- No, they did n't do anything.

- But what they did with the 20 of millions of lei? How did they justify the disappearance of that money?

- They used them for " Research Methodology ". "

- In other words, they state on chairs, drinking their quiet coffee the morning, discussing politics and cashed day and wages in time.

- Well, gentlemen, I say, but on what evidence you do research? That of to me not you got nothing and no not me you asked! Why do n't you have any evidence? I have dozens of such of nails Dacian. Why didn't you research them? What did you research ?

- Everything I hear and see about the indifference of the authorities of yesterday and today to research ancient history deeply saddens me . And it hardens me . Something needs to be done . And we will . What valley is this, Andrei?

- It's the Nines valley .

We take it to Sarmisegetuza. And now just we have entered the Grădiştea the Mountain. To the left is the Anineş valley which leads to the top of Hulpe. There is one of the most important Dacian fortresses. There, on the top of Ceata, the settlement was made on 50-60 terraces, at a height of 1,200-1,300 meters, but it was never archeologically researched. There are immense archaeological riches, as old Daicoviciu used to say .

- When you say "old Daicoviciu " , do you mean Constantin Daicoviciu?

- Yes, the academician.

- This is the May high settlement Dacian here at Fog. On this valley of Nineş you go towards it. It's about 7-8 kilometers. Access is very difficult. Without a good, very good, off-road car, you ca n't get there . Now we have Apa Grădiştei on the right . Do you see these terraces up here right now ? When you look at these terraces, you see how the Dacian lived , where he set up his house.

Adi stoico, guide us, he has and he a hypothesis very interesting:

" Gentlemen, they had their houses on the mountain, by the epaulets, by the degree they had." Lower living Sergeant, the latter sergeant, the latter lieutenant and above of all living general.

- I mean, it was a hierarchy ...

- Yes, it was a hierarchy and the settlement terraces: with as were May up put in so I was and house sitting on a ledge higher, to the top of the hill.

- Adi, what are you telling us now is an opinion supported by some observations or is it just like that, a spontaneous opinion ?

- No, no, it 's not just an opinion. The amount of pottery of quality increases the extent that we approach the peak.

- Yes, it can be a solid point of view .

" It 's his opinion ," says Andrei, " but it may be true." The Gauls were and they divided into castes. We November or do not want, but in the way certain there were slaves ... they were cast fighters, caste nobililor- tarabostes and the ordinary people, the plowman.

From new we venture through places broken by water, through mud and potholes. Luckily the car that Russian's Andrei.

- What does he call the car?

" You mean the brand ?"

- Yes.

- It's a Niva ...

- Uuu, what's under it?

- The road, the difficult mountain road ...

I came out with better in pits those of mud. Do not know whom to him thanks: of Andrew - who was thought to buy the car that strong - or Russians who have designed it so the sound? In front of us to see the house of Adi, perched on a corner of mountains covered by vegetation that abounds




over all. We are greeted by a bitch very suspicious, that not too aware of the term " friendship", so that I prefer to stay in the car until you master them it softens.

Today , July 10, 1998, is the only day when the sun is more generous with us. So far it has been raining heavily on us , as if from a fine sprinkler , not very much, but almost continuously. I keep wondering: how will our ancestors live here? Why didn't the nails they used to build the temples rust after more than 2,000 years? How did they cut the rocks, the mountains, to build their terraces? How have brought to the very large distances, amounts huge of blocks of granite, on which they finished perfect? You must have been a master of the art of construction!

Andrei was armed with a "tool of research Dacian", a club of all beauty, and I did not have to do anything d ECAT to imitate. Today should be to get the sides White and I want to deviate slightly on the Sarmi-Seget-Usa, walking on the crest of the mountain, hoping that time to us is favorable and we can do some pics that world.

Now we cross the bank of the Gradistei river . The road is broken only if you can be stepping on it. It is only a "foot" road, on the left is the rock of the mountain and on the right is the ravine through which the Dacian river flows bravely and noisily . When the mayor of the village Orăştioara the top to say that nature is the true architect of places they, to have justice, because nature is that which has shaped all the others.

It smells of fresh greenery from which it has, under the rays of the sun, a feeling of eternity. Everything seems frozen in grandeur and air m IROA so of pleasant, that now I can understand the Gauls and their followers today who live in these places. Finally began to understand these people and to appreciate the steadfastness and love them for the mountains, for that, indeed, nowhere can not be May well as here. The forest that covers the mountains colors to unravel the nuances perceptible: by the green pale, opened up to the dark ... and nuances that are mixed so at random, and just for that creates a landscape of a beauty that you cut breath.

We keep going… I don't know exactly where I'm going, but Andrei probably has something on his mind and wants to take me somewhere to White Faces. Until then, I try to follow them, not to be left behind. Everyone goes ... on their own. Adi joined our group which, until now, at eleven and a quarter morning, was in the house. I had found him there, lying in bed. He told us he 'd been walking all night looking ... he didn't know what either. This is his passion: he likes to live here, in the middle of nature, to mingle with it, to live with it and to feel happy tens of kilometers away from human settlements . He is one of the friends of Andrew and that, for many times finds something, eager to see Andrew and tell. Andrei considers him a very good friend and treats him as such.

Water Gradiste is leaden and it flows rough over boulders, logs and above all it stands in the way. I saw S and a few butterflies Red, the color spotted thrown on them. After rain, the grass is still full of water, go through her shoes I are wet, but are as the delighted by nature, so I think I would go so through the wet grass, the whole life.

In front, the roads split, one goes to the right, another to the left ...

- Where is the road on the right?

- The one on the right goes to Gerosu and then to Barul Mare, says Adi.

" And that house over there, made like a barn, whose is it?"

- It's not a house, it's a garage.

We climb a narrow, winding path, higher and higher.

- If the road had been good, we would have climbed here with our Niva, free, without problems. As if hearing the boastful Andrei, now the road has a "slight" slope of 60 percent. Patches small of water Baltoc over everything and split the streams cut perpendicular ... flowers on the left, blue-violet, right, white, loaded with dew, all shy like staying in our path. A few days ago, a water - small now, about 50 centimeters wide and flowing slowly - had broken the road at 90 degrees ... and only two or three days ago. I still don't know what I'm going to call my story when I'm back in New York: "Adventure in the Land of the Sun," "Adventure in the Gardens Mountains," or "Adventure in the Land of the Gods." Until then , Andrei shows me a piece of pottery:

" Scratch it!"

I scratched it lightly with my index finger.

" She is Dacian," says Andrei.

- Isn't it a little loud? I ask .




- No, boo, boo ... take look it, hold it in your hand, is perfectly Dacian perfect Dacian and that you can confirm and the May high specialist of these places ... (which is Adi).

This from behind their shakes head from top to bottom, not to add anything. It seems that the fact the best archeologist is all nature which, by floods of water out to reveal pieces of pottery, pieces of history ...

- We have in front hill Gerosu and in back of it you can see and pigeons.

- Where? Which back?

- Look, the one in the back that's right there.

- The one upstairs, over there?

- Yes, the perfect one, sitting straight, like a line.

- That's Pigeon Peak .

" It's so straightforward, it's like someone cut it."

- How do you tell the top left?

- That's… Labani.

- This is the place to Ciucurescu, family Ciucurescu, who now about 200 of years to say he found four "vozuri" with money.

- What is a " voice "?

- A voz is a large tub about 4 meters high.

" And they were full of brass money ?"

- No, not copper, but gold.

" Me, pass it on, then these are billionaires, like Rockefeller!"

- Do not have any multimillionaire, for that everything was divided between about 6 families ...

- Did they split the money ...?!

- Yes.

- Yes, but this land was someone's property, right?

- Then the land was leased, here ...

- Here's the place ...

- What's his name?

- Nila.

- Nila and how?

- Nila Herban.

" And he found a treasure, too?"

- Well, normally, all of this ... With a year in the end 700 of coins of gold.

" And what did the coins have on them ?"

- Heads.

- Whose heads ?

- "Cosoni", Dacian "cosoni" ! They were the coin struck in Dacia and with it is assumed that Trajan and the next kings would be paid the soldiers who have fought for them on here. But maybe they have




did Dacians as to buy that were needed for the Roma. It's just a hypothesis. What is known is that, in time of Trajan and of his Decebal, "Coson" was a coin of gold circulating.

" What did Nila do with this money ?"

" Well, he's buried up there between two beeches ..."

- And people are looking for them ...

- No, him find another of Luncani, to him knew the secret. He got away with it and told her he had hidden it between two beeches. The one from Luncani found it "a specialist" with a detector, detected it and took it.

- and they have lost about 30 for coins up down or May found and others ...

- And what did he do with them?

- Well, some of them handed it over to the state ...

- If he taught them to the state, that's fine.

- Assumptions, just assumptions ... Here's another straight, cut road !

" What does he call right here on the left?"

- This is Aries.

- And behind him is ...

- It is the hill of Arieş and look another one further on, sitting upside down , like a big house .

- And that, the top tip ?

- Are hollows ... is full of holes with depths huge, large, large as some kettles.

- And that one over there in the back ...

- Stone's head .

" This is where these very elegant little houses can be seen ... it 's called Sub Cununi."

- Why ?

" He calls it that, because there's a wreath of rocks above them."

- Where do you say we are now? I ask Andrei.

" At the Commander's."

- And what about Comărnicel?

- Comarnic means a kind of saivan, a place where you sit, you avoid the rain.

- And there are three stone eggs ?

- How big? Costel asks .

- There are mountains, there are whole mountains ... three mountains ...

" Three mountains like three eggs, and there's another in the middle ."

" And you say that's what the Dacians did to them ..."

- They thought others before us, he was made "by the hand of man."

" Then see the Black Peak ..."

- What's up at Black Peak ?

- There exists a plateau above, as two houses. It's crazy there , in the summer, because even in movies you can't see so crazy!




" I found two broken vessels there , with the solar mill on them." Totally unique in astrological research.

" What do you mean by a solar mill ?"

"The sun is moving, like a moving wheel ."

- Can I see them too? I ask Andrei.

- Oh, yes! You should they do and photos Adi has at his home in the shed, one broken, but with "solar windmill" intact.

" And now where is this Adi taking us ?"

" He says he's going to show us something great, but only he knows what."

A few hundred meters away, we see some plateaus.

- This is the so-called Dacian adobe . Do you see him ? Adi asks me . This is a kind of burnt clay from which the Dacians made the floor of their house. They made it out of clay, then burned it well. Over it put a simple foundation of stone of the mountain, on the one stuck with this paste with the adobe. That 's how they arranged their whole house. Show extraordinary for the time that ... and not only.

- So this land burned on which we have now under the feet, this platform, it is ...

- Yes, it's called adobe.

- What would be the conclusion?

- The conclusion is that on this platform has been a village Dacian now May well for two thousand years.

- And what is this ?

- This is a piece of pottery. No mess, let her down there in the earth, there where I belong. It is very fine. What Dacian pottery has and you ca n't find in other pottery is finesse.

- November I searched it with the microscope electronic, I did a job very serious. I searched it from the point of view of composition and I discovered mysteries.

- So smoothness of the ceramic not be found anywhere complete, the pride dacic, Adi.

- Look, is to come to pick up the bundle of grass, to a snatch and find in it the new ceramic ... it over all, old of hundreds and thousands of years, but no archaeologist not to come in here, even throwing a glance .

- See where you found clay this, it means that here he had the man 's house.

- And everything here, man that, descendant of the ancient Gauls, has designed a garden ...

- Yes, a cabbage garden .

- Everything is impressive! What peak are we on now?

- On Dealul Muncelului, at Plateau lui… Horică Balint, let's call it that. House that is to Stanciu Ion. He lives here, winter and summer. Is one of the friends our of here ... is a boy very job that is sure to us inform about any finds again the surroundings.

" Do you see these crosses?" This is where our estates were buried .

Reading the name of the cross, Adi us say a few words about the leave ... We find that some of them were relatives.

- In front, somewhere, has to be relatives, right? I tend to ask Andrei.

" You think of the God of Ruda, the God of the Rain, the old Vedic," he replies. He still keeps his name in these places ... until someone finds him to change it, as happened throughout our Dacia . Many names, apparently without meaning, have been Schema beat, with the government




to their care that destroy the true treasures of history. For how else it can change the perception of the origin of a people than inventing them a different history ... a history of origin Greek-Slavic-Roman, but that has nothing in common with reality ?!

- Here were found some Dacian shrines, which archaeologists call - although they have the shape of large round shrines - "sheepfolds". May far is mercy, the last time, Godeanu, Old, Big Star, Little Star and Nacelu.

" That's what the locals call these peaks."

- Yes, and the Old Woman is the highest magnetic point

- Geomagnetic, as such says General Dragomir. Old does not is the May high peak, but it magnetic fields form a peak of height.

- General site has seen this with appliances, complete, with respect, guide our Adi.

- And what does Godean represent? I keep asking him.

- Godeanul is Mount saint of our of Dacia! That we, those of here, we know who we are!

- And who are you? I wonder in May than the desire of to see how reacts a man accustomed to living on these lands.

- We are DACI , the answer comes firmly . We are the same race of people who have lived here and then for a long time, and who have buried their estates here and everywhere. The gentlemen from Bucharest can call us ... Romans or whatever they want, but you know something? We are Romans with one condition: if the Romans are Dacians, only then!

" I like your answer, and I'm glad you think so." I am curious how many Romanian history teachers know this and tell it to the students at school. Where are a pride of the nation, the history of civilization which they belong and in which if we are ashamed to mention ?!

Go silent, pondering the discrepancy striking between reality historical - on the new we see here, in the heart of the mountains - and version official vitiated by influences foreign to nation and country.

Day is beautiful and nature if it exceeds the self itself creating a wealth of colors and scents how rarely I May saw. We go over water, across platforms covered with ruins of temples Dacian whose residues columns break scythes peasants "generations" as we said one of them.

- Where are we here?

- On Dealul Muncelului, in the place called "of Stanciu Ion".

" So ... And from here, when we look in this direction , to the north-south, we see a house."

- We'll go through there ...

-How many degrees does it come ...?

- At each grade, the number of degrees ... I murmured Andrew for that then let me say, comes just 90 degrees north of here.

" What do you really mean?"

- For on the terrace exceptional in form round on the stand in November now be seen exactly fortress of Sarmisegetusa ...

- How to you know? He asked Andrew if jealous of the knowledge my.

- Very simple: I read the book " Lines technology of Dacian civilization. "

We all laughed and continued on our way.




" And at these front peaks ... how do you say them ?"

- That on the go now is leg ... going so at 60 degrees in slope.

- What about the one in front?

- It's Gradistei Hill. It is said to have been the ancient road. The road of the Dacians would have gone down there , on this peak , Andrei shows me a pyramid - like peak , covered with a bright green carpet .

" And the one behind him?"

- Which one?

- At what is leading to far to the back of the hill Gradiste.

- Behind him is the Peak of Time.

- No, no, you confuse them, don't you! salt, as if burned, Adi.

- So that the way that starts from here, from below, this is Hill Gradiste.

- And this in front?

" These are the White Faces ."

- So, first is ... Faces White and the back of it hill Gradiste.

- Beyond the valley so there comes Valley White on which we walk us on the below ... Valley


Stream ...


- And that one, behind everything, propped up in the clouds ...?

"The landlord."

- And drăcovenia that, here, the right, which stands so in a wound ...?

- Here are the relatives.

- The first or the second?

- That is the valley of Brad 's leg of Brad and tip the May high Relatives ...

- Relatives are the highest peak ...

- And in May on going melee and the end ... a to May we see.

- Now a to make a picture as to keep in mind that the stick placed on the back that, otherwise, a tangled,


I say . We find an oval platform with a diameter of 10 meters, on which Dacian pottery abounds. May inspired, Adi and Andrew give to foot to the mound and say that if it sounds to empty.

- A goal? he murmured I to voice strong because, frankly should be, not too understand what can be so for


- Look, see how I gave to a piece of ceramic black? He explained Andrew. It is

great to perfect and to find great of rare. Look at her. This speaks to the wealth of those who lived in these places for a long time.

- You say that someone very rich lived here ...

- Yes, it's seen after work. Look and an exceptional ceramic red, it worked fine and has a line ... oh! Additional amounts then a wave of ground and through lumps black occur , and large pieces of ceramic, broken vessels.

Ten centimeters deep when you pull the soil mixed with grass beginning to emerge vessels large ceramic of 10 to 15 centimeters long. A mouth of the pot is all you would like an archaeologist to be that you can investigate. In the world in which a live, on a piece of container as this, the ceramic black or red, some would write a book of history. Here it is full of so of "books of history" ... Who to




take into account these vessels? Who should write about them? In place of archaeologists keen to use the knowledge, we have the Adi ...

- Adi, what's your name? Adi and how?

- Adi Stoicoi.

" And where are you from ?"

- My mother is from Luncani and my father is from Ocolişul Mic.

" Where were you born?"

" I was born here in White Faces ."

- Were you born in White Faces ?!

- Yes, I've been here for four years .

- And then ...?

" Then we got down to the Wide Valley ."

He, Adi, is the man that walketh through places them, without compass, is a guide true guide base my friend Andrew.

- Now I want to you say something: Ceausescu - stupid neprost - has wanted to make the this historical village, ethnographic. He also drew electricity somewhere in the valley. An ordered to repave roads ... But they do not they or asphalt, the money did or ate, or ... invested to make the motel up to the Citadel. And nothing ended like the world, sighs our guide .

We continue our walk going up and sometimes down, talking about our past, about the people who live in these mountains for thousands and thousands of years, not to you care of historians and archaeologists, after the political moment, trying to change them when history , when the origin ... even religion.

I arrived at the house where he lives Horica Balint (Balint Horea), a small house, built on principle Dacian covered with tile red, ie, bright. Horica lives alone. Near the house of, on the left and the right are his relatives here in earth. The man shows us the graves: this is his mother's cross and here, on the right, his two sisters are resting. Grandparents, great-grandparents are also around ... He lives here, as the experienced family 's and how they Tra it predecessors family 's. Nation by nation 's to live here, not centuries but millennia ... And nobody gets to take his place, no one covets. Shortly agriculture on which one can practice here, man shall live life without you I care if it's poor or bog at. Here one should and die ... one does not want to and take place. That's how they are , the Vlachs-Dacians. This is the land of their and race their millenary here will to live and all this will to be buried. Here's the little orchard , the vegetable garden , a few cows ... and the man lives his life the way his parents did. And he's not complaining. He also made a few haystacks, so that he could give the animals in the winter and get the mattress on which he sleeps. Flowers are everywhere: wild carnations with a pungent smell, bright white pearls, marigolds… All here, together, are a fascinating bouquet of multicolored flowers, like a symphony orchestra in which each instrument has its place , well established.

- Here they lived, live and will live Dacia. Here is our land, here are our roots, says Andrei Vartic.

Here, by the Balint May the valley, Andrew and Adi have found a pipe for water, a conduit old not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but at least 2,000 years. A Dacian pipe, perfectly functional even now! She not only broke and not rusty, but still take water away, all in May on ... is made of glue burned ceramic if ic. The fact likes Balint, for years and years he watered the animals from a source on which Andrei together with Adi have started to clean up. And, great miracle, a thin stream of water appeared from the mountain, which slowly cleared and quenched our thirst.

We are in the afternoon the day of October July 1998 . We descend from the settlement, from the White Faces , and head towards Sarmisegetusa Regia. We walk through the trees, like through a tunnel, on a path




narrow. When breathing air clean of the mountain, walking through spruce from 20 to 30 the meters high and when you step on ascuţitele their needles, now dry and kissed the dew of the morning, then, in those special moments, you feel May close of the brave and proud, of those who have lived with much time ahead of you, you feel part of the history of Dacia greatness, your country once and forever. You feel, again, if you are happy.

Sarmizegetusa Regia ... there it was pursued not by much, the curse of Zalmoxis: "I do not touch areas". There recorder not May went, batteries are ate "so over night" film camera was over and he "suddenly" camera of Tudor "stopped" and he and I wondered discouraged: " What am I doing here without modern tools? " How does everything go wrong with me? My way, I'm not superstitious, so I convinced myself that only misfortune is to come and nothing else, with all that, if I think May well, can consider the magnetic field particularly strong in the area. But look, my pockets are full of batteries, cassettes, and ... I even have a pencil! In other words, I am trying to make up for the lack of modern technical means .

Here it is one of the waterfalls the May beautiful on which we have seen before. It's called the Prelucilor Creek .

- What does Preluca mean? I ask the all-knowing Andrei.

- Preluca means meadow. But "work" in Sanskrit means "to see." So it would mean

"The place where something can be seen."

- I had to come Moldavian that the so-called Bessarabia as to we say these things beautiful.

- What do you say, Adi, is that true?

- I learned a lot of from it but, in the first place, my love May over the country.

" I hope you never forget that ."

- I learned to my watch with other eyes to all that is around me, to those places where I 've been born and raised. We discovered their great past , our Dacian past .

As a reward and admiration for Adi, friend of Andrew has put photography on several calendars color of broke my heart ...

Now we cross a river that has clean, white and shining water. Very good to drink. Talk about the Gauls, but not what we do as did Heinrich Schliemann who discovered the treasure pre-Dacian of the Troy has said: "I found treasure, gold of Priam" when the fact that he discovered was 2,000 years before Priam, it was our Carpatho-Danubian Pelasgian past. Now we look at all sorts of cyclopean walls that "build sc" mountains here . Or be of the Gauls ... or they should be and May before. There was been no determination of carbon that you are seeing the when. He found a coin Roman a year certain and immediately was decided that " the wall is novel. " I thought that would be that one day, out of curiosity, to throw a dollar in one of the walls .... for of them see the archaeologists trying desperately to explain how Americans have built the wall, even before they are born!

History is made and re consists of people with mistakes their May high and May low. If by Heinrich Schliemann, the legend of Troy was a simple fairy tale, as and Iliad, he has made it to be true. So it is here. When I saw myself at the White Faces treading on the ground on which grew grasses, flowers, along with firs under the roots of which were cyclopean walls of "undiscovered" cities and temples, then I understood that the archeology practiced in our country is more he plays it, but, unfortunately, he plays it very dangerously because of its consequences on true history . For our true history has not yet been written.

The weather is beautiful and, although it is cloudy, it is not raining. On the right flow 'll century White River noisy and turbulent which is the state, when it swells, to destroy roads and mountains, but also to build valleys and terraces.




I went down to the sides White and now we are heading towards Sarmizegetusa Regia, the so-called city seat of his Decebal. I go for a few hours, but not me feel at all tired.

- That's magnetism place, says Andrew, referring to the fact that the tip Baba next Godeanu is the May high peak magnetic of the territory of us. Blood has the composition hemoglobin, made from a protein, globin, and ... iron. Think about what is happening when you put an iron nail in a field magnetic. and then speculate what and it can happen to the body human placed into

one of the strongest magnetic nodes! These places are a million times more beautiful and May healthier than Sinaia, Predeal, almost than any other place in the world. I think that in the future, let me take a house or me build one on these lands.

- The Valley White says Adi, all that was dug with the spade of the archaeologist was now made 20 of years. After that not a May interest on anyone. They saw little that there is on there and the same archaeologists "ours", after they unearthed what they unearthed were unsealed part and the rest. the rest has been left prey to the wild nature. If before they were buried, now they are

discovered, see how small seeds have become plants wild and have stuck by a small root: today one small, tomorrow one great day after a percent of thousands, a million until the blocks are going to be

disperse. So human action will destroy what their ancestors left behind.

This road to Sarmisegetusa Adi showed us a shortcut of only half a meter wide, almost no not a saw, but I shortened the way to a third. And suddenly, we pre obstacles of a rock andesite rectangular thrust like resented the way. Maybe someone can find it to see it and study it . Andrew is caught to give to a part of the leaves of the stone and we say that this is a limestone cut in the corners of 90 of degrees and it has 90 of centimeters wide and the bottom. do not

He knows. Ruslan remove the tape and we say that is long of 75 of centimeters high by 24 to 25 and wide by 34 am the head of the column and with hardly manage to not fall for too many times. I 'm on a slope of 75 degrees and I stop a little to admire the landscape of on the wing.

We at Sarmizegetusa Regia and begin to move the around around the city, the wall of the city. Andrei shows me the swallow's tail , typically Dacian, dug in the walls of the fortress. On the lip of the top of a rock large rectangular it sees a "hole" dug beautiful, like a tail of swallow. The cuts are perfect in andesite (andesite is the hottest rock which even today can not only cut it with axes made of titanium ...! ... But her Dacians ' ve had cut now in May than the 2,000 thousands of years!). The wall we are walking on now was probably made in a hurry, because we see a bunch of different stone blocks and fragments of columns.

Now we have before us the Sacred Way. I call it the Way of the Gods. The feeling that suddenly embraces me, like a warmth beyond the rational, is so intense that I need a few good moments to convince myself that I am not dreaming, that I am indeed here. I look împăienjeneşte sea of emotion when I give my I, anonymous inhabitant of the planet of the Millennium three, I have the honor and the immense joy of the fall in housing the great history of the now two thousand years of my ancestors. The gaze is not tired of running hurriedly from one terrace to another, from one ancient human wonder to another ... The terraces are 4 meters wide and probably over 40 meters long. They went to the Temple of Sacred ... are built of blocks of andesite blocks huge, cyclopean, larger at the top of the terrace and increasingly lower down. On the edges they have drainage channels, drains, probably studied by archaeologists. Some have even been replaced by specialists with limestone, but it has not lasted even 10 years, because now everything looks tattered. I think the intention was good: road rehabilitation Dacian "Sacred Way" or "Way of the Sun", but not always good will give and the results desired. In case this road Dacian have been mu RDARA and destroyed.

Strange with the way sacred is that slabs from which it is made are very slippery. For you 've or be used Dacian one not can say. But they are perfect constructions . Who it be crying, who a be

laughed on the Sacred Way , to what places of sacrifice did she lead , who walked on it? With whom they have built Dacia, when they never were slaves ?! Maybe that only faith in a being the highest you can determine to make such constructions. Only a people who believed in something absolute could afford to erect such great works. Peru - with its Machu Pichu (?) - should see what technological wonders there are here, in our country, in Sarmi-Seget-Usa, in the Dacians or in the V Carpatho-Danubian editions ! ...

The whole world should see!




Now we have reached the house made by the "old" Daicoviciu, Constantin Daicoviciu, after a Dacian project . Everything has been built as now 2 - 3,000 of years. The beams are joined at corners, no nails, so how do you clasped fingers of hands for the shape of a clamp.

We also go in to see how welcoming the house is. In front of the cottage Dacian horrified about the outcome of work "diligently archaeologists Romanian" led by Professor Glodaru: in place to preserve the pipes of ceramics Dacian through which water was brought there by the hundreds and thousands of years, they have broken as to "asphalt" with them a small path to entry into the house. And because not have been able to stop the water, brought some pipelines modern of the board who obviously were rusty. Smart and archaeologists these! Dacian pipes, ceramic, they broke to step on them as if they were stones, while through pipe rusty, have drinking water became undrinkable! ... Any other comment es you the superfluous.

The rain we circled until now, but towards morning we had given the new date ... The date that seemed not going to leave us anytime soon. However, we set off, stepping on cyclopean, shaped, carved stones . I started in the top climbing us on the rocks. We reach Sarmisegetusa Regia, where we find a fraction of a wheel, of jagged stone on the inside, with a diameter of about 4.5 - 5 meters. Why is history classes at school, children Daco-Romanians are not told anything that hat you see me now? Nobody else does not he seen yet ... or do not want anyone to you see?

( In the not you stop to describe Sarmisegetusa Regia? At least a few times. For saying that "reach Sarmizegetusa Regia" ... And? The place is much too important and by therefore not be ignored. I would write something like : whenever I stand before Sarmizegetusa, I include a deep sense of admiration and of confusion, in the same time. I look enchanted place that which has been the silent witness of history removed thread of people my and I imagine such need to be lived and how must be fought Dacians in those harsh times. I look around and if I discover every time something else, something new and mysterious ... I feel like ancient history now becomes how myself and become part of this beautiful history! that or otherwise, as you wish, but I think something must be said ! )

Exhausted, I got back to where we left (like to get to where you left must first be decrii what you saw where you were, right?) , The home of Adrian stoico. I met and the Ion Stanciu, who has a property and a house very beautiful here in the neighborhood. They were waiting for us with a bottle of yellow brandy ... to keep us warm.

- John, do you know what Ion means, what is his name ?

- What name should it be? Ion is a servant 's name !

- See, that's what you were told , but to the Dacian ancestors it meant "magnificent". But that 's another story I don't intend to tell you now.

- Come on, sir ' Miky, tell me now that hell knows when we humans May meeting.

I could not resist to such request, so that I told him Ion Stanciu Lord Night, Ion-Magnificent ... He enjoyed more and I say that not to forget again.


Friday, July 11, 1998 , we leave Orăştie. Everyone is in line. Tudor and the colonel got in their Audi, and Andrei Vartic and Ruslan in their little four-wheeled mountain car that took us out of the mud. We go to Şona to discover the guruies or earth pyramids, described so poetically by Ion Minulescu, when, years ago, during the Făgăraş Culture Days, a communication was presented regarding the existence, near Făgăraş, in Şona, of a mound complex (nine in total), arranged in an almost systematic group. It is about the so-called "gurus", where the one who made the communication (personally until today I could not find out the name




his reign) claimed that King Shona was buried. Next, in the bad communication made, it was said that the whole complex of events narrated in the poem Rama-yana and having as main hero Rama, the son-in-law of King Shona (who was the father of Sithra or Sithroa, as he was also called), it is mirrored in the name of the settlements that are around Şona / Făgăraş, on a radius of about 50 kilometers. Rama was married to Sitra, the daughter of Emperor Sona. The Rama-yana talks about the war between the two ruling castes, the Ramans (later Brahmins) and the defenders of the house , the city, the kasa-tria , a war won in the end by the Ramans led by Rama. The defeated troops of the kasa-tria will take refuge on the road of the gods (Is the Byk Road ... to be the same as the well-known road of Bâc, Bâc of the outlaw, on the bank of the river Bâ c near Chisinau?), In the land of the gods, Daksa , in the land of Emperor Sona. The troops were led by 7 remains, including: Brasiva-Sala, Budila and Serka-Ra. It is very curious that the names of these three losers appear in those of Brasov, Budil a, Şercaia, which - claim those who made the communication - proves that the losers took refuge in the kingdom of Sona, the father of Princess Sitra (in turn persecuted by Sona, to whom some slanderers had told that Rama, her husband, wished to dethrone him, the king). Around Brasov we find names like those of Brasiva's comrades-in-arms (who gave his name to the later city, Brasov), as well as of Sitroaia. Names of ancient Vedic gods are found nearby: Tamasfalau, 30 kilometers from Brasov, reminds us of the old Vedic god Tamash. At 22 kilometers from Budila commune, appears Moacsa, which reminds us of Moksha, a Vedic god who expressed, at the same time, Unity and Infinity. And the examples can continue in such a great wealth of "similarities", that for those uncontaminated at the "Romanian history faculties", all this raises questions. Here are some examples: Siriu-Shri or Sri (goddess of abundance), Sandra-Chandra-Sandru, Moacsa-Moksha, Harnau-Hora-Mani, Barat peak , perhaps named after the Bhara-Ta, the Carpatho-Danubian-Aryan hero, under whose leadership a large part of India was conquered, and whose deeds are also mentioned in Mahab-harata), Negoiul-Negae, Varta-Dealul din Braşov (in Sanskrit, Brasiva-Varta, Brasiva 's hearth or Brasiva's Country ) the Uddalaca raman, who had made a common cause with the rebellious ramen, also returned home, in Daksa-Dacia, settles at Uda, on the Veda valley, near the Lachu-Mana hermitage, that is not far from Topana, Vetu.




And, paraphrasing Marius Vivekananda, I can say:


"DACIA, settlement of RAMANI Last for thousands of years, Secular in attestation

His eloquent name is DAKSA, the creative god of the DAC people, a loving SPIRAL believer

……………………… DACIA, the place where the Shepherds clan came into being Becoming even a residence And with the role of "Capital"

An Aryan fortress

……………………… Old fireplace of light

Of the "Vedic" without guilt Millennial settlement

Noble and legendary

………………………… .. ROMANIA, around you It wasn't and it's not a pit! Ancestral settlements

From the hearth of the whole country, They are still alive, present, Of the monuments of life!

We have FALAU's TAMAS Right close to Brasov, bad.


What glorifies our glory. Ved here gods for thousands of years sit the lookout for generations.

(The above verses I would not include)

........................................ Engrammed truths

In reflected words




From the speech of the TRACO-GETO- DACIAN REMAINS

And to the ancestral Remains Our ancestral ancestors From their spoken language Named and SANSCRITT I gave to the whole world


How is our people today just a SPECTATOR? When we raise our foreheads again

Let's stand straight like the NEG with the SIRI next to us

And strong as the REST Let us live in Harmony

In respect and riches!


It is obvious to any person with common sense that there are sufficient arguments that to determine on those as to dig at least one of "Guruieţi". Thanks and those of the Renaissance Dacia , which the newspaper

V. no.1, they were talking about Minulescu.

Meanwhile, Andrei shows me, from a distance, the "Pyramid from Săcel" to which we are now heading, on the road to Sibiu, somewhere, on the right side. It looks like a four-sided pyramid, facing north. Very close is the commune of Tilisca, where another fortress, "The Fortress of Tilisca", is added to the priceless string of Dacian fortresses. We leave Sibiu and head towards the village of Sona. (or Sona?) On the way to Sona, I passed by Avrig Coriu, Ucea, Raven the door ... interesting and worthy of study is the toponymy that, in fact, hydronyms: village Ucea - brook Ucea village Scoreeni - creek Scoreeni, Avrig village - Avrig brook, Şinca Veche - Şinca Veche brook . The toponymy, followed by my hydrons , is an indisputable proof of the almost immemorial antiquity of the places.

The road to Şonea is not easy at all. We take it to the right, on the bank of the Olt, and from there, on dirt roads, full of stones, puddles and mud… There is no indication that this village exists. Now we Olt, on the right, and the way we do and I ri problems because of the holes in the in the May deep and unpredictable. We continue to look for a sign with the village of Şona, but we can't find it. Instead, miraculously, we arrive in the village we are looking for. It is a small village lying still, with roads messy for potholes and mud are as to their home. Many homes are abandoned or in the process of being abandoned. We try to talk to the locals, but they don't know much about these pyramids, some do n't even know anything. From this point of view, they are like Romanian archaeologists .

The difference is that the profession archaeologists is for the search and for the find ... Some locals they remember about pyramids as "sandals giants", others tell us that they are "Guruieţi" ( " guru " , in Sanskrit, means "teacher, educator, luminator ”). With the brief and contradictory information received from the villagers, we head towards the pyramids with Andrei 's car , which seems to advance more easily through this mud than on the asphalt. Andrei gladly leads us to this final stage of our expeditionary journey . I'm standing to his right , in front, because that's how it turned out . In the back, Costel. In the middle, between Costel and Tudor, sitting cramped "valiant" Colonel Nicholas Mereuţă, which shapes unforgettable former Moldovan ambassador to the United Nations Tudor Panţâru that the fact, it compares it himself, in May the joke, in May in earnest, with a can. that , however




not to prevent to me bombănească genially that complicated I got through mud and bumps and the car of a white Audi, suffer the same cruel treatment somewhere behind us. A tractor appears on the road, giving us vague hope that, if necessary, if we get stuck, someone could bring us to light. One of November has had even the idea of to take a tractor with blade and to try to dig a little under a pyramid. If all were declared by "scholars" as objects of our "uninteresting archaeological" not think that would be upset someone. Are the actually new pyramids of earth, of different shapes. For you to not go in one of them with a bulldozer?! ... Archaeologists our have done the same at Sarmi-Seget-door, and no man condemned not been nancy They destroyed Dacian buildings, smashed them, moved them and buried them under the bulldozer blade. They tore pieces of Dacian walls to build huts, without any rebuke of conscience. If they had no embarrassment or consideration for the history of their nation, they should have at least thought of their descendants and the need for history to be known and respected.

Andrei us tells how, in the end of several years to bring this to Professor Gabriel Buzau Secretary scientifically the University Transylvania in Brasov. He was impressed by Shona and her pyramids .

In time we went forward with difficulty on roads narrow the mountain, suddenly we appear in to a herd of cows and has had to a wait about a half of hour to pass. Herd us inspired discussion about the meaning of the word cow the Indo-Europeans, in particular, in the Vedas. What is cow, holy cow ... logos and interesting points of view! (If you do n't mention these points of view, they ca n't be called "interesting" because you don't convince anyone.) But here we see the pyramids that the locals also call gurus, from the old Sanskrit word guru - teacher, ruler. In fact, as I mentioned, there are nine pyramids, of different sizes. There are many hypotheses about them and what they would hide. Andrei tells us :

- I guess mine is that they have dug the May low to see what is there.

Personally I think that if it is a monument funeral, then only one of them is grave, and others are false, for to them induce in error the potential sacrilegious.

- Assuming that we have a grave center surrounded by others of some officials the small importance, I think that there would be wrong, he argues Andrei point of view.

Continue the road to the Pyramids of the Sona, through a chain of reeds. We clogged through it to stop right in front of the largest of them, the trapezoidal pyramid. The view is fascinating. I reached the end, the pyramids puzzling that we have brought here, in a place that is not even marked on the map, a place where nature proves, once again, the great architect of the universe ... maybe that nature was not the architect !? In the distance you can see the Făgăraş Mountains. We are close to the pyramids enigmatic and magnificent that resembles May rather with some enormous hats of shepherd. One of the pyramids is very imposing, trapezoidal, its back being doubled by another, smaller and slightly curved.

The place has a special attraction, like a sweet spell and, no matter who built it - nature or Man

- its charm is well worth seeing and admiring up close. Andrei Vartic surprise to him, perhaps the truth, because in front of the pyramids is stretching a terrace of which building I find that only the hand of man one could achieve. Looking to the right, we see other terraces in as beautiful and enigmatic. One of them is like a runway, like a huge racetrack, three kilometers long. For the first time in my life I wanted to have another pair of eyes in order to be able to take panoramic throughout this beautiful lace telluric of antiquity and for the one store then in memory for ever. But for that some desires not to can make it as sometimes we would wish, leave the device for camera task eternizării these moments unique.

Olt flows rough, assisting impassible to the flow of time. In Sanskrit, Olt would mean and altar , altar Aryans. Olt - the altar of the Aryans! You have to be in these places, to see him flowing, pushing, as it were, the Făgăraş Mountains in his path and then making room for them, up here, on this platform of the "Guruies" so that they, the mountains, can breathe in peace. and silence.

After a climb tiring arrive in the end, on top of the pyramid trap ezoidale ... On anyone doubts that this pyramid is made by the hand of man you invite to come here, above, to see what I see I




now, to see how the pyramids are separated by the Făgăraş massif , by the Olt river , to see the fantastic platform on which the pyramids are placed, doubled in the back by the terrace on which even today planes can land. You have to see to believe!

And as anyone and anything not can stop imagination friend our Andrew, only that it hear that I addressed to:

- Miky, that unite the city Dacian of the RACOS the top man, you just a line north-south. Now that unite the city of the Racoş with Sona, see that it makes an angle of 60 of degrees ...

- Well, and? Tudor strengthened him . Do you think that in this there is May I see on the ground?

- Yes, but when you unite through an imaginary line the Man with the Shona, between this and the line the Man - the Raco Fortress you will have an angle of 30 degrees.

" And what else do you prove?" asks the same skeptic, Tudor.

-See, Hey Miky, it was addressed to Andrew, disregarding the intervention of Tudor, to the amusement of colonel and of his Costel. Only from here to confuse things worse for all. Joining these three points

topographic: The man, Racoşi and Şona, form a right triangle.

- You May wrote you, Anda, and about other cities Dacian of whose positions, united, forming such triangles rectangular.

- Yes, I wrote, but this is a Sacred Triangle .

- What else does that mean? Costel asks .

- That means it: cathetus opposite to the angle of 30 the degree is equal to half of the hypotenuse.

- This means, I try to conclude, that the distance Racoşi - Şona (small leg, opposite the angle of 30 degrees) is half the distance Racoş - the tip of Man (the hypotenuse of the Divine Triangle ). Thus, the algorithm topography of Dacian includes the rfect and Sona and man and city Dacian of the RACOS ... and theorem of Pythagoras (before even it was born) ... and that of Thales ... and triangle gold of the Egyptians and a whole history ! A history in which "historians of our" refuses to a teaching in schools! ... And if there would be a reach, if we go on line north-south, get in Knosos, the island of Crete.

- I guess mine is that monument that of the Sona is May older than Dacia and Dacians were related to him as such were tied and the monuments megalithic of Bucegi. They were bound by the city of Racoş.

- Andrew, I tell you frankly that I can not wait to get the car to take Topographic Atlas of Romania, received the gift to New York for the General Nicolae Spiroiu, and to begin to unite these co ranked.

- Miky, I 've done it for dozens and dozens of times since I came to I think the eyes ... A to see! I wish you good luck!

In the summer of 1997 Vartic to find here a stone very strange round of photographed and showed them the pictures and the Museum of Deva.

"It's impossible not to have something in the middle of this rock, it's too weird." It has a shape like a mushroom, white, edible ...

" But nature is also a great master," Andrei adds .

- That say and I! Come to be May practice: can find the one with the bulldozer to bag least one of the pyramids the small. It would be the preferred one tractor with the cup.

Excited and enthusiastic about what I had seen so far, I went straight on that platform seems a runway for aircraft. Since the distance is closer to new a local, kind of about 55 - 60 for years, having beside him a girl of 12 -13 years. We say goodbye and talk. We find out that he is, indeed, a local of Şona and that his name is Folea.




- Mr. Folea, what do you think about these mounds of earth? They may be and others in nearby?

- Yes, I don't know if they are mounds of earth, but I know there are others in the field, there are three more . But do not be organized like this ... Nowhere there is organized as today it. All the elders of that we discussed as they mentioned. Legends will be discussed , each as he wanted: that he would have been a giant here and he would go up the mountain, on Făgăraş, jumping over Olt. And I had sandals dirty with Glogau and left her shaken and tat here. Stories! ... But if someone digs to see what is among them ... I had a colleague with which I thought once to dig there in the middle.

- Whose property is this?

- IGUP, the local enterprise .

- No you to do so something to dig, that people are upset. Only to talk with

the principal.

- Here the land is divided, but they are not divided to anyone.

- What does IGUP mean ?

- Undertaking of Management Local, but now we say RASC, ie Director

Autonomous Communal Household.

- Thank you very much, Mr. Folea.

" Be healthy!"

With regret, but with a joy new in soul to that seen things special leave Sona, telling them "The Goodbye" guruieţilor ... I caress the thought that maybe perhaps others or to be May lucky as November and or to have empowered local need for the dig at least a tunnel in one of the new pyramid-guruieţi and the way that you know whether or not something there.

We returned to the city to Fagars, where I got to a wedding not just Dacian and which is held in the City. This is proof that permits can be obtained even for events that have nothing to do with archeology ...


Today, July 12, 1998, we leave Făgăraş and head to Şinca Vech e. We pass through Mândra - which can also be called Mandra -, one of the fundamental notions of Vedic philosophy. On the left, at the exit from Mândra, we have the pyramids from Şona, beyond Olt, and a little further is Şinca Veche, as we saw last night , looking at the map received as a gift from General Spiroiu. The peak of Man with Shona and Racosius defiantly unite, forming the "Divine Triangle". At the exit from Mândra we see, on the left, the gurus, the enigmatic pyramids, defying, as it were, time and those who have been licking us for thousands and thousands of years.

Next is the village of Şercaia and, somewhere on the right, is the entrance to the village of Şinca Veche, which takes us right into the Făgăraş massif. On the left, the Persian Mountains. We cross the Şinca river and notice that this is the first time that the toponymy is not doubled by hydronymy. We pass through a village called Vad, always facing the Făgăraş massif. The villagers' houses are chic and clean, covered, as it were, by the patina of the times




ancient. You can see two church bell towers, and the village is different from the others in that it is very close to the mountain, the mountain called Ohaba . Andrei does not miss the opportunity to comment:

- A very interesting thing is that with Sarmizegetusa Regia, there is a plateau called Luncani and at Ohaba Ponor is great, I think, Trojan Cioclovina with extraordinary caves of the Cioclovina. One of the most beautiful fortresses of the Dacians: the fortress of Piatra Roşie.

- Why is it called "Red Stone"? Tudor asks him .

- In order that these edifices on which we have seen until now in around other cities are made of limestone white ...

" ... it would be red there," Costel added cheerfully .

- Yes, it is. But from what or be made Dacian job this? The same lime, white, natural, they treated him with a red and ... Fortress of the Stone Red is found at ... Ohaba Ponor.

- So it would be weird that…

" I didn't know there was an Ohaba here !"

- So that meet the same toponymy that and there, in the mountains, you fill.

- Yes, that's my point .

In further way they wear directly to the mountain. The houses are covered with red tiles , as if they wanted to imitate the artistic taste of the ancient Dacians and their fortress from Piatra Roşie. Andrei says there is a book of his Iorgu Jordan academician who was busy and the toponymy.

- Well, Miky, you see the road forks!

- Yes, I see, to the right are Fagaras and Şercalta, and the left - Râşnov and Sinca Veche to two kilometers.

I think the book 's Iorgu Jordan "Toponimia Romanian" . A very serious book , but I can't agree with everything that is said there, because there is also Ilie Rusu's book, "Romanian toponymy" , also very serious and modern, which demonstrates the etymology of words with "unknown" toponymy . the coming of speech tra nsilvăneană which in among them, comes from Sanskrit. This the second step linguistic me it seems the right.

I came in Sinca Veche where homes are located less May lower than the road and the cause that you think are immersed in the road and in time ...

Here is how I came to seek village Sinca Veche: one day in New York, I received a phone of an engineer, Moldovan, who wanted to I meet in order to discuss about a temple Dacian still unexplored. He lived in New Jersey, a state adjacent to New York, so up to meet their May last few weeks. I remember that was a day beautiful of September of 1996, a Saturday, when he came to me Mr. Moldovan. I talked a lot, he showed me some pictures. So I discovered that there were somewhere under a hill called Pleşu, nearby the village since-Old Land of Fagaras, Brasov county, from time immemorial, carved with mastery, a temple unique t n entire world, the Temple of the Şinca-Veche . A May last year and Moldovan engineer continued to bombard me in civilized, telephones and visits, with the fact a single purpose: to me go to the "temple Sinca Veche".

Mr. Lucian Gheorghe Moldovan is a man last well of 70 of years, with hair white as snow, beautiful leaning on a hand over a leading high under which they rest two eyes big, blue, gentle and quiet, grandfatherly intelligent and wise. He told me with passion history temple ui: "I remember everything of like now I was going. It was in the spring of 1935 in the month of May, a special day of beautiful, the sky blue and of a blue how often I seen, without any shadow of clouds. the sun shone with power over Valley Crete. There were the father and the mother to break through to a




place with corn, close to Fântâna Raţii. Because of the heat and lack of experience, I remain always in the end. Father and mother progressed quickly in time that I beat time on place. At one point , my father told me I could rest. So I slowly took her to Pleşu, to my childhood favorite playground, the Temple. I went on a pretty path that ran through fields of wheat and rye, more May high as me. And suddenly I feel like heart I beat May strong. I had the impression that the temple was waiting for me, the child of that time, the child fascinated by the greatness of the place. I shyly entered the temple and, as always when I was here, I felt good, protected from all the evils of the world. The coolness and tranquility million Enara from inside the temple they have shown confidence in me. By then, of how many times in life have gone through times of heavy memory temple I was saving, like, at the outset, between me and him form a wave unseen continues until the day of today to our law and that I help you can beat those times heavier. "

Relating to my friends the conversation with Mr. Moldovan, I think I impressed them enough to convince them to visit Şinca-Veche and the temple, especially since it was only a few kilometers from Făgăraş. Arriving in the commune, we stopped the cars in front of a green, good-looking house . The host, a chubby woman and very eager to know everything that was going on, was already standing in front of the gate and looking at us curiously.

- Hello , ma'am! He welcomes friendly, Andrei. You do not know how we can reach the hill Pleşu at the temple?

- Temple? What temple, sir?

I'm starting to tell him about Mr. Moldovan and how he guided us to get here.

" Alas, gentlemen, you have wasted your time ." There are so something on here.

Our disappointment cannot be described in words. We were looking at each other and we couldn't believe it. Between the time is approaching for November several villagers who, at just that and the first of our interlocutor, looked at us almost with pity and perhaps a little amused.

- But this hill Pleşu need to be on somewhere! I insist .

- Yes, sir, it is. A take you right up to end street of it, turn right until the end village, and from there another two kilometers ... go straight until you see a cross. There, in front of her, is Pleşul.

In that moment I remembered the pictures on which Mr. Moldovan me they had shown in New York in front of the entrance of the temple was a cross. Suddenly I hope that there I lost time nothing took place disappointment: I was on the road at best. We left the village huddled us all in its field of of Andrew. It was like sardines in an almost too small box . But not May count discomfort of the moment, because now I know that we are approaching the target trip us. We see the cross in the distance, but the road becomes impassable even and to drive the field. Down from the car and started to go on down pretty hard, the grass wet, slippery and muddy.

We reach the cross and breathe a sigh of relief: the effort was not in vain. A large cross, about 3.5 by 4 meters high. I look at her for a moment, wondering what Christians raised her here and why. Who knows? When I return to behind the cross, I see in front hill Plesu, a piece rocky the mountain, covered with a vegetation as the jungle, of if no foot of man would be stepped ever on there.

- Well, what do we do now ? Tudor asks me , impatient and angry that I had interrupted his return trip to Chisinau.

- admire the scenery and go to look temple, salt Dan to help me.

- Come to us spread all seven, in different directions towards the mountain and to seek input, if there ...

A little skeptical, but not to expect other recommendations, we started each to foot mountain. I went through the bushes of raspberry spiky, but the protective wetted the abundance of a rain pass. We were looking for more than thirty of minutes and almost that I had lost all hope, when you hear Tudor screaming as the mouth of the serpent: "I found it is here, is here beside me! Come!"




This proves once again that luck is luck, whether you have it or not. We had it. Entering the temple is the fact a fracture in the rock mountain, long about the 4.5 - 5 meters and high of only 1.5 meters, so I have to stoop to enter. Initially, the temple could be entered through a single door that led into a large hall, above which was a small tower, carved from the inside out. From the hall you could enter, through several doors, all the other nine underground rooms. On the right is a room small, vaulted and that probably housed a furnace used to heat the entire building. All the right to enter through a door high in the first sanctuary of worship, which is also the May high, he continuing with an altar separated by an archway wide open, carved from top to bottom. On the left is find a niche, cleverly carved and finished, to the contrary of other walls that abode still see traces of chisel.

- Do you see this special chisel cut? Andrei catches my eye.

- Yes. What's wrong with her?

- Take a picture.

- Why ?

- Because it's a typical Dacian cut .

Andrei starts to tell me a whole theory about how the Dacians cut the stone. Overall, it's a pleasure to listen to, but now attention me focus on what you have in front of your eyes. On the left are two large cells , with straight walls , well polished. On the door of the means to enter a porch above which it rises a tower tapered high about of 10 meters, carved everything inside to outside, but in spirit! From the porch, through a door located in the right to enter into a different room, the cult separated from that of the outside through a wall special. The wall in the vicinity of the two shrines, is carved a hole is oval, as an eye magic that binds the two places nearby. From this small sanctuary you enter, on a large door , very well carved, a small altar. Here it is carved with mastery, in a niche, sign sacred of one of the 7th " Builder of the Universe of May Down " of the physical universe. It is a symbol of the seven gods of the genesis point central depicting the Daksha, the father of Dacia and father of the 10,000 being loved, chosen world. The sign was taken by the Carpatho-Danubian conquerors to Sumer, was then taken over by a Semitic tribe and thus saved from extinction. The sign is now known as the " Star of David ". To his left, on the wall, a strange character looks at us, as if he had fallen from another planet. It is a bas-relief about 3 meters high, representing a thinking OM, in profile, with a very high forehead, with an expressive eye and ex agerate of the sea, continued down by a small and flattened nose and a strangely narrow jaw. Hair long and rich and they fan out to shoulders. On whom one be representing the sculpture removed like a novel with aliens !?

Now that we are inside this beautiful Temple of Şinca Veche, we are no longer sorry for the very difficult road we took, for the mud we struggled with, for our rain-soaked and pigmented feet and pants. with the road bullet. The reward exceeded expectations . I thank the going dome Moldovan for information on which I we had which is proved correct and the same time, I thank you I myself for that I had managed to convince everyone in the team to follow me on this journey impossible. The temple is a wonder of ancient civilizations ! After opinion my extraordinary of important is the ellipse - or circle - which is placed under an angle of 18-20 the degrees on one side , and c has to repeat , and in the other areas.

- Do not say anything about building spiral of the dome of the chamber adjacent the break somewhere there up the mountain allowing light to enter the temple ?! But the fact that, although they were and are many times rainy, how 's that for today, however the temple there is water collected in puddles or mud? Costel asks .

- Yes, it is: the time that light can come through the tower, the temple would have to

the rain is coming.

" But look, there 's sand mixed with quartz on the floor, and it absorbs water, like in the Sahara."

- Yes, yes. Ingenious, very efficient. And I have to May I add something, says Andrei.

The proof that what we see here is not made by nature, are the chisel marks and the cut




Dacian from over everything. Miky, I ask to you look in the book to me and you ask to compare these cuts with cuts in careers Dacian. It turns out it 's the same cut!

- Are both of impressed that now I miss the May adequate words ...

- Our Dacians were unsurpassed craftsmen !

Out of the "house of Mr. Moldovan" not before the to-and give his Andrei still a "small" information received there, the New York of the man with whom we are here in the premises miraculous Dacian:

- You know, Andrew, Mr. Moldovan me in May spoke and about some steps and blocks cyclopean stone found on here by nearby.

- Where am I? How far? Let's look for them quickly !

I said that if I get the right ear, the output of the temple would be and it take to left. Said and done. By this time, luck us his laugh a May quickly, so that without great difficulty, I found what I was looking for: cyclopean stones, cut at right angles of 90 degrees. Real huge cubes of rock, with drainage channels between them .

- If nature did that, then bravo to her, she has my whole admiration! says Costel.

- Nature to be done this? It's too ... perfect! The mouths of leakage between them?! ... is that and how you climb a city Cyclopean on which someone has set it to live pen tru forever.

Stones megalithic of several tons, measuring 2-3 meters in height are overturned and scattered in all this area. I'm too big for that man to you be able to put, are too perfect for the nature to them be achieved. A megalithic wall greets us . It's too huge that it can ignore or slight. May below are other channels drain so that water that could to 'down the valley, is where to take it. We see perpendicular channels between blocks high of over one meter half, some by two meters, combined with cement. 'Ve to do Nature has made man? It would be necessary for people to come and see them ! They are here, at our home, they are here, in Daco-Romania. I am here from time almost immemorial and will remain here. What you need is some interest from the specialists for places fascinating of beautiful and terrible of alluring as us do not find anywhere in the world that big. No not you have a passport that to get here. The only thing you need is curiosity.

Here's that going on traces described by Mr. Moldovan in New Jersey, I have found that what I told him is not only true, but it far exceeds the modest description of what I had done. Things are fantastic, the works are cyclopean and I have the belief that they were made by an intelligent being . There I saw again so the channels of leakage through huge blocks of stone. Troy doesn't have that either! Only here Sinca Veche implanted in mountain and forgotten the time to find this place sacred to the walls cyclopean that ... defended on someone? And by

what the? Residents did not know ... some of them have never heard of this place, although it is only a few kilometers away from the house their ... others have heard, but not have come to see. A single old man told us: " I 've seen some of them, but not have understood the significance of them. It says that in a distant time, a priest monk even sat in this house, office small jobs. But time past and we have u ITAT. "

Future SINC Old it may be one bright that to bring a little light and appreciation for the history and craftsmanship Dacian. These beautiful places full of history could become a tourist attraction world if the level national bodies responsible should undertake research consistent and if they preserve what is properly places the homeland of the culture of our ancient.

- Orientation wall is of 30 of degrees from the north to the west, says Andrei. The miracle is that on the maps we have, on the line between Vârful Omul and Şona, at 30 degrees from this line, we also find this "thing" .

We return to Andrei's car, but do not leave before taking one last look at the " Moldovan Temple "… It is difficult for us to leave these places. It is that and when we separate from someone enigmatic, but




become dear to our soul . Personally, I caress with the thought that, in addition to memories that I will always accompany, I have and photos on which we have made and to which I will look with nostalgia and admiration.

We arrive in the village and go to the place where I had left the other cars. A few villagers were waiting for us curiously.

" Well, gentlemen, have you found anything?"

- Yes, I found what I was looking for.

People are looking at November disbelief. We leave in peace to think what they want. Maybe that if will be curious, they come to discover them themselves wonders of the place in which they live.

Glad that we have accomplished the mission we came here for, we say goodbye and promise to keep in touch and - why not? - to meet in another expedition in an uncertain but certain future . During our press, so that we go up in cars, f ach kicking off to another direction. We say goodbye to Tudor, who gets into his Audi, with Colonel Nicolae Mereuţă at the wheel. Andrei the grandson of the sister, Ruslan, were up in Niva the red. They have got it right, to Chisinau. We - that is me, Costel and Dan - climb in the blue Ford and start it to the left, to Făgăraş, to Bucharest, and one of us ... even to New York.

I leave Şinca Veche with a feeling of nostalgia, but with the firm thought that I will return. We are to us back, to review, to measure, to come up with a team of specialists. We have to see if the mysteries that surround places it fascinating to be able to solve. I promise myself that I will do everything I can to elucidate - even partially - the enigmas of my nation's history .

Thus it was completed the journey my in Country Gods , in Dacia! The journey has had as aim initially to investigate the value of culture ancient Gauls and to establish if it was located, indeed, the high level that astounded Europe. The result has exceeded by far our expectations. Convinced me is that the Dacians have had a culture submitted that the was recognized as such in the whole world ancient. I hope that in after reading this modest book, many Daco-Romanian will find the fit to begin to seek to discover, rediscover or, purely and simply, to go to see with own their eyes that what we have left them, Dacian ancestors our: the treasure priceless which is found not only in the mountains Orastie, not only Sarmisegetusa but throughout inhabited by them, this huge earth not limited to Country Romanian-Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, but is in tends May on, up to Lake Constance in Switzerland. It also covers the whole of Czechoslovakia, and to the east is the whole territory beyond the Bug. How about South territory Dacian is spread on tens of kilometers in the south of the Danube with throughout Bulgaria today and perhaps even further.

We wish good luck to those who will want to us rediscover history and to walk on the footsteps of the great Empire pre-Dacian Dacian times. Hopefully, someday, someone with good intentions will convince historians and the archaeologists our to investigate and to see the true they value this past fantastic this legacy grand to the which value or even Egypt not had before.

Goodbye, my Dacia, and… soon!




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