09 October 2020

The essene gospel of peace





Dear reader,


The Essene Gospel of Peace is an ancient manuscript found in the Vatican Library.


It is a wonderful document of Jesus' teachings on how to live in harmony with the laws of nature. I think you will like it very much.


We can only imagine what other scrolls from the Dead Sea are hidden in the Vatican chests, which were omitted in ancient times when the Bible was assembled.


If you have the opportunity, take the printed version, it's only $ 1 and has lithographs. - RA



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Essene Gospel of Peace


Book I


Original Hebrew and Aramaic texts


Translated and Edited by








Book Design by Golondrina Graohics


Copyright @ 1981, by the International Biogenic Society


Printed in the United States - All Rights Reserved


Translated into Romanian by “Alex Tita


- the appreciation is complete


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And many of the sick and sick came to Jesus, and asked him,



"If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful plagues? Why aren't we whole like other people? Master, heal us, so that we too may be strong, and no longer have to suffer in our misery.



We know that you have the power to cure all diseases. Deliver us from Satan and from all the diseases that come from him. Master, have mercy on us. "






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And then Jesus answered, “Blessed are you who hunger for the truth, for you will be filled with the bread of wisdom.



Blessed are you who knock, for I will open the door of life. Blessed are you who will reject the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of the angels of the Mother, where the power of Satan cannot enter. "



And they asked him in amazement, “Who is our Mother, and who are her angels? And where is her kingdom? "



"Your mother is in you and you are in her. She carried you and she gave you life. She is the one who gave you your body, and in it you will give it back one day.



Blessed are you when you come to know her and to know her kingdom; if you receive the angels of your Mother and if you make her laws.



Truth be told, he who does these things will never suffer from any disease. Because the power of our Mother is above all. And he destroys Satan and his kingdom, and he has power over all our bodies and all the creatures of the earth. "



The blood that flows again is born from the blood of our Mother Earth (- translator's note: It can also be translated as Mother Earth or Mother Earth or Mother Earth / Spirit of the Earth / Gaia - not to be confused with your mother who gave birth to you because your mother is also from Mother Earth).



Her blood falls from the clouds, she leaps from the belly of the earth; it comes in waves through the streams of the mountains; it flows wide in the rivers of the plains, it sleeps in lakes; he is furious in the great seas.



The air we breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother.



Her breath is azure in the heights of heaven; the rustle at the top of the mountains, the whispers in the leaves of the forest; the waves above the cornfields; sleeps in the deep valleys, burns hot in the desert.


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"The power of our bones is born of the bones of our Mother Earth, of her rocks and stones. They lie naked in the heavens on the tops of the mountains; they are giants sleeping on the faces of the mountains, like idols set in the desert, and hidden in the depths of the earth. "



The sensitivity of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Mother Earth; whose wax-like flesh takes on the yellow and red color of the fruit of the trees, and cares for us in the furrows of their fields . "



"Our bellies are from the womb of our Mother Earth, and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth. "



“The light of our eyes , the hearing of our ears, both are born and the colors and sounds of Our Mother; who embraces us like the water of the sea embraces fish, like the boiling air embraces a bird. "



I tell you the truth, Man is the Son of Mother Earth (you are), and from her the Son of Man received his whole body, just as a baby is born from his mother's womb.



I tell you the truth, you are one with your Mother Earth, she is in you, and you are in her. From her womb you were born, you live in her, and in her you will return again.



Therefore keep her laws, for no one can live long or happily, except he who honors his Mother Earth (dry land), and keeps her laws. Because your breath is her breath; your blood is her blood, your bones are her bones; your flesh is her flesh; your bowels are her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and ears "



Truth be told, if you fail to keep even one of these laws, if you hurt even one of your limbs, you will be lost in the painful disease, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I tell you, unless you follow your mother's laws, you will be able to escape death wisely.

"And he that is bound by the law of his mother shall be bound by the law of his mother.


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He will heal all his wounds, and he will never be sick again. It will give him a long life, it will protect him from diseases, fire, water, the bite of venomous snakes. Because your Mother carried you, and she keeps life in you.



She gave you your body, and only she can heal you.



Blessed is he who loves his Mother and who sits quietly at her breast. Because your mother loves you, even when you turn your face away from her.



And how much will she love you again, when you turn your face to her again? I tell you the truth, great is her love, greater than the greatest mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And those who love their Mother, Mother will never leave them "



Just as the shell protects its young, just as the lioness protects her young, just as the mother protects her newborn baby, so the Mother Earth protects the Son of Man from all dangers and all evils.



"For verily I say unto you, Evil and infinite dangers are waiting for the Son of Man.



Beelzebub, the prince of all devils, the source of all evil, is waiting in the body of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the lord of every plague, wearing a pleasant garment, he tempts and attracts the Sons of Man . "



“Riches promise, and power, and splendid palaces , and garments of gold and silver, and a multitude of servants, all these; it promises recognition and glory, adultery and sensuality, gluttony and the pleasure of wine, disorderly living, easy and stagnant days.



And he will draw each one by what his heart is most inclined to accept.



And on the day when the Sons of Man have already become slaves to all these vanities and filthiness, then as the reward they take from the Sons of Man all these things that their Mother Earth (eana / easca) gave in such great abundance.






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He takes from them their air, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their bellies, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Man becomes short and drowned, full of pain and foul-smelling, like water from swamps; it rots and blackens, like the night of death.



And his bones become strong and knotted; they melt from the inside and break into pieces; like a stone falling on the rock. And his skin removes watery wax; it rancids and rots, with crusts and boils that cause nausea.



And his intestines become full of stinking filth, with a foul smell of decadence; and a multitude of filthy worms live there. And his eyes blink until the dark night closes, and his ears stop, like the silence of a coffin. And then he will receive the life of the Son of Man subject to error.



Because he did not keep his mother's laws, and added sin to sin.



Therefore, all are taken from him, all the gifts of Mother Earth (breath): breath, blood, bones, flesh, intestines, eyes and ears, and after all, the life with which Mother Earth (eana) crowned his body. .



But if the Son of Man who is subject to error is sorry for his sins and repairs them, and returns again to the Mother of the Earth; and if he keeps the laws of the Mother Earth and frees himself from the grip of Satan, resisting her temptations, then Mother Earth again receives her Son subject to error, and sends his angels for their benefit.



Truth be told, when the Son of Man resists Satan who dwells in him and does not do his will, at the same hour the angels of the Mother will be there, to be useful to them in all their power and will completely free the Son of Man from the power of Satan.



"Because no man can serve two masters. Because he either serves Beelzebub and his devils or he serves our Mother Earth and her angels.



Either it serves death or it serves life.






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Truth be told, happy are those who keep the laws of life and do not walk the paths of death. Because in them the forces of life reside with power and escape the wounds of death. "



And all that heard him were astonished at his words: for his words were with power, and he taught them other than the priests and the scribes.



And although the sun had now set, they did not go away to their homes. They stood around Jesus and asked him, Master, what are these laws of life?



Stay with us longer and teach us. We will listen to your teachings to heal us and become righteous. "



And Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, No one can be blessed except he that keepeth the law. "



And the others answered, We all do the law of Moses, who gave us the law, even as it is written in the scriptures. "



And Jesus answered, “Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is alive, while the scripture is dead.



Truth be told, Moses did not receive his laws from God in writing, but by the living word.



The law is the living word of the living God through living prophets for living people. In all that is life is the written law.



You find it in the grass, in the trees, in the river, in the mountains, in the birds of the air, in the fish in the sea; but I look for it in you first. Because I tell you the truth, all living things are closer to God than to the scripture that is lifeless. "



This is how God made life and all living things to be a word that lasts forever the true laws of God to man.



God did not write the laws in the pages of the books, but in your heart and spirit.


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They are your breath, your blood, your bones; in your flesh, in your intestines, in your eyes, in your ears, and in every little part of your body.



They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the rays of the sun, in the depths and in the heights.



They all speak to you so that you may understand their language and the will of the Living God.



But you close your eyes so as not to see, you close your ears so as not to hear.



Verily I say unto you, That the scripture is man's, but life and all that is in it are the hand of God.



So why don't you listen to God's words that are written in His words? And why study the ancient scriptures that are the work of human hands?



“How can we read God's laws elsewhere than in the scriptures?



Where are they written? Read them from where you see them, because we know nothing more than the scriptures we inherited from our parents.



Tell us the laws you are talking about, so that by listening to them we will be healed and be righteous . "



Jesus says, “You do not understand the words of life, because you are dying .



Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are blocked by deafness. Because I tell you, it will not benefit you to immerse yourself in dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny the one who gave you the scriptures.



Truth be told, God and His laws are not in what you do. I am not in the gluttony and pleasure of wine, nor in the debauched experience, nor in sensuality, nor in the pursuit of riches, nor in the hatred of your enemies. Because all these things are far from the true God and His angels.


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But all these things come from the kingdom of darkness and from the lord of all evil.



And you carry them all in you; and thus the word and power of God cannot enter into you, for all forms of evil and all forms of abomination leave their odor in your body and spirit.



If you want the word of the Living God and his power to enter you, it will not defile your body or your soul; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the temple of God.



Therefore, purify the temple, so that the Lord of the temple may dwell in it and take his place worthy of it.



“And from all the temptations of your body and spirit, coming from Satan, you withdraw under the shadow of God's heaven. "



“Reign and fast. Because I tell you the truth, Satan and his wounds can only be banished through fasting and prayer.



Go and fast alone, and show no fast to any man.



The living God will see him and great will be your reward. And fast until


Beelzebub and all his devils will depart from you, and all the angels of our Mother


Earth, they will come to serve you.



Because I tell you the truth, if you do not fast, you will never be free from the power of Satan, and from all the diseases that come from Satan.



Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the Living God for your healing.



When you fast, avoid the Sons of Man and seek the angels of Mother Earth, because the seeker will find.






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Look for the fresh air of the forest and the fields, and there in the middle of them you find the angel of the air.



Take off your shoes and clothes and let the angel of the sun hug you all


the body.



Then breathe long and hard, so that the angel of the air will be brought into you.



Truth be told, the angel of the air will drive away from your body all the filth that has defiled you inside and out. And so all the foul-smelling and unclean things will come out of you, as the smoke of the fire rises and is lost in the sea of ​​air.



Because I tell you the truth, the angel of the air is holy, who cleanses everything that is unclean and makes all bad-smelling things a sweet odor.



No man can come before God, who does not let the angel of the air pass.



True, all must be born again of water and truth, for your body breathes the air of Mother Earth, and your spirit breathes the truth of Heavenly Father.



"After the angel of the air, look for the angel of the water.



Take off your shoes and clothes and let the angel of the water embrace your whole body.



Throw yourself completely into his arms, and as often as you move the air with your breath, move water with your body as well.



Truth be told, the angel of the water will cleanse your body of all unclean things from within and without. And all unclean and foul-smelling things will flow out of you, and the filth of the laundry washed in the water will go down into the valley and be lost in the river.








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Truth be told, holy is the angel of the water who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all things foul-smelling to become sweet-smelling. No man can come before God, who has not let the angel of the water pass.



Verily I say unto you, All shall be born again in water and in truth, for your body is washed in the evil of your earthly life, and your spirit is washed in the evil of eternal life. Because you receive your blood from our Mother Earth, and the truth from our Heavenly Father.



"Do not think that it is enough for only the angel of the water to embrace you.



Truth be told, the dirt inside is much higher than the dirt outside. And the one that cleans itself on the outside, but has remains dirty on the inside, is like a tomb that is beautifully painted on the outside, but which inside are full of dirt and smelly odors. "



" So I tell you the truth, let the angel of the water baptize you inside as well, so that you can become free from all the sins of the past, and so that inside you can also become clean like the foam of evil that shines in the sunlight.



So look for a big tart, the size of a man; take out what is inside on the outside, and fill it with water from the river that the sun has warmed.



Hang it from the branch of a tree, and kneel before the angel of the water, and let all the water in the tartacuta enter your stomach, so that the water will flow through all your intestines.



And then rest on your knees before the angel of the water and pray to the Living God to forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of the water to deliver you from every misery and disease.



Then let the water flow out of you, so that it may carry with it from within all the filthy and foul-smelling things of Satan. And you will see with your own eyes and smell with your nose all the unclean and filthy things that have defiled your temple.




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your body; all the sins that have remained in your body, tormenting you with all forms of pain.



Truth be told, water baptism cleanses you of all this. Renew your water baptism every day of your fast, until the day you see that the water flowing outside is as clean as the foam of the river.



Then take your body in the course of the river, and there in the hands of the angel of the water, give thanks to the Living God, for cleansing you from your sins.



And this holy baptism of the angel of water is: Rebirth in your new life.


Because your eyes will see from now on and your ears will hear from now on.



Then sin no more after your baptism, so that the angels of the air and of the water may remain in you forever and serve you even more.



And if then the pain of old sins and misery remains in you, look for the angel of sunlight.



Take off your shoes and clothes and let your angel of sunlight embrace your whole body.



Then breathe long and deep, so that the angel of sunlight will be brought inside you.



And the angel of the sun will take away from your body all the filthy and foul-smelling things that have defiled you on the outside and on the inside.



And all unclean and foul-smelling things will come out of you, as the darkness of the night dissipates before the rising sunlight. Because I tell you the truth, the saint is the angel of sunlight who cleanses all misery and makes all bad-smelling things smell beautiful.



No one can come before God, who has not let the light of the sun pass through. Truly, everyone must be born again of the sun and of the truth, because


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your body is caressed in the sunlight of Mother Earth (ene), and your soul is caressed in the light of the truth of Heavenly Father.



The angels of air and water are brothers. They were given to the Son of Man to serve him, to always go from one to another.



Holy is also their embrace. They are invisible children of Mother Earth (ene), so do not separate what the earth and the heavens have made one.



Let these three angelic brothers embrace you every day and let the whole fast stay with you.



"For verily I say unto you, The power of the devils, and all the sins, and all the uncleannesses, shall come to naught ."



As thieves flee from an abandoned house when the master of the house comes, one at the door, another at the window, and the other through the attic, each where he is found, and where he can, so will all the evil devils leave all your body, all the sins of the past and all the wonders and diseases that have defiled your temple. "



When the angels of Mother Earth enter your body, so wisely that the masters of the temple regain it again, then all the foul odors will hasten away through your breath and skin, through the dirty water, through your mouths and through your skin, through your back. yours or through your private parts.



And you shall see all these things with your own eyes, and smell them with your nose, and touch them with your own hands.



And when all sins and misery are gone from your body, your blood will become as pure as the blood of our Mother Earth and as the sparkling foam in the sunlight of evil.



And your breath will become as pure as the breath of flowers that smell beautiful; your flesh will become pure, like the flesh of fruits that turn red under the leaves of trees; the light




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your eyes will become as clear and bright as the sunlight shining on the blue sky.



And now all the angels of Mother Earth will serve you. And your breath, your blood, and your flesh will be one with the breath, blood, and flesh of Mother Earth, so that your spirit may become one with the spirit of your Heavenly Father.



Because in truth, no one can reach Heavenly Father unless he comes through Mother Earth (eana).



Just as no child can understand his father's teaching until his mother has nursed, washed, cared for, put him to sleep and taken care of him.



As long as the child is still small, his place is with his mother and he must obey his mother.



When the child is older, his father takes him to work with him in the field, and the child comes back to his mother only after dinner time is ready.



And now his father teaches him to become skilled in his father's work. And when the father sees that his son understands his teaching and that he does it well, he gives him all the possessions, so that they belong to his beloved son, so that his son can continue his father's work.



I tell you the truth, happy is the son who accepts his mother's advice and goes on this path.



And a hundred times happier is the son who accepts and also goes to his father's council, because you have been told:



"Honor - your mother and your father that thy days may be long on this earth. "



But I say to you, Be a Man: honor your Mother Earth and keep all her laws, so that your days may be long on this earth, and honor your Heavenly Father so that Eternal Life may be yours in heaven. Because Heavenly Father is one


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a hundred times greater than all fathers in seed and blood, and greater is Mother Earth than all mothers in the body. Even more dear is the Son of Man in the eyes of his Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, than children are in the eyes of the seed and blood father and their fleshly mother.



And much wiser are the words and laws of your Heavenly Father and of your Mother Earth, than the words and will of the fathers of seed and blood and of all mothers of flesh.



And of more value is the inheritance received from your Heavenly Father and your Mother Earth, the eternal kingdom of earthly and heavenly life, than all the inheritances from your fathers of seed and blood, and of your mothers body.



“And your true brethren are those who do the will of your Heavenly Father and your earthly Mother, and not of your blood brothers.



Truth be told, your true brothers in the will of Heavenly Father and Mother Earth will love you a thousand times more than your blood brothers.



Since the days of Cain and Abel, when the blood brothers violated God's will, it is no longer the true blood brother.



And brothers do to brothers as they do to strangers. Therefore, I say to you, love your true brothers in the will of God a thousand times more than your blood brothers. "










"Through love, Heavenly Father and Mother Earth and the Son of Man became one. Because the spirit of the Son of Man was created from the spirit of Heavenly Father, and his body from the body of Mother Earth.



So become as perfect as the spirit of Your heavenly Father and the body of your Mother Earth are perfect. And so love your Heavenly Father as He loves you


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the spirit. And so love Mother Earth, just as she loves your body. And so love your true brethren, as your Heavenly Father and Mother Earth love them.



And then your Heavenly Father will give you his holy spirit, and your Mother Earth will give you her holy body.



And then all the Sons of Men as true brothers will give love to one another, the love they received from their Heavenly Father and from their Mother Earth; and they will all be comforters to one another.



And then all evil and all sorrow will disappear from the earth, and there will be love and joy on earth. And then the earth will be like heaven, and the kingdom of God will come.



And then shall the Son of Man come in all his glory, to inherit the kingdom of God.



And then the Sons of Man will share their inheritance, the kingdom of God. Because the Sons of Man live in Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and Heavenly Father and Mother Earth live in them.



And then with the kingdom of God will come the end of the ages. Because the love of the Heavenly Father gives eternal life in the kingdom of God. Because love is eternal.



Love is stronger than death.



"Because if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but I have not loved, I am like a brass that sounds like a cymbal.



Although I tell you what is to come, and I know all the secrets, and all the wisdom; and though I have strong faith like the storm that lifts the mountains from their seat, but if I have no love, I have nothing.






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And although I give all my things to feed the poor, and I give all the fire I received from the Father, but if I do not love, I have not taken advantage wisely.



Love is patient, love is good.



Love does not envy, does no harm, knows no pride; she is neither rude nor selfish; she is slow to anger, she does not imagine any evil, she does not rejoice in injustice, but she is delighted with justice.



Love defends everything, love believes everything, love hopes everything, love endures everything; it never ends; but your tongues shall cease, and your knowledge shall perish. Because we have partly the truth, and partly the mistake, but when the fullness of love comes, what is partly will be erased.



When a man was a child he spoke like a child he understood like a child, he thought like a child; but when he became an adult he put aside his childish things. Because now we see through the glass and through the dark sayings.



Now we know in part, but when we come before God, we will not know in part when we will be taught by him.



And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.



“And now I speak to you in the living language of the Living God, through the holy spirit of our Heavenly Father.



There is no one among you yet who understands all this that I am talking about.



He who shows you the scripture speaks in the dead language of the dead, through his sick and mortal body.



He can thus be understood by all people, because all people are sick and dying.


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No one sees the light of life. Blind people lead blind people on the dark paths of sin, disease, and suffering; and in the end they all fall into the pit of death.



“I was sent to you by the Father, to make the light of life shine before you. The light illuminates itself and illuminates the darkness, but the darkness is known only on it, and it does not know the light.



I still have a lot to tell you, but I still can't stand it. Because your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and the full light of Heavenly Father would make you blind.



So you still can't understand what I'm telling you about Heavenly Father who sent me to you.



So follow, first, only the laws of Mother Earth, which I have told you. And when her angels have cleansed and renewed your bodies and strengthened your eyes, you will be able to bear the light of our Heavenly Father.



When you can look at the midday sun with eyes that do not shine, then you will be able to look at the blinding light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times stronger than the light of a thousand suns.



But how can you look at the blinding light of your Heavenly Father, when you cannot look at the bright brightness of the sun?



Believe me, the sun is the light of a candle in front of the sun of Heavenly Father's truth.



But you have faith, therefore, and hope and love.



I tell you the truth, you will not want rewards.



If you believe in my words, you believe in the one who sent me, who is the master of everything for whom all things are possible.






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Because all things that are impossible to men are possible to God.



If you believe in the angels of Mother Earth, and keep her laws, your faith will sustain you and you will never see the disease again.



You also have hope in the love of your Heavenly Father, because he who believes in Him will never be lied to, and will never see death.



Love one another, for God is love, and so the angels will know that you are walking in his way.



And then all the angels will come before you to serve you. And Satan with all his sins, diseases and miseries will be separated from your body.



Go and renounce your sins, straighten up, be baptized; so that you may be born again and not sin again.



Then Jesus arose. But all the others remained down, because each man felt the power of his words.



And then the full moon appeared in the clouds and bathed Jesus in his light. And sparks flew up from his hair, and stood between them in the moonlight, as if floating in the air.



And no man moved, and no man heard his voice. And no one knew how long it took, because time stood still.



And Jesus stretched forth his hands, and said, Peace be with you. "And so it went away, as the breath of the air rocked the green leaves of the trees.



And for a long time, even if the company stood still, they woke up quietly, one man after another, as if they had woken up from a long dream.



But no one left, as if the words of the one who had just left them were constantly ringing in their ears.


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And they stayed as they thought and listened to some wonderful music.



But finally one, as if a little scared, said, “How good it is to be here. "Another: " May this night last forever. And others: "May he be with us all the time. "



"Verily he is the messenger of God , because he has planted hope in our hearts. "



And no man wanted to go home, saying: “I do not have a house where there is only surroundings and a lack of joy. Why go home where no one loves us? "



And they spoke of it wisely, because they were all poor, lame, blind, blind, beggars, homeless, despised in their helplessness, who were kept only for miles in the houses where they found refuge for a few days.



Even those who had a home and a family said , “We will stay with you as well. "Because every man felt like the words of the one who left, he united this small company with invisible threads.



And they all felt they were born again. They saw before them a brilliant world, even when the moon was hidden behind the clouds. And in everyone's hearts blossomed wonderful flowers of amazing beauty, the flowers of joy.



And when the bright rays of the sun appeared on the edge of the earth, they all felt that it was the sun of the coming of the kingdom of God. And with the happy girls they went to meet the angels of God.



And many unclean and sick people followed the words of Jesus and went to the murmurous shores.



They took off their shoes and clothes, fasted, and gave their bodies to the angels of air, water, and sunlight.




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And the whole of Mother Earth embraced them, possessing their bodies both inside and out. And they all saw all evil, sin and uncleanness departing from them.



And the breath of some became as stinking as that which runs through the intestines, and some had a multitude of spitting, and the foul-smelling and unclean vomit came out of their insides.



All this dirt flowed through his mouth. In some on the nose, and in others through the eyes and ears. And many had a foul-smelling, foul-smelling sweat running all over their skin over their skin.



And many began to boil their limbs, whence the filth came out with a foul odor, and plenty of urine came out of their bodies; and in many the urine was all dry and thick as honey of bees; and in others it was almost red or black, and hard, almost like the sand of rivers.



And many took stinking gas out of their stomachs, like the breath of devils. And their impotence has become so great that no one can bear it anymore.



And then they were baptized, and the angel of the water entered into their body, and out of them came all the filth and misery of the sins of the past, and like a falling stream of mountain water they poured out of their bodies a lot of hard and soft filth.



And the ground where the water flowed from them became polluted, and this stinking odor became so great that no one could stay there.



And the devils left their intestines in the form of worms of various kinds, which writhed in helpless fury after the angel of the water brought them out of the intestines of the Sons of Man.



And then the power of the angel of the sun came down upon them, and they were consumed there in their desperate struggles, trampled underfoot by the angel of the sunlight.


And they all trembled with terror when they looked at all these abominations of Satan, from which the angels saved them.


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And they thanked God, who sent his angels to save them.



And there were some who were crushed by immense pains, who did not move away from them; and not knowing what to do, they thought to send one of them to Jesus, because he longed to be with them.



And when the two of them went to look for him, they saw Jesus approaching the edge of the river. And their hearts were filled with hope and joy when they heard his greeting, “Peace be with you. "



And there were many questions they wanted to ask him, but in their amazement they could not start, because nothing came out of their minds.



Then Jesus said to them, “I have come because you need me. "



And one cried: “Master, we really have , come and free us from our pains . "



And Jesus spoke to them in parables: “You are like a prodigal son, who for many years ate and drank and spent his days in debauchery and fornication with his friends.



And every week without his father's knowledge, he entered into new debts, and squandered them all in a few days.



And moneylenders always lent him, because his father possessed great wealth, and he always patiently paid his son's debts.



And in vain did he molest his son with righteous words, because he never listened to the words of his father, who hoped in vain that he would give up his endless fornication, and that he would go into the field to watch over him. the work of his servants.



And the son always promised him everything, if he would pay his old debts, but the next day he started again.




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And for more than seven years the son continued with this debauched life. But, in the end, his father's patience came to an end and he no longer paid his son's debts to usurers.


"If I continue to pay all the time ," he said, "there will be no end to my son's sins


my. "



Then the moneylenders, who were deceived, in their rage took the son as a slave, so that through the work of the day he would pay the money he had lent him.



And then he started not eating and drinking too much.



From morning to evening the ground was wet with the sweat of his brow, and all his limbs ached from work he was not accustomed to.



And she lived with dry bread, and had only his tears to wet her with. And three days after suffering so much from the heat and fatigue he told his master:



"I can't work anymore, because all my limbs hurt. How much longer will you torment me? '



Until the day when you pay all my debts by the work of your hands, and when seven years have passed then you will be free. '



And the desperate son replied crying, " But I can't go even seven days. Have mercy on me, because all my limbs burn and hurt.



And the bad creditor shouted at him: “Keep up the work; if you were able to spend your days and nights in fornication for seven years, now you have to work for seven years.



I will not forgive you until you pay all my debts to the last drachma. '



And the son, with his limbs full of pain, went back to the fields in despair to continue his work.






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He could barely stand because of fatigue and pain, when the seventh day came - the Sabbath day, when no man worked in the field, then the son gathered his last remnants of power and went to his father's house.



And he fell at his father's feet, and said,



" Father, believe me for the last time and forgive me all the evils I have done to you, I swear to you that I will never live in debauchery again and that I will be obedient to you in all things.



Free me from the hands of my oppressor.



Dad, look at me, at my diseased limbs, and do not strengthen your heart.



Then tears came to his father's eyes, and he took his son in his arms and said:



Let us rejoice, because today I am given a great day of joy, because I have found my beloved son again, who was lost. '



And they clothed him with the best clothes, and rejoiced all the day.



And the next day he gave his son a bag of silver, to pay the creditor everything he had to pay.



And then when his son came back, he put them:



" Son, you see that it is easy in the debauched life to collect debts for seven years, but their payment is difficult through the work of seven years."



" Dad, it's really hard to pay, even for seven days."



And his father urged him, saying, "Only for this one time have you been allowed to pay your debts in seven days instead of seven, the rest is forgiven you. But be very careful not to accumulate debts in the time to come.




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2. 3











Because I tell you the truth, no one but your father forgives your debts, because you are his son.



For all others you should work hard for seven years, as required by law. '



My father, from now on I will be your loving and obedient son, and I will not collect any more debt, because I know that its payment is heavy. '



And he went to his father's field, and watched his father's work every day.



And he never forced the workers to work hard, because he remembered his own hard work.



And the years passed, and his father's possessions increased more and more under his hand, because his father's blessing was upon his work.



And he easily gave his father ten times more than he wasted in the seven years. And when his father saw that his son had made good use of his servants and all his possessions, he said to them , My son , I see that my possessions are in good hands. I give you all my cattle, my house, my lands and my treasures.



May all things remain your inheritance, continue to increase them so that I too may rejoice in you. ”And when the son received his inheritance from his father, he forgave all debts to all the debtors who could not pay, because he did not forget that his debt was forgiven when he could not pay it.



And God blessed him with long life, with many children, and with many riches, because he was gentle with all his servants and with all his cattle.



Then Jesus returned to the blond group and said, “I speak to you in parables so that you may better understand the word of God. The seven years of food and drink and fornication are the sins of the past. The evil believer is Satan.




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Debts are diseases. Hard work is pain. Prodigal son, it is you. The payment of debt is the expulsion from you of all devils and diseases, and the healing of your body.



The bag of silver received from the father is the liberating power of the angels. The father is God. The father's possessions are earth and heaven. The father's servants are angels.



The Father's field is the world that changes into the kingdom of heaven, if the Sons of Man work from now on with the angels of Heavenly Father. Because I tell you, it is better for the son to listen to his father and watch over his father's servants in the fields than to become indebted to a bad creditor and work and sweat in servitude to pay all his debts.



It is also better if the Son of Man also obeys the laws of Heavenly Father, and works with his angels in his kingdom, than becomes indebted to Satan, the lord of death, for all sins and diseases, otherwise they will suffer with pain and perspiration until when they will pay for all their sins.



Truth be told, many and great are your sins.



For many years you have fallen prey to Satan's lure. You have eaten too much, wine drinkers, you have committed fornication and the debts of your past have multiplied.



And now you have to pay them, and the payment is difficult and difficult. So do not hurry on the third day, like the prodigal son, but wait patiently until the seventh day which is sanctified by God, and then go with a humble and obedient heart before your Heavenly Father, so that he may forgive you. all sins and all debts.



I tell you the truth, he will forgive you all your sins and all your past debts. Truth be told, Heavenly Father's love is endless, because it allows you to pay off the debts of seven years in seven days.



Those who have the debts of sins and diseases for seven years, but who pay honestly and persevere until the seventh day, the Father will forgive them the debts of all these seven years.


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“What if I have sinned seven or seven years? Asked a sick man who was suffering horribly. "Even in this case, Heavenly Father forgives all your debts in seven or seven days. "



“Blessed are those who endure to the end, because the devils of Satan write all your evil deeds in a book, in the book of your body and spirit.



Truth be told, there is no sinful deed that is not written, even from the beginning of the world, before the Heavenly Father.



Because you can get rid of the laws made by kings, but the law of your God, none of the Sons of Man can get rid of them.



And then you come before God, and the devils of Satan are witnesses against you, and God sees all your sins, written in the book of your body and spirit, and is sad in his heart.



But if you are sorry and turn away from your sins, and through fasting and prayer you seek the angels of God, then with each day you continue your fast and pray, the angels of God erase a year from the debts to the devils in the book of the body and your spirit.



And when the last page is erased and you have cleansed yourself of all sins, stand before God, and God rejoices in your heart to forgive all your sins.



It frees you from the grip of Satan and from suffering; he takes you into his house and commands all his servants, all his angels to help you.



It will give you a long life, and you will never see the disease again. And if, from now on, instead of sinning, you spend your days doing good deeds, then the angels of God will write all the good deeds in the book of your body and spirit.



Truth be told, no good deed remains unwritten before God, none from the beginning of the world. Because from your kings and governors you can expect rewards in vain, but your good deeds never want their reward from God.


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“And when you come before God, his angels are witnesses for you of your good works . And God sees your good deeds written in your bodies and spirit, and will give you inheritance, the earthly and heavenly kingdom, so that in it you can enjoy life without end.



Blessed is he who can enter into the kingdom of God, for he will never see death.



And great silence fell upon his words. And those who were discouraged took new power from his words and continued to fast and pray. And the one who spoke first said, “I will continue fasting until the seventh day. "And the second, he said, " I also seven times seven days . "



Jesus answered them, “Blessed are those who endure to the end, for they will inherit the earth. "



And there were many sick of the palsy, grievously tormented, and fell on their feet. Because they could no longer walk on their own two feet.



They said, “Master, we are in great pain; tell us what to do . "



And they showed him the feet of Jesus in which their bones were turned and knotted, and they said , “Neither the angel of the air nor the water nor the rays of the sun soothed our pains, notwithstanding the fact that we were baptized, that we fasted and prayed that we followed your words throughout. "



Truth be told, your bones will be healed. Do not be discouraged, but seek as healing, the healer of bones, the angel of the earth. Because from there your bones were taken and they will return there.



And it pointed to the place where the sun's heat softened water and glue ground water at the edge . The "Dip -will feet in mud, earth angel that hug your bones to pull in all the misery and all diseases.






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And you will see Satan, and your pains as they leave after the embrace of the angel of the earth. And the joints of your bones shall be loosed, and they shall be loosed, and all your pains shall be cut off. "



And the sick followed his words, because they knew they would be healed. And there were other patients who suffered a lot from their pain, but still continued with their fast.



And their strength was spent, and the great heat tormented them.



And when they got up from their beds to go to Jesus, their heads began to bow, as if a wind were shaking them, and as they tried to stand on their feet, they fell back to the ground.



You suffer, because Satan and his diseases torment your body. But there will be no fear, because their power over you will soon end. Because Satan is like a burning neighbor who enters the neighbor's house when he is absent, intending to take things from his house.



But someone told him that the enemy was robbing his house, and he came running back. And when the bad neighbor, gathering everything he liked, saw from a distance the master of the house returning in a hurry, then he was very angry that he could not take everything with him, so he began to break and ruin everything. what was there, to destroy everything.



But immediately the master of the house came in, and before the evil neighbor could accomplish his purpose, he took him and drove him out of the house.



Truth be told, so Satan has entered into your bodies which are the dwelling place of God. And he took in his power all that he wanted to steal: your breath, your blood, your bones, your flesh, your intestines, your eyes, and your ears.



But through your fasting and prayer, you have called back the master of your body and his angels. And now Satan sees that the true master of your body is returning, and he is at the end of his powers.


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So in hatred to gather his strength once more, so as to destroy your body before the master comes.



That is why Satan will torment you so much, because he feels that the end is near. But do not let your heart tremble, for soon the angels of God will appear, take their place, and return to the temple of God.



And they will catch Satan and throw him out of your body with all diseases and all misery. And you will be happy, because you will receive the reward of your perseverance, and you will never see the disease again.



And among the sick, there was one who was tormented by Satan more than the others. And his body was as dry as a skeleton, and his skin as yellow as a dry leaf.



He was already so weak that he could not even crawl with his hands to Jesus, and he cried only to him from afar: “Master, have mercy on me, for no man has suffered from the beginning of the world until now. , as I suffer.



I know that you are truly sent by God, and I know that if you want, you can immediately drive Satan out of my body. Do not the angels of God obey his messenger? Come Master, and drive Satan out of me now, for he is very angry with me and his torment is painful. "



And Jesus said, "Satan is so tormented by you that you have fasted many days, and you do not pay tribute to him.



You do not feed him with all the filth with which you have hitherto defiled your temple of the spirit. You torment Satan with hunger, and so in his wrath he torments you.



Be fearless, for I tell you, Satan will be destroyed until your body is destroyed; because as long as you fast and pray, the angels of God protect your body, so that the power of Satan cannot destroy you.



And the wrath of Satan is impotent before the angels of God. "




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Then they all came to Jesus with great lamentation and begged him, saying, “Master, have mercy on him, for he suffers more than all, and if you do not immediately cast Satan out of him, we are afraid that he will not live. pa na maine. "



And Jesus answered them , "Great is your faith. May your faith be as it is, and you will soon see, face to face, the dreadful image of Satan, and the power of the Son of Man.



Because I will drive out Satan, by the power of God's innocent lamb, the weakest creature of the Master. Because the holy spirit of God makes the weak stronger than the strong. "



And Jesus fed a sheep that fed on the grass. And he put the milk on the sand heated by it, saying, “Lo, the power of the angel of the water has entered into this milk. And now the power of the angel of the sunlight will enter him as well. "



And the milk warmed by the power of the sun.



"And now the angel of the water and the sun will unite with the angel of the air. "



And lo, the heated milk vapor rose slightly in the air.



“The power of the angel of the water, of the light of the sun, and of the air, come and breathe in your mouth, to enter your body and drive Satan out of you. "



And the poor man who was tormented by Satan breathed deep inside the rising white ship.



"Satan will immediately leave your body, because he has been hungry for three days and cannot find food in you.



He will come out of you to satisfy his hunger with hot milk, because this food finds favor in his eyes. He will smell it, and he will not be able to resist the people who have tormented him for three days already. But the Son of Man will destroy his body, so that he will never torment anyone again.


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"The patient's body was caught by a cold, and he bent down as if to vomit, but he could not. And he was breathing, because his breathing was complete. And he fainted in the lap of Jesus. "



"Now Satan is leaving his body. See - him. "And Jesus pointed to the open mouth of the patient.



And they all saw with astonishment and terror that Satan came out of his mouth in the presence of a filthy serpent, directly to the hot milk. And then Jesus took two sharp stones in His hands and crushed Satan's head, and pulled from the sick man's body the whole body of the monster that was almost as long as the tall man.



When the filthy worm came out of the patient's throat, he immediately regained his breath, and all the pain ceased.



"See, what a filthy beast you have carried and fed in your body for so many years. I kicked her out of you and killed her so she would never torment you again.



Give thanks to God that his angels have set you free, and do not sin anymore, because otherwise Satan will return to you.



Make your body from now on a temple dedicated to your God. "



And they were all amazed at his words and his power. And they said, “Master, you are indeed God's messenger, and you know all his secrets. "



"And ye, " Jesus answered, "are truly the Sons of God, that you also may share in his power and knowledge in all secrets." Because wisdom and power can only come from the love of God.



Love, therefore, your heavenly Father and your Mother Earth (earth), with all your heart, and with all your spirit.



And services, so that their angels may serve you as well. May all your deeds be sacrificed to God. And do not feed Satan, because his payment


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Satan is death. But with God, there is the reward of good, His love, which is the knowledge and power of eternal life. "



And they all knelt down to thank God for His love.



And Jesus departed, saying, I will come again unto you all which will continue in prayer and fasting until the seventh day. Peace be with you. "



And the sick man from whom Jesus cast out Satan rose up, for the life force came to him again. He took a deep breath, his eyes clear, as each pain left him. And he fell down on the earth where Jesus sat, and kissed his foot, and wept.



And it was on the bank of a stream, where many sick people fasted and prayed with the angels of God for seven days and seven nights.



And the rewards were great, because they followed the words of Jesus.



With the passing of the seventh day, all their pains left them.



And when the sun was risen upon the earth, they saw Jesus coming toward them from the mountain, with the light of the rising of the sun above his head.


"Peace be is with you. "



And they spake not a word, but leaned down before him, and touched the robe of his garment as a sign of their healing.



"Do not give thanks to me, but to your Mother Earth, who sent you the angels of healing. Go, and sin no more, that you may never see the disease again. And let the angels of healing become your guardians. "



But they answered and said unto him, Master, what shall we do? For with thee are the words of eternal life . Tell us, what are the sins we must avoid in order never to see the disease again? "




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Jesus answered, "As your faith is, " Jesus stood between them and said ,



"It was said to them in ancient times, ' Honor your heavenly Father and your Mother Earth, and keep their commandments, that your days may be long on earth.'



And after that the commandment was given, "Thou shalt not kill," because life is given to all by God, and what God has given, let no one take it. Because I tell you the truth, from one Mother starts everything that lives on earth.



So he who kills, kills his brother. And from him Mother Earth will turn her face, and will quickly withdraw her breasts from him. And he will be avoided by her angels, and Satan will turn his head in his body.



And the blood of the slain animals will become his own grave. For verily I say unto you, He that killeth, killeth himself; and he that eateth the flesh of the slain shall eat the flesh of death. Because in his blood every drop of their blood turns into poison; in his breathing their breathing becomes impotence; in his flesh their flesh boils; in his bones their bones are made like chalk; in his intestines, their intestines disintegrate; in his eyes their eyes shrink, in his ears their ears are like wax.



And their death will become his death. Because only in the service of your Heavenly Father are your duties forgiven in seven days.



But Satan does not forgive you anything and you have to pay for everything. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot; burn for burn, wound for rash; life for life; death for death. '



For the payment of sins is death. Do not kill or eat the flesh of innocent prey, otherwise you will become slaves of Satan. Because this is the path of suffering, and it leads to death.



But do the will of God, that his angels may serve you in the way of life.




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Obey , therefore, the words of God: “Remember, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the ground, and every tree that bears seed; This will be your meat.



And for every beast of the earth, and for every fowl of the air, and for every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat.



Also the milk of all that moves and lives on this earth will be milk for you; just like the green grass I gave them, so I give their milk to you.



But the flesh, the blood that flows through it quickly, will not be for you to eat. And surely I will want your blood, the blood in which your soul is; I will want all the animals killed, and the souls of all the people killed. Because I, the Lord God, am a Mighty and zealous God, leaving the iniquity of the parents to the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; and I will show mercy for thousands of generations to those who still love, and keep my commandments.



Love your Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength: This is the first and greatest commandment.



And the second is like her: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There are no greater commandments than these. "



And after these words they all remained silent, except one, who said:


"What can I do, Master, if I see a wild beast breaking my brother in


forest? Should I let my brother die, or kill the beast? In this case, am I not breaking the law? "



And Jesus answered and said unto them, It was said unto them of old time, All the beasts that move on the earth, and all the fish of the sea, and all the fowls of the air, are in your power. "






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Truth be told, of all the creatures that live on earth, God created man only in his likeness.



That is why animals are for humans, not humans for them. So don't break the law if you kill a wild beast to save your brother's life. Because I tell you the truth, man is greater than the beast. But he who kills the beast without cause, whether the beast attacks him or not, so out of a desire to kill, or for his flesh, or for his intestines, or for his fangs, evil is the deed he does, for himself to become a beast. So the end of the beast will be its end. "



Another said, “Moses, the eldest of Israel, kept our fathers from eating the flesh of clean beasts, and forbade only the flesh of unclean beasts. Why, then, do you forbid us the flesh of all beasts? Which law comes from God? That of Moses or your law? "



And Jesus answered, “God gave ten commandments through Moses to your forefathers. "These commandments are heavy," said your forefathers, and they could not keep them.



When Moses saw this, he had compassion on his people, and they would not perish. And then he gave them ten times ten commandments. Because those whose feet are as strong as Mount Zion, do not need crutches; but the one whose limbs sway, reaches farther with the crutches than without them.



And Moses said to God, “My heart is full of sorrow, for my people are lost. Because they are without knowledge, and are not able to obey the commandments.



They are like little children who still cannot understand their father's words. Accept, Master, to give them other laws, so that they do not perish. "



If I'm not with you, Master, don't be against you; to sustain themselves, and when the time comes, and they are ripe for these words, reveal to them your laws;



For this Moses broke the two stones where the ten commandments were written, and gave them more, ten times ten instead. And of these ten times ten, the Scribes and


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The Pharisees made another hundred or ten commandments. And they have put unbearable torment on your shoulders, which they cannot bear. Because the closer the commandments are to God, the less we need; and the farther I am from God, the more we need.



That is why the laws of the scribes and Pharisees are innumerable; the laws of the seven Sons of Man; of the three angels; and God's one.



"Therefore, I teach you only those laws that you can understand , in order to become men, and to follow the seven laws of the Son of Man.



Then the unknown angels of Heavenly Father will reveal their laws to you, that the holy spirit of God may descend upon you, and lead you to this law. "



And they were all amazed at his wisdom, and said to him , Go on, Master, and teach us all the laws we can receive. "



And IIS us continued: "God - commanded your fathers:" Do not kill "But their hearts were hardened and they killed.



Then Moses wanted them not to kill a man, and he allowed them to kill animals. And then the hearts of your forefathers became even stronger, and they killed people and animals as well.



But I say unto you, Ye shall not kill man, nor beast, nor the beast that ye put in your mouth. Because if you eat living food, you will be alive, but if you kill your food, dead food will kill you too. Because life comes only from life, and from death always comes death.



Because everything that kills food will kill your bodies as well.



And everything that kills the bodies will kill the spirit as well. And your body becomes what you eat, just as your spirit also becomes what your thoughts are.


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So do not eat anything that fire or frost or water has destroyed. Because burnt, frozen and rotten foods will burn, freeze and rot your body as well.



Do not be like the believing man who sowed his soil with ripe, frozen and rotten seeds.



And autumn came and its fields did not bear any harvest.



And great was his suffering.



But be like the man who planted in his field living seed, whose field produced live wheat, rewarding him with a hundred times more seed for the seeds he planted.



Because I tell you the truth, you live only from the fire of life, and you do not prepare food with the fire of death, which will kill food, bodies and souls as well.



“Master, where is the fire of life? Some of them asked.



"In you, in your blood, and in your body. "



“And the fire of death? Others asked.



"It is the fire that is outside your bodies, which is more burning than your blood.



With that fire of death you prepare your food in your homes and in the fields.



I tell you the truth, it is the same fire that will destroy your food and bodies, just like the fire of wickedness, which will destroy your thoughts, and destroy your spirit. Because your body is what you eat, and spiritually it is what you think.



So do not eat anything that has been killed by a fire greater than the fire of life.


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Therefore, prepare and eat all the fruit of the trees, all the grass of the fields, and the good milk of the beasts. Because all these are nourished and baked by the fire of life, and all are the gifts of our Mother Earth.



But do not eat anything that the fire of death gives flavor because this is from Satan. "



“How can we prepare our daily bread without fire, Master? Someone asked in great astonishment.



“Let the angels of God prepare your bread. Soak your wheat so that the angel of the water enters it.



Then put it in the air, so that the angel of the air embraces it as well. And leave it from morning till evening under the sun, that the angel of the sun may set upon it.



And the blessing of the three angels will soon make the germ of life sprout from your wheat.



Then you shall crush your grain, and you shall eat bread, as your forefathers did when they left Egypt, the house of bondage.



Put them back under the sun from its rising, and when it has risen to the highest point of the sky, turn them to the other side so that that side will also be embraced by the angel of sunlight, and let yourself them until sunset.



Because just as the angels of water, air and sunlight fed and ripened the wheat in the field, and will do the same to prepare your bread.



And the same sun, with the fire of life, which makes the wheat grow and ripen, you must prepare your bread in the same fire. Because the fire of the sun gives life to wheat, bread, and the body.






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But the fire of death kills wheat, bread and the body. And the living angels of the living God serve only living people. Because God is only the God of the living, not the God of the dead. "



“So always eat from the table of God: the fruit of the trees, the grain and the herbs of the field, the milk of the beasts, and the honey of the bees. Because everything beyond that is Satan's, and leads to sin and disease to death.



But the food you eat from the abundant meal of God gives strength and youth to your body, and you will never see disease because the meal of God fed Methuselah from ancient times, and I tell you the truth, if you live even as he lived he, then God will also give you long life on earth with his was.



"For verily I say unto you, The God of the living is richer than all the riches of the earth, and his abundant mass is richer than the mass of the richest men on the face of the earth.



So eat your whole life at your Mother Earth's table, and you will never see a need.



And when you eat at her table, you eat all the things as they are found on Mother Earth's table.



Do not cook them, nor mix them with each other, if you do not want your intestines to be like steaming swamps. Because I tell you the truth, this is filth in the eyes of the Master. "



"And do not be like the greedy servant, who always eats up at his master's table, the portions of others. And devour everything on its own, and mix everything into gluttony.



And seeing this, the angry master drove him away from the table. And when they had made an end of eating, he stirred up all that was left of the table, and called the servant that was with him, and said unto him, Take and eat with the pigs, for thy place is with them. not at my table.


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"Take heed therefore, and be not defiled in the temple of your body with all manner of uncleanness.



Be content with two or three dishes, which you will always find at our Mother Earth's table.



And you don't want to devour all the things you see around you. Because I tell you the truth, if you mix all the dishes in your body, then the peace in your body will cease, and endless war will invade you.



And they will be removed as houses and emperors have divided against each other to work for their own destruction. "



Because your God is the God of peace, and he never helps division.



Therefore, do not rise against your wrath against God, for otherwise he will drive you away from his table, lest you be drawn to the table of Satan, where the fire of sin, sickness, and death will corrupt your body.



"And when you eat, never eat until you are full. Let the temptation of Satan fly, and hear the voice of the angels of God. For Satan and the force to always tempt you to eat more and more. But live by the spirit, and resist the desire of the body.



And your fast is always pleasing in the eyes of God's angels. So pay attention to how much you ate, when your body is full, and always eat less than a third of that. "



"Let the weight of your daily food be no less than one mine (one mine = 100 drachmas / 431 grams (Attic / Euboic standard) or 630 grams (aeginetic standard))



But be careful not to be more than twice that. Then the angels of God will always serve you, and you will never fall into the glory of Satan and his diseases. "




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Do not disturb the work of angels in your body by eating often. Because I tell you the truth, he who eats more than twice a day does the work of Satan in him.



And the angels of God leave his body, and soon Satan will take possession of it. Eat only when the sun is highest in the sky, and again when it sets. And you will never see the disease, because that finds favor in the eyes of God.



And if you want God's angels to rejoice in your body, and Satan to be cast out, then eat only once a day at God's table. And then your days will be long on earth because that is pleasing in God's eyes.



Eat only when God's table is served before you, and always eat from what you find on God's table. Because I'm telling you the truth, God knows what your body needs and when it needs it.



“With the coming of April-May, eat barley; from May to June, eat wheat, the best of all seed-bearing herbs. And let your daily bread be made of wheat, so that the Master may take care of your body.



From June to July, eat the sour grapes, so that your body may shrink and Satan may be cast out of it. In August-September, gather the grapes so that their juice will serve as a drink.



In September-November, gather the sweet grapes, dried and sweetened by the angel of the sun, so that your bodies may enlarge, so that the angels of the Master may be found inside.



Eat figs rich in juice in July and August, and what's left, let the angel of the sun keep them for you; then eat them with almond flesh in all the months when the trees do not bear fruit. And the grass that comes after the rain, this is for the month of December, so that your blood may be cleansed from all sins.



And in the same month begin ye to eat the milk of your beasts: for God hath given you the grass of the earth for all the beasts that give milk.


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that through their milk they may nourish man. Because I tell you the truth, happy are those who eat only at God's table, and avoid all the filth of Satan.



Do not eat unclean food brought from other distant lands, but always eat what your trees carry. Because your God knows what you need, where and when.


And give to all men all to the kingdoms of food what is best for each. Do not eat as pagans eat, which swell in a hurry, polluting their bodies with all kinds of filth. "



“For the power of the angels of God enters into you for the living food that God gives you at the royal table And when you eat, you have above you the angel of the air, and below you the angel of the water.



Breathe long and deep at all your meals, so that the angel of the air will bless your feast. And chew your food well, until it becomes water, so that the angel of water turns it into blood in your body.



And eat slowly, as if it were a prayer you make to God. Because I tell you the truth, the power of God enters you, if you eat this way at his table.



But Satan returns to a boiling swamp, the body in which the angels of air and water do not enter his feast.



And the Master no longer upsets him at his table. Because the Lord's table is an altar, and he who eats at God's table is in the temple. Because I tell you the truth, the body of the Son of Man is transformed into a temple, and what is inside it, into an altar, if it obeys God's commandments.



So do not put anything on the altar when your spirit is upset, nor think about someone with hatred in the temple of God.








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And only enter the sanctuary of the Master, when you feel in yourself the call of his angels, because everything you eat in anger, or tomorrow, or without desire, becomes poison in your body. For Satan's breath to defile all this.



Joyfully place the offerings on the altar of your body, and let all evil thoughts depart from you when you receive in you the power of God from his table. And never sit at God's table before he calls you through the angel of appetite. "



Therefore rejoice always with the angels of God at their royal table, for this is pleasing in the heart of the Lord. And your life will be long on earth, because the most precious servants of God will serve you all your days: the Angels of joy. "



And don't forget that the seventh day is dedicated to God. On the sixth day, nourish your body with the gifts of Mother Earth, but on the seventh day sanctify your body to your Heavenly Father.



On the seventh day he eats no food of the earth, but lives only on the words of God, and be all day with the angels of God in the kingdom of Heavenly Father.



And on the seventh day let the angels of God build the kingdom of heaven in your body, as you work hard in the kingdom of Mother Earth. And don't let food confuse the work of angels in your body on the seventh day. And God will give you long life on earth, so that you may have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. Because I tell you the truth, you will no longer see diseases on earth, you will live forever in the kingdom of heaven.



"And God will send him every morning the angel of the sun to wake you from your sleep.



So listen to the signs of Heavenly Father, and do not leave you inactive in your bed, because the angels of air and water are already waiting in you. And he works all day with the angels of Mother Earth to get to know them and to know their work better and better.




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But when the sun goes down, and your Father sends you the most precious angel, sleep, then rest, and be all night with the angel of sleep. And then your Heavenly Father will send you unknown angels, to be with you all night long.



And the unknown angels of Heavenly Father will teach you many things concerning the kingdom of God, just as the angels of Mother Earth whom you know instruct you in the things of her kingdom.



Because I tell you the truth, you will be invited to the kingdom of your Heavenly Father every night if you make these laws. And when you wake up again tomorrow, you will feel in yourself the power of unknown angels.



And your Heavenly Father will send them to you every night so that they may build your spirit, just as Mother Earth will send her angels every day to build your bodies.



Because I tell you the truth, if during the day your Mother Earth holds you in her arms, at night the Heavenly Father breathes his kiss on you, and then the Sons of Man become Sons of God. "



Resist day and night the temptations of Satan. Do not stay awake at night, and do not sleep during the day, or the angels of God will turn away from you.



"And you find no pleasure in any drink or smoke from Satan that keeps you awake at night and makes you sleep during the day. Because I tell you the truth, all the drinks and smoke from Satan are filth in the eyes of God. "



"Do not dedicate yourself to prostitution, neither day nor night, because prostitution is like a tree that loses its sap from its trunk. And that tree shall be dried up before its time, and it shall not bear fruit.



So do not prostitute, for otherwise Satan will dry up your body, and the Master will make your seed barren .






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Leave everything that is too hot and too cold. Because it is your Mother Earth's wish that neither heat nor cold will hurt your body. And do not let your bodies become hotter or colder than the warmth or coolness of God's angels.



And if you make the law of Mother Earth, then how often your body will become hot it will send the coolness to cool you, and how often your body will become cold, it will send the angel of heat to warm you again.



Follow the examples of all the angels of Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, who work day and night unceasingly in the kingdom of heaven and earth.



So also receive in you the most powerful of God's angels, the angel of works, and work together in the kingdom of God.



Follow the example of the flowing water, the sulfurous wind, the rising and setting sun, the growing plants and trees, the running and jumping beasts, the decline and rise of the moon, the stars that come and go again; all these move, and do their work.



Because everything that has life moves, and only what is dead stays still. And God is the God of the living, and Satan is the lord of the dead.



Serve, therefore, the Living God, so that the eternal movement of life may sustain you, and to escape the eternal stagnation of death.



So work tirelessly to build the kingdom of God if you do not want to be cast out of Satan's kingdom. Because eternal joy abounds in the kingdom of God, but still pain darkens the kingdom of death that comes from Satan.



Be, therefore, true Sons of your Mother Earth and of your Heavenly Father, lest you fall into the bondage of Satan. And your Mother Earth and your Heavenly Father will send angels to teach you, and to serve you.




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And their angels write the laws of God in your head, in your heart, and in your hands, that you may know, feel, and make the laws of God.



“And pray every day to your Heavenly Father and to your Mother Earth, that your soul may become perfect as the holy spirit of the perfect Heavenly Father is, and that your body may become perfect as the body of your Mother Earth is perfect.



Because if you understand, feel, and keep these laws, then you will receive all the things for which you pray to your Heavenly Father and your Mother Earth. Because the wisdom, love and power of God are above all. "



“Therefore, pray to your Heavenly Father: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Long live your kingdom. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive the debts of our debtors. And it does not lead us in spirit, but frees us from evil. Because yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. "



And then in this way pray to your Mother Earth: Our Mother who is on earth. Holy be your name. Live the kingdom of, and do in us, as it is done in you. And as you send your angels every day, send them to us as well. Forgive us our sins, and we will atone for all our sins against you. And not to lead to disease, but to free us from all evil, because yours is the earth, the body and health. Amen.



And they all prayed with Jesus to Heavenly Father and Mother Earth. And then Jesus said this to them: “As your bodies were reborn by the angels of Mother Earth, so be your spirit, reborn by the angels of Heavenly Father.



Become, therefore, true Sons of your Father and Mother, and true Brothers of the Sons of Man. So far you have been at war with your Father and your Mother, and with your Brothers. And you served Satan.



From today you live in peace with your Heavenly Father, and with your Mother Earth, and with your Brothers, Sons of Man. "


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And fight only against Satan, otherwise he will steal your peace. I give the peace of Mother Earth to your body, and the peace of Heavenly Father to your spirit. And let it be the peace of the reign of both in the Sons of Man.



Come to me, all you who are weary and suffer in strife and misery! Because my peace will give you strength and comfort you. Because my peace transcends complete joy.



That is why I always greet you in this way: "Peace be with you!" So also you, always greet each other, so that the peace of your Mother Earth may descend in your bodies, and the peace of your Heavenly Father may descend in the spirits. your. "



And then you will also find peace among yourselves, because the kingdom of God is within you. And now return to your brethren with whom you were at war, and give them your peace and their peace.



Because happy are those who strive for peace, because they will find the peace of God.



Go and sin no more. And give your peace to all, just as I give you my peace. Because my peace is the peace of God. Peace be with you. "



And he left them.



And his peace was upon them; and in their hearts the angel of love, in their minds the angel of the wisdom of the law, and in their hands the power of rebirth, went forth among the Sons of Man, to bring peace to those who fought in darkness.



And they parted, wishing one another:











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In Four Volume



It was in 1928 that Edmond Bordeaux Szekely published the First Book of the Essene Gospel of Peace, an ancient manuscript he found in the Vatican's Secret Archives as a result of boundless patience, flawless scholasticism, and infallible intuition.



This story is told in this book, The Discovery of the Essene Gospel of Peace, published in 1975.



The English version of the First Book appeared in 1937, and since then, this small volume has traveled the world, appearing in many different languages, gaining more and more readers each year, still without advertisements, over a million children. they were sold only in the United States.



It was not until almost fifty years after the first French translation that Book Two and Book Three (The Unknown Books of the Essenes and The Lost Scrolls of the Essenian Brotherhood) appeared, rapidly gaining the popularity of the First Book.



In 1981, the Fourth Book, The Teachings of the Elect, was published posthumously at Dr. Szekely's wishes, representing another fragment of the complete manuscripts that exist in Aramaic in the Vatican's Secret Archives and in the Old Library of Slavonic Royalty in Habsburg. ).



The poetic style of the translator brings to life the superb words of Jesus and that of the Elders of the Essene Brotherhood.



Some chapters: The Essene Communions. The seven folds of Peace. The Holy Current of Life, Light and Sound. The Gift of Humble Grass.








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EXTRACTS FROM The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 2:



The Unknown Books of the Essenes



And a man spoke: “But, Master, we are simple people, we are not angels. How then can we hope to go their own way? Tell us what to do. "



And Jesus said,



As the son inherits his father's land, so we inherited a holy land from our fathers.



This earth is not a field to be plowed, But a place within us Where we can build our Holy Temple - and just as a temple should be built, stone by stone, so I will give you these stones for the construction of the Holy Temple ; The one we inherited from our Fathers, and the Fathers of our Fathers.



All the people gathered around Jesus, and their faces were eager to hear the words that would come out of his lips. And he lifted up his face to the rising sun, and the radiance of his rays filled his eyes as he spoke:



“The Holy Temple can be built only with ancient communions , those that are spoken, those that are taught, and those that are lived. Because if they are spoken only with their mouths, they are like a dead hive abandoned by bees, and they no longer give honey.



Communions are a bridge between man and angels, and like a bridge, it can only be built with patience, yes, just like a bridge over a river is built stone by stone, as they are found at the water's edge.



And the Communions are fourteen in number, just as the Angels of Heavenly Father are seven in number, and the Angels of Mother Earth are seven in number.






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And just as the roots of the tree sink into the ground and are nourished, and as the trees raise their arms to heaven, so is man like the trunk of the tree, with its roots deep in the bosom of Mother Earth, and his soul ascending to the highest stars of Heavenly Father.



And the roots of the tree are the Angels of Mother Earth, and the branches of the tree are the Angels of Heavenly Father. And this is the sacred Tree of Life that sits in the Sea of ​​Eternity. "



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The Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood



Because the earth will be filled with the Peace of Heavenly Father, just as the waters cover the sea.



I will invoke the Angel of Peace, whose breath is friendly, whose hand is clothed in power.



In the kingdom of peace, there is neither hunger nor thirst, neither cold nor hot, neither old age nor death.



In the Kingdom of Peace, both animals and humans will be immortal, the waters and plants will be immortal, and the food of life will never disappoint.



It is said that the mountains will bring peace to the people, and the low hills justice!



There will be peace as long as the sun and the moon can carry, through all generations.



Peace will come down like rain on the mown grass, like showers watering the earth!



In the kingdom of peace the Law will grow strong, and the Children of Light will reign from sea to sea to the ends of the earth. The Kingdom of Peace has its source in the Heavenly Father, through


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his strength settles quickly in the mountains, he makes the morning and evening things rejoice in the Light, He brings on the earth the evil of the Law, to water and enrich it, He softens the earth with showers; it falls on the meadows of the wilderness, and the little hills rejoice on every side.



The meadows are covered with herds; the valleys are covered with corn, shout for joy, and sing as well.



A Heavenly Father! Bring your kingdom of Peace to earth! Then we will remember the words of the one who taught the Children of Light: I give you the peace of Mother Earth, your bodies, and the peace of your Heavenly Father to your spirit!



And let the peace of the two reign among the Sons of Man.



Come to me, all of you who are tired and suffering in quarrels and misery! Because my peace will give you strength and comfort you. Because my peace transcends complete joy.



That is why I do not always greet you in this way: "Peace be with you!" So also, always greet each other, so that the peace of your Mother Earth may descend into your bodies, and the peace of your Heavenly Father may descend into you. your spirits.



And then you will find peace among yourselves, because the Kingdom of the Law is within you. And return to your brethren and give them your peace, too, for happy are those who strive for peace, for they will find the peace of Heavenly Father.



And give your peace to all, just as I give you my peace. Because my peace is God. Peace be with you!












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EXTRACTS from the Essene Gospel of Peace, Book Four:



The Teachings of the Elect






In the smallest circles you came, in the mysteries of mysteries, which were old when our father Enoch was young and walking on earth.



In the circle you have come on your journey for many years, always following the path of justice, living by the Holy Law and the sacred vows of the Brotherhood, and you have made of your body a holy temple where the angels of God dwell.



For many years you shared the hours of the day with the angels of Mother Earth; for many years you slept in the arms of Heavenly Father, taught by his unknown angels.



You have learned that the laws of the Son of Man are seven, of the angels 3, and of God, one. Now you will learn the three laws of the angels, the mystery of the three Currents (translator's note: Stream / stream in the sense of stream / flowing water) Holy and the ancient way that crosses them; so you will bathe in the light of heaven and finally you will have the revelation of the mystery of mysteries: the law of God, which is One.



Now in the hour before sunrise, just before the angels of Mother Earth breathe life into the still-sleeping earth, then you enter the Stream / Holy Current of Life.



It is your Brother Tree, who holds the mysteries of this Holy Current, and it is your Brother Tree that will embrace you in your thoughts, just as you embrace him in greeting every day as you pass by the lake.



And you will be one with the tree, because at the beginning of time we all shared the Holy Current of Life, the power of the Holy Current of Life will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its power.


Then take a deep breath of the angel of the air, and say the word "Life " as you exhale.


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Then you will truly become the Tree of Life that deepens its roots deep in the Holy Current of Life from the eternal source.



And as the angel of the sun warms the earth, all the creatures of the earth and the water rejoice in the new day, so your body and spirit will rejoice in the Holy Current of Life flowing to you through your Brother Tree.



And when the sun is high in the sky, then you will look for the Holy Current of Sound in the heat of the afternoon, all the creatures stand still and look in the shadows, the angels of Mother Earth, are quiet for a space.



That is when you will leave your ears in the Current Council of Sound; because it can only be heard in silence.



Think of the currents that are born in the desert after a spontaneous sandstorm, and the roaring sound of the water as they rush to flow.



True, this is the voice of God, it is only to know it. Because it was written, in the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound was with God, the Sound was God.



Truth be told, when we are born, we enter the world with the Sound of God in our ears, even the singing of the vast choirs of heaven, and the holy song of the stars in their fixed roundness; it is the Holy Current of Sound that crosses the chest of stars and crosses the endless kingdom of Heavenly Father.



It is even in our ears, even if we do not hear it.



Listen to him, then, in the silence of the middle of the day; bathe in it, and let the rhythm of God's music beat in your ears until it is one with the Holy Current of Sound.



This Sound formed the earth and the world, and raised the mountains, and placed the stars on their throne of glory in the highest heavens. And you will bathe in the Current of Sound, and




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the music of its waters will flow over you; because at the beginning of time in the same way we all shared the Holy Current of Sound that gave birth to the whole creation.



And the great roar of the Stream of Sound will fill your whole body, and you will tremble at its greatness.



Then the angel of the air breathes deeply, become the sound itself, so that the Holy Current of Sound may take you to the infinite kingdom of Heavenly Father where the rhythm of the world rises and falls.



And when darkness gently closes the eyes of the angels of Mother Earth, then you too will go to sleep, so that your spirit may meet the unknown angels of Heavenly Father.



In the moments before you fall asleep, then you will think of the radiance of the glorious stars, the white, bright stars, which can be seen from afar and which penetrate to you from afar.



Because your pre-sleep thoughts are like the bow of a skilled archer, who sends the arrows where he wants.



Let your pre-sleep thoughts be with the stars, for the stars are the Light, and the Heavenly Father is the Light, even a thousand times brighter than the light of a thousand suns.



Enter the Holy Stream of Light, so that the handcuffs of death lose their power over you, freeing you from the bonds of the earth, ascend the Holy Stream of Light through the radiant radiance of the stars, into the infinite kingdom of Heavenly Father.



Spread your wings of light, and in the eye of your thoughts, fly with the stars in the farthest reaches of the sky, where unnamed suns shine with light.



Because at the beginning of time, the Holy Law said, to be the Light, to be the Light. And you will be one with it, and the power of the Holy Stream of Light will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its greatness.


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Say the word "Light " as you breathe deeply into the angel of the air, and you will become the Light itself; and the Current Council will carry you into the infinity of the kingdom of Heavenly Father, and thence into the eternal Sea of ​​Light which gives birth to all creation.



And you will be one with the Holy Current of Light, always before you fall asleep in the arms of Heavenly Father.



Truth be told, your body was made not only to breathe, to eat, to think, but it was also made to enter the Holy Current of Life.



And your ears were not only made to hear the words of man, the songs of birds and the music of the falling plow, but they were also made to hear the Holy Stream of Sound.



And your eyes were not only made to see the rising and setting of the sun, the waves of grain, and the words of the Holy Scrolls, but were also made to see the Holy Current of Light.



One day your body will return to Mother Earth; like your ears and eyes. But the Holy Current of Life, the Holy Current of Sound, and the Holy Current of Light, they were never born, and can never die.



Enter the Holy Currents, because the Life, the Sound and the Light that gave you life; to reach the kingdom of Heavenly Father and become one with him just as the rivers empty into the sea.



Moreover, it cannot be said, because the Holy Currents will take you to those places where the words are no more, and even the Holy Scrolls cannot record the mysteries inside.



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