04 October 2020

Tribulus Terrestris by Marian Dobre


Marian Dobre









Reforming humanity









Work started on:

Sunday - 18.05.2014.

Work finished on:

Friday - 13.06.2015.








The author wishes that, through his imagination from the High Heaven, he should produce among men a sufficiently astonishing thing, and that is to set in motion the inner senses of all his confreres, for he has truly known the deepest love, and now for him, what matters most is the salvation of his earthly brethren.

There is in him a crazy longing to make everyone understand what the things that are worth organizing in life really are.

The author would not want to spread imaginary legends, although he loves legends enormously, and even more, he considers them alive. By his pure simplicity he would like all the people on earth to live like him, a simple life and fulfilled from all beneficial perspectives, he would like everyone to reap in their quiver "the rich fruits of the earth" and learn to admire all the most precious gift received at birth, namely "Life". This explains the artificial impression of the works of the most sincere poets and writers, writers we could call in a sense popular. Maybe we remember the legends or fairy tales of the Romanians, who mostly have as main role a noble soul or a hero, who by his strength saves them all. In general, the artist dresses in a more or less different coat from the usual man's.

This shows us eloquently how a man, animated by a living and strong faith in an ideal, manages to fulfill his mission to the end, regardless of the difficulties that arise in his way. This lyrical creation is possible also due to his soul qualities, but also to the fact that he exercises a kind of "job" that puts him in a position to know the people who live with him, and to always choose in his path only the really useful things, because both the good and the bad remain in us memorized, but the bad ones of course have to be put aside, canceled from the start as they arose, as they say evil must be cut at the root . The character of man and the desire to be victorious must arouse the will of each of us, here without the inner will nothing can be achieved. This can often mean "giving up", of course giving up the useless to the soul, it is difficult but anyone can work plowing his field, today a little tomorrow a little, until one day, the time of harvest will come. And here are the fruits we were talking about, how the soul can enjoy what it has accomplished by the will of the Lord.


Without being a writer who wants to exalt himself, or to demonstrate what he can do wonderfully in this world, he deliberately wants to confess that he does not want his deeds to be categorized as heroic, so the author does not want in no way to discern his own pride in this work, he even puts himself in the background, because he is aware that pride can be the worst thing in a man.

A man who wants to be clean on the inside praises everyone around him, not himself.

Here he just wants to show how humanity could live beautifully in perfect harmony with the nature around him.

This being a short biography of the skilled writer, it is worth lingering for a moment on it!





Looking into the mists of time, the long-forgotten ones as our ancestors led a life as simple and happy as possible, grazing the sheep in the lands of Dacia blessed by the Lord, or having occupations useful to their community as well as the customs they created. through their pure rich but at the same time healthy imagination, I think that a poor man who is somewhat as perplexed by the things that happen around him as the others, decides at some point in his path, to stay a moment in instead, to look at things exactly as they lie before him, and to try to make a difference, between what he once saw to be good to execute, and what is practically happening in the society troubled by the factors around him. These evil factors I am talking about are essentially the desire to arouse evil on all levels, to eliminate all spiritual values ​​in turn.

I wonder how a leader who leads so many people cannot be able to make the best decisions for the good of all. There are questions to which the only answer is the bad will, or the inability of man to think more. But in the Kingdom of the Father we are looking for speeding beings, in order to overcome this limit of lethargy, we should all unite in good deeds, to prove that we can do much more than we imagine, and one day as a result ending with only happiness and peace of mind, that we all did the right thing.

What is important in our society is that there is no man who is able to coordinate them all, if there is a man who would lay the foundations for the initiation of a totally beneficial oriented earth system, and attentive to all the details, then we will all go certainly towards a better and more lasting future. We must all pay attention to the smallest negative detail, we must all pay attention to what gets in our way and learn to avoid evil.

Considering all these things, I think that at least I have to do something good, at least I have to bring something extra to today's times, and taking this decision, strengthening this will, I will show you how important it is to be inclined. to the beneficial side.





Chapter I

The purpose of man



" A lot becomes what he thinks in his heart." This aphorism applies to all conditions and circumstances in which man lives . We literally become what we think, our character being nothing but the total sum of our thoughts .


What would be if man would change the mood et i toto time mentality, what if they would turn to other things, and becoming staple in over a ceste things inside would move towards a better way leading a quieter life even easier, tend to act uală man is a will complicate the life of the various things that are not necessary for the soul, so to descotorisim them and start a track again, the faith of full by faith all being single is not complicated dejdea that is safe, that the Lord will take care of his soul no matter what would its happend.

I start from the idea that life has a single purpose. Starting from this mission, we can find a multitude of directions in which to develop physically and spiritually, but first to understand what I mean when I say "mission".

Well, we need to understand that we are a being (spirit) that belongs to " Heavenly Father ."

He is the one who created us in his likeness, and the course of our life or consciousness is one. We have only one life experience , no matter how many worlds we lead, no matter how many lives we have lived so far. We have only one path, in which we deepen with or without our will, although in general it would hurt through what I call "Will" we can polish ourselves.

Let us imagine that we are in the bosom of the Father, and He sends Pama nt to develop ourselves, to our knowledge- you better us their nşine, and we find, to enjoy life , find it are we This is the first question a being asks immediately after it has been created . "Who am I?".

I therefore he gives himself by a lifetime gift the price, and left me in the bosom Or get them in the material world created by Him . Arriving here we were told that in this life we must have a single purpose, a single "target" or a single target, to which we must run. I saw a straight path for you, but there were also other paths , which should not take m.

By strengthening ourselves in justice and truth, we will always be on the right path, being merciful, and helping those in need. Now let's find out how much it matters to help those around us that we've mentioned this before . In fact things are like this, we NIS supports have me re need help, we can not do everything d is ourselves, there comes a time when you can sense and lost only Lord is giving us help when we feel lost, and we only find a way out. But from the moment the Lord offered us that help, we must think that we must become the same, to help everyone around us. An entity that does not offer absolute help at all, how can it dare to ask for help when it needs it. Should we give to be able to be with us helped, I therefore alive to reap exa ct certainly things that we need.


Sometimes it seems absurd to me to talk about these things, it seems absurd to me because a thousand words would make no sense if man knew them and used them all.

And I am sure that inside each of us there is a special intelligence , one thing is certain for me, every being is endowed with a basic system that I call " Self-guidance system ". We all know where we need to go and what to bring in our manifestation in order to be good, although one thing holds us in place and does not allow us to develop, namely this blindness, so that we accept any evil to get our system, get used to them and teaches mind bad even the more you use it, and get everyone to have some of the same types of grassland each.

This is the world we live in. I say it with regret, I would like to live in a perfect world, but the truth is that the future depends on each of us, how we build it to be perfect.


Let us now imagine a new soul being born in these lands. He is a pure soul who was sent to Earth by the Father, he does not know this system he does not know how things work here, he does not know that he was born in an unbalanced system, and he will learn like the rest of us and the good things but unfortunately and the bad ones, later if he has the power, he will have to get rid of the bad things he learned, don't you find it absurd what we live? I do. Why in childhood to find bad people, to learn swearing, and all kinds of nonsense, and then to torment myself to ignore them, only if we have a lot of will, and our parents were inspired by faith, understanding what it is faith and using it. Why should I be considered differently because I am a believer, why should everyone laugh at their unnatural helplessness, that I want to cleanse myself, and at the same time pick only the good things, why do I have to learn them all in adolescence and then at maturation to strive to go out to the harbor?


We brothers need to change something in the world we live in. At least for our descendants, at least for them to be born in a system if not perfect, at least almost perfectly loaded with harmony, we must try to do everything we can to design a well-developed system, and carefully thought out.

Let's all fight with love, with peace of mind, to learn what understanding is, to understand each other, and to meet other people who trouble us to know how to respond to them.


Chapter II

The treasure of man


A man once said: In order to see how beautiful the earth is, you have to climb a few hundred kilometers, to understand the system you have to get out of it, to see it from outside it, being in the system you can't understand it and nor explain. 2000 years ago, Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Let us hope that the cup of iniquity will not be filled, nor will the city of the Dome be destroyed, and the people of the Lord will not be scattered but united in good works.


Let's talk a little about the wealth and desire of people to gather treasures on earth.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ”Matthew 6: 19-21.


From an early age we imagine that we are rich, we imagine that we are princes and princesses, we have all kinds of ideas about how well we will do, we induce a state of happiness, (but happiness is only the end result), we all tend to be as prosperous as possible, then when we grow up, when we mature we start to take things seriously, from now on we really get to work, and we work, we work to gather as much as possible, we struggle a lot for this, but we lose on the other side , the truly precious things in our lives.

I decided to start this project about the desire for prosperity, because there are always certain factors around me that amaze me incredibly for a long time, it is these factors that make us stagnate, and if we are not careful enough and do not strengthen our will , we can lose a certain part of our evolution, here later regrets may arise, that we did not get where we wanted, and we were not as we could have been.

In conclusion, I can't believe how far man's imagination can go, when he thinks of his prosperity, we always want to make more money, we cheat, we steal from each other, we do wrong, we use all the dirty things for one purpose : prosperity. Moreover, it began to appear on sites such as Youtube, videos with certain concentrations that can bring people to be prosperous in what they do, nothing more false, do not be fooled. Only when I saw those images with coins, banknotes, then gold bars did I realize how much falsity can exist in the mind of an uncultivated man.

I would like people to create in the future, beautiful things, uplifting things, which successfully fulfill the demands of the Truth, in other words if we do not work with the truth in what we create we can get something totally wrong.

In the lines below I will explain in detail what "prosperity" really is, so that every person is aware of it.



Explanation :

Prosperity is a state of inner contentment. It cannot be induced from the outside by the illusion of material wealth, set as a goal. Prosperity and the collection of earthly treasures do not depend on our material state, but on the balance between mind and soul, a state of inner harmony, contentment and reconciliation with what we are, have and do.

It is a state of mind (which goes beyond cunning purposes, material greed, needs or anxious desires to achieve financial success), achieved through the peace between the learned reason of the mind and the spirit (which often lies in us, in a latent state). . In order to achieve prosperity, we need to reconcile with ourselves by detaching ourselves from problems, dissatisfaction, needs and moods contrary to our greatness as beings, and then to see clearly their cause, to understand the meaning of things happening in our lives.

Prosperity as a goal is harmful, because it only intoxicates our senses through false beliefs induced by mental illusions. Therefore, I believe that prosperity must become the effect of what we become, giving to others what we are, have and do, to bring joy in their lives, starting from close ones, family, friends, etc., then extended as a model life and positive example, and to others. Feeding only needs and illusions means being dissatisfied and living in an energy deficit (be it financial) and this means that we ourselves need to be fed energy to increase our vibration. Those with shortcomings cannot give.

Consequently, it is necessary for everyone to discover and develop their grace and vocation in order to give themselves through them.

When we are able to reconcile with what we are, have and do through our dedication, passion and work, we will understand that prosperity is in our soul and being, and we mirror it through what we become, understanding that. When we understand that money is only a means of energy transfer, and those who seek money as the goal of their "prosperity", only move away from the essence of their life and existence, conditioning their own "happiness" and their own "success "), in a good time, we will be on the path of our own spiritual perfection. Then we will live in every moment happiness, reconciliation and fulfillment.

Those who believe that material agony is the path to their prosperity, but also those who spread this belief, are in a terrible error, because everything is fleeting, relative and illusory in this world. Of course we can make money by selling illusions, but no construction made of sand will last!

This explanation about man's prosperity and the treasures he collects on earth, was made on: 21.11.2014. After all, the only treasure that man can have is his soul.



Chapter III

The will of man



Trough will should be to understand that it is not just a word, but our appliances motor actions and when we will use that is based on faith and our knowledge, actively practicing our way to the d evelopment spiritual .

This development, of course, has several paths and is obtained on several levels as in any field. For example, it is very important to cleanse our energetic aura, to carve out the self, to drive away ill-intentioned thoughts and deeds .

When new malicious attack another human being, whether es 're a human, animal or plant , used when verbal methods, the thought or facts, we should realize that we do practically new Miss u.

A certain imbalance is created both on a personal level in our inner system, but also on a general level, creating an imbalance in Creation . As Thereby troubled countries to add a i n continuous u, and will add up when being located in helplessness will CONS tientiza which c is obtained and if it wants, can always be corrected exactly what I said, using the "Will" of him.

  1. this is a long way to go, because we must realize that the way human life is the release rate of testing all kinds of we have the strength to understand it all, we know how to do and where to directs us m.

We as a human civilization have a lot to learn, we should do everything we do to plant love, to put aside daily worries to calm the soul, to contemplate the surrounding nature, to respect it and to value its values; and even more to use to some extent these values ​​of nature for curative and beneficial purposes, unfortunately modernism has pulled us back a lot, and once technology has advanced, we have moved from our old way, I remember again by our Dacians, they cultivated in their own garden the vegetables they ate, or used plants as medicines, in the past there were many skilled healers, even Zamolxe himself opened the first school called "Zamolxian" where different methods of treatment were learned, and I know that one of the obligations of a man is to research this field, we would all have the obligation to know, the types of plants and their effects, for example I always imagine how they are in a field and I collect many plants to make them good people, but we all still have a lot of work to do in this area.

Continuing the idea of will, I must emphasize the many things we should necessarily use every day.

From morning to night we have to do a small program wherein morning if we have time to make a quick prayer must understand that is important prayed bitterness in our lives, then we can go all day with small prayer in our mind, always going to be with the Lord, and in all our work during the day to work and not glia lu and Christ with joy, even if it is hard, and welcome situation ţ ii difficult.

Before main meals is better than him we thank him from above, stockings given food,

  1. evening their before bedtime after prayer bitterness, it is important to Miru nursery tet , ointment is very important, primarily in cleansing auras, and the second R A nd is one of the things that need to collect this life . The smell of basil is very beneficial, has a positive impact on the psyche of man, and do not forget me that this plant is one holy, is found et i t n Rai . There is the smell of basil, myrrh and frankincense, in general the pleasant smells remain impregnated in our system. It is good to sow basil on Mondays, until dawn, because Monday is the cleanest. When you sow it, you sow it, and if you wash it off with dew, you can be sure that you will be protected from evil. After that it is collected, basil put it back clean as icons or beam of the house, east is better to use it as often mA nwhich.

When we go to church and listen to lujba it is good to smell incense him when the priest cense, and be anointed and by a priest. The smell of incense is S and it u n important role usually do not give importance to these things.

Incense is a sacrifice of nature brought to God by the righteous man . Who doesn't still remember the smell of incense on the walls of their Christian churches ? Q n jobs b isericii , everything was brought back Giver, and sound and the Loire, smell and taste, wood, stone and gold. In Christian services, all return to the One who first gave them.

The prayer spoken by the priest, when he blesses the incense, is so simple and eloquent that we could only begin and end it. "I bring incense Þ ie , Christ our God, in order fragrant spiritual, which received in TA altar u p the rhesus heavens, send us this grace Blessed Ta u Spirit."

It is also important to wear a bracelet (ties) on your wrist during sleep. It seems that jewelry and the need to wear bracelets , chains or rings, etc. had certain goals to water ra flesh the attacks of evil, while necklaces and amulets are not their ntotd eauna beneficial, I indicate only worn during sleep of an arm countries for the fiber mat country is harmony or a connection between the body et and soul .

It can be made by us from a thread and eventually to attach on this thread, some wooden balls, we can make 3 knots for this thread , to represent the Holy Trinity. This is one of the most beneficial models of arms ri, m etalele are not indicated for use t n around the body, as can create blocked her countries in the aura energy .

Our being must always remain as light as a flake, we must not be burdened, just as our soul is good to keep it warm, because any warm object rises up (to the heavens) and the cold ones descend, such things and the laws of physics we find the PAMA nt, d is such as steam, rises up on like when other heavy objects down .

Light therapy plays an important role in maintaining or amplifying the inner energy, we have an inner flame like a torch, and as I said it is good to keep our soul warm, but when I say this I do not mean only focusing on a light, but our very life must be one loaded with peace and light, with benevolence and have an openness to understanding.

Light induces a state of relaxation, it represents full protection, where there is a space loaded with light, there is more relaxation, isn't it beautiful what im living?

  1. ve dem wonder of our lives, and adore everything live. I like to admire, laugh at the ritual or the sunset, it releases a strong and delicate energy, or we can focus on the flame of a candle, and the candle has a great significance.

It is generally better when we want to load the light, to make use of natural light, or elements of nature (examples such as the sun, moon, sky brightened or not Speaker, f oc is well admired those tangible diture ), it is good to know that artificial light is less beneficial than natural light, but we can focus on a certain spectrum of artificial light, taking each color in turn, after a time of concentration we can understand how manifests each color, and what energy each of them transmits.

Just so we get to work I at a time with our aura, with our practicing and understanding of Creation system the Father has given us new .

As I May and p us He needs us to be beings, loyal and speed when cleaning TIM our being and replenish your energy or come to hold that energy base, do first R A nd for us to achieve happiness and secondly because we do beyond this world with all her co ntribuie with something Q mpăraţ he was, it would be the only reason is why a man should be their straighten.

Light is its denial of darkness, is Mangala taking up God is their God incarnate, is the energy through the re God călăuzeş 're spirits Mrs shield him, to find their way returns re Cala marriage through him to Him .

"To love , to respect animals, plants, et and all lives sed earth," and they are beings like us .

Nothing is more different than a man from a fly; and the rest of the earthly beings that make up nature and fauna are in the wanderings of life, carrying on their shoulders the fate that has been given to us like humans, and they come here with a mission, that of pleasing the senses . oamenilo r basically we have received this life as a gift and was embedded in the natural environment harmful to us all enjoy, but it and we are part of the same TA nature and are not above DECA t her Lord not he only wants to see us happy .

Some of the beings are spiritual guards, especially dogs, who have in themselves an extraordinary devotion and loyalty , each of them having a different personality, attaches himself to the man who is closest to him, and on that deifies him enormously.

Others live a life of sacrifice and sacrifice, realizing that their life means organization, are very industrious is contributing any can t n gru pul their example ants give S and bees.

But some of them lead a life in total ecstasy et and pieces Uriah here includes plants and Pasha countries.

Man will become a true master of all nature only when he is able to defend his vital interests, to take care of all things and to serve them, and at the same time to enjoy with her, reaching the level in which he considers all nature, as not staple in on her to make her wear, but master to it its care in hotel and to love her, cherish her truly, man student will Wis understand this harmony , aND i wILL HRA ni su fletul love a bearing them being those whether plant, animal, the clearance ri, ins ect, etc. Also one can reach more Appointment that was ufletească adding the item to u Interior D or these things useful, and above than that , we must know that if we want to call people need to show the sky that I deserve this life .

Many celestial beings can et i would like to reach the level of being human, it depends by developing noesic as shown, because the Father before sending the world an entity , considering it ATs its not that she need to develop, and it determines what type of person must ie to be, then it is sent t n l umea physical .

  1. being is endowed with a conscience special, different from species to species, but man is distinguished primarily by the fact that he can communicate through words AND and gestures, it is a species developed S and can become more developed thinking and senses than we know, but the steps to development must be found by him himself. There is a guide to tell you exa ct what to do, although we have plenty of holy books, people hardly their hour and half nduiesc life after this, but I et know that one day Pama ntenii will come to remove from their burdens, they will come to calculate how far they have gone from their path and realize that they must recover all that they have lost through their blindness in the past, but in order to reach that point of awakening they will have to go through many moments of balance and drama together .





I always tend to believe that humanity has enough strength to be able to reach the point where it longs to reach. The problem with us is that very often we do not know where we were going, we do not know the true rate interest, unrealize that we need to learn how to act m ge u our good individually but taking accounting and good neighbors, because we he passes by those around him, not caring . If we realize that the man was left on grassland earth as being a being clean and simple spiritually you then can we realize we have just to keep all lifetimes them of our network, was when one road honest.

If we want to receive a good answer to the right judgment, we must know that when we are there, all our actions will be scored according to our manifestation and thoughts, the Lord, along with the angelic crowd and the most learned entities, will categorized according to our results we brought.

So if you want to bring righteous deeds of honor and joy to your Father, start working with your self from now on, improve your mind and soul, creating a system of protection against the inappropriate, do not let your being be fooled by things you don't even understand, and which will obviously never help you. Gather from this earth the things you think you will deserve in the afterlife. All that you like and consider that they are beneficial, use them because they will certainly be useful to you later, we must know that the memories remain, of many things that we have learned we will use there.

Learn to work with your inner self and get to know yourself, we carry an energy that we can come to understand, and use it. We are a drop of our Father's energy, every ray of us should use it without wasting it in vain hopes, without deceiving ourselves and moving away from our original matrix, remain pure, be good, love yourself as the Father himself loves you.

"Do not want to win Heaven as long as you have not lived it on earth ."

All those who want to know Heaven and reach it, must really deserve it, this is the reason why we must prepare from now on without wasting our time, and always bring something good in what we make. Work our so as to not to let me fooled by our enemies will come on its not that is the choices we make in our life will count.


Do all these things for you and your descendants who will come to this earth, be worthy and brave on your way like a brave rider, that in the end this fight with us will end and peace will reign in our souls, do not despair because we do not will leave our God to the end.




---- The End ----



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